Animal Health 1st Exam

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What suffix is used when a killing action is applied?

-cide. e.g. biocide, bactericide, virucide, sporicide.

What is the definition of disease?

A disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body.

What is a precautionary statement?

Describes the potential hazards of the product, tell you to take actions to reduce the hazards and have specific signal words to indicate the degree of hazard (caution, warning, danger, danger poison)

What are some factors in disease prevention?

Disease costs money: lower production, lower growth rate, abortion, sterility, feed additives, medicine, death of animals. Maintain good management strategies: nutrition, facilities and immunization. Select adequate genetics Reduce stress Eliminate infestation (sanitation) Disease resistance and challenge (a herd will remain healthy as long as their resistance level is maintained above the level of disease challenge, clinical signs occur when disease challenge surpasses resistance level.)

What are the 4 basic steps of removing organic waste? (APHIS)

Dry clean Wet wash Rinse Dry

True or False: Sheep may tolerate 4.5% solutes.

FALSE. Sheep may tolerate 2.5% solutes.

True or False: Thorough cleaning and washing prior to the application of any disinfectant is not needed.

FALSE. Thorough cleaning and washing prior to application of any disinfectant is required.

True or False: When water contains less than 1.5% total solutes, it becomes dangerous.

FALSE. When water contains MORE than 1.5% total solutes, it becomes dangerous.

True or False: Cleaning alone can remove over 50% of microorganisms.

False. It can remove over 90% of microorganisms.

True or False: Waste management is not important in confinement.

False. Waste management is VERY important in confinement.

True or False: The economical value of the manure as fertilizer does not justify its use.

False: Economical value of the manure as fertilizer justifies its use.

What does gram-positive and gram-negative mean?

Gram positive designation comes from effectiveness against Staphylococcus aureus. Gram negative bacteria claims it must be effective against Salmonella choleraesuis.

What are some characteristics of microorganisms that cause disease?

Harmful: pathogens Beneficial: opportunistic Saprophytes: harmless and live in the outside world Bacteria: spherical or ellipsoid, rod, spiral, comma, filamentous, spores, aerobic glycolysis and anaerobic glycolysis. Fungi Viruses Protozoa

What did Robert Koch do?

He was a German physician/bacteriologist, he could take a culture from a deceased animal and put it in a healthy animal and study the effects.

What is the definition of epigenetic?

Modifications to your genetic code that causes genes to show differently.

How does elimination by the host work?

Organisms are expelled through secretions or excretions: milk, urine, nasal discharge, saliva, drainage from wounds. Destruction of the carcass: many organisms perish if the host dies. Disposal is important (removal, incineration, burial, disinfection of the area where the animal died, some bacteria form spore and will be infection years later, check with EPA)

What are several factors for selecting a disinfectant for a disinfectant action plan?

Routine disinfection Outbreak situations Microorganisms being targeted The characteristics of a specific disinfectant Environmental issues The health and safety of personnel and animals

List the primary first lines of defense.

Saliva: antibacterial enzymes Skin: prevents entry Stomach acid: low pH kills harmful microbes Tears: antibacterial enzymes Mucus linings: trap dirt and microbes "Good" gut bacteria outcompete the bad.

If an animal has a disease, they will exhibit signs and/or symptoms, what are other words to describe signs and symptoms?

Signs: objective Symptoms: subjective

Label claims are usually determined by what 3 test organisms?

Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella choleraesuis Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Describe the storing step of WM. Distribution of waste in fields may be restricted by? What are some long term storage facilities?

Storing waste may not be convenient or necessary. Transport of waste may not always be possible. Distribution of waste in fields may be restricted by water, regulations, crop stage or field rotation. It is very important to have a good estimate of the amount of waste that will be produced. Long term storage facilities: 1. manure stacking structure 2. manure pack in a loafing shed 3. holding pond for feedlot runoff 4. tanks for liquid manure (includes tanks under slotted floors)

Disinfectants are defined as?

Substances used to control, prevent, or destroy harmful microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, or fungi) on inanimate objects and surfaces. Traditionally have included sanitizers, disinfectants, and sterilants.

