Anatomy & Physiology Ch 13

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The primary somatic sensory or general sensory area is located in A. the postcentral gyrus. B. the precentral gyrus. C. the prefrontal gyrus. D. Wernicke's gyrus. E. the prefrontal cortex.

postcentral gyrus

What structural feature of the brain regulates the movement of materials from the blood into the brain A. myelin sheath B. Circle of Willis C. meninges D. blood-brain barrier

blood-brain barrier

What is the large C-shaped mass of white matter that consists of nerve fibers that connect the two cerebral hemispheres A. corpus callosum B. infundibulum C. intermediate mass D. vermis E. gyrus

corpus callosum

The gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum is called the


The central sulcus separates the A. two parietal lobes. B. frontal and parietal lobes. C. occipital and temporal lobes. D. temporal and frontal lobes. E. parietal and occipital lobes.

frontal and parietal lobes

Which portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord A. medulla oblongata B. midbrain C. pons D. thalamus E. cerebral peduncles

medulla oblongata

Which of the following is not a lobe of the cerebrum A. parietal B. frontal C. occipital D. sphenoidal E. temporal


The lateral fissure separates the _____ from the rest of the cerebrum A. frontal lobe B. parietal lobe C. occipital lobe D. temporal lobe E. cerebellum

temporal lobe

Most sensory input that ascends through the spinal cord and brainstem projects to the A. pineal gland. B. hypothalamus. C. thalamus. D. mammillary bodies. E. subthalamus.


The interthalamic adhesion connects the two portions of the A. thalamus. B. epithalamus. C. hypothalamus. D. subthalamus. E. corpus callosum.


The superior and inferior colliculi are located in which of the following portions of the midbrain A. tegmentum (floor) B. cerebral peduncles C. substantia nigra D. red nucleus E. tectum (roof)

tectum (roof)

Arrange the following in order from the diencephalon downward. (1) spinal cord (2) midbrain (3) medulla (4) pons A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 2, 4, 3, 1 C. 3, 2, 4, 1 D. 4, 2, 3, 1 E. 4, 1, 3, 2


Which of the following arteries supply blood to the brain A. external carotid arteries B. internal carotid arteries C. vertebral arteries D. Both the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries.

Both the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries

Which of the following cranial nerves is exclusively sensory A. vestibulocochlear (VIII) B. hypoglossal (XII) C. trochlear (IV) D. facial (VI) E. trigeminal (V)

VIII vestibulocochlear

Which of the following activities would stimulate the reticular formation A. a warm bath B. a clock radio coming on in the morning C. a long lecture in a darkened auditorium D. eating a big meal E. getting a back rub

a clock radio coming on in the morning

Which of the following cranial nerves does not innervate the tongue A. glossopharyngeal B. hypoglossal C. accessory D. facial E. All of these would innervate the tongue


Dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle could result from damage to the A. vagus nerve. B. abducens nerve. C. accessory nerve. D. hypoglossal nerve. E. facial nerve.

accessory nerve

the oculomotor nerve A. innervates all the muscles that move the eyeball B. adjusts pupil size to the level of lighting. C. transmits action potentials from the retina. D. controls the organ of balance.E. innervates two of the six muscles that move the eyeball.

adjusts pupil size to the level of lighting

Injury to the Thalamus would A. cause us to stop breathing. B. affect body temperature regulation. C. affect pH regulation. D. prevent puberty. E. affect sensory projection to the cerebral cortex.

affect sensory projection to the cerebral cortex

The white matter of the cerebellum forms a branching network known as the A. folia. B. superior peduncle. C. arbor vitae. D. tentorium cerebelli. E. vermis.

arbor vitae

The mammillary bodies A. influence breast milk production. B. produce reproductive hormones. C. are involved in emotional responses to odors. D. are found in the thalamus. E. influence the onset of puberty.

are involved in emotional responses to odors.

the abducens nerves A. transmit pain impulses from the teeth. B. are involved in eye movement. C. dilate blood vessels in the skin. D. slow the heart rate. E. control size of the pupil.

are involved in eye movement

The inferior colliculi A. are an integral part of the cerebrum. B. are involved with auditory pathways in the CNS. C. interconnect directly with the eye. D. are a major CNS motor neurotransmitter group. E. are located in the pons.

