Animal Farm Characters

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" poet" who writes the song that replaces The Beasts of England

During the dinner with Mr. Pilkington, Napoleon announces some changes in the "routine of the farm," such as the abolishment of the "foolish custom" of greeting each other with the salutation of "________________"


The pigs change the Fourth Commandment of Animalism to say "No animal shall sleep in a bed with "_______________"


The pigs change the Sixth Commandment of Animalism to say "No animal shall kill any other animal " _____________ _______________" (two words)

"without cause"

Mr. Whymper

After being led through the store-shed, he is deceived by the empty bins being topped off with sand.

Mr. Frederick

Napoleon wants this human captured and "boiled alive"

Which animal is killed in the Battle of the Cowshed and is honored posthumously?

a sheep

The flag representing Animal Farm is constructed from which item in the house

a tablecloth

What distinguishing feature gives Boxer a "stupid appearance?"

a white stripe


accuses Mollie of letting a human pet her and discovers lumps of sugar and ribbons hidden in her stall


animal who is known on the farm for never laughing


animal who will only learn the letters of the alphabet that spell its name

Old Major

as a "wise and benevolent appearance" even though "his tushes had never been cut"

What is Napoleon's "last act on earth" before he thinks he is dying?

banning the drinking of alcohol

The word ____________________ is misspelled on the original Seven Commandments that are painted on the barn wall.


According to Old Major, the "distinguishing mark of man" is this .

his hand


initially refuses to believe that Snowball was a "traitor at the beginning"


is allowed to stay on the farm without working and receives a ration of beer each day

The pigs reduce the Seven Commandments of Animalism to a single commandment that says "All animals are equal, but some animals are "______________________________________________"

more equal than others


paints the portrait of Napoleon on the barn wall


reads the 7 Commandments for Clover when Benjamin refuses


rely seen in public and eats dinner privately

One of the new "privileges" of the pigs that are instituted later on the farm is the wearing of this item on Sundays


Mr. Pilkington

seems impressed with the operating system on Animal Farm by saying that "the lower animals on Animal Farm did more work and received less food than any animals in the country"


studies a book about Julius Caesar's fighting tactics to prepare for the Battle of the Cowshed

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