Animal Behavior Final Exam

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Match the brain to body weight ratio for each of the animals listed. 1%, 0.05%, 0.3%, 0.1% A- Cat B- Pig C- Goat D- Horse

1%- A 0.05%- B 0.3%- C 0.1%- D

Put the following sexes of pigs in order from most aggressive (1) to least aggressive (3). Boar Sow Barrow

1- Boar 2- Sow 3-Barrow

Put the following foods in order from what dogs prefer from best (1) to worst (4). Dog food Bacon Sardine Peanut butter

1- Dog food 2- Bacon 3- Sardine 4- Peanut butter

On average, at what age will kittens open their eyes? 7 days of age 4 days of age 9 days of age 2 days of age

7 days of age

Maternal behavior in swine consists of three main factors. [Blank1] involves low cortisol response to minor stressors. [Blank2] is the response to piglet squeals and to human approach to piglets. [Blank3] activity is the third main factor.

Blank 1- Calmness Blank 2- Protectiveness Blank 3- Nursing

[Blank1] training is often used in dogs, horses, and zoo animals. A noise generally will be followed with a food reward. [Blank2] helplessness has been discovered in dogs and cats and can be seen when shock collars are improperly used.

Blank 1- Clicker Blank 2- Learned

[Blank1] is defined as the presence of neonates causing maternal behavior in virgin females and males. This phenomenon can be used to help accept alien young and is generally used in sheep and [blank2].

Blank 1- Concaveation Blank 2- Horses

There are three influences on learning in domestic animals: 1. [blank1] may slow a response; 2. [blank2] and supplement; 3. [blank3]

Blank 1- Drugs Blank 2- Diet Blank 3- Emotion

For blanks 2 & 3, please use either increase or decrease. Thirst will be stimulated by [blank1] mouth, a/an [blank2] in osmotic pressure of the blood, and a/an [blank3] in the blood volume.

Blank 1- Dry Blank 2- Increase Blank 3- Decrease

The [blank1] form of aggression is most likely due to neophobia, whereas, [blank2] form of aggression often occurs when a human aids an injured animal.

Blank 1- Fear-induced Blank 2- Pain-induced

Hider species include cattle and [blank1]. Follower species include [blank2] and sheep.

Blank 1- Goat Blank 2- Horses

[Blank1] eating in dogs is a very common occurrence. This behavior is often observed more frequently after a rain. Younger dogs are [blank2] likely to exhibit this behavior than older dogs.

Blank 1- Grass Blank 2- More

The [blank1]-reward system has the [blank2] response rate and is recommended for routine animal training.

Blank 1- Interval Blank 2- Highest

Which of the following is a TRUE statement? Dogs prefer to have a companion than be alone Females are more dominant than males Most aggression occurs over water Dogs are the primary predator of sheep in the Western U.S.

Dogs prefer to have a companion than be alone

What are the three cardinal signs of impending parturition in bitches?

Drop in body temperature Restlessness Inappetence

During which of the following times will cattle spend the most time? Alert wakefulness Drowsiness Paradoxical sleep Slow wave sleep


In what species is Mackenzie's test used? Cattle Dogs Horses Cats


What is the most common signal for play in a dog? Play bow Repeated barking Pouncing Leaping

Play bow

Which of the following behaviors does NOT occur in a doe in heat? Tail wagging Urination Mounting other females Smell the buck's genitals

Smell the buck's genitals

In what species does the male NOT exhibit the flehmen's response? Cattle Sheep Swine Equine


Most horse training is based on negative reinforcement. True or False


Overeating and overweight animals are more common in companion animals compared to food-producing animals. True or False


What are the six factors that alter male and female sexual behavior in animals?

1. Genetic sex of the animal 2. Perinatal organizational action of hormones 3. Past social and sexual experience 4. Adult activational action of hormone and anatomical status 5. Attractiveness of the potential mate 6. External environment

In dogs, social play will decrease starting at what age? 8 weeks of age 12 weeks of age 6 weeks of age 10 weeks of age

10 weeks of age

At what age does ruminating begin in goat kids? 4 weeks of age 1 week of age 6 weeks of age 2 weeks of age

4 weeks of age

Which of the following methods would NOT stimulate intake in newly weaned pigs? Add fiber to the diet Add a flavor to the sow's feed when they are still nursing and use that same flavor in the their diet after weaning Add cheesy flavor Use a sweet feed

