Anatomy test 4

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This hormone causes reabsorption of sodium and water and secretion of potassium by cells of the DCT


Which of the following is not a diuretic?


Which of the following is true regarding the location of the kidneys?

all of these answers are correct

Which of the following is true regarding the location of the kideney?

all of these answers are true

Which of the following is true regarding the location of the kidneys

all of these answers are true

In the protein pH buffer system, some proteins can function as both a weak acid and a weak base. These proteins are termed:


Under what situation would glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure fall to the point that filtration would not occur?

an extreme sympathetic event

The hormones that cause spermatogenesis and production of testosterone are secreted by this gland

anterior pituitary

Hyposecretion of this hormone causes diabetes insipidus

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Which of the following substances act as antagonists (act in opposition to each other) with respect to blood pressure?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH, also called vasopressin) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

When you are thirsty and you drink, when is thirst first beginning to be quenched?

as soon as mucous membranes of the mouth become moistened

The trigger to release this hormone is higher than normal blood pressure:

atrial natriuretic peptide

A cell released a chemical that binds to a receptor on its own plasma membrane, causing a response. The term that matches this statement is:


This structure carries filtrate from the DCT to the renal pelvis, modifying the filtrate as it moves through

collecting duct

This structure carries filtrate from the DCT to the renal pelvis, modifying the filtrate as it moves through:

collecting duct

The outer layer of the kidney, which appears reddish-brown with no visible structures to the naked eye, is called the:


During prolonged stress, an excess of which hormone can suppress the body's normal inflammatory and immune responses?


Holding your breath or suffering from diseases that make it difficult to preform external respiration gas exchange will result in:

respiratory acidosis

A cell released a chemical that diffuses through the interstitial fluid, reaching target cells nearby. The term that matches this statement is:


You are working with a person whose Pco2 and bicarbonate levels are substantially higher than normal. This is most likely a result of:

respiratory acidosis with renal compensation

Hyperventilating can cause:

respiratory alkalosis

The urinary bladder, ureters, and kidneys are behind the abdominal/pelvic peritoneum. This position can also be referred to as:


A hormone binds to a receptor on the plasma membrane of the target cell. This causes a charge within the cell and a chemical gets activated-this chemical then causes a cascade of reactions within the cell. The chemical that got activated is referred to as a(n):

second messenger

The kidneys will secrete more HCO3-? than normal when the body is in:


This endocrine gland also has important exocrine functions


The percentage of glomerular filtrate that becomes urine is about ___%


The epithelium of the urinary bladder that permits distention is called:

transitional epithelium

Of the water taken in (inputs), what percent is metabolic water?


When a person is very dehydrated, hormones that cause reabsorption are released. This can result in urine with an osmolality of __ mOsm


Of the water we lose from our bodies (outputs), what percent is lost as insensible loss (evaporation other than sweat)?


Of the water taken in (inputs), what percent is ingested in the solid food we eat?


The kidneys keep the solute load of body fluids constant at about ___ mOsm


Of the water we lose from our bodies (outputs), what percent is lost in feces?


When a person is very overhydrated, hormones that cause reabsorption are not released. This can result in urine with an osmolality of __ mOsm


Of the water taken in (inputs), what percent is ingested fluid (fluid we drink)?


Of the water we lose from our bodies (outputs), what percent is lost in urine?


The kidneys filter the entire plasma volume about __times per day


Which of the following values for pH is outside the normal range for human blood?


Which of the following is NOT produced by the adrenal cortex?


This hormone activates the gland that secretes aldosterone and cortisol:

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

T/F. Simple goiter is associated with hypothyroidism


T/F. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two urethras, one bladder, and one ureter.


The fluid compartment is the largest in the body (about 25 liters).


The hormone aldosterone causes:

Reabsorption of sodium and secretion of potassium

T/F. The prime function of the urinary system is to help maintain homeostasis by controlling the composition and volume of blood.


The kidneys will excrete ammonium (NH4+) when the body is in:


This gland is the target for the the hormone ACTH

adrenal cortex

Both the respiratory system and the kidneys are important in the homeostatic regulation of:

blood pH

The antagonist hormone (does the opposite) to parathyroid hormone is:


This hormone causes osteoblasts to build bone and the kidneys to excrete calcium:


The barrier that separates IF from plasma is the:

capillary wall

The lungs (respiratory buffer system) can rid the body of:

carbonic acid

The barrier that separates ICF from IF is the:

cell membranes of our cells

The main anion of ECF is:

chloride (CL-)

In most humans, the percent of our bodies made up of water goes ___ as we age.


Of the solutes in our body fluids, inorganic salts, all acids and bases, and some proteins are considered:


A cell released a chemical that is picked up by the blood and carried throughout the body, eventually reaching target cells. The term that matches this statement is:


Excess release of this hormone would cause the following: extreme anxiousness or nervousness, sweating, and increased heart rate.


This hormone is released by the kidney in response to low blood oxygen:


What happens if glomerular filtration rate is too low?

everything is reabsorbed, including wastes that are normally disposed of

Which urethral sphincter is under voluntary control?

external sphincter

T/F. Exophthalmic goiter is associated with hypothyroidism


T/F. Exophthalmic goiter is associated with hypothyroidism.


