ANTH 362 Test II

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once found, physical evidence(including skeletons) must be

collected and stored so that its preserved for forensic analysis

what 2 things are inscribed on each article

collector's initials and date of collection

wooden or bamboo picks

less damaging

chain of custody

list of all people who came into possession of an item of evidence -everyone who handled the evience must be accounted for

mary gibson

new wife of Coppolino 1 mo after wifes death

do burned bodies go through decomp?


faunal sucession linked to

natural changes that take place in body after death

most important category of bugs for time since death estimations


after the onset of autolysis and putrification,

necrophagus insects (blowflies) appear, depending on time of year and situation of cadaver


scientific study of insects

in case of blood stain or DNA evidence

scrape the stain off the surface, transfer the stain to a moistened swab, or cut out the area of the object containing the stain

toxic (concentration categories)

- the level that may cause harm, nausea, vomiting, change in heart rhythm

forensic toxicology is used for

--ID of causative agents causeing death or injury in humans and animals -detect drug use -adverse drug reactions -criminal poisonings

fresh stage

-1-2 days -start at moment of death -ends when bloating first evident -autolysis occurs -flesh flies, blowflies, ants feeding on eggs of adult flies, wasps predatory on adult flies

post decay stage

-10-25 days -most soft tissue decayed and gone -dry and wet habitats are different

Eugene-Francois Vidocq

-1775-1857 -french criminal turned police detective (early-mid 19th cent) -crime fighting--> a scientific endeavor French crime popularized forensic science -first Private detective, inspired ACD

Kenneth Barlow

-1957 -1st case of insulin -Yorkshire, UK -injected .8 mL into wife

William Dale Archerd

-1968 -insulin -hospital attendant found guilty of using insulin to murder nephew and 2 of 7 wives

claus von Buelow

-1982 -insulin -tried and convicted of administering insuiln overdose to his wife. in 1984 conviction reversed, found non guilty on all charges in 85

Beverly Allitt

-1991 -insulin -british nurse -murdered at least 4 kids in her care

bloated stage

-2-6 days -putrefaction begins (pushes insides out) -gases produced by anaerobic bacteria=considerable bloating, seepage of fluids -adult and larval blowflies attracted in large #s to seepage -soil fauna moves away, due to wetness of earth -ants and other species of flies prey on maggots

dry stage

-25+ days -mainly bone and hair -odor is mostly of soil and litter (bone and grease smell) -some dermestids, fly pupae, immature and adult rove beetles -normal soil fauna consisting of mites, etc start to return -this stage could last from months to years


-animal or human disease -fly larvae feeding on necrotic or living tissue -neglect claims

Ethylene Glycol

-antifreeze -alcoholics sometimes consume to satisfy need for drink -intentional poisoning


-antigen-antibody reaction...substance being sought is the antigen-testing reagent is the antibody -an antibody will react only with antigens and ignores all other chemicals

Physical evidence

-any object that can est. a crime has been committed or can link a crime to its victim or perpetrator

when a human or animal dies,

-female insects are attracted to the body -enter exposed orifices/wounds and lay eggs

forensic toxicologist role

-finds toxins and determines their effect on the individual who had contact with it -will look for toxins in a # of ways

crime scene search artifacts

-fingerprints, evience/ artifacts, anything likely associated w/ scene -flg, record, bag

sacrophagous species

-flesh eating -Sarcophagidae: flesh flies


-flesh flies -common -resemble the house fly -larvae of most species are scavengers -feeding in the same sorts of materials as the blowfiles

2 species of necrophagous bugs

-flies and maggots -sacrophagous species

examples of rural entomology

-flies from livestock -insects in cattle feedlots -poultry houses -pig farms -screwworms

hair can be useful in

-forensic anthropological context or in cases where there is advanced decomp

Specialists at a crime scene

-forensic entomologist, anthropologist, etc -may be called in if the evidence requires an analysis

the 5 stages of decomp have been recognized and each is associated with different waves of insects (name stages)