Add fiber to the diet

Match the type of learning to the correct description or other name. Answers can be used more than once. Also known as bait shyness, Can be used to help prevent predation in sheep, Occurs most commonly in birds, Animals learn to tell differences between various visual, auditory, or tactile cues, Also called instrumental learning, First demonstrated by Thorndike using cats, Also known as signal learning, First demonstrated by Pavlov using dogs A. Classical conditioning B. Operant conditioning C. Conditioned taste aversion D. Imprinting E. Discrimination learning

Also known as bait shyness- C Can be used to help prevent predation in sheep- C Occurs most commonly in birds- D Animals learn to tell differences between various visual, auditory, or tactile cues- E Also called instrumental learning- B First demonstrated by Thorndike using cats- B Also known as signal learning- A First demonstrated by Pavlov using dogs- A

Which of the following general statements is FALSE? As animal ages, the time spent close to their dam will decrease As animal ages, the time spent playing will increase As animal ages, the time spent with peers will decrease As animal ages, the time spent sleeping will decrease

As animal ages, the time spent with peers will decrease

Match dog vocalizations to the correct description. Bark, Whine, Howl, Growl A- Territorial call B- Elicits care C- Could be due to isolation/stimuli D- Aggressive call

Bark- A Whine- B Howl- C Growl- D

What cat breed is known to be the most aggressive? Siamese Tonkinese Bengals Ragdolls


In cattle, what color will exhibit stronger signs of estrus? Black White Roan Red


[Blank1] is the term for the lead animal within a group, whereas, the [blank2] is the second-ranked animal.

Blank 1- Alpha Blank 2- Beta

At a distance, ewes will use sight and [blank1] to locate their lambs. The bond of a lamb to their dam is stimulated through the ingestion of [blank2].

Blank 1- Audition Blank 2- Colostrum

In mares, the [blank1] level in milk will increase as foaling approaches. Body temperature will be [blank2] one day prior to parturition.

Blank 1- Calcium Blank 2- Lower

[blank1] is the term used to describe the idea that external stimuli are perceived and processed differentially on each side of the brain and [blank2] reflects which side of the brain is dominant.

Blank 1- Lateralization Blank 2- Handedness

n ewes, silent heat normally occurs in their first ovulation of [blank1]. In does, silent heat normally occurs in the first ovulation of the [blank2].

Blank 1- Life Blank 2- Season

A hungry cat will exhibit [blank1] predation compared to a full, fed cat. Domestic, owned cats will kill their prey [blank2] compared to feral cats.

Blank 1- More Blank 2- Less

Use 'more' or 'less' as your answers for this question. Male piglets will play [blank1] frequently than females. Mixed-sex pairs will play [blank2] than same-sex pairs.

Blank 1- More Blank 2- Less

Non-[blank1] suckling is a common problem in calves that are raised artificially in groups. This form of suckling will normally occur [blank2] a milk meal from a bucket.

Blank 1- Nutritional Blank 2- After

The presence of the male which aids in bringing the female into heat is termed as the [blank1] effect. This effect occurs due to [blank2] which is secreted by the male.

Blank 1- Ram Blank 2- Pheromones

Sleep in domestic animals is classified generally two ways. The first way, [blank1] is also known as quiet sleep; the second way, [blank2] is the sleep where we believe animals may dream.

Blank 1- Slow wave sleep (SWS) Blank 2- Rapid eye movement (REM)

There are three forms of foal rejection in horses: method 1 - is the rejection of [blank1], the second is [blank2] of the foal, and the third (will often occur again and again) is [blank3] the foal.

Blank 1- Suckling Blank 2- Fear Blank 3- Attacking

In [blank1], teat order is critical in determining their social ranks. After the [blank2] day of nursing, the same teat is nursed by the same pig 90% of the time.

Blank 1- Swine Blank 2- Sixth

In swine, there are four phases of suckling bouts. The first phase involves the initial massage of the udder. The second phase is a quiet phase, the third is the [blank1] suckling phase, and the last phase is the final massage which stimulates the release of [blank2].

Blank 1- True Blank 2- Prolactin

With olfaction, pheromones play an active role in the animal's behavior. To help identify pheromones, animals will aspirate urine in their nose and bring it to the [blank1] organ. The [blank2] response can aid in bringing urine to the nasal cavity.

Blank 1- Vomeronasal Blank 2- Flehmen

The brain is inherently [blank1]. In utero, the presence of [blank2] will defeminize the brain and will determine the external genitalia.

