Anatomy & Physiology: Chapter 2 Lecture

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What are triglycerides?

-3 fatty acids linked to glycerol -Formed by dehydration synthesis -Energy storage -Insulation and shock absorption

What is chemical reactivity?

-Ability to participate in chemical reactions -Water ionizes into H+ and OH- -Water ionizes many other chemicals

What do cells need to start?

-Activation energy -Enzymes

What is heat capacity?

-Amount of heat needed to raise temperature of 1 gram by 1 degree celsius -Calories are the basic unit of heat

What are the features of protein?

-Basic building blocks of 20 amino acids -Contain basic elements - C, N, O, H

What are the 4 cell types of organic molecules?

-Carbohydrates -Lipids -Proteins -Nucleic acids

What are the different features of organic molecules?

-Contain H,C and usually O -Covalently bonded -Contain functional groups that determine chemistry

What is RNA?

-Controls intermediate steps in protein synthesis

What are different types of reactions?

-Dehydration synthesis -Hydrolysis

What is DNA?

-Determines inherited characteristics -Directs protein synthesis -Controls enzyme production -Controls metabolism

What are the functions of carbohydrates?

-Energy -Supply materials to build cell structures -Stored in body as energy reserve

What are some examples of polysaccharides?

-Glycogen -Starch -Cellulose

What are eicosanoids?

-Inflammation from prostaglandins

What are the 3 main types of bonds?

-Ionic -Covalent -H-bond

What are the features of lipids?

-Mainly hydrophobic molecules -Mostly C & H -FATTY ACIDS as well as many other fats

What are the different types of RNA?

-Messenger RNA (mRNA) -Transfer RNA (tRNA) -Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

What are the features of carbohydrates?

-Polysaccharides -Monosaccharides -Disaccharide

Why is water important?

-Solvency -Hydrophilic

What are phospholipids?

-Structural foundation of cell membrane -Ampipathic

What are the functions of proteins?

-Structural materials -Energy source -Chemical messengers -Receptors in cell membrane -Antibodies -Enzymes

What are 3 important disaccharides?

-Sucrose (table sugar) -Lactose (milk sugar) -Maltose (grain sugar)

What is a molecule?

2 or more atoms joined by strong bonds

What is a compound?

2 or more atoms of different elements joined by strong or weak bonds

What's the pH of human blood?

7.35 to 7.45; more basic

What is solvency?

Ability to dissolve other chemicals


Accelerate the reaction, but is unchanged itself ex; heat

What are enzymes?

Act as catalysts to lower activation energy

How do you add higher forms of energy to ATP?

Adding a P to it

What is activation energy?

Amount of energy needed to get it started

What's an ionic bond?

Attraction between cations and anions

What's the neutral pH?

Balance of H+ and OH-

What is an atom?

Basic particles of matter

What is hydrolysis?

Breakdown of large molecules by adding water (catabolism in cells)

What is a nucleus?

Center of an atom containing protons and neutrons

What is an ion?

Charged particle with unequal number of protons

What is pH?

Concentration of H+ ions in solution

What are electrons?

Concentric clouds surrounding the membrane

What are steroids?

Contains cholesterol that is important for nervous system function and structural integrity of all cell membranes

Who is Neils Bohr? (1913)

Created atomic idea

What is hydrophilic?

Dissolves in water, polarized or charged molecules ex; sugar

What is hydrophobic?

Do not dissolve in water, nonpolar or neutral molecules ex; fat

What is ATP?

Energy currency

What is the fourth structure?

Final protein shape, several tertiary structures together

What is dehydration synthesis?

Formation of large molecules by the removal of water (anabolism in cells)

What is basic pH?

Higher than 7.0

What is the secondary structure of a protein?

Hydrogen bonds form spirals or pleats

When is an atom electrically neutral?

If number of electrons equal the number of protons

What is a polar covalent bond?

Involves equal sharing of electrons

What is a chemical bond?

Involves the sharing, gaining and losing of electrons in the valence shell

What is a nonpolar covalent bond?

Involves unequal sharing of electrons

What are nucleic acids?

Large organic molecules found in nucleus

What are fatty acids?

Long chains of carbon and hydrogen at one end

What are polysaccharides?

Long chains of monosaccharides

What is acidic pH?

Lower than 7.0

What is water?

Makes up 2/3 of total body weight


Materials coming out of reaction


Materials going into a reaction

What is a solvent?

Medium in which another substance is dispersed

What are proteins?

Most abundant and organic molecule

What do nucleotides make up?

Nucleic acids

What can be used to store energy?

Nucleotides for ATP and ADP

What is an anion?

Particle that has a net negative charge due to a gain of electrons

What is a cation?

Particle that has a net positive charge due to a loss of electrons

What is the third structure of a protein?

Secondary structure folds into unique shape

What is the primary structure of a protein?

Sequence of amino acids along a polypeptide

What are covalent bonds?

Strong bond involving shared electrons

What is cohesion?

Tendency of like molecules to cling to each other, water coercive due to hydrogen bonds

What is adhesion?

Tendency of one substance to cling to another, water adheres to large membranes reducing friction around organs

What is ionization?

Transfer of electrons from one atom to another

What is a solution?

Uniform mixture of 2 or more substances

What do metabolic reactions depend on?

Water solvency

What is an H-bond?

Weak polar bond based on partial electrical attraction

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