-fresh stage -bloated stage -decay stage -post decay stage -dry stage

heavy metals cause

-gastrointestinal injury (1st signs)--> leads to nausea, vomiting, diarreha (bloody) -damages kidney, liver, brain, nerves, hair loss

beetles and beetle larvae

-silphade: carrioin beetles (eat dry tissue) -dermestidae: skin beetles


-sleeping pills -Methaqualone "quaaludes"


-small wingless insects -feed on blood of humans and animals -most expensive pest for pet owners $9 bil x yr -carry viruses


-soldier fly -necrophagous -larvae feed on human excrement and remains -found late in decomp process -looks like a wasp


-stage of larval growth


-standard operating procedure

poisons in The speckled Band

-swamp adder snake -bed moved, construction, observation

if crime scene involves a body

-take photos to show body's location and position relative to the whole crime scene -take close up photos of injuries and weapons lying near the body -after the body is removed, photograph the surface underneath

legal drugs "controlled substances"

-taken in excess may cause death or illness

factors affecting decomp rate (11)

-temp -access by insects -burial and depth of burial -access by carnivors or rodents -humidity or dryness -rainfall -body size and weight -prior embalming -clothing -the surface the body rests on -trauma, including wounds & crushing blows (more orifices, more bugs)


-temp below which no development occurs -each species has it sown -as temp rises, certain time is rqd for the insect to pass through each stage

metabolite sussinic acid

-the conjugate acid of Succinylcholine, aka what succinylcholine turns into in body

therapeutic (concentration categories)

-the level your Dr wants in your blood stream for medical reasons

notes may be ___

-the only source of information to refresh memory -detailed written description of the scene w/ location of physical evidence recovered

insects in toxicology

-those that feed on the corpse will have elevated levels of certain drugs and may provide info. if the drug was present at death

proving poison in Sign of 4

-tonga, blowgun

Eugene-Francois Vidocq vs SH

-took undercover work seriously, and developed roles like Holmes -careful observation -walking, gesturing, eating -down to the underclothes -dirt under nails -walnut stain to darken face -fake blister from wax -facial blemishes w/ coffee grain -wigs, wrinkles`

forensic toxicology

-use of toxicology and analytical chem analysis for the purpose of law

recovering skeletal material

-use the appropriate tools very cautiously

adventive/adventitious species

-use the corpse as an extension of their environment -rolley pollies are there too

Methaqualone "quaaludes"

-used in 1960s-70s as hypnotic, treatment of insomina, and sedative and muscle relaxant -also illegally as recreational drug


-very lethal -inhalation, ingestion, or direct skin contact =death in minutes form concentrated doses -used in executions -mauve color face and neck

omnivorous species

-wasps, ants, and other beetles feed both on the corpse and its inhabitands

digital cameras allow for enhancement and examination in fine detail but

-watch out for alterations -need to document enhancements

_____ and ____ will affect results of forensic entomology

-weather -geography

corrosive chemicals cause

-when ingested corrode and burn tissue of digestive track -causes bleeding, shock, and death -rarely used in homicide, usually accidental

Intravenously (IV) toxins

-will bypass the stomach and liver going directly into the blood stream =rapid distribution w/ lil remaining @ the IV/injection site

crime scene search ____ person should supervise and coordinate


order of succession of bugs

1. carrion and flesh flies 2. maggots then beetles (they eat maggots) & wasps come to eat adult flies and maggots & ants come to eat maggots

3 most litigated areas of arthropod science

1. urban entomology 2. stored products entomology 3. forensic medical entomology or medicocriminal/microlegal entomology

proving poison in DEVI

- residue in window, -death of sis, both bros die, other bro goes crazy -powder at all sites and fire and lamp on long after they should have been -windows closed, noxious environment -tests powder by telling watson to break window if goes crazy when put in fire -lion hunter admits he did it b/c of love and SH lets him go

ingested toxins

-show up more in the stomach, intestines, and liver

Carl Coppoilino

-30 yr old found his wife Carmela, also a Dr, dead in in there FL home Aug, 28, 1965 -married wealthy Mary Gibson 1 month later -Marjorie Farber gets angry, and tells authories that Carl strangles her husband to death. she was supposed to inject William, but panicked -anesthesiologist -aquited of Farbers murder -large amt of sussinic acid in wife -2nd degree murder -released in 1979, wrote a book, vanished

decay stage

-5-11 days -black putrefication -abdominal wall breaks, carcass deflates -flies pupate -adult flies start leaving but great masses of maggots remain and feed -carcass assumes a blackened appearence. most of the flesh will be removed by the maggots