Blank 1- female Blank 2- androgens

In horses, play is solitary for the first [blank1] weeks of life. Solitary play normally will end by [blank2] weeks of age in foals.

Blank 1- two Blank 2- eight

Which of the following animals has the longest duration ejaculation? Buck Stallion Boar Bull


In which animal does the the male bite and hold the female's neck during the courtship process? Stallion Cat Dog Buck


Which of the following species will spend 25% of their lifetime sleeping? Cats Dogs Horses Cattle


Which of the following is a FALSE statement? Colts will often exhibit a right bias Male dogs will show left paw preferences more frequently Female cats are more right pawed Dogs will wag their tails to the right when facing their owner

Colts will exhibit a right bias

What is the highest type of learning? Theory of mind Learning by observation Mirror recognition Conceptual learning

Conceptual learning

What attribute of the horse is their best indicator of their emotions?Mouth Ears Eyes Legs


Match the unique preference or food-related description to the correct animal. Eat in both light and dark, Have a strong preference for sucrose, Endophyte-infected fescue makes them nausous, so they won't eat it, Can tolerate higher levels of bitter taste, Can separate sweet-tasting flavors into two groups, Prefer fructose to sucrose, Least selective grazing of domestic ruminants A. Dog B. Cat C. Horse D. Swine E. Goats F. Sheep G. Cattle

Eat in both light and dark- B Have a strong preference for sucrose- C Endophyte-infected fescue makes them nausous, so they won't eat it- F Can tolerate higher levels of bitter taste- E Can separate sweet-tasting flavors into two groups- D Prefer fructose to sucrose- A Least selective grazing of domestic ruminants- G

90% of locomotion in foals is in a play context. True or False


A bull mounting another bull is exhibiting homosexuality. True or False


A grazing muzzle can be used in horses to reduce their grazing intake by an average of 50%. True or False


A horse's diet will have no impact on temperament. True or False


A horse's heart rate is not correlated to its behavior.


A whorl below the eyes on cattle may predict agitation in cattle. True or False


Age is not a factor in how well cats learn. True or False


An animal with a sociability index of less than 1.0 is considered to be highly sociable. True or False


Bitches will not use the nest box provided by their humans. True or False


Cats will perform for both food treats and to reunite with their owners. True or False


Cats will spend more time playing by themselves compared to dogs. True or False


Coat color is not associated with temperament in cats. True or False


Cows will consume silage more quickly than hay due to the higher moisture content. True or False


Early handling (imprint training) does influence trainability in horses. True or False


Fear is the most common reason for aggression in horses. True or False


Generally, when environmental temperature increases, food intake also increases. True or False


Higher levels of hormones will improve low libido. True or False


If a cat licks their noses after encountering a food, the food is considered palatable.


Kids will stay closer to their dams in the first weeks of life compared to lambs. True or False


Learning by observation is observed in dogs, goats, and horses. True or False


Litter-bearing animals are less likely to accept foster animals compared to animals with singleton or twin births. True or False


Livestock producers should eliminate all aggressive behavior. True or False


Maternal protectiveness of cows will decrease with parity. True or False


Non-nutritive suckling is only seen in calves. True or False


Nursing is more frequent in hider species. True or False


Piglets prefer toys on the floor rather than hung up. True or False


Poor management of male animals will not reduce libido. True or False


Punishment is the same as negative reinforcement. True or False


Puppy tests are a reliable predictor for adult behavior. True or False


Quantity of handling is more important than quality of handling in pigs. True or False


Reintroduction of an animal into the same group where they originated will result in no aggression. True or False


Sheep will consume more shrubs than goats. True or False


Social isolation in dogs will not cause abnormal sexual behaviors. True or False


Social maturity in dogs occurs at the same time they reach puberty. True or False


Sows will primarily use sight to recognize their own offspring. True or False


Spayed dogs and intact female dogs will gain weight similarly and have the same risk of being obese. True or False


The age ranges of critical or sensitive periods in the dogs are sharply defined. True or False


The noise the calf makes as it leaves the chute has been used as a measure of temperament in cattle. True or False


When moving in groups, dominant cows will lead the pack. True or False


Working dogs are considered more trainable than herding dogs. True or False


Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding sheep? Sheep respond to the sight of carnivores by fleeing and flocking More active sheep spent more time close to humans More active sheep are less stressed Heavy weight sheep are more responsive than light weight sheep

Heavy weight sheep are more responsive than light weight sheep

Generally, maternal behavior is influenced by three factors. Name them.

