ANSC 3306 Exam 1

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T/F Active Immunity is acquired artificially through vaccination


T/F All infectious diseases are not contagious but all contagious diseases are infectious


T/F Health can affect welfare and vice versa.


T/F Toxin production can cause a greater degree of virulence


Systematic Anahylaxis

Shock-like and often fatal state whose onset occurs within minutes of a type I hypertensive reaction

Tail swishing, bruxism (grinding teeth), pawing, stomping feet, stretching, looking/kicking at abdomen, recumbency (lying down), treading, restlessness, elevated HR, elevated RR, sweating, rolling, grunting, anorexia, weight loss

Signs of Abdominal Pain

Reluctance to move, abnormal gait, lameness, swelling, skin abrasions, anorexia, weight loss

Signs of Extremity Pain

Reluctance to move, rapid, shallow rr, splinting, guarding, grunting , abduction of elbows, anorexia, weight loss, neuphonia (extended head and neck)

Signs of Thoracic Pain

Straining, prolonged urination, dripping, grunting, restlessness, arching of back,kicking at abdomen, tail swishing,treading (sheep+goat), recumbency

Signs of Urination Pain

Opisthotonus is

Tetanic spasm in which spine and extremities are bent

T/F Upon fist exposure, we can have anaphylaxis


T/F Viral diseases are easy to control


T/F Vomiting is usual in both ruminants and horses



Measure of antibodies to document whether an animal has been exposed to a specific antigen and develops an immune response

Fomites are

Any substance other than food i.e. feed troughs, walls, humans, surgical instruments

Superficial pain is

A painful response initiated by stimuli applied to the skin or subcutaneous tissues, i.e. skin, lacerations, bruising

Pathogenic is the

ABILITY to produce symptoms and cause changes in tissue and organs

Antigenic, won't replicated in host, longer shelf-life, stable, pregnant animals, no enviro. shed, safe in imunocomp. indivs, no contaminating pathogens

Advantages of Killed Virus

Antigenic, strong, long lasting, fewer doses, less reactions, higher protection

Advantages of MLV

Diarrhea is

An increase in the frequency, fluidity or volume of bowel movements.

Internalize antigen by phagocytosis, then re-express a part of that antigen, together with the MHC molecule on their membrane. The t-helper then recognizes the antigen associated with the MHC molecule on the membrane of this cell

Antigen-Presenting Cells (APC)

Disease is defined as

Any departure from the normal


Applied to the surface of living organisms or tissue to prevent or arrest the growth of microorganism.

Increased heart rate, increased respiratory rate, increased blood pressure, pupil dilation and sweating

Autonomic NS response to pain

These immune cells have antigen binding receptors on their membranes

B lymphocytes

Granulocyte, A cell-killing cells, Blue granules contain toxic and inflammatory compounds, Important in allergic reactions


Enhances host defense, inhibits bacterial replication and toxin release, inhibits certain neoplastic cells, stimulates antiviral, antitumor, antiproliferative and NK cell properties

Benefits of fever

Dystentry is

Blood, fibrin and or mucous in the feces caused by bleeding into the distal intestinal tract

Organic material

Blood, pus, feces, lipids, bedding

Excretions and secretions

Bodily fluids/solids i.e. feces, nasal discharge, sputum

B lymphocytes mature in the

Bone marrow

Infectious is defined as

Capable of being transmitted by injection with or without actual contact, denoting a disease due to the action of the microorganism

Abdominal distention/Constipation is

Caused by feed, fluid,fat, fetus,flatulence, feces or neoplasm

B cells, plasma cells, mast cells, basophils

Cells involved in Anaphylaxis


Chemical agents that kill pathogenic microorganisms

Dyspnea, elevated rr, extended head and neck, open mouth breathing (ruminants), nostril flaring (horses, sheep/goats), exaggerated intercostal/abdomen effort, heave line, abducted elbows, stridor (abnormal intense respiratory sound), anxious, inactivity

Clinical Signs of Abdominal Pain/Respiratory Distress

Contagious is defined as

Communicable or transmissible by contact with the sick or fresh secretions/excretions

Vomiting is a

Coordinated, centrally mediated event usually preceded by nausea, increased salivation or retching

Virulence is the

DEGREE of pathogenicity

Melena is

Dark, tarry feces s a result of stomach/small intestine bleeding, enteritis

Shorter Duration of immunity, lower titer produced, larger repetitive doses

Disadvantaged of Killed Virus

Less stable of storage, not as pure, cannot give to pregnant animals, may revert to virulent form, may shed into environment

Disadvantages of MLV

Granulocyte, A cell-killing cell, Orange granules contain toxic compounds, Important in parasitic infections


Vectors are

External parasites i.e. fly, tick etc.

