ANTH 140- Exam 1

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CHINA: Capital

-Bejing (-25 million) -largest city--Shanghai (34 million)

Mongolia: Cultures- Religion

-Buddhism (53%) • Irreligion (38.6%) • Islam (3%) • Shamanism (2.9%) Languages: Mongolian but lots speak Russian

Genetics and Alcohol: Variation in Human Alcohol Metabolism

-body size/ composition -diet -age -male vs. female -hormonal differences -water concentration -different recommendations for consumtion

Genetics and Alcohol: Physiology of Alcohol Consumption

-simultaneously a stimulant and a depressant -increased heart rate -cognitive impairment -alcohol absorbed through small intestine into blood -can metabolize -0.016% alc per hour

Archaeological Evidence of Alcohol: Anyang, China

-slightly north of Jiahu -excavated chariots with horses from Yin Xu, ancient capital of Shang Dynasty--near Anyang Bronze vessel: -5,000 BC (7,000 yrs ago) -liquid -millet wine -millet common grain

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Beers (Happoshu 5%-7% abv)

-sparkling alcohol -low malt beer

Drinking Games- Huruudakh

-throwing fingers -complicated rock paper scissors

Mongolian Alcoholic Beverages

Airag (kumis) - Shamiini arkhi - Vodka - Beer

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Santori

(50-60 yrs ago) -distilled some of their own whiskey

Ethanol (EtOH)

- the predominant alcohol in alcoholic beverages

Etymology of alcohol

- the term "alcohol" comes from the Arabic word "al-kuhl" meaning any substance that is pulverized or distilled

Etymology of alcohol (part 2)

-"al"= the -"kulh" or "kohl"= a powder used as eyeliner -cosmetic (look more attractive) -darken underneath the eyes -sun glare

Chinese Alcoholic Beverages: Baijiu

-"white alcohol" -extremely popular around the world (most consumed) -distilled beverage made from fermented red sorghum -other grains can be used (wheat, barley, millet) -AD 1100, maybe as early as 200 BC -classified by fragrence and taste -served warm or room temperature -40-60% abv -high octane -workers shovel stacks of red sorghum to be fermented on the floor into Baijiu, in 600 year old Quanxing distillery

Chinese Alcoholic Beverages: Huangjiu

-"yellow wine" -beverage made from fermented cereal grains -rice, sorghum, wheat, or millet -aged in earthernware jars and then filtered -about 2000 BC (not certain) -classified by dryness, the starter (yeast) used, and production method -served after being cooled and warmed -also used in Chinese cooking -<20 % abv

CHINA: Population

-1.38 billion (20% of worlds population)

Japan: Population

-127 million Capital: Tokyo (37 million)

Japan: Modern Era (2)

-1947: -adopted a new constitution that emphasized liberal democratic practices 1947-present: -became the third largest economy in the world

Population Frequency of ALDH2 mutation

-2 copies--cannot convert Alcydyhide well Evidence for selection? -ALDH2 mutation occured in ancient China -protective mutations-- ADHIB 47 varient arose- 10 kya -ALDH2 and parasites

CHINA: Historic Period: Imperial China

-221 BC the state of Qin conquered the other six states -roughly 27 dynasties -ended in 1912 (2100 yrs!)

CHINA: cultures: languages

-292 living langs -Mandarin (70%) -Wu (Shanghanese) -Yue (catonese)


-377, 972 km2 (145935 mi2) -6852 islands -largest 4 islands comprise 97% of land area

How long have we been producing alcohol?: Neolithic Period

-7,000 BC (9,000 yrs ago) -stone age beer jugs -Early Neolithic Jars from Jiahu, China (Henon Prounce) ca. 7,000-6600BC -vessels like those found near the head of a skeleton buried 9,000 yrs ago in Jiahu China -McGovern found them -Sam Calagione, the founder of Dogfish Head Brewery in Delaware, uses McGovern's recipes to recreate and market beverages once enjoyed by kings and pharaohs (Jiahu--recreation of earliest beer in the world

CHINA: Earliest Writing

-7000BC Jiahu -everyone was similar at the time and hunting and gathering...but agriculture caused people to no longer be in nomadic life and "plant roots"

