Animal Disease Final PREVIOUS EXAM questions

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Match terms with definitions

1. Endemic= Disease that regularly occurs in a group of animals 2. Lesion= A change in the tissues of an animal which is the result of a disease 3. Virulence= The severity of the signs or lesions caused by an organism 4. Vector= A living organism that can carry a pathogen from one place to another 5= Pathognomonic= THe signs or symptoms alone are diagnostic for the disease 6= Immunity= Resistance of an organism to infectious disease 7= Pathology= Study of the causes and effects of disease or injury 8= Zoonosis= An infectious disease that can affect both humans and non-human animals

List two reasons why important to prevent diseases occuring in non-human animals

1= decrease in animal welfare 2= some diseases are zoonotic

You're a dairy farmer with 20 calves housed in one barn. Five have shown signs of rotavirus and one calf died this morning. Calculate morbidity rate and case fatality rate of this outbreak.

20 total 5 signs 1 dead morbidity= 5/20= 25% Case fatality= 1/5= 20%

Match terms with definitions 2

9= Antigen= Foreign protein 10= Cull= To remove from the group by killing 11= Congenital= Present at birth 12= Epidemic= Disease occuring a higher rate than expected in a group of animals 13= Immunoglobulin= Protein subunit of antibodies 14= Fomite= Imanimate object that can carry a pahtogen from one place to another 15= Idiopathic= Cause of the disease is unknown.

What is a closed herd or flock. Explain one benefit of raising a group of animals in this manner.

A herd raised in a closed area and no animals being added. A benefit is reduced risk of bringing disease into the herd.

Explain how you could use a sentinel animal as part of infectious disease surveillance program

A sentinel animal can be used by using them to put in a population of a suspected disease

Describe difference between a sign and a symptom

A sign is a characteristic of a disease you can observe from the outside. Symptom cannot be seen from the outside

List one advantage and one disadvantage of innate immunity in defending the body against infectious organisms compared to adaptive immunity

Advantage= innate responds quicker then adaptive. Disadvantage= it doesn't have memory like adaptive immunity

Describe two factors (maternal or fetal) that may make parturition more difficult than normal

Any uterine disease the mother may have and if the fetus is too large for the mother

What does BCS tell you and why should you be able to assess it

BCS tells you how healthy animal may be based on how fat or skinny it is (how much fat/muscle/or no fat/no muscle there is). Animal handlers should know this to catch diseases early on. For example, if at a 1 then the cow is underweight.

which of the following are characteristics shared by Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma mycoides?

Both can cause respiratory tract lesions that contain a lot of fibrin

Name one federal agency that has a key role in ensuring the safety of the US food supply

Center for Disease Control

This adult hen is presented to you for evaluation with a 3-day history of passing minimal fecal material and a progressive enlargement of the abnormality shown here. When you palpate the enlargement, it feels squishy with the consistency of soft sand. Explain two possible underlying causes of this abnormality

Crop distention. Marek's disease is a possible CNS abnormality of the bird could have a recent meal

Describe 2 mechanisms by which the development of antimicrobial resistance in a population of bacteria can be accelerated by human action

Disinfecting. And vaccination

True/False A toxoid vaccine is produced from a live virus with less virulence than the wild-type disease causing virus


True/False Cleaning involves using chemicals to kill all or almost all of the pathogens on an object whereas disinfection only requires the physical removal of organic debris


True/False Lymph nodes are the primary site of B-lymphocyte production in all animal species


True/False The use of antibiotics for growth promotion in livestock is illegal in the US


Describe 2 modes of disease transmission that are likely to be increased in a group of animals housed at a very high stocking density

Fecal-oral and droplet

Explain what congenital abnormalities are typically present in freemartin heigers and why these develop

Freemartin heifer is sterile because of exposure to male mullerian inhibiting factor from male co-twin.