Detective Henry Goddard

-60 yr old PI, metropolitan PD -private operative in London, 1864 -James Farren -goes to all bookmakers for weird show, so he tracks Ferrin down, after going to popular English tourist spots in sicily, Egypt, Marsailles

heavy metals

-Arsenic, Mercury, Pb -used to be in everything in the 1900s

proving poison today

-CSI -insect analysis -tissue analysis -toxicology

today we find poisons via

-CSI (like SH) -forensic toxicology

necrophagous flies and maggots

-Calliphoridae -blue and green bottle flies

belladonna in SH stories

-DYIN Holmes used it on lips to look like death

crime scene protocol step 3

-Document -pictorial record and rough sketch=illustrates layout of crime scene -ID exact position decent and evidence w/ in the crime scene -document everything

crime scene protocol step 2

-Examine -ID pt of entry and exit, outline general layout of crime scene, ID possible exit

crime scene protocol step 1

-Interview -interview first responder and/or victim to determine what allegedly happened, what crime took place, and how the crime was commited -gather intelligence

crime scene protocol step 4

-Process -last step-->crime scene technician processes crime scene for evidence, both physical and testimonial evidence -Ids, evaluates, and collects physical evidence from the crime scene for further analysis by a crime lab

color tests

-a reagent is added to the substance to be tested and a color change will represent the presence of the suspected chemical -cheap, easy, and quick, (always on cops)

archaeological mapping

-a rough sketch is drawn at the scene -reference point, everything drawn in relation to that -contains accurate depiction of scene dimensions -shows location of all objects (artifacts) related to the case

estimation of time since death requires

-ability to id each species in all stages of life cycles -knowledge of time occupied by each life stage under various conditions -primarliy study beetle and flies

hair (testing toxins)

-absorbs heavy metals -provides timeline of investigation up to 90 days or more -can determine if a poisoning was quick (acute) or drawn out (chromic) -can use body hair -can tell therapeutic drugs and recreational drugs (cocaine, heroin, amphetamines) -can confirm controlled substance regime -substance abuse

perks of going undercover

-allows access to areas where police are not ordinarily welcome -goal is to make cases, gather enough evidence to allow for prosecution -the purpose is not so much to obtain proof of criminal intent, but to obtain physical evidence

hallucinogens effects

-alter perception and mood -leads to delusional thinking and hallucinations

faunal succession occurs when

-an enexploided hapitat (corpse) is invaded by a series of dif. organisms

methodological procedures

-assess and note general visual scene characteristics -observe and note insect infestations at the scene and within 3-6 m (flying, resting, crawling) -apporx # and kinds of insects present -note locations of major infestations (check orifices, collect trauma 1st) -note immature species, feeding marks, exit holes, closed pupal cases, -insect predators -exact position of body and extremeties, compass direction, parts in conact with substrate, exposure to sunlight and shade, etc -note alterations that could modify decomp (trauma, burial, movement, burning, enclousre, dismemberent etc) -collect everything bug related -use an aerial sweep ned body and vegetation -pick up ground crawling insects and stone -preserve most specimens -rear specimens for id -1st and 2nd instar blow fly larvae are generally not identifiable to species -disturbance -if body has not been bagged, do not disturb anything o -only collect insects visible on the surface -do not move/remove colothing (ME or coroner)

Hans Gross

-austiran legal expert -criminal investigation (watch out for undercover criminal)

items collected at different locations must be

-bagged separetly -prevents damage and cross contamination

poisons can be traced in

-blood -urine -stomach contents -hair -nails -maggots

best place to look for toxins

-blood -urine -stomach contents -liver -vitreous humor -hair


-blowflies -larvae are general scavengers -living in carrion (decomposing animal), dung, and similar material -1st to arrive

first bugs to arrive when body starts to decompose

-blowflies -within seconds of death

examples of stimulants

-caffeine -nicotine -amphetamines (methamp-->sudeoephederin, crystal meth) -ritalin (ecstacy) -cocaine (used to be legal)

corrosive chemicals

-can be found around the house -bleach, lye, draino

dermestid beetles

-carpet beetle -brown/tan samll -fuzzy warm larvae -will almost always be found in dry stage -used to clean specimins