What are active ingredients?

The chemicals responsible for the control of the microorganisms, they are usually listed as percentages.

What is the definition of health?

The state of being free from illness or injury, as well as the condition of being sound in body, mind or spirit.

Describe the drying step of removing organic waste.

The surfaces should be allowed to dry completely before application of a disinfectant. Excess moisture may dilute and reduce the efficacy of the disinfectant.

What does the direction for use section tell us?

What the product controls, where how and when to use it, one or multiple uses, different dilutions and or contact times and the best application methods.

What suffix is used when an organism's growth is merely inhibited or prevented from multiplying?

-static. e.g. bacteriostatic, virostatic, sporostatic.

Describe the 4 host organism relationships.

1. Chronic: invading organisms gradually wears down the animal's resistance. 2. Acute: invading organisms rapidly overpower the animal's resistance. 3. Arrested case: the host cannot eliminate the organisms and the organisms cannot lower the host's resistance, stress or other factors that lower the host's resistance could lead to an acute episode ad the host's resistance could lead to an acute episode as the host is not entirely cured. 4. Carriers: the organisms localize in some secretory organ and spread infection after the host has recovered from the disease, hard to detect, important in disease control and elimination.

What 5 steps can waste management be divided into?

1. Collecting 2. Processing 3. Storing 4. Transporting 5. Utilizing

What 3 things does grooming signify?

1. care of the skin and hair coat 2. care of the feet 3. care of the genitals and external orifices of the body

What are 4 things that should not be done when disposing of a carcass?

1. disposing of a carcass by depositing it in or near a stream of flowing water. 2. using carcasses for animal feeds. 3. permit biting insects or scavenger animals to reach the carcass. 4. open the carcass for an autopsy or any other purpose unless approved by a licensed veterinarian.

What are 6 typical means of waste management?

1. elevated calf pens 2. slatted floors 3. holding tanks 4. lagoons 5. oxidation ditches 6. manure drying

In addition to external contamination, the skin has what 4 things?

1. exfoliated cells 2. fatty material secreted by glands 3. sweat 4. hair

What 2 things should be avoided when handling waste management?

1. odor 2. environmental pollution

Intensive confinement livestock operations are continually threatened with what?

A condition referred to as disease build-up.

After the death of an animal from contagious disease, their carcass remains as what?

A disease producing reservoir.

Describe the 5 carcass disposal methods and a few things to know.

All states have environmental laws that prescribe in detail the manner in which animal carcasses are to be handled. Most states require the owner to dispose of the carcass of any dead animal within 24 hours. 1. burning: usually prohibited, except in incinerators that meet specifications of the agency (EPA) 2. burying: permitted provided that it is in a location where run off will not contaminate water supplies, at a shallow depth to avoid contamination of subterranean water, lime or other chemicals that would delay natural decomposition are not applied (also, puncture the abdominal cavity not permitted), keep scavenger animals from the carcass. 3. composting: proven to be an economical and efficient way to dispose of carcasses (swine and poultry. the basis of composting is to allow microbial and chemical destruction of carcass. (you need: concrete pad with 10 ft wide side walls, a top hay or straw as the carbon source, animals in layers as nitrogen source, and always place hay on the top layer to control odor and flies.) the high temperature in the pile is needed for destruction of the pathogenic organisms. 4. disposal pit: may be used for disposing of small carcasses (poultry or baby pigs), use same precautions as burial, and each carcass should be covered with soil at the time of disposal. 5. dead animal collection service: know the service in your area, when handling the carcasses, assume that the condition is the result of infection and adopt the proper sanitary precautions.

Describe the rinsing step of removing organic waste.

All surfaces should be thoroughly rinsed. Residues from cleaners and detergent can inactivate certain chemical disinfectants. Use low pressure cold water. When rinsing is complete, inspect the surfaces to ensure they are visibly clean, the moisture should be spread evenly over the surfaces (no "beading" that indicates oil or grease).

Describe the Processing step of WM. Why are you changing the characteristics of waste? What does processing include? What are several processing systems?