CHINA: basic overview

-9.6 million km2 (3.7 million m2) -second largest country by land area

Archaeological Evidence of Alcohol: Changzikou, China

-90 bronze vessel -52 were lidded and contained liquid -5,000 BC (7,000 yrs ago) -rice wine -many vessels like this one were found in an upper class tomb and contained liquid rice wine dating to 5,000 BC -bronze vessels -alloyed with 20% free lead -the elite were poisoning themselves -several dynastic kings became mentally unstable and some committed suicide -bonze vessels--elite vessels (poisoning themselves)

Health Risks

-ALDH2 variant associated with significantly increased risk of esophageal cancer in drinkers -Acetaldehyde is also in cigarettes'

Ethanol is also called:

-Ethyl alcohol -alcohol -drinking alcohol

Chinese Alcoholic Beverages

-Huangjiu -Choujiu -Baijiu -Beers *jiu is the chinese character referring to any beverage containing appreciable quantities of ethanol

Japan: Nomikai

-Jap drinking party -most places of employment -everyone seated at a large table -considered an important social aspect of work -completion of a project, new co-worker, retirement, anniversaries etc. -speeches, toasts, eating and drinking -acceptable to become drunk

Japan: Cultures- Languages

-Japanese -Ryukyuan (six different dialects)

Japan: Cultures- Ethnic groups

-Japanese (Nishonjin) -125 million-98.5% -Ainu -25,000-200,000

Archaeological Evidence of Alcohol

-Jiahu -Anyang -Changzikou

2. Wine

-Kvevri, used to ferment grapes for wine production in Georgia -bury in the ground, age the wine -the fermentation of fruit juices: -grapes, apples, berries Earliest evidence: -Armenia (western border of Turkey) -4,000 BC (6,000 yrs ago) -more sugar---higher octane of alc -people were drinking low abv back then and added water (thats why they drank it all the time throughout the day)

CHINA: Environments

-Mongolian-Manchurian Grasslands -Gobi Desert -Subtropical Rainforests -Himalaya Mountains -Tibetan Plateau (high elevation) -very different environments

CHINA: Historic Period: Republic of China

-Nationalists government -1912-1949

Japan: Environments

-Pacific Ring of Fire: -108 active volcanoes -73% forested, mountainous and unstable for agricultural, industrial, and residential use -Japan is one of the worlds most densely populated countries -temperate climate: -varies greatly from north to south -heavy snowfall to humid subtropical -Mount Sakurajima in Kagoshima on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu in 2013 -Japanese snow Marquette's

CHINA: Prehistory (2)

-Zhoukoudian Cave near Beijing -peking Man (homo erectus) -680,000-780,000 yrs old PEKING MAN: -reconstruction of skull that was found -white pieces- scientists filled in to reconstruct (Ron Pearlman)

Japan: Modern Era 1

-adopted Western political, judicial, and military institutions 1868-1912: transformed into a industrialized world power -emperor Meiji (122 emperor)---transformed Japan 1912-1926: Widen influence as they were victorious during WWI (helped allies) 1926-1945: shift towards ultranationalist (fascists' ideology) (ex: Make Japan Great Again, Japan First) -Japan signed the Anti-Comin tern Pact with Nazi Germany (fought with the Nazis) August 6 and 9th 1945 -atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 15th 1945 -unconditional surrender, WWII was over

3. Distilled Alcohol

-alchemists believed that distillation released the essence or "spirit" of a substance-- very strong (captured the spirit of the thing being distilled) -fermentation of grain, fruit, or vegetable ex: corn, wheat, rye, etc. -berries, apples, pears etc. -potatoes, cactus, etc. Earliest Evidence: -China- Jin Dynasty and Turkey -12th century Alcohol Content: -generally 30-50% -can range from 20%-100% -40-45% prime percentage (optimal), over this burn takes over the flavor (JJ) -distillation equipment used in the 3rd century AD by the egyptian alchemist, Zosimos of Panepoles -greeks distilled things thousands of years before, but no evidence that it was alc

What is alcohol?