Briefly explain how rumen acidosis develops and the lesions that is causes

If given too many carbohydrates in the diet, this can cause a decrease in the pH of the rumen, Then lactobacillus will increase. The pH will continue to lower (build up of lactic acid) and cause bacteria to die, then will leak into the blood. Can cause inflammation and necrosis of rumen and stomach

List two reasons why failure of passive transfer may occur

Improper vaccination use (HOW in mom?-look it up) or if a mother dies but the calf still needs colostrum in a certain amount of time.

Write a flyer about caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE)

It is important to monitor for CAE because it can cause serious complications and signs. These include paresis, ataxia, and go as far as death. This occurs in dairy goats that are younger. Yet, they can have the disease for years until signs appear. About 20% of goats show clinical signs. It can cause mastitis and arthritis in older goats. If you think your animal has CAE, you can get them tested and isolate them from the rest of the animals. TO prevent spreading, cull sick/affected animals. Proper boot washing and hand washing should always be used to prevent it. Primary route of transmission if through milk/colostrum.

Which of the following statements is true about listeriosis?

It is zoonotic and reportable in NH

Two examples how alter traffic flow (human or vehicle) on a farm to improve biosecurity

Keep farm closed for certain hours (reduced hours) and make sure no vehicles are coming from other farms (also keep record book).

List 4 characteristics of a good footbath and/or aspects of the proper use of a footbath

Placed at an entrance of the animal area before people enter. It should have clean water and disinfecting solution. It should have a scrub brush to properly scrub boots/shoes. Finally, it should inclide a place for drying your boots/shoes.

Explain how proper animal quarantine is achieved and give one example of when you would use quarantine at your farm

Proper quarantine is keeping an infected new animal away from healthy ones and you would use quarantine when a new animal joins your herd of if the animal has a contagious disease

Name one state agency that has a key role in ensuring the health of the animals

State Veterinarian

Similar to what occurs in poultry birds, pigs can be infected with serotypes of salmonella that are specifically adapted to swine and with serotypes that affect many animal species


THe syrinx is located at the base (where it bifurcates) of the avian trachea and is responsible for the production of song


True/False An animal in a carrier state can transmit an infectious disease without showing clinical signs


True/False Antibodies are produced by B-lymphocytes for use in recognizing and destroying extracellular pathogens whereas T-lymphocytes are responsible for cell-mediated immunity targeting intracellular pathogens


True/False The government classifies diseases that could be used in bioterrorism based on how easily they are transmitted and the severity of the illness that they cause


True/False Vaccines may fail to stimulate an effective immune response in a neonate if they are given too early in life due to interference from maternal antibodies


You are a veterinarian called out to assess a flock of Dorset ewes for "not producing enough lambs". What are 2 specific, pertinent questions that you would like to ask the farmer about this flock's reproductive history?

What is the "normal" or usual amount of lambs that are produced? What kind of breeding practices do you use?

a. explain two host factors that could play a role is disease development and how alteration of each factor could make a diseasde more sever in an individual animal or as an outbreak among animals b. explain two pathogen factors c. explain three environmental factors

a. Age. If an animals is very young or very old, their immune systems are much weaker causing more susceptibility. Stress is another that can cause immune suppression b. Commensal vs. pathogenic bacteria. If commensal, less likely to cause disease then pathogenic. Another factor is ease of transmission. If pathogen is spread through droplets then more dangerous compared to fecal-oral transmission because harder to control c. Ventilation. If ventilation not good then pathogens get in and out of animal area easier. Second facotr is temperature or humidity. Some pathogens survive better in colder or warmer temperatures. The warmer it is, the higher risk of possible pathogens. A third factor is interaction with wildlife. If easy access to wildlife, that can be dangerous for many reasons. For example, an increased risk of disease spread from wild animals

on necropsy evaluation of a feedlot lamb that died suddenly without prior signs, you find fluid in multiple body cavities and multiple organs a. name one potential underlying caus eof these signs b. describe one control measure to prevent the disease

a. C. perfringens b. evaluate feed

Polioencehcalomalacia is a swelling and necrosis of grey matter in the brain and can develop due to multiple causes. a. describe two signs that an animal with polioencephalomalacia may demostrate b. what is one potential cause of this in agricultural species?