are involved with auditory pathways in the CNS

Association fibers connect A. the cerebrum with the spinal cord. B. one cerebral hemisphere to another. C. areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere. D. areas of the cerebral cortex with areas of the midbrain. E. areas of the cerebral cortex with areas of the spinal cord.

areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere

What type of white fibers connect areas of the cerebral cortex in the same hemisphere A. basal fibers B. commissural fibers C. projection fibers D. association fibers

association fibers

Which of the following basal nuclei is located in the cerebrum A. subthalamic nucleus B. red nucleus C. caudate nucleus D. substantia nigra E. habenular nuclei

caudate nucleus

The cerebellum communicates with other parts of the CNS by means of nerve tracts called the A. vermis. B. flocculonodular pathways. C. cerebellar peduncles. D. arbor vitae. E. folia.

cerebellar peduncles

Tracts of white matter that connect the right and left hemispheres are composed of A. decussation fibers. B. association fibers. C. commissural fibers.' D. projection fibers. E. pyramidal fibers.

commisural fibers

The cerebral medulla A. has the same function as the medulla oblongata. B. is the gray matter on the cerebrum's surface. C. consists of many nerve tracts of white matter beneath the cerebral cortex. D. is another name for the basal nuclei.E. is the outer layer of the cerebrum.

consists of many nerve tracts of white matter beneath the cerebral cortex

The fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the A. division of the cerebrum into two hemispheres. B. division of the cerebellum into two hemispheres. C. decussation of the pyramids in the medulla. D. need for contra-lateral control of body function. E. brainstem being below the midbrain.

decussation of the pyramids in the medulla

The pyramids of the medulla contain A. ascending motor tracts. B. descending motor tracts. C. ascending sensory tracts. D. descending sensory tracts. E. None of these choices are correct.

descending motor tracts

The habenular nuclei and pineal body are both found in the A. thalamus. B. epithalamus. C. hypothalamus. D. subthalamus. E. hyperthalamus


Motor control of the face is the function of the ____ nerve, while sensation from the face is determined by the ____ nerve A. facial, trigeminal B. trochlear, facial C. facial, glossopharyngeal D. trigeminal, glossopharyngeal E. trigeminal, facial

facial; trigeminal

The portion of the cerebellum that is involved in balance and eye movements is the A. vermis. B. flocculonodular lobe. C. cerebellar peduncles. D. arbor vitae. E. lateral hemisphere.

flocculonodular lobe

Ridges of the cerebellar cortex are called A. arbor vitae. B. cerebellar peduncles. C. the vermis. D. folia.


An individual who has an eating disorder along with intense thirst and wildly varying body temperatures may have a dysfunction of the A. pons. B. medulla. C. thalamus. D. hypothalamus. E. brainstem.


The "thermostat" or nucleus that monitors blood temperature is located in the A. hypothalamus. B. midbrain. C. pons. D. thalamus. E. brainstem.


Which of the following brain areas serves as the major control center of the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system A. hypothalamus B. midbrain C. pons D. thalamus E. brainstem


The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the hypophysis (or pituitary gland) is the A. corpus callosum. B. infundibulum. C. insula. D. intermediate mass. E. arbor vitae.


The limbic system A. has recently evolved. B. is associated with basic survival instincts of nutrition, memory, and reproduction. C. controls voluntary movements of the arms and legs. D. is a memory area in the midbrain. E. includes the brainstem.

is associated with basic survival instincts of nutrition, memory, and reproduction

The reticular formation A. is composed of nuclei scattered throughout the cerebellum. B. coordinates fine motor movements. C. is composed of nuclei scattered throughout the brain stem. D. is responsible for pain interpretation. E. is composed of nuclei scattered throughout the cerebrum.

is composed of nuclei scattered throughout the brain stem

The corpus striatum is composed of the A. subthalamic and red nuclei. B. lentiform and caudate nuclei. C. caudate nucleus and substantia nigra. D. substantia nigra and hippocampus. E. subthalamic nuclei and pineal body.

lentiform and caudate nuclei

Water-soluble molecules such as glucose and amino acids move across the blood-brain barrier by A. diffusion. B. endocytosis. C. exocytosis. D. mediated transport. E. filtration.

mediated transport

During an autopsy the brainstem was separated from the rest of the brain by a cut between the A. medulla and pons. B. pons and midbrain. C. midbrain and diencephalon. D. thalamus and cerebrum. E. medulla and the spinal cord.

midbrain and diencephalon

A lesion in the cerebral peduncles might affect A. hearing. B. movement. C. sight. D. heart rate. E. taste.