-alcohol is any organic compound in which the hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound to a saturated carbon atom -ball and stick model of the hydroxyl (-OH) functional group in an alcohol molecule (R3COH) -the three Rs stands for carbon substituents or hydrogen atoms

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Nihonshu (sake)

-brewed rice wine -Naras period (AD 710-794) -brewed in shrines and temples for 500 years -government opened sake Brewing Research Institute in 1904 Water, most important ingredient: -mineral content -washing the rice -dilution of final product -polish rice to remove proteins and oils -let rest -wash the rice -steam the rice -mold is sprinkled on the steamed rice (allowed to ferment for 5-7 days) -water and yeast culture are added (allowed to incubate for 7 days) -After fermentation, sake is extracted from the solid mixture through filtration (pressing) -15%-20% abv when bottled

Archaeological Evidence of Alcohol: Jiahu China

-central, eastern china -NEOLITHIC PERIOD -7,000 BC (9,000 yrs ago) -stone age beer jugs EARLY NEOLITHIC jars from Jiahu, China (Henan Province) ca. 7000-6600 BC-vessels like those found near the head of a skeleton buried 9000 years ago in Jiahu China -over 30 bird-bone flutes discovered at Jiahu -red crowned crane (femur bone)

CHINA: Historic Period: People's Republic of China

-communist gov. -1949-present -world power

Mongolia: Kazakhs

-cultural group: -the eagle hunters -capture eagles as babies (3 day window) -climb up the cliffs and steal baby eagle and raise it and teach how to hunt -bring back food for them -after 3-4 years let the eagle go free (women are not allowed to do this, The Eagle Huntress)

Genetics and Alcohol: Variation in Phenotype (Traits)

-darker pigment--closer to the equator -folic acid- B vitamin-- development to brain spinal column -rickets- deformed pelvic -pigmentation is adaptive

How long have we been consuming alcohol?

-definitely way before we were modern humans (homo sapiens)

The basics of distilling alcohol

-distillation is a process in which a composite mixture is reduced to base elements steps: 1. Fermented mixture is heated to separate alc from water 2. the alc evaporates 3. evaporated alc is run through a condenser and cooled 4. A clear spirit is produced -wood- gives caramel color (whiskey/ bourbon) -vodka is not aged

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Shochu

-distilled beverage (25%-45% abv) -Rice short grained, barley, sweet potatoes, buckwheat, or brown sugar (sometimes chestnuts, sesame seeds, or carrots -means "burned liquor" -1550s: -Kyushu (southern Japan) -originally called araki or rambiki -when first written about (to find its origin) -two carpenters working at Koriyama Hachiman Shrine in Kagoshima Japan on wooden roof in 1559 (oldest reference to Shochu in Japan)

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Awamori

-distilled beverage (30%-60% abv) -Indigenous to Okinawa (southern Jap) -made from thai-mai (Thai rice) -long grained Indica rice -aged in clay pots -Arrived in Okinawa in the 1400s -originates from Thailand -similar to lao khao (snakes) -traditionally, awamori was served in a Kara Kara, a small earthen vessel with a small clay marble inside -the marble would make a "karakara" sound to let people know the vessel was empty, because it was considered rude to pour an empty vessel to your guests

Japan: History: Heion period (AD 794-1185)

-distinct indenous Japanese culture emerges -starting to see how we view everyday Japanese architecture

Etymology of alcohol (part 3)

-earliest mention of alcohol in reference to a beverage was by Libavius in Alchymia (1594) when he referred to vini alcohol (wine alcohol) -wine that was distilled -Andreas Libavius (1555-1616), a german doctor and chemist

CHINA: Prehistory (1)

-early hominids as early as 2.12 million years ago -homo habilis -archeology- pieces of debris -arrowhead--shape it to an arrow head from a block (Prehistoric period- before history being written down) (3000 BC---historic period starts

CHINA: Historic Period: Early Dynastic Rule

-emerged around 2100BC -by 400 BC there were seven powerful sovereign states

Japan: History: Nara period (AD 710-784)

-emergence of centralized Japanese state

How long have we been producing alcohol?

-female figure possibly drinking out of horn -Laossel, Dordogne River, France -(ca. 20,000 years of age) -most likely drinking alc, but no hard evidence

Chinese Alcoholic Beverages: Choujiu

-fermented beverage brewed from glutinous rice -fermentation occurs with yeast and a fungus (mold) called koji (jiuqu) -Tang Dynsaty (AD 618-907) -today the city of Xi'an is famous for choujiu (Changzikou is near Xi'an) -15%-19% abv

Japan: Prehistory

-first inhabitants date to roughly 30,000 BC (modern humans) -Jomon period- 14,500 BC -hunter gatherer culture -Jomon Pottery -Pithouses Yayoi culture moves into Japan at 300 BC -Yayoi pottery styles -metallurgy- metal work -wet rice farming