-carpet or larder beetles -larvae feed on dried organic material, including carrion


-carrion or burying beetles -adults may feed on maggots feeding on dead animals -bury small carcasses

mortuary neglect

-cases where bodies not embalmed properly -maggot infested corpses b4 burial -bodies not properly treated

cleaning the remains

-clean under a screen -low water pressure -remove soil gently with hands or tooth brush -extension in anatomical position inventory and deal with non biological evidence (records, transfers)

termites live in

-colonies/groups -soil and wood

common tests for proving poisons and finding drugs

-color tests -immunoassays -gas chromatography -UV spectroscopy -Mass spectrometry (MS)

medicocriminal/medicolegal entomology

-concerns the use of arthropod evidence in solving crimes -most often crimes of violence

crime scene photography

-crime scene should be unaltered (injured person or someone dead remains) -tag all evidence with flags -objects can't be moved until photo'ed in sit from all angles (if things moved, may not be admissible evidence in court) -photograph completely (area where crime took place and adjacent areas, various angles

poisons in the sussex vampire

-curare, boy shoots baby with poison blow dart

medicocriminal/medicolegal entomology may include

-deliberate homicide or assault using insects (anaphylaxis from bee sting) -cases of unexplained death -causation of traffic accidents (wasp in car) -most commonly estimate time of death (PMA) -less often site where death occurred

depressants effects

-depress the CNS -reduce pain, relieve stress, anxiety, and real


-depressants -heroin (bayer 1895) -Morphine


-derived from poppies -sleep producing and produces euphoria and lethargy

last wave of faunal sucession

-dermestids -omnivorous species -adventive/adventitious species -spiders

UV Spectroscope

-different compounds absorb and reflect light differently -IDs and indicates the concentration of a drug in a sample (Blood Alcohol Level)

stored products entomology

-disputes over arthropods and arthropod parts in food and other products

CSI unit

-document crime scene in detail and collects physical evidence

going undercover today requires

-doing surveillance that is not spotted -secrecy -time consuming -always in character right down to the style

types of depressants

-downers -narcotics -alcohol -opiates -barbiturates -marijuana -vicodin -benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Rohypnol)


-drops blood sugar level


-easily confused wiht the edible type -accidental suicides and homicide

blowflies 1-2 days after eggs

-eggs hatch -1st instar maggots

when testing for poison is complete, the toxicologist

-evaluate toxins present -ID route of administration -Determine if the concentration is sufficient to play a role in the subjects death or behavior

most forensic investigations have offical governemtn protocols (SOPs) for removing remains, which are seen as evidence such s

-evidence cannot be containated -ensure the integrety, amintenance, and security of the evidence, -scene procedures -sampling procedures -laboratory procedures -reporting procedures -etc

normal (concentration categories)

-expected levels under normal circumstances

undercover SH in scandal

-groomsman, sees Irene get married -puts blood on face to look like injured priest so Irene will take him into her house--> SH wants to see where pics are -irene suspects SH andshe goes undercover in a suit and bumps into him on the street

Crippen case

-he simply ordered hyoscine from the chemist -small US dude, questionable medical degree, unahppilly married, wife disappears, then secretary then him -human flesh found, but no skeleton. -fleshed wife and sold skeleton -caught and hanged -found on a ship

Mass spectrometry (MS)

-high energy e- bombard sample --> break it into tiny molecules No2 substance break up in the same manner; each has its own unique pattern = all substances tested can be positively IDed -capable of rapid screening for a wide range of drugs and poisons ins quantities as small as 10-12 g

thermal units

-how heat is accumulated -calibrated and described into 'degree days or hours' -allows to determine PMI

examples of medicocriminal/medicolegal entomology

-human or wildlife death -decay process -arthropod lifecycle and successions -detective work necessary to bring criminals to trial (can't stand on arthropod work alone) -courtroom drama (entomologist as witness) -tracing poisons


