Ancient World Chapter 5 Test

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the third century CE was notable for what?

- the invasion by German tribes - the onset of plagues - the frequent turnover of "military" emporers -inroads by the Sassanid Persian empire

the first Christian Emperor of the Roman Empire was


Who was assassinated by leading senators convinced his death would restore the republic?

Julius Caesar

the founder of the Han dynasty was

Liu Bang

the roman general who begam a new system of military recruitent that made soldiers loyal to their general and not the Senate was


who established the praetorian guard to guard him and his successors


located on the plain of Latium


Christianity was made the official religion of the Roman Empire under who?


the greatest epic poet of the Late Republic was


Signs of Roman decline were manifested by

a series of Germanic barbarian invasion

a development during the period of Julio-Caesarian rule was that emperors

acted more openly as real rulers than as "first citizens of the state"

the chief executive officers of the Roman Republic who were responsible for leading the Roman army into battle and administerin the government were the


Roman imperialism was characterized by

diplomacy, strategic fortifications, road construction, and allied military support

Crassus was killed in battle, Caesar defeated Pompey and was later assassinated, Octavian defeated Antony, who commited suicide, and Octavian attaind sole power and was named Augustus. As a result the traditional Roman Republic.....


a fundamental difference between the roman empire and China's Han empire was that the

essentials of the Han Empire were replicated by later dynasties but the Roman Empire disappeared except as an idea

the Roman Senate

had 300 members who were chosen for life

a central aspect of early Roman conquest was that all conquered peoples

had an interest in the success of Rome, since they could improve their status by demonstrating their loyalty to their conquerors

What is true about the centuriate assembly

it had the responsibilities of electing the cheif magistrates and passing legislation

although at the time the first han dynasty census, in 2 CE, the poulation of China was estimated at sixty million, within two centuries the oppressive Han policies had reduced the population to

less than forty million

during the Han dynasty

merchants brought BUddhism to China for the first time

in comparison to Han China, in the Roman Empire

merchants were more highly regarded

The Zealots werew

militant extremists who advocated the violent overthrow of Rome's rule

in addition to the inventing of the rudder and fore-and-aft rigging, another significant Chinse invention of the Han era was


the third Punic war

resulted in Carthage being destroyed and its territory becoming a Roman province

as it prospered the early Roman Empire

saw the development of a large gap between rich and poor

Roman jurists were able to provide a systematic framework for Roman law because

the came to assume that natural law, or universal law, was based upon reason

the major stages of Roman imperial expansion before 100BCE included

the involvement and seizures of the Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean

the defenders of the plebeians were known as the


The government of Rome

was originally a monarchy but later became a republic

the first punic war

was waged between Carthage and Rome over control of the island of Sicily

the second punic war

won Spain for Rome and resulted on Roman control over the western Mediterranean

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