a. CNS signs like ataxia or head resting b. thiamine deficiency

4. Name one disease of calves that could be transmitted through this interaction b. Briefly describe the signs that would develop in the human as a result of being infected with the pathogen you listed above.

a. Cryptosporidium parvum b. Horrible diarrhea and/or vomiting

You are watching the Belmont Stakes horse race on TV with your family and note that one of the horses is demonstrating the abnormality shown here at the end of the race. Your mom asks you why this is happening a. give a brief description of the most likely underlying reason for this clinical sign b. what is one treatment that is commonly used for this disease that most often causes this sign in racehorses?

a. EIPH b. Antibiotics

Surgery was preformed to remove the swelling under the jaw of this Boer goat. Unfortunately the goat has multiple other similar swellings on its body. a. what is the first test that you would like to preform on this mass to determine its underlying cause? b. while the results of this test are pending, briefly describe one treatment or control measure that you would liek to institute to prevent this problem from affecting other goats in the herd.

a. I would do a PCR on this mass b. I would want to quarantine any animals with signs from any animals without signs

Within the course of a few days, all the adult hens in your backyard flock are exhibiting the same signs as the bird pictured here. You preform a post-mortem exam on one of the hens and find that her trachea looks like this a. what is the most likely cause of this disease outbreak? b. What is one treatment or control measure that can be employed to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with this infection?

a. ILT infectious laryngotracheitis b. There are vaccines for healthy ones and then cull the sick

The cow pictured here was submitted for post-mortem examination as a representative from a herd expereincing chronic diarrhea and weight loss. You find that all of the inrestines look like the loop picutred here and there are many enlarged lymph nodes associated with the gastrointestinal system a. what is the most likely disease process occurring in these cows? b. for the disease mentioned above, one control measure that you will institute to prevent spready of the disease within the herd

a. Johne's disease b. control with quarantine infected animal and culture or PCR

over the last 3 months, multiple birds in your commercial broiler breeder flock have developed the sign shown here. Some bireds recover within a few days and others needed to be culled due to their immobility. a. what infectious disease is most likely cause of these findings? b. for the disease listed above, describe one control measure that you will institue to prevent its transmission to newly introduced birds

a. Marek's disease b. Quarantine affected birds from rest of flock

Over the last few weeks, your llama (dark colored) has progressed from looking like photo A to being in the position in photo b. her behavior and mentation are otherwise normal. A. what is the most likely cause of these signs in this llama? b. Briefly describe one specific control measure that you will institute on the farm to try and ensure that her alpaca friend in picture B is not affected by the disease you mentioned above.

a. P. tenuis b. Do testing and separation of the affected llama from the healthy ones

a. describe concept of reportable disease b. describe difference between disease control and disease eradication c. discuss three challenges that eradication programs may need to overcome in order to be successful

a. Reportable disease is a disease that by law, must be reported to state or federal animal and public health officials when diagnosed or suspected of a certain diseae b. disease control is the reduction of a disease while disease eradication is the permanent reduction to zero of a disease worldwide. c. Some challenges that eradication programs may need to overcome in order to be successful include: a place to house and monitor the animals in quarantine, a place to cull and rid the bodies, and keep track of vaccinations as well as have vaccination availability.

You are called to look at a sheep flock where multiple animals have died after a prolonged course of weight loss and ataxia. The sheep seem very itchy, but the ewe pictured here would not let you get anywhere near her to investigate further. She tried to ram you! a. Name a disease the could result in these signs b. After you complete the physically examination, what additional specific test would you like to preform on these sheep? (include biological sample and the testing modality)

a. Scrapies b. demonstration of PrPSCon biopsy of lymph tissue (3rd eyelid, tonsils, etc.) or in CNS on necropsy

The horses have developed high fevers, depression, and some respiratory difficulty of the last few days. A. Name the most likely disease that would cause these clinical signs b. Briefly describe one control measure that you will institute on the farm to try and prevent transmission of the disease you mentioned above to your other horses.

a. Strangles b. Quarantine the animal away from others.