-humpback flies -necrophagous -larvae feed on decaying bodies -important in buried bodies -some species can burrow to a depth of 50 cm in 4 days in dirt -1/8 in (samll)

a forensic entomologist will (4)

-id immature insects -determines the size and development of the insects -calculates the growth of the insects and passage thru stages of life cycle in lab -compares the growth against weather conditions to estimate time of oviposition -all of this assists in determining of PMI

forensic entomologist will _____

-identify specific insects in body -approximate how long body left exposed by looking at stage of development of fly larvae

ME looks for ____ in insulin related death

-if ME discovers elevated insulin, will look for pathology in pancreas to rule out natural death -if there is NO tumor, possible homicide

liver (testing toxins)

-important in metabolism of undesirables in body -many drugs concentrate in the liver and if not present in blood, may be present in the liver -amounts in liver determine hours b4 death -presence in bile determines past 3-4 days of exposure (via gall bladder)

anabolic steroids effects

-increase testosterone -aggressive behavior and diminished sex drive -liver cancer

stimulants cause

-induce temporary improvements in mental &/or physical function -increases alertness, lessens fatigue, suppresses appetite -irritability, anxiousness, aggressive behavior, paranoia, fatigue, depression -body build resistance --> need more--> ever increasing dose needed -over 80% Americans use stimulants daily -highly addivtive

ex of when forensic toxicologist gets called

-inebriation in a car crash or industrial accident -whether a person died from poison or natural cause -whether drugs played a role in a perpetrators actions or in coma or seizure

examples of stored product entomology

-insect debris in breakfast cereal -caterpillars in cans of veggies -fly maggots in sandwiches from fast food places -"planted" with intent to defraud

rural entomology

-insect nuisance related to agricultural endeavers

urban entomology

-insects that affect man and his immediate environment -includes rural entomology -patients in hospitals w/ myiasis -mortuaty neglect

James Farren

-insurance fraud -actuary and secretary -companay was not informed of his death -limp and special shows


-interview witnesses and consult with the CSI unit -follow leads provided by witnesses and physical evidence to investigate crime

2 types of poisons

-intoxicant -true poison

color test in SH story

-intro to STUD, to test for blood and blood spatter

past problems of proving poisons

-it was everywhere and women got blamed -Belladonna, Hg, arsenic use din makeup or as medicinals -even mummies used as medicinals -cocaine, heroin, morphine used medicinally -cocaine sold OTC in cough drops till 1914

vitrerous humor (testing toxins)

-jellylike substance in the eye -resists decay -may be the only fluid left in a decaying body

Marjorie Farber

-jilted lover of Coppolino and snitches to cops

antifreeze causes

-kidney damage, brain damage, death -ME will find crystals in tubules of kidneys

responsibilities of the toxicologist

-know the chemical make-up, physiological actions, and by products of the drug -understand how it is metabolized by the body and the potential of the metabolites -know how chemicals effect healthy, illness, and addicts -recognize the symptoms and signs produced by the chemicals

post decay stage wet and humid

-large quantities of wet, viscous material (byproducts of decomp) found in soil under the remains -site for adult and immature moth flies, rove beetles


-lawsuits on damage, extermination, real estate value

crime scene sketch as a ___

-legend which assigns each item a # or letter -show a compass heading designating N

lethal (concentration categories)

-level @ which the toxin consistently cause death

injected toxins

-linger in tissues around the pt. of injection -muscle slows down the transfer to the blood stream

search and recovery

-mass graves -if general location of remains are known, they can be search for aerially, with GPR, or using cadaver dogs

Medical Examiner

-may or may not be present to determine a preliminary cod

first priority at the crime scene

-medical assistance to harmed individuals/arrest perpetrator -rope or barricade to prevent access -lead investigator will determine boundaries via walk through (survey), may need input from anthropologist (items flagged, tagged, and bagged) -all items must be documented and photographed

toxins are sneaky and can...