Changing the characteristics of the waste to: 1. improve storage 2. improve transporting 3. improve utilization Processing includes: separating solids from liquid, composting, drying, biological degradation, chemical treatment and protein production to list a few. Processing systems: 1. gutter drains for separation of liquid from solids 2. settling tanks for milking parlor waste 3. settling basins to settle out solids that are carried in feedlot runoff 4. oxidation equipment for aerobic degradation (oxidation ditch or a mechanically aerated lagoon) 5. lagoons for biological degradation (odor may be expected) 6. composting facilities 7. drying equipment

Approved practices in the care of livestock imply that these animals should...?

Be provided with clean feed and water, be kept reasonably clean and be given comfortable, healthy surroundings.

What are a few disinfectant considerations?

Broad sprectrum Works in any environment Is non-toxic, non-irritating, and non-corrosive. Relatively in expensive

How is a phenol coefficient determined?

By comparing the disinfectant to be tested with phenol in its action on the typhoid fever germ , and determine the dilutions of the samples that are as efficient as given dilutions of phenol. A low phenol coefficient (<1) indicates inferiority of a product. A high phenol coefficient sometimes indicates superiority but not always.

Describe the cause of non-infectious diseases.

Caused by non-living agents. Nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, trauma, toxic materials, congenital defects. A few different classifications of non-infectious diseases is genetic, epigenetic, environmental and cancer.

What is the difference between disinfection, sanitation and sterilization?

Disinfection uses antimicrobial agents on non-living objects or surfaces to destroy or inactivate microorganisms. (disinfectants may not kill all bacteria, viruses, fungi or spores) Sanitation uses an antimicrobial agent on objects, surfaces or living tissue to reduce the number of disease causing organisms to non-threatening levels. (does not affect some spores and viruses) Sterilization is using chemicals, temperature, gas and/or pressure to kill or inactivate all disease causing bacteria, spores, fungi and viruses.

Describe the dry cleaning step of removing organic waste.

Dry cleaning involves the removal of any gross contamination and organic material (e.g., soil, manure, bedding, feed) from production areas or equipment. Use shovels, manure forks, brooms and brushes. Do not use air blowers. Begin with the ceiling and continue down the walls. Pay special attention to overhead pipes, ducts, lights, window sills and molding. Suitable personal protective equipment should be worn. Moistening the areas or items with water first may be helpful.

Explain sudden changes in feed.

Dysbiosis: alternation of bacterial population in the digestive system. Dysbacteriosis: microbial imbalance. Changes in feed should be gradual (~2 weeks) (give usual feed first and then offer the new one, slowly change the proportions of old/new feed)

In addition to the fertilizer value, there will be a need to ______________________________________________________________.

Empty the storage systems.

Describe grooming in a natural setting.

Example is a pasture. Rain, rolling and rubbing are examples of grooming naturally.

True or False: It is not a violation of federal law to use a product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

FALSE. It is a violation of federal law.

True or False: A single disinfectant is adequate for all situations.

FALSE. No single disinfectant is adequate for all situations.

True or False: Non-enveloped viruses are less resistant to disinfection.

FALSE. Non-enveloped viruses are more resistant to disinfection, enveloped viruses are less restricted.

True or False: Prevention of disease is typically harder and less cost effective than addressing an outbreak situation.

FALSE. Prevention of disease is easier and more cost effective.

What kinds of facilities are highly vulnerable from disease build-up?

Farrowing houses Nursery Units Dairy calf-rearing facilities

How to keep clean storage of feed?

Feed should be kept dry and clean. Moisture will promote the growth of bacteria, molds and fungi, decomposition will follow and toxins may form. Storage system should be insect, rodent, and bird proof (they will consume the feed, contaminate the feed, *feces bodies and disease)

What is the importance of clean feed?

Feed should be offered in a reasonably clean manner. Avoid contamination of foreign matter (feeding on the ground with many animals walking over the area is contraindicated) Avoid contamination with feces (disease and parasites)

What are the dangers of flowing water?