which of the following is NOT a common treatment for recurrent airway obstruction in horses and hypersensitivity pneumonitis in cattle? a. administering long term antibiotics b. reducing exposure to airborne allergens c. adminstering bronchodilator medications

a. administering long term antibiotics

Your horse is exhibiting signs demonstrated in these pictures while also passing little feces and straining to defecate. a. name one specfici potential underlying cause of these signs b. briefly describe one specific diagnostic test that you will use to help determine the underlying cause of these signs

a. any cause of colic b. take a sample of feces for feces flotation

The loclal news reporting WNV has been detected in your area. a. what is the natural reservoir species for WNV? b. describe one control measure that you will institiute on your farm to protect horses from it

a. birds b. ise more vector control, like fly/mosquito traps

You are new herd manager at a goat dairy and during the first herd checks you note that multiple animals are lame and have feet that look like this. a. what is the most common environmental factor that contributes to the formation of these lesions? b. describe one specific treatment that you will begin immediately for the affected goats

a. contagious footrot. most likely from moist and dirty environment b. use medicated footbath (zinc sulfate+laundry detergent) and clip off dead parts

an abornmally high number of pigs in your farrow to finish operation are being diagnosed with atrophic rhinitis at the time of slaughter a. describe two signs with is while pig is alive b. describe one control measure that you will institue on your farm to prevent future cases of it

a. difficulty breaathing and runny nose b. fresh non-dusty bedding

Which of the following is NOT a sickness behavior commonly triggered by the innate immune response? a. increased appetite b. fever c. lethargy

a. increased appetite

A cow from a farm in your area died and was positive for Mycobacterium bovis. As part of the national eradication program, you now need to test your cows for tuberculosis. a. describe how you will test your cows for tuberculosis? b. are you concerned about a zoonotic potential of this organism?

a. intradermal tuberculin test b. yes

What is the function of the segment of the oviduct marked "A" in this photo? b. describe one specific abnormality that could be seen in the egg or the layer segment of the oviduct was diseased

a. it is next to the ovary. It holds new eggs when released from the ovary b. if diseased them could cause no laying of an egg

Your horse is acutely, severly lame on both front feet and they are warm to the touch with increased digital pulses a. name most likely disease process occuring b. describe one potential underlying cause for the disease process you named above

a. laminitis b. improper hoof trimming

HACCP is: a. Mandated by the FDA and USDA for many food production sectors b. is designed to improve the quantity of food produced by a given corporation c. focuses on inspecting the final food product for quality defects

a. mandated by the FDA and USDA for many food production sectors

This lamb was born this morning a. describe abnormality shown b. what is primary concern for the lamb's health moving forward

a. meconium staining b. aspiration of meconium in utero-> aspiration pneumonia

You are setting up a new round of hatching chicks and are particularly concerned because you lost a few in the last batch of broilers to aspergillosis a. describe two clinical signs that chicks with this are likely to show b. describe one environmental parameter that you will improve to try and ensure that new chicks are not affect by this

a. open-mouth and cyanotic waffle breathing b. quarantine new animals

Your kids brought home 4 new Romney sheep from the county fair and unbeknownst to you, introduced them directly into your established flock. All the sheep have lesions similar to those pictured here and your daughter has this lesion on her finger. a. name one specific disease that could result in lesions like these b. what is your next step to prevent the impact that this disease will have on your flock

a. orf (contagious ecthyma) b. prevention through quarantine

a. explain two measures that can be implemented on your farm either pre-harvest or during the harvesting of the milk that will improve the safety of the milk for human consumption b. explain two measured post-harvesting to improve milk safety for human consumption c. a few customers requested raw milk. are you willing to sell it raw. why or why not

a. pre-harvest measure includes proper sanitary milk procedures. Ex. pre- and post- teat dips. A second pre-harvest improvemennt is the routine farm-level quality assessments of the goats and area they are housed. b. two measures that can be post-harvest to improve milk would be pasteruization which reduces contamination by 99.999%, an packaging which can reduce the risk of contamination c. I would NOT sell raw milk. this is because raw milk is not pasteurized which means there are many health risks. Some include salmonella, e.coli, and fecal contmainants