Fluids that cross from the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule are referred to as:


The three functions of a nephron that result in urine formation (three stages of urine formation) are:

filtration, reabsorption, secretion

This hormone stimulates cells in the ovary to begin to mature:

follicle stimulating hormone

Which of the following is not part of the glomerular filter?

glomerular capsule

The site of filtration in the nephron is the:


This pancreatic hormone causes glycogenolysis and glucoeogenesis


This pancreatic hormone causes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis:


Hypersecretion of this hormone can cause acromegaly:

growth hormone

Blood pressure at the arterial end in most systemic capillaries is about 35mmHG. While you are at rest, the blood pressure at the arterial end of the glomerulus is ___ 35mmHG.

higher than

Net filtration pressure is the pressure responsible for filtrate formation. Which of the following is a force that drives filtration (forces filtrate through the glomerular filter into the glomerular capsule)?

hydrostatic pressure of the blood

Releasing and inhibiting hormones secreted by the __ influence the anterior pituitary gland.


Steroidal and thyroid hormones, which are lipid soluble, have their receptors:

inside the nucleus of the target cell

The antagonist hormone (does the opposite) to glucagon is:


This hormone activates glucose transport molecules, allowing glucose into cells:


Your new client states he is diabetic. When queried, he says that he developed this condition in his late 40s. From this information, you know that he most likely:

is a type 2 diabetic and can control his diabetes with medications, diet, and exercise

This type of nephron is good at removing wastes from blood and concentrating urine:

justamedullary nephron

This type of nephron is good at removing wastes from blood concentrating urine:

justamedullary nephron

The macula densa cells are part of this important regulatory part of the nephron:

juxtaglomerular apparatus

This endocrine gland secretes a hormone that increases the production of RBC's by the bone marrow


Which of the following organs is a target for antidiuretic hormone (ADH also called vasopressin)?


Which of the following factors could cause edema?

liver damage or failure, increased blood pressure, protein malnutrition, anything blocking the lymphatic system, increased permeability of capillaries, incompetent venous valves, congestive heart failure

This hormone causes ovulation and the site of ovulation to become an endocrine gland:

luteinizing hormone

This hormone is important in the maitence of day/night cycles (circadian rhythm):


A diet high in meat, dairy, and eggs would make the urine:

more acidic

A vegetarian diet high in green leafy vegetables would make the urine:

more basic

A vegetarian diet in green leafy vegetables would make the urine:

more basic

What is the trigone?

more than one of these is correct

What happens if glomerular filtration rate is too high?

needed substances cannot be reabsorbed quickly enough and are lost in the urine

Of the solutes in our body fluids, glucose, lipids, creatinine, and urea are considered:


Urine normally contains which of the following?

none of these

Release of this hormone (by the mother) is triggered when a baby feeds from it's mother's breast:


This hormone causes the uterus to contract during childbirth:


Insulin and glucagon are secreted by this gland


The respiratory and urinary systems can adjust pH. The processes by which they do this are considered to be:

physiological buffer systems

This endocrine gland is actually part of a different organism than that of the target cells.


This fluid compartment contains about 3 liters


The thirst center is located in the hypothalamus. Which parameter only has to change by 1-2% to trigger thirst?

plasma olmolality

Antiduiretic hormone is secreted by this gland

posterior pituitary

The hormone secreted by this gland are actually made by the hypothalamus

posterior pituitary

This hormone stimulates the glandular tissue of the breast to produce milk.


The body's most powerful and plentiful pH buffers are found in plasma and ICF. These buffers are the:

protein buffer system

The interlobar arteries pass through the:

renal columns

The concave (indented part of the kidney where blood vessels and the ureter enter or leave is termed:

renal hilus (hilum)

This structure in the renal medulla captures urine as it drips from renal papillae:

renal pelvis

Major (greater) and minor (lesser) calyces (plural of calyx) are parts of the:

renal penvis

This is composed of thousands of collecting ducts:

renal pyramid

This hormone is released by the kidney in response to low blood pressure:


This hormone, through interaction with other chemicals in the blood, will ultimately cause vasoconstriction and the release of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex


In addition to cleaning the blood, the kidneys are also endocrine glands that secrete hormones. Which of the following hormones are secreted by the kidneys

renin and erythropoietin

The wall of the DCT is composed of:

simple cuboidal epithelium

The wall of the PCT is composed of:

simple cuboidal epithelium

The wall of the collecting duct is composed of:

simple cuboidal epithelium

The wall of the descending loop is composed of

simple cuboidal epithelium that changes right away to simple squamous epithelium

The wall of the glomerular capsule is composed of:

simple squamous epithelium

The wall of the ascending loop is composed of:

simple squamous epithelium that changes right away to simple cuboidal epithelium

The epithelium of the urinary bladder that permits distention is called:

tansitional epithelium

If you don't have the SRY gene, you wont produce this hormone during development or after puberty:


Which of the following mechanisms cannot remove acid or base from the body?

the bicarbonate, phosphate, and protein buffer systems

This is the medullary collecting duct

the part marked A

This is where the hormone ADH has its greatest effect.

the part marked A

15% of the water is reabsorbed from this part of the tubule

the part marked B

This is where filtration takes place

the part marked F

This is called the PCT

the part marked H

This is where - 65% of the salts and 65% of the water is reabsorbed

the part marked H

This is where -100% of the glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed.

the part marked H

The peritubular capillaries wrap around two of the tubular components and reabsorption and secretion occur here. Which two tubular components (choose 2) are surrounded by the peritubular capillaries?

the part marked H, the part marked I

This is called the DCT

the part marked I

This is where the hormone aldosterone has its greatest effect

the part marked I

This is called the vasa recta

the part marked J

This is where - 20-25% of the "salts" are reabsorbed by active transport, making the surrounding area very salty

the part marked c

This is not a pituitary hormone


This gland makes T3 and T4


A metabolic hormone containing iodine


Which structure carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder?


Cortical nephrons would not have which of the following structures?

vasa recta

cortical nephrons would not have which of the following structures?

vasa recta

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