Flowing streams are not necessarily clean, it can be polluted by human or animal waste. Bacteria or parasites could survive variable periods of time (disease transmitted downstream; spores and parasite eggs). Flowing water may undergo some self purification but not often. Rivers that flow through wooded and sparsely populated areas may be safe for animal consumption. But rivers that flow through densely populated areas by humans or animals, this area should be fenced off and checked for local rules and regulations.

What are the means of transmission of invading organisms?

From one animal to another of the same species. From one specie to another. (animal to human is called zoonoses)

Describe where sweat glands are on the following animals: Horse and Sheep Pigs Cattle Goat, Rabbit and Fowl

Horse and Sheep: glands present in all the skin Pigs: mainly the snout Cattle: muzzle Goat, Rabbit and Fowl: do not sweat so no glands are present

Detergents hasten dirt removal by doing what?

Increasing the wetting speed and breaking the organic material into small particles. Emulsifying and suspending fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Facilitating the penetration of the disinfectant.

Describe the cause of infectious diseases.

Infection comes from "Inficere", which means to put into. It is a disturbance resulting from the entrance, growth and activity of (disease causing) organisms in or on the animal's body. May or may not be contagious, an example of a non-contagious infectious disease is tetanus.

What are inert ingredients?

Ingredients that are often lumped into one statement and include saps or detergents, dyes or coloring agents, perfumes or water.

Product testing for the EPA requires testing to simulate the product's effectiveness under what field conditions?

"Hard" water conditions up to 400 ppm hardness (CaCo3) In the presence of 5% serum contamination.

Under "native" conditions, animals tended to preserve comfort and healthiness but what means?

Animal's instinct and natural processes.

Pay attention to the proper use of a product with regard to what?

Application Effectiveness Associated hazards (human, animal and environment) This information will assist in decisions for infection control efforts.

Describe the dry cleaning step of removing organic waste.

Areas should be washed with soap or detergents to further reduce the number of microorganisms and to remove any oil, grease or exudates that may inhibit the action of disinfection. Electrical equipment should be turned off/removed/covered. Pre-soak for several hours may be needed. Mechanical scrubbing and scraping, with hot water and steam. Do not use a pressure washer in cases of highly infectious or zoonotic pathogens.

Disinfectants have a range of uses and label claims, what are they?

Cleaners Deodorizers Sanitizers Disinfectants Fungicide, Virucide, etc. For hospital, institution and industrial use only Limited efficacy (a claim of disinfection or germicidal activity against one specific microorganism) General purpose or broad spectrum claim (claim must be supported by efficacy testing)

How does water temperature affect animals?

Cold water may affect rumen flora, may induce spasms but if animals will adapt if the temperature change is progressive.

Describe the Collecting step of WM. Where are the most common places for collecting?

Collecting manure, the most common places are: the gutter behind a row of stalls the alley in a free stall barn the feedlot or exercise lot the manure pack in a loafing shed the tank under slotted floors the floor under poultry cages

List the secondary lines of defense.

Innate immunity: mast cell, dendritic cell, macrophage, basophil, natural killer cell, complement protein, eosinophil, neutrophil, granulocytes. Adaptive immunity: B cell, T cell, antibodies. Natural killer T cell is both adaptive and innate.

What is the phenol coefficient of a disinfectant?

It indicates the killing strength compared to phenol (carbolic acid)

What does the first aid section hold on labels?

It lists the actions to take in the event of accidental swallowing, inhalation or contact with the product. Other precautionary statements include environmental hazards, physical or chemical hazards, storage and disposal hazards, storage and disposal information.

Whenever there is any doubt to the cause of death, the carcass should be treated how?

It should be treated as a potential source of danger.

Self feeders should...?

Keep animals out of them Prevent animals from depositing feces Easy to clean Readily accessible to the animal Have smooth surfaces and corners (prevent the accumulation of decomposing food) Be non-absorbent and easy to disinfect (metal or concrete, some plastics, wood is least recommended)

Describe water analysis.

You should always conduct a first time water analysis when using a new source, as well as periodic water analysis. The water should be checked for chemicals, minerals and pollution.

How do we respond to disease and what are the 5 stages in history of this?