CHINA: Earliest Homo sapiens

-fossilized teeth--teeth preserved in cave -Fuyan Cave in Dao County, Human Province -125,000-80,000 yrs ago

Genetics and Alcohol: Ancestry from the Genome

-genetics and direct to consumer tests (like 23 and me) can make predictions -can knowing your ancestry predict anything about your traits/ disease risks

Japan: History: Asuka Period (AD 538-710)

-huge transformation -significant artistic, social, and political transformations emerged -arrival of buddhism from China -name of the country changed to Nihon (sunorigin) -land of the rising sun

Genetics and Alcohol: Metabolism Variation

-human populations vary in how they metabolize -milk (lactose) LCT convergence -starch (amylase) in mouth and digestive tract (high starch diet, higher amylase) -prescription drugs -alcohol

Genetics and Alcohol: Human Variation

-humans vary very little -0.1% variation in genome -our closet living cousins chimpanzees, have nearly 3x the variation -some of that variation is due to adaptation in the environment

1. Beer

-in ancient Egypt, pyramid workers received a daily ration of beer -very low abv % (1%) -cleaner than water (safer to drink) -more calories -fermentation of cereal grains -barley, wheat, corn, rice -earliest evidence: -Jiahu, China (Henan Province) -7,000 BC (9,000 yrs ago) ALCOHOL CONTENT: -generally 4%-6% -can range from <1%-20% -higher outcome beers in the US


-it is a neurotoxic, psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs in the world -it can cause intoxication when consumed in significant quantities

How is Alcohol made?

-it is produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts -fermentation is the metabolism of carbohydrates by certain yeasts in the absence of oxygen -fermenting corn- sour mash for bourbon production (whiskey)


-it was originally used for the very fine powder produced by the sublimation of the natural mineral stibnite to form antimony sulfide: -gun powder (sort of) its flammable -solid--liquid--gas -solid----gas (sublimation) -creating vapor directly from solid---creates extremely flammable powder (fire)

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Umeshu

-liquer made from steeping ume fruits and rock sugar in shochu -called plum wine (BUT NOT A WINE) -let sit for 3 to 6 months in a cold, dark place -early 1900s -ume-Jap apricots (added rock sugar)

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages: Beers

-normal beers 4%-8% abv) -German style, Meiji brought German brewers in to teach the Jap how to make beer (Meiji period late 1800s)

Ancestry: Alcohol Flush

-not a good experience, bad side effects -flushing of face -headache -nausea -red eyes -increased heart rate -sleepiness -experiencing a toxic--speed up conversion of alc -mutation ADH2 -most effected in East Asian ancestry (17%) Asian Flush -skin turned red (36% of northeast asians) -blood vessels dilate (immune response) -ADLH2-- messes everything up -heart rate doubled

Chinese Alcoholic Beverages: Beers (pijiu)

-originally rice was the grain (Jiahu) ---earliest beer in the world -7000 BC -production slows...almost stops in 200 BC -replaced by huangjiu -19th cetntury Russians established a brewery -Then Germans, Czechs, and Japanese -4%-6% abv 2 most popular: -snow (24% of the market)-CRSB brewery -Tsingtao (18% of the market) -historically, Chinese beers often contain rice, sorghum and sometimes rye in addition to barley. Interestingly, some beer is produced that used bitter melon instead of a hops as the bittering agent

Genetics and Alcohol: Why can we metabolize alcohol?

-primates have been consuming alcohol through frugivory (fruit eating for 80 million years) -around 10 million years ago an ape ancestor of modern chimps, gorillas, and humans developed mutations that increased efficiency of alcohol metabolism (ADH4) -improved metabolism by 40 times -this happened because adoption that happened in environment about 16 million yrs ago -primate ancestors probably on ground more, more likely to access fermented fruit

Japan: History: Feudal Era (1185-1868)

-ruled by Shogun (military dictator) -Sengoku period (1467-1603) -Warring states (resources battle)

How long have we been consuming alcohol? (part 2)

-the pungent , enticing aroma of alcohol attracts more than just humans -high energy sugar resource (high caloric value) -fruit ferments--alcohol--animals love it -spider monkey feeding on the fermented fruit of a palm tree in Panama -olfactory senses--seek out things with high caloric value -overindulge--go crazy