Many of the young piglets on your small farm have recently died after a rapid onset of profuse vomiting and watery diarrhea. On post-mortem examination, their stomachs are empty but their intestines are full of curdled milk and hter eis evidence of atrophy of the villi a. name one specific disease that could cause this b. describe what biologic sample you will collect and the test you will preform to confirm this disease

a. rotavirus b. obtain feces for fecal flotation

Which of the following criteria is part of the signalment of an animal? a. sex b. source of purchase c. color

a. sex

Multiple of your 4 month old grower pigs are producing blood tinged diarrhea with mucus. On necropsy of a pig that died with these signs you find marked thickening and inflammation of the large intestines. a. name one disease/infectious organism that is likely to cause there findings b. suggest one spefcific diagnostic test/procedure that you would like to preform on this animal to confirm the disease you mentioned above

a. swine dysentery b. fecal flotation test

a. give two specific signs that swine with influenza are likely to demonstrate and two signs that chickens with highly pathogenic avian influenza show? b. describe possible routes of transmission of influenza virus between humans, pigs, and domestic poultry c. describe three biosecurity measures that you will institiute on your farm to prevent the introduction and transmission of influenza viruses on your farm

a. swine get conjunctivitis and fever. chickens get decreased egg production and CNS signs, diarrhea, death contact with infected poultry, aerosol transmission, and fecal/oral transmission in poultry c. 3 biosecurity measures are proper ventilation, quaranatine infected animals, and proper PPE when interacting with infected animal

a. Explain common characteristics of a flock outbreak of S. enteritidis b. describe three practices/procedures that control S. enteritidis in this flock

a. there are asymptomatic carriers as well as signs such as diarrhea. it can be transmitted by vertical transmission (transovarial) or fecal-oral transmission. It mainly affects young chicks lesss than a week old. It can also happen through improper egg handling b. 3 practices are sanitary egg removals (like using gloves), isolation of infected animals and proper separation of food from waste

Your fiesty pygmy goats got into a pile of apple yesterday. although most appear fine, one doe is having diffiulty swallowing water, is agitated, and her belly appears swollen a. explain the process you believe is causing her swollen belly b. describe one treatment for it

a. this could be bloat which causes foam to extend the rumen b. fluid treatment

A neighbor calls you over to look at the "pink thing sticking out of hens butt" and this is what you see a. describe what you are seeing with structure and name of them involved b. explain one potential underlying cause of this disease

a. this is a prolase where part of the cloaca/oviduct structure is sticking out of the vent b. oviductal impaction

Briefly describe two secondary problems that can develop in a cow that has been recumbent for any reason

abscesses and hock issues

Explain the central purpose of a "One Health" approach to solving disease issues

approach to issues that intersect human, animal and environmental health.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Certificates of Veterinary Inspection? a. A CVI must be completed by a veterinarian who is accredited with the USDA b. a completed CVI proves that an animal is completely free of all diseases c. A completed CVI is often necessary to legally bring animals across state lines

b. a completed CVI proves that an animal is completely free of all diseases

What is the most accurate description of the hosts' roles in the life cycle of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii? a. humans are the definitive hosts and cats are reservoir hosts b. cats are definitive hosts and pigs are one example of an intermediate host. c. cats are paratenic hosts and pigs are one example of a definitive host

b. cats are definitive hosts and pigs are one example of an intermediate host.

Which of the following is an advantage of pooling diagnostic samples when investigating a disease in a group of animals? a. it helps to make treatment recommendations for individual animals b. it is a cost-effective way to screen the group for a disease c. it is the best way to identify carrier animals in the group

b. it is a cost-effective way to screen the group for a disease

Re-emergence of disease in latent carries is an issue with each of the following disease EXCEPT: a. equine viral rhinopneumonitis b. rabies virus c. chlamydia psittaci

b. rabies virus

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the vaccination for bluetongue? a. vaccination of pregnant ewes can cause abortion and lambs born with CNS signs b. vaccines are only available through the government and are not routinely used c. vaccine strains can be transmitted by the Culicoides midge vector

b. vaccines are only available through the government and are not routinely used

Which age class of chickens is most severly affected by avian encephalomyelitis?

