Anatomy III Quiz #1 Bones of the Spine and Thorax, Anatomy III Quiz #2 Muscles of the Spine and Thorax, Anatomy III Quiz#3, Anatomy III Quiz #4, Anatomy III Quiz #5 Hamstrings, Quads, Adductors, Anatomy III Quiz #7

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You are palpating lateral to the edge of rectus abdominis and the fibers you feel are superficial and running at an angle. Which muscle is this?

external oblique

Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the rectus abdominus


What is the origin of Gluteus Minimus?

gluteal surface of the ilium between the Anterior and Inferior gluteal lines.

What is the origin of Gluteus Medius?

gluteal surface of the ilium between the Posterior and Anterior gluteal lines.

What is the insertion of the biceps femoris?

head of the fibula

What could you ask your partner to do so you can differentiate between the quadratus lumborum and the erector spinae?

hike up your hip

What is an action of the posterior fibers of adductor magnus?

hip extension

Which of the following is an action of the diaphragm?

increase the volume of the thoracic cavity

Which movement is created by all the quadriceps muscles?

knee extension

Which movement would lengthen the fibers of the quadratus lumborum on the right side of he body?

lateral flexion to the left

What is an action of iliocostalis?

laterally flex vertebral column to the same side

What is an action of the longissimus?

laterally flex vertebral column to the same side

What is the insertion of the Psoas Major?

lesser trochanter

Which muscles primarily form the pelvic floor?

levator ani and coccygeus

Which is a part of the insertion of the splenius capitis?

mastoid process

What is the origin of the vastus medialis?

medial lip of the linea aspera

Which is the insertion of adductor magnus?

medial lip of the linea aspera and the adductor tubercle

Which are the only muscles with fibers that lie across the posterior surface of the sacrum?


Which is the insertion of the pectineus?

pectineal line of the femur

When comparing two pelvises, you notice that the first one has a wider iliac crest and a greater distance between ischial tuberosities than the second. What might you conclude about the first pelvis?

person is a female

What is the origin of QL?

posterior iliac crest

Which is the insertion of semitendinosis?

proximal medial shaft of the tibia at the pes anserinus tendon

Which is the insertion of the Gracilis?

proximal medial shaft of the tibia at the pes anserinus tendon

Which is the insertion of the sartorius?

proximal medial shaft of the tibia at the pes anserinus tendon

Which of the following is NOT part of the coxal bone?

pubis sacrum ilium ischium Answer: Sacrum

Which of the following is actually an abdominal muscle located on the posterior side of the thorax?

quadratus lumborum

Which of the quadriceps muscles crosses two joints?

rectus femoris

What is an action of the internal oblique?

rotate vertebral column to the same side

Which movement of the vertebral column will shorten the fibers of the splenius capitis on the left side of the body.

rotation to the left

Which movement of the vertebral column will lengthen the fibers of the multifidi on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

Which movement of the vertebral column would lengthen the fibers of the external oblique on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the internal oblique on the right side of the body?

rotation to the right

What is the name of the joint between the sacrum and the illiac crest? (locate on diagram)

sacroiliac joint (SI Joint)

Which muscle of the transversospinalis group attaches at the cranium?

semispinalis capitis

Which primarily deep muscle can be accessed in the cervical region where it is superficial between the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?

splenius capitis

The erectors lie deep in the lumbar region to what connective tissue structure?

thoracolumbar aponeurosis

What is the common insertion for all the quadriceps femoris group?

tibial tuberosity

Gracilis is the only adductor that crosses which joint?


Which abdominal roll plays a major roll in forced exhalation?

transverse abdominus

The multifidi span between how many vertebrae?

two or four

Which muscle is the sole lateral muscle of the thigh?

vastus lateralis

How many ribs do we have on each side of the body?


How many vertebrae form the vertebral column?


How many "true ribs" to we have on each side of the body?


Be able to identify the deep hip rotators , psoas, iliacus, TFL and Glutes from a diagram


Identify the hamstrings, quadriceps and adductors from a diagram.


What is the origin of rectus femoris?


What is the origin of Tensor Fascia Lata?


What is the origin of the sartorius?


Which movement of the hip will shorten the fibers of Gluteus Maximus?


Identify the vertebral body from diagram.

Anterior portion of the vertebra. Sandwiched bewteen the discs.

Identify the part of the vertebra that we call the facet. (Diagram)

Articulation point between 2 vertebra.

What is another name for C-1? (Identify on diagram)

Atlas C-1

C-2 is also called?(Identify on diagram)

Axis C-2

Which vertebrae can be located at the base of the neck


Which section of the vertebral column is capable of the most movement?


Which if the following is an action of the internal intercostals?

Draw the ribs inferiorly(decreasing the space of the thoracic cavity)

Be able to identify from a graphic the following muscles....

Extensor Digitorum Longus, Extensor Halicus Longus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris, Popliteus, Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis, Tibialis Anterior and Tibialis Posterior

Which is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body?


What are the insertions of Gluteus Maximus?

Gluteal tuberosity of the femur and IT band.

A fractured coccyx will take years to fully heal because _____________constantly pulls on this bone.