Hereditary Experience Hormones

Match the rhythm to the correct description. High-frequency, Ultradian, Infradian, Circadian A- More frequent than 24 hours B- Occurs within a 24 hour period C- Have cycle periods less frequent than 24 hours D- Occurs in periods of less than 30 minutes

High Frequency- D Ultradian- A Infradian- C Circadian- B

Match the vocalization of the cat to the correct description. Hiss, Chirp, Growl, Purr, Shriek, Chatter A- Harsh, low pitched vocalization. Given when encountering a potential threat B- Loud, harsh, high-pitched sound. Used in aggressive situations or painful procedures C- Soft, buzzing vocalization D- Vocalization given by a mother to her kittens when nursing E- Noise produced when mouth is open and teeth are exposed. Defensive F- Sound used by cats when hunting or when restrained from hunting in confinement

Hiss- E Chirp- D Growl- A Purr- C Shriek- B Chatter- F

Which animal will use their lips to bring in food to their mouth? Horses Cattle Sheep Goats


Match the correct social structures to the different free-ranging animals. Horses, Dogs, Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Swine, Cats A- Groups of females with one or several males B- Groups of females and solitary males C- Groups of females that are flexible from solitary to matrilineal D- Separate groups for males and females

Horses- A Dogs- A Sheep- D Goats- D Cattle- B Swine- B Cats- C

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for obesity in cats? Intact females that breed and have litters Neutering Free-choice feeding of a prescription diet Confinement in apartments

Intact females that breed and have litters

What is the most aggressive type of behavior in horses? Running Circling Biting Kicking


Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding cats? A queen will spend less time with a single kitten litter than a litter with multiple kittens Queens will consume kitten urine and fecal matter for the first several weeks after parturition Queens will accept kittens similar in age as their own kittens Licking is infrequent

Licking is infrequent

What animal experiences heat within 5 to 18 days following parturition? Ewe Mare Doe Queen


Which is true regarding FEMALE dogs? More social More likely to bark More confident More active

More social

Which of the following statements are FALSE about pigs? Sows will rarely lick offspring Most piglets suckle within 30 minutes of birth Nursing bouts occur every 45 minutes Multiparious gilts are the most likely to cannibalize

Multiparious gilts are the most likely to cannibalize

Classify the area of the cat to whether it is cleaned more frequently or less frequently. Neck, Shoulders, Front paws, Stomach, Rear legs, Tail A- More frequently B- Less frequently

Neck- A Shoulders- A Front paws- A Stomach- B Rear legs- B Tail- B

Match the vocal noises of a horse to the correct description. Neigh, Nicker, Snort, Squeal, Roar A- Alarm call B- Low volume call which may elicit care C- May be used by an estrus mare when a stallion is close D- High-amplitude call of the stallion toward a mare E- Greeting or separation call

Neigh- E Nicker- B Snort- A Squeal- C Roar- D

In horses, what is the easiest personality trait to identify? Laziness Aggression Gregariousness Nervousness


In swine, breed differences are NOT observed in which trait? Sexual behavior Maternal behavior Aggression Learning None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following factors will NOT be desired by beef cows while grazing? One type of grass or legume Faster-growing forages Mixed grasses and legumes Green forage

One type of grass or legume

Which of the following is not one of the three important temperament traits in swine? Passiveness Sociability Aggression Exploration


Which of the following is a FALSE statement? Male calves play more than female calves Play decreases when calves enter a new environment Solitary play is more commonly seen in young calves Social play is more common in older calves

Play decreases when calves enter a new environment

Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding cats? Cats will often stalk and ambush during play There is typically 4 play periods per day Play often involves groups of three or more cats A rapid increase in predatory behavior occurs at 8 weeks of age

Play often involves groups of three or more cats

What are the two most common behavioral problems related to sexual behavior?

Poor libido in breeding males Unwanted sexual behavior in castrated males

What three factors determine dominance in goats?