Drunken Monkey Argument

-we evolved partially because of alcohol -animals seek out alc because there is benefit that comes from it -bodies have evolved to drink alcohol -fruit eating primates -positive feelings when we drink -yeasts ferments sugars--alcohol


1,566,000 km2 (605,000 mi2) • 18th largest in the world

Name the 3 types of alcohol

1. beer 2. wine 3. distilled alcohol

Japan: Konpa

30-50 people (must show up on time) -very similar to Nomikai -deepen relationships among members -to permit uninhibited conversation -common to drink until vomiting or loss of consciousness -rarely participate after marriage

CHINA: earliest Agriculture

7000 BC -Jiahu (one of the earliest in rice production)

Mongolian Alcoholic Beverages: Beer

Beer production began in 1927 - APU Company hired experts from Czechoslovakia - APU is Mongolia's oldest company - Normal beer (4% - 8% abv) - German style: - Pilsners - Lagers

Mongolian Alcoholic Beverages: Shamiini arkhi

Distilled beverage (20% - 25%) - Distilled dairy product • Unlike the uncontrolled distillation of brandy and other fruit liquors, there's no risk to create methyl alcohol. • The infamous "wood alcohol" originates from cell material of the plants (peels, stems). • Since Shamiin Arkhi is prepared exclusively from milk without any vegetable ingredients, it is impossible for the fermentation to produce any methyl alcohol. -tastes gamey, animal fat -distilling our own alc is very dangerous could blow up or poisoned, but not alc from animals

Mongolian Alcoholic Beverages: Airag (kumis)

Fermented mare's milk (2% - 3%) khukhuur-big leather bag that stores milk -churn it -foal is nursing -cannot tie them up, but will release milk when next to her foal (30-40 mares, milked 4 times a day--80 liters) -can only be made from mid August to mid october -this is when the foals are nursing little now--they are about to be weaned from their mother -it tastes sweet and a little sour -lactose sugars are high -only animal based alc

CHINA: cultures- ethnic groups

Han Chinese -1.2 billion (91.5%) -55 other ethnic groups

Mongolia: Environments Climate

High, cold, and dry • Long cold winters...short summers • 250 sunny days per year • January average of -22F

Mongolia: Prehistory 1

Homo erectus ~850,000 years ago • Modern humans ~40,000 years ago • Khoit Tsenkher Cave in Khovd Province • 20,000 years ago

Mongolia: History 2

Mongolian Empire • Ming Dynasty (China) • Defeated the Mongols in 1368

Mongolia: Cultures- Ethic Groups

Mongols (96%) • Kazakhs (4%)

Japanese Alcoholic Beverages

Nihonshu (sake) Awamori Shochu Umeshu Beers

Mongolian Alcoholic Beverages: Vodka

Tsagaan Arkhi (white liquor) • Not traditional • Russian influence • Several brands made in Mongolia • Most are from Russia

Mongolia: Capital

Ulaanbaatar (~1.3 million)

Mongolia: History 1

Xiongnu Empire (300 BC - AD 100) - Confederation of nomadic people Mongolian Empire (AD 1206) • Genghis Khan • 1206 - 1227 1206-1227 Genghis Khan 1229-1241 Ögedei Khan 1246-1248 Güyük Khan 1251-1259 Möngke Khan 1260-1294 Kublai Khan 1333-1368 Toghan Temür Khan

Mongolia: Population

~3 million • Most sparsely populated country in the world

Mongolia: Modern History

• 1911 • Declared independence from Qing Dynasty • 1912 • Republic of China considered Mongolia its own 1919 - 1920 • Russian troops defeated the Chinese in Mongolia -Mongolia becomes a sovereign nation but protected by Soviet Union 1987 - 1992 • Russia withdraws troops and financial support

Mongolia: Environments

• Gobi Desert • Mongolian-Manchurian grassland steppe • 11.2% forested

Alcoholism in Mongolia

• High rates of alcoholism • 22% - 25% of adult men - a lot of this started with the fall and withdraw of the soviet union -no money (very poor)

Mongolia: Prehistory 2

• Neolithic agricultural settlements • 5500 - 3500 BC Afanasevo culture (3500 - 2500 BC) • Arrival of horse-riding nomadism • Pastorial nomadism • Okunev culture (2000 BC) • Andronovo culture (2300 - 1000 BC) • Karasuk culture (1500 - 300 BC)

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