Gluteus Maximus

The sacrotuberous ligament can be affected directly by tightness of which muscle?

Gluteus Maximus

Which muscles shape and convergent fibers, which pull the femur in multiple directions, could be called the "deltoid muscle of the coxal joint?

Gluteus Medius

What are the actions of the Sartorius? (Hacky Sack muscle)

Hip flexion, knee flexion, lateral hip rotation

How can you locate T-12? (Identify of diagram)

Horizontal with twelfth rib.

Which muscle passes deep to the inguinal ligament?


What is the insertion of Tensor Fascia Lata?

Iliotibial Tract (IT band)

The Os coxa is comprised of which 3 bones? Diagram

Ilium, Ishium, Pubis

What do we call the spongy cushion between the vertebrae? (locate on diagram)

Intervertebral discs

What attachment site do all of the hamstrings have in common?

Ischial tuberosity

Name the posterior curve of the Thoracic vertebra. (Identify from a diagram)

Kyphotic curve or Thoracic Kyphosis.

Which edge of the QL is most accessable?


Identify Transverse processes of a vertebra from a diagram.

Lateral processes. (Frankenstein bolts)

What is the common action of the deep hip rotators?

Lateral rotation

Passive dorsiflexion of the ankle would__________________the gastrocnemius.


Passive dorsiflexion of the ankle would_________________the soleus? (S,L)


Passive eversion of the ankle would _________________extensor Halicus Longus.


Passive eversion of the foot would_______________the tibialis anterior.


Passive eversion of the foot would_____________the tibialis posterior.


Passive flexion of the 2nd-4th toes would_________________the extensor digitorum brevis.


Passive inversion of the foot would _________________the peroneus longus


Passive lateral rotation of the knee would____________the popliteus.


Passive plantar flexion of the ankle would ______________the tibialis anterior


Which of the muscles of the erector spinae group have an attachment on the skull?


Name the anterior curve of the Lumbar vertebra. (Identify from a diagram)

Lordotic curve or Lumbar Lordosis.

Which portion of the spine is designed to support the weight of the upper body?


Name the 3 bones comprises the sternum superior to inferior. (identify from diagram)

Manubrium, Sternal Body, Xyphoid Process

Identify the sacrum on a diagram.

Medial pelvis between the os coxa.

Which muscles are located on the lateral side of the leg?

Peroneus Longus & Brevis

When placing your fingers on the coccyx, the PSIS and greater trochanter form the letter "T", which muscle will you find along the base of the "T"?


The sciatic nerve most commonly passes between which muscles?

Piriformis and Gemellus Superior

Identify the Spinous process of a vertebra from a diagram.

Posterior process (pokey outy that we DON'T massage over with an elbow).

How can you locate C-7 (Identify on diagram)

Prominent spinous process at the base of the neck.

Which abdominal muscle runs from the rib cage to the pubic crest

Rectus Abdominus

Which two bones are considered part of both the pelvis and the vertebral column?

Sacrum, Coccyx

Passive dorsiflexion of the ankle would ____________________the extensor digitorum longus.


Passive eversion of the foot would_______________the peroneus brevis.


Passive flexion of the fifth toe would__________the abductor digiti minimi.


Passive flexion of the knee would ________________the gastronemius.


Passive inversion of the foot would_______________the flexor digitorum longus.


Passive plantar flexion of the ankle would_____________the soleus.


Passive plantar flexion would___________the plantaris.


The thorax is comprised of which two structures?

Sternum and rib cage

Which bony landmark is often horizontal to the level of the spinous processes of T-2?

Superior angle of the scapula

The twelfth rib is often horizontal to the level of which vertebra?


Which vertebra is often horizontal to the level of the inferior angle of the scapula?


Identify the Lamina groove on a diagram.

The space between the TVP's and SP's.

Which section of the vertebral column is comprised of 12 vertebrae?


Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the gastrocnemius during plantar flexion?

Tibialis anterior

Which bony landmark is often horizontal to the level of the spinous process of L-4?

Top of the iliac crest.

Which muscle is just anterior to the hamstrings and the most posterior of the adductor's?

adductor magnus

What is the origin of the vastus intermedius?

anterior and lateral shaft of the femur

When accessing the diaphragm, when is it best to curl your fingers further underneath the rib cage?

as your partner exhales

Which is the insertion of the semispinalis capitis?

between the superior and inferior nuchal lines of the occiput

What is the name of the anterior curve of the vertebral column in the neck?

cervical lordosis

What is an action of the transverse abdominis?

compress abdominal contents

In contrast to the erector spinae group, the fibers of the transversospinalis group run in which direction?


A hiccup is caused by involuntary contraction of which muscle?


What is an action of the spinalis?

extend the vertebral column

Which movement of the vertebral column would shorten the fibers of the erector spinae muscles?


What are the actions of the semimembranosis ? (And all hamstrings)

extension of the hip, flexion of the knee..(Kissing muscle)

Which muscle acts a an antagonist to the flexor digitorum longus during flexion of the second through fifth toes.

extensor digitorum brevis

Which muscle acts as a synergist with peroneus longus during eversion of the foot

extensor digitorum longus

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