Primitive ignorance and superstition (fear of disease) -> plague and small pox Accumulation of experience in managing the disease: a professional group trained to take care of the sick animals. Development of verifiable knowledge of the cause of disease (1400s, suspicion of minute invisible particles "germs". 1600s, microscope. 1800s, experimented with bacteria "anthrax".) Discovery of antibiotics (over reliance on treatment) Emphasis toward preventative rather than curative measures in the control of disease.

_______________________ contain important information on the proper use and hazards of a chemical.

Product labels

Describe how water should be dealt with in the animal industry.

Provide clean water: should always be accessible, free from adulteration (mixing other matter of an inferior and sometimes harmful quality with food or drink intended to be sold), "fresh" water that is frequently changed, flowing clean water that prevents the accumulation of contaminants as bacteria or parasites.

The transmission of infection implies what?

That there is a portal of entry in a susceptible animal, if the animal doesn't receive a vaccine, the mucous membranes are susceptible. It depends on the vectors and the infectious agent as well. Most common: cuts or wounds of the skin, mucosal linings (eye, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary tract)

What has become essential for farms and veterinary clinics dealing with disinfection?

The development and implementation of a step by step disinfection protocol for the control and prevention of infectious diease.

Describe the Utilizing step in WM. What good does applying manure to fields do? Discuss the application of manure to fields. What do non-fertilizers uses include?

The majority of livestock waste is utilized on the farm in which it is produced by applying it to fields where crops are grown, it adds nutrients, improves soil tilth, enlarges water-holding capacity, lessens wind and water erosion, increases aeration and promotes growth of beneficial soil organisms. When applying manure to fields, avoid run off/ground water pollution by: 1. know weather conditions 2. install terraces 3. establish buffer strips 4. use sleeved vegetation Non-fertilizer uses include: composting, recycling as feed and energy production.

So why aren't we all sick if there's germs everywhere?

The world is covered with microorganisms. You have resistant animals (capable of warding off specific pathogens, and there are systems in place that are able to prevent microorganisms from causing disease) and susceptible animals (lack of resistance for that pathogen).

What happens to the function of sweat glands if the skin is sealed with dirt?

Their function is impaired, so the elimination of waste products is very low.

What are disinfecting agents registered as?

They are registered as antimicrobial pesticides but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

How is an animal resistant?

They have two types of defenses: internal and external. Primary and Secondary.

What are several microorganism considerations to keep in mind?

They vary in their susceptibility to disinfectants. (gram-positive bacteria are more susceptible to chemical disinfectants, mycobacteria or bacterial endospores are more resistant) Ability to survive or persist in the environment. (bedding, debris, feed) The potential routes of transmission. Ability to create a biofilm. (enhances their ability to persist in the environment and avoid the action of disinfectants.) If possible, identify the organism. Use broad spectrum approach until identification.

Biocide or germicide refers to what? Describe.

To chemical agents that kill microorganisms. Includes disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics. Generally reacts with proteins, and actions may include oxidation, hydrolysis, denaturation, and substitution.

What are some risk factors for humans that affect non-infectious and infectious diseases?

Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol. All lead to cardiovascular diseases, cancers and diabetes. Tobacco leads to chronic respiratory disease.

True or False. Disinfection protocols used on a daily basis will differ from those needed to control an infectious disease outbreak.


True or False: No disinfectant applied to a dirty surface will destroy all microorganisms.


True or False: Cattle not producing milk and in winter may tolerate 2%.


True or False: Resistance to disease may be lowered if the animals are not groomed.


What is the definition of illness?

Unhealthy condition, poor health, indisposition, sickness, or a disease.

During the cold winter, how will viruses live?

Viruses may remain virulent for weeks.

Describe the Transporting step in WM.

Waste may have to be moved from storage to utilization areas, which includes removal from sheds or stacks, pumping from tanks, emptying holding ponds, lowering the levels of lagoons. Ways of transporting: conventional manure spreader, liquid manure spreader, irrigation equipment, low capacity pumps, and gravity discharge.

For buildings, disinfectants should do what?

Work well in the presence of organic material, be compatible with detergents and soaps, be harmless to building materials and be relatively nontoxic.

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