Anatomy lecture 1

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Away from the head or, when comparing two structures, the one located below the other (caudal)

A light ray passes through the refractory structures of the eye in which of the following order? a) vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea b) cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor c) cornea, vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor d) lens, aqueous humor, cornea, vitreous humor


A traumatic injury to the inferior angle of the mandible servers the hypoglossal nerve. Which of the following muscles would be affected? a) Stylohyoid b) Genioglossus c) Geniohyoid d) Mylohyoid


Which of the following structures separates the external acoustic meatus from the middle ear? a) Eustachian tube b) Tympanic membrane c) Oval window d) Stapedius muscles


Which type of burn causes blisters? a) 1st degree b) 2nd degree c) 3rd degree d) All burns cause blisters


A patient experiencing a CNS inflammatory response will be activating which of the following phagocytic glial cells? a) Microglia b) Satellite cells c) Oligodendrocytes d) Astrocytes


Muscles of the face are referred to as mimetic. These muscles are responsible for expressions. These muscles are ALL innervated by which of the following? a) Facial nerve b) Trigeminal nerve c) Hypoglossal nerve d) Accessory nerve


The ankle is ___ to the knee. a) distal b) proximal c) anterior d) superior


When blood calcium concentration is high, _______ is secreted from the thyroid to sequester (store) it within bone. a) Calcitonin b) Parathyroid hormone c) Phosphotonin d) Melatonin e) Thyroxin


Which of the following muscles are NOT innervated by the facial nerve? a) Temporalis b) Stylohyoid c) Orbicularis occuli d) Mentalis


Your brain requires a lot of blood to deliver oxygen and glucose. Two arteries in particular deliver blood into the cranium. The right and left internal carotid arteries, branches of the common carotid arteries, pass through the carotid canal. The left and right vertebral arteries, small branches of the left and right subclavian arteries, pass through the foramen magnum. Once through, the left and right vertebral arteries converge to form the basilar artery. Together, the basilar artery along with the left and right internal carotid arteries work together to form the: a) Circle of William b) Circle of Willis c) Circle of Wilma d) Circle of Nutella


If the right eye is covered while a light is shown into the left eye, which of the following would occur? a) The right pupil would constrict b) The left pupil would constrict c) Both pupils would constrict d) Both pupils would dilate


The lacrimal gland of the right eye is located____. a) posterolateral b) superiomedial c) superiolateral d) anteromedial


Which of the following is NOT innervated by the facial nerve? a) Stylohyoid b) Nasalis c) Anterior belly of the Digastric d) Posterior belly of the Digastric


Which of the following is considered an idiopathic condition? a) Glaucoma b) Tetnus c) Bell's Palsy d) Horner's syndrome


Microglial cells

CNS phagocyte

A small child has fallen, resulting in a laceration on the upper lip. Which of the following nerves is responsible for the pain? a) CN III b) CN IV c) CN VII d) CN V


An example of an effector is: a) the eye b) Sensory neuron c) Motor neuron d) skeletal muscle


The stapedius muscle has an attachment to which of the following? a) Stapes and Round window b) Malleus c) Round window d) Stapes


When the body is in the Anatomically correct position, the palms of the hands are facing ______. a) Medially b) Laterally c) Posteriorly d) Anteriorly


Which of the following is NOT considered a suprahyoid muscle? a) Digastric b) Stylohyoid c) Geniohyoid d) Sternohyoid


Which of the following is not a type of connective tissue? a) Blood b) Bone c) Adipose d) Neuron


Which of the following is the most superficial layer of skin? a) Dermis b) Hypodermis c) Hyperdermis d) Epidermis


Which of the following neuroglia form the myelin sheath within the CNS? a) Satellite cells b) Schwann cells c) Microglia d) Oligodendrocytes


Which of the following stimulates osteoclast activity? a) Thyroxin b) Calcitonin c) Osteocyclin d) Parathyroid hormone


All intrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by cranial nerve XI. T/F


Intramembraneous ossification occurs throughout a lifetime. T/F


Osteoclasts are mature bone cells that maintain bone matrix (we also refer to bone matrix as simply bone). T/F


The thyrocervical artery participates in the posterior formation of the Circle of Willis. T/F



Form myelin sheath in CNS

Schwann cells

Form myelin sheath in the PNS

Ependymal cells

Line the central cavities of the brain


On, closest to, or toward the body surface


Toward the midline or middle of the body

3rd degree burns are life threatening due in part to fluid loss. T/F


The area between the terminal buton of the neuron and the motor end plate of the muscle fiber is called the synaptic cleft. The neuron releases a neurotransmitter, Acetylcholine (AcH), that acts as a chemical messenger. AcH travels across the synaptic cleft to bind to receptors on the muscle fiber much like a key fits into a specific lock. The end result of the binding of AcH causes a muscle contraction to occur. T/F


The outer "layer" of bone is comprised of compact bone. T/F


The pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities are referred to as serous cavities. The walls of these cavities and the organs that lie within them are lined/covered with a serous membrane. Serous membranes are named so because they secrete a watery fluid. The membrane that lines the walls of the cavity is called the parietal serosa and the membrane that covers the organs within the cavity is called the visceral serosa. As these two membranes secrete a thin layer of slippery fluid, it allows for the organs covered within the visceral portion to smoothly move against the parietal portion freely without friction occurring. T/F



When you are comparing two structures within a limb, this would be the name given to the one that is closest to the attachment point (closest to where the limb attaches to the body)


When you are comparing two structures within a limb, this would be the name given to the one that is farthest from the attachment point (farthest from where the limb attaches to the body)


back of the body (dorsal)


front of the body (ventral)


toward the back of the head


toward the forehead or nose


toward the head, above (cranial)

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