In the CNS, clusters of gray matter containing cell bodies are called A. nuclei. B. pyramids. C. tracts. D. peduncles. E. ganglia.


A fracture of the cribriform plate might injure the _____ cranial nerve A. glossopharyngeal B. trigeminal C. olfactory D. facial E. optic


The part of the brain that connects the medulla to the midbrain is the A. cerebral peduncle. B. pons. C. cerebellum. D. thalamus. E. hypothalamus.


Which area of the brain contains areas that initiates REM sleep A. medulla oblongata B. pons C. thalamus D. midbrain E. diencephalon


Which two portions of the brain are involved in controlling respiration A. pons, hypothalamus B. cerebrum, hypothalamus C. pons, medulla oblongata D. medulla oblongata, cerebral peduncles E. pons, thalamus

pons, medulla oblongata

The sleep/wake cycle is influenced by the A. basal nuclei. B. reticular formation. C. vermis. D. thalamic nuclei. E. cerebellum.

reticular formation

Cranial nerve function includes A. somatic motor. B. sympathetic control. C. cognitive skills. D. regulation of emotions. E. None of these choices are correct.

somatic motor

Cerebrospinal fluid fills the A. subarachnoid space. B. subdural space. C. dural sinuses. D. epidural space. E. None of these choices is correct.

subarachnoid space

projection fibers will connect A. the cerebrum to other parts of the brain and the spinal cord. B. one cerebral hemisphere to the other hemisphere. C. parts of the same hemisphere. D. motor and sensory areas of the cerebral cortex.

the cerebrum to other parts of the brain and the spinal cord

The most superficial meningeal layer is

the dura mater

The Roman numerals assigned to each cranial nerve reflect A. the order of their discovery. B. the sequence from anterior to posterior in which they emerge from the brain. C. their importance, with highest numbers being the most important. D. the complexity of each nerve, with complex nerves having higher numbers. E. the sequence from posterior to anterior in which they emerge from the brain.

the sequence from anterior to posterior in which they emerge from the brain

The cerebral gyri increase A. memory assimilation time. B. the surface area of the cortex. C. the size of the thalamic nuclei. D. speech ability. E. volume of the brain.

the surface area of the cortex

Which ventricle is located between the two halves of the thalamus A. first ventricle B. second ventricle C. third ventricle D. fourth ventricle

third ventricle

Dentists anesthetize a portion of the _____ nerve to stop pain impulses from the teeth A. facial B. trigeminal C. hypoglossal D. glossopharyngeal E. abducens


A kiss on the cheek would be perceived by impulses from the A. trochlear nerve.B. abducens nerve.C. trigeminal nerve.D. vestibulocochlear nerve.E. facial nerve.

trigeminal nerve

Difficulty with chewing or an inability to chew might result from damage to the A. vagus nerve.B. trochlear nerve.C. hypoglossal nerve.D. trigeminal nerve.E. vestibulocochlear nerve.

trigeminal nerve

Which of the following cranial nerves innervates only one muscle of the eyeball A. optic nerve B. facial nerve C. trochlear nerve D. trigeminal nerve E. oculomotor nerve

trochlear nerve

When you walk up behind someone and tap their right shoulder, they will reflexively A. raise their arms. B. hit you. C. turn their head toward the left. D. sneeze. E. turn their head toward the right.

turn their head to the right

Which nerve has branches that extend to the thoracic and abdominal viscera A. facial nerve B. vagus nerve C. trigeminal nerve D. glossopharyngeal nerve E. accessory nerve

vagus nerve

Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by tissue in the walls and roofs of the A. subarachnoid space. B. dural sinuses. C. fissure of Sylvius. D. ventricles of the brain. E. subdural space.

ventricles of the brain

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