Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt

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Which accurately identifies events in the life of Alexander the Great?

Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt after defeating the Persian army.

Which accurately describes how ancient Greece influenced later civilizations?

Ancient Greece established a court system based on a trial by one's peers, now used in the United States.

Which best describes ancient Greece's influence on modern government?

Greeks implemented a direct democracy in Athens, in which citizens voted on policies.

What was a major contribution of Athenian leader Pericles to government?

He helped Athens move to a direct democracy in which citizens directly voted on decisions themselves.

Which best describes Alexander the Great's expansion of the Macedonian-Greek Empire?

His empire expanded from Greece all the way to India, an area of over 5 million square miles

How did the Roman Empire contribute to modern-day legal systems?

Latin terms such as pro bono and affidavit are still used in the US legal system.

Which best describes ancient literary works from the Greek Empire?

Literary works from the Greek Empire include Plato's Republic and Homer's Iliad.

Which best describes the inspiration for Homer's epic poem, the Iliad?

Mycenaean Greeks launching a historic invasion of Troy, known as the Trojan War.

Which accurately describes cultivation practices of Phoenicia?

Phoenicia was known for its bright purple dye made from certain shellfish.

Which accurately describes the Roman Empire's system of government prior to Julius Caesar?

Rome used a representative system of government, including two consuls, a senate, and assemblies.

Which best describes how Sparta's culture influenced the city-state's government?

Sparta was a society based on being prepared for war, and its government was also based on this concept.

Which best describes laws developed by the Roman Empire?

The Law of the Twelve Tables code was displayed at the Roman Forum.

Which accurately describes architectural achievements of the Roman Empire?

The Romans built massive concrete structures like the Pantheon and Coliseum

How did the Roman Empire's system of government influence later societies?

The Romans encouraged welfare and subsidized food for the poor, which are ideas now used in Western Europe.

Which accurately describes the Roman Empire's influence on modern Western governments?

The Romans invented a law code detailing the rights and duties of citizens and defined the legal process.

How did the Roman Empire influence English, Spanish, Italian, and French languages?

The Romans spoke Latin, which influenced later Romance languages.

Egypt's recorded history began around 10,000 BC with the Old Kingdom (1). Egyptians had developed a means of writing called hieroglyphics (3). Hieroglyphics used pictographs to convey meaning (3

While parts (2) and (3) are accurate, part (1) needs revision.


a form of govenment inw hich political power is held by the people


form of government in which political ower is held by a singule ruler

Prior to Julius Caesar, what three sections divided the Roman Empire's government?

magistrates, senate, and tribunes

Which option most accurately describes the writing system of the Phoenicians, in which one symbol represented one sound?



political state which power is held by the perople through elected representatves


pursuit of wisdom and truth through the use od logicl reasoning and critial thinking

What is the Law of the Twelve Tables?

the first laws written down in rome

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