Presence or Absence of horns Age, Size

Which of the following litter-bearing animals does not have a teat order? Puppies Piglets Kittens


Match the animal to whether they are a spontaneous or an induced breeder. Queen, Bitch, Mare, Sow A- Induced ovulator B- Spontaneous ovulator

Queen- A Bitch- B Mare- B Sow- B

Which of the following is NOT a group of temperament in goats? Aggressive Passive Social Avoider


What period of development is characterized by the most play in dogs? Sexual maturity Socialization period Transitional period Neonatal period

Socialization period

What mineral will animals eat until they meet their deficiency? Potassum Sodium Calcium Selenium


Match the animal to whether they are a seasonal or non-seasonal breeder. (Females only) Sow, Ewe, Cow, Doe, Bitch, Queen A- Seasonal Breeder B- Non-seasonal Breeder

Sow- B Ewe- A Cow- B Doe- A Bitch- B Queen- A

Which of the following behaviors is NOT observed in a receptive mare in response to a teaser? Winking Squeal Frequent urination Ears will be turned backward but not flattened


Which of the vocalizations of the pig will indicate arousal? Grunt Bark Squeal Scream


A weaned calf will spend the most time doing what? Standing Ruminating Feeding Grooming


Which species uses the back test or tonic immobility test? Sheep Dogs Swine Cats


Match the descriptions of a dog's posture to the correct behavioral response (mood) Tail between legs, ears flat Laying down, hind legs lifted showing belly Tail and ears down, body leaning away A- Fear-biting B- Submissive C- Fearful

Tail between legs, ears flat- C Laying down, hind legs lifted showing belly- B Tail and ears down, body leaning away- A

Select all that could stimulate feeding in animals. Taste Increased gastric fill Increase in osmotic pressure Leptin presence Hormone ghrelin Release of CCK

Taste, Hormone ghrelin

A foal will use all their senses within the first hour of life. True or False


Adding fiber to the diet will not decrease food intake in pigs but it will reduce stereotypic behaviors. True or False


Canine aggression is the most common problem present to clinical animal behaviorists. True or False


Dogs and goats are able to use inferential reasoning by exclusion. True or False


Dogs prefer canned food over semi-moist and dry dog food. True or False


Dogs use social eavesdropping to determine whether a human is likely to give them food by observing that person's behavior toward another person. True or False


Dogs will exhibit right and left paw preferences. True or False


Dogs will use their left and right nostrils to smell different odors (food, humans, other dogs, etc.) True or False


Dominance/social rank will affect the frequency and duration of suckling in horses. True or False


Female cats are more fearful and aggressive to other cats than males. True or False


Horses are social eaters and will eat when other horses are eating. True or False


Horses prefer carbohydrate-rich feeds over lipid-rich feeds. True or False


Horses prefer food rewards to scratching or petting. True or False


In dogs, solitary play increases with age. True or False


In foals, coprophagy is normal ingestive behavior and foals often prefer their own dam's fecal matter to others. True or False


In sheep, dominance is not related to body weight. True or False


In swine, the presence of blood will increase tail biting. True or False


Male kid vocalizations can be distinguished from female calls at four weeks of age. True or False


Males will spend more time play fighting compared to females. True or False


Mares and geldings can exhibit the flehmen's response when smelling urine. True or False


Most drinking in domestic animals is prandial drinking. True or False


Positive reinforcement can be either food or social interaction such as petting. True or False


Presence of the boar will accelerate puberty in gilts. True or False


Reducing feed intake or no feed intake is a sign of illness. True or False


Sheep prefer to graze urinally contaminated areas but will avoid fecally contaminated areas. True or False


Smaller litters of piglets will nurse less frequently than large litters. True or False


Smell of food to swine is not important and will not impact intake. True or False


Socialization of cats should occur at a younger age than dogs. True or False


Spayed females are more aggressive than intact females. True or False


Testosterone, naturally occurring in the body or given exogenously can result in aggressive behavior in an animal. True or False


The amount of sleep in cats will stay constant, however REM sleep decreases while quiet sleep increases. True or False


The feline nursing period is divided into three stages. True or False


There is NOT an adult canine temperament test that predicts success as a pet dog. True or False


When using the progressive ratio method, animals will reach a break point when the number of responses are too high for the animal to make. True or False


When sheep are in the presence of humans, they will do what more frequently? Urinate Snort Defecate Jump


Which method of communication is most helpful to humans when gauging temperament and health of an animal? Visual Olfactory Auditory


What is most important means of communication in pigs? Vocalizations Posture Olfactory


Which of the following is NOT true regarding dominant sows? Have piglets that are more active and vocal Will give birth to larger piglets Give birth to more male piglets Have female piglets that are more dominant

Will give birth to larger piglets

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