birds less than 4 weeks old

Which of the following is NOT a component of the innate immune response? a. antimicrobial peptides b. the complement system c. antibodies

c. antibodies

Which of the following is NOT a critical control point for killing or limiting the growth of pathogens in food? a. moisture content b. oxygen exposure c. mineral content

c. mineral content

Which of the following would result in active, artificial, adaptive immunity? a. Ingestion of colostrum b. Exposure to a pathogen c. Receiving a vaccine

c. receiving a vaccine

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism by which commensal microorganisms contribute to an animal's immune response? a. they help in the development of the adaptive immune response by providing a low level of constant stimulation b. they help to keep populations of pathogenic microorganisms low through competition c. they help animals to develop resistance to antibiotics that could kill them

c. they help animals to develop resistance to antibiotics that could kill them

laryngeal hemiplegia can be diagnosed iwth an endoscopic examination but radiographs are required to definitvely diagnose dorsal displacement of the soft palate in horses


the most common cause of death in cases of tetanus, botulism, and tick paralysis is encephalomyelitis


The primary route of transmission for classic bovine spongiform encephalopathy is:


You are called out to Barn 2 of the farrow to finish operation where you work to inspect these piglets. You are surprised to find that one entire litter has lesions like the ones pictured here but none of the piglets are itchy. a. what is the most likely way in which these piglets contracted this disease? b. describe one treatment or control measure you would like to enact in order to prevent this disease from spreading through the farrowing operation

greasy pig a. through nursing/huddling and infected environment and pig to pig b. quarantine of new piglets and the mother from rest of animals

Which of the following is the mechanism by which organophosphates cause dysfunction at the neuromuscular junction?

inhibit action of acetylcholinesterase

The most important supportive therapy for diarrheal disease, regardless of the underlying cause is:

providing fluids with replacement electrolytes

compare and contrast the most common methods of transmission and most common clinical signs of tetanus and botulism

tetanus enters through wounds- Includes surgical wounds. Signs of spastic paralysis , stiff gait, inability to swallow, hyperesthesia => death due to respiratory paralysis. botulism transmission by contaminated feed. signs flaccid paralysis, Drooling, difficulty swallowing, inability to urinate, recumbency •Progresses to full paralysis and smooth muscle dysfunction ("limber neck" in waterfowl)•Death from respiratory or cardiac paralysis

Which of the following is NOT a predisposing factor in the development of collibacillosis (E. coli) diarrhea in young piglets? a. the piglets are nursing from immunologically naive gilts b. the piglets are being housed without a supplemental heat source c. the piglets were exposed to the placentas of sick littermates

the piglets were exposed to the placentas of sick littermates

explain why compressing the sternum/keel of a bird will result in respiratory distress and possible death

there is no diaphragm so they use air sacs to increase the air flow into the lungs. if those are compressed, it will cause breathing issues

Myotonia congenita and hyperkalemic period paralysis in horses are both autosomnal dominant genetic disorders


clostridium perfringens Type C causes rapid mortality in young lambs with bloody diarrhea and can be diagnosed by identifying the spore-forming bacteria on microscopic analysis of a fecal smear


hypoglycemia is most likely to occur in neonatal animals, particularly those that are cold or malnourished


ovine progressive pneumonia is a viral disease that has a very long incubation time (years) and starts with milk respiratory signs that progress to a 100% case fatality


psuedorabies, a reportable viral disease, has a near 100% mortality rate in piglets and non-swine species


rotavirus infection results in diarrhea by damaging enterocytes, which results in the loss of villi in the small intestines


stress is a potential contributing factor to the development of gastric ulcers, which cna cause mild to severe bleeding into the digestive tract


the definitive host of sarcocystis neurona, the most common cause of quine protozoal myeloencephalitis, is the opossum


the guttural pouches, which are extensions off of the auditory canals, are found only in equids


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