T/F Regurgitation is controlled by the brain


T/F The presence of a microorganism does constitute infection


Dam: Colostrum wasn't formed or had low antibody content, colostrum was lost before parturition through premature lactation Premature neonate: colostrum ingested but not absorbed, not ingested

Failure of Passive Transport

Eliminated by bodily secretions or excretions, destroyed by host or arrested or carried throughout body by WBC

Fate of invading microorganisms

Innate Immunity is

First line of defense, non-specific immunity that everyone posses, doesn't generate lasting protective immunity

Redness, Swelling, Heat, Pain, Loss of Function

Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation


Germicide applied directly to inanimate objects, won't kill spores

Passive Immunity

Immunity passed down from a mother to a calf

Predominant immunoglobulin class in external secretions such as colostrum, milk, saliva, tears and mucous, 10-15% of totoal serum

Immunoglobulin A

Very low serum concentration May be involved with the activation of a B cell by an antigen, but function still largely unknown Not detectable in rabbits or chickens

Immunoglobulin D

Secreted by PC located beneath body surfaces Low serum concentration, Mediates immediate hypersensitivity reactions (hay fever, asthma, hives, anaphylactic shock), Largely responsible for immunity to parasitic worms

Immunoglobulin E

Produced by Plasma cells (PC)in spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow, Crosses the placenta to protect fetus In ruminants (esp. cattle), major Ig in colostrum and milk Primary Ig produced in a 2nd stimulation

Immunoglobulin G

1st Ig produced in a primary response, 1st Ig produced by the neonate, 5-10% of total serum

Immunoglobulin M

Ataxia is

Incoordination, an inability to coordinate muscles


Increase in the diameter of blood vessels

Acquired Immunity

Initiated when innate immunity isn't adequate, antigen specific, generates lasting, protective immunity

Pain is a _________ behavior


Pathogenic organisms are

Living things capable of producing disease

This mononuclear cell exists in tissue and name changes based off location of tissue in which it exists


Examples of APC's

Macrophages, B lymphocytes, dendritic

Lymphocytes have

Many types, important in both humoral and cell mediated immunity

Granulocyte, found in a variety of tissues, important role in development of allergies

Mast Cells

Another name for pain


These mononuclear cells circulate in the blood


Circling, paraplegia, hemapaligia, coma, semicoma, depression, convulsions/seizures, head pressing, agression/behavior change, head tilt/inner ear problems, facial paralysis, muscle tremors, fasciulations

Neurological Clinical Signs

Conscious Proprioception Deficits

Neurological disease, loss of perception

Granulocyte, Phagocyte, Short life span, Very important at "clearing" bacterial infections Cytoplasmic granules, 1st cell to arrive


Natural Killer Cells

Nonspecific effector cells

Nystagmus is

Ocular ataxia, oscillation of the eyeballs

Dee pain is

Originates from muscle, joints, bones and connective tissue i.e. broken bone, torn ligament

1) Species 2) Breed/Family 3) Age 4) Sex 5) Nutrition 6) Stress/Environment

Predisposing Causes of Disease

Ruminants (can't sweat), Sheep with fleece/ crowded cattle, no access to shade or water after exercise

Predispositions to heat stress/heat stroke


Plasma protein fractions

Disease can affect these three things

Production, efficiency and profit

Cell Mediated Branch contains

Recognizes and fights antigens on self cells, t-cells, cytotoxic (effector cells)

Humoral Branch

Recognizes and fights foreign substances in the blood with B cells, Plasma cells(effector), antibodies


Reduces the number of bacterial contaminants to a safe level

When pain is perceived to originate at a site distant from the actual lesion. Generally, the origin of pain impulses is visceral. Pain originating from body cavities may be felt at two sites

Referred pain

Regurgitation is a

Relux of esophageal, gastric or ruminal contents into the mouth or nose, nothing precedes

Cyanosis is defined as

Severe respiratory distress in which the body is not getting enough oxygen

Parietal pain is

Stimulation of the parietal pleura, peritoneum or pericardium. Stabbing pain that is extremely well localized i.e. heart pain

These immune cells are the only one able to recognize cell membranes with proteins known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules

T lymphocytes

This immune cell shuts down the immune system after the antigens have been eliminated

T suppressor cells

Secrete cytokines and produce more t-cells

T-helper cells

T lymphocytes mature in the

Thymus gland

1) Freedom from hunger/thirst 2) Freedom from discomfort 3) Freedom from pain/injury/disease 4) Freedom to express normal behavior 5) Freedom from fear and distress

The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare

Colitis is

The inflammation of the large intestines resulting in dehydration and gelatin-like, bloody stools

Enteritis is

The inflammation of the small intestines resulting in nutrient deficiencies, weight loss and watery, dark, feces

Welfare is defined as

The state an animal has and it's health

1) Vasodilation, Redness and Heat 2) Increased capillary permeability, influx of fluid and cells from the engorged capillaries into the tissue, Swelling 3) Influx of phagocytic cells

Three Major Events in the Inflammatory Response

1) Warning animal of danger to tissues 2) Predicting when tissue damage is likely to occur 3) Warning co-specifics of the presence of danger

Three functions of nociception

Examples of passive immunity

Transplacental, transmammary, injection of antibodies

Introducing new animals, poor sanitation and management practices

Two main causes of diseases

May be severe but considered to be poorly localized. Sensations either correspond to a general region or may be referred to distant sites. Difficult to acculturate localize the underlying legion. I.e.Intestine, obstructed ureter or gall bladder, uterus, cramping

Visceral pain

Active Immunity

When an animal's is exposed to a foreign body and responds by eliminating it

Colic is

not a diseases, it is a symptom of a disease as a manifestation of visceral abdominal pain

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