-metabolize (change) from 1 chemical into another w/in the body -the toxicologist may have to look for a different sign of the toxin

temperature to get methogological

-meterioligcal data -ambient air temp (30 cm, 1.5 m high from body) -ground surface temp -upper body surface temp -under body temp -maggot mass temp -soil temp and 6 soil samples (immediately after body removal) -environment

not everyone can go undercover

-min 3 yrs beat experience -some investigative backround -must be a good street cop -know SOP

videotaping is also common

-more in the 1990s -or large federal cases, but that's about it


-most commonly abused -potentially lethal + addictive -slows down brain activity and robs brain of water and glucose -blood levels correlate to degree of intoxication

blood (testing toxins)

-most useful -what is in blood stream at TOD

how to recover a skeleton

-move from ribcage outward -leave hand and foot bones for last -x ray and take samples


-muscle relaxer (used for endotrachial intubation) -not standard drug in toxicology -body metabolizes it fast -supresses CNS -used in lethal injections -leaves behind little evidence of presence

entomology in SH stories

-no formal entomology -but Stapleton has an interest in entomology in HOUN

bed bugs

-nocturnal blood feeders -dwell where host lives -since ancinet times, new reemergence

concentration categories

-normal -therapeutic -toxic -lethal

district attorney

-often present to help determine if any search warrants are required to proceed and obtains those warrants from a judge

undercover SH in Empty

-old bookseller and goes to Watson's practice

Pharmaceutical companies send samples to _____ for _____

-or new drugs to the FBI to be categorized for future comparisons

physical evidence of photoes and fingerpritns

-package evidence and develop latent fingerprints

strychnine causes

-pain and causes convulsions -death via asphyxia -rigo mortis quick b/c of depletion of ATP during convulsions

narcotics effects

-pain reducers

accidental sites

-people stumble upon and contact cops -site is treated like a crime scene with an archaeological excavation (all evidence must be recovered) -search and recovery

3 methods of crime scene recording

-photography -sketches -notes -use all three

common drugs

-physiological and physiological effects -can effect structure/function of tissues -legal or illegal -addictive (narcotic) or non-addictive

poisons in STUD

-pills--> dog


-plant based rat poison -extremely bitter taste, hard to disguise

proving poison in Sussex

-poison in house -dog drags back legs suddenly -peruvian main--> blowgun darts and poison -mom sucks out the poison -crime scene analysis -profiling

poisons in the Devils foot

-posion called Devil's foot

after the flies

-predators and parasites of the necrophagous species are the second most important group in forensic entomology

medical maggots

-prevent gangreen from spreading

predatory species

-prey on necrophagous insect -these may or may not be necrophagous -eat the maggots -may or not eat dead fish

undercover SH in HOUN

-random dude living on moor cooking food

post decay stage dry

-reamins consist of dry skin, cartilage, and bones -site for dermestid beetles, histerids, fly pupae, immature and adule rove beetles

Eugene-Francois Vidocq did

-record keeping, ballistic science (1822), show impressions, plainclothes unit -record keeping included aliasn, M.O., previous crimes, etc -first to make plaster of paris casts of foot and shoe impressions -success in reducing -noted physical characteristics of opponents (much like Holmes) -had trained former convicts working intelligence in prisons -took undercover work seriously, developed roles, carried things to rapidly change appearance (much like today)

volunteers only under cover b/c

-risk, pressure -advanced planning -training -teamwork

pests in human environments

-roaches, termite fleas, bed bugs

insulin causes

-robs brain of nutrients: death is quick


-rove beetles -prey on maggots feeding on carrion

1st responder cop responsible for

-securing crime scene, calling backup, CSI unit, and detectives so evidence isn't detroyed -search and detain POI or possible suspects -canvas the neighborhood -note safety hazards

gas chromatography

-separates gases and liquids into their elemental compounds -accurate=used as evidence -can be used to separate a large mixed sample for further analysis -ID how much alcohol is present in the blood or urine of a suspect driver -detection of many other drugs and substances

faunal succession focuses on

-sequence, pattern, and duration of insect activity -insects invade bodies in waves

blowflies emerge _____ after eggs are laid

2 weeks

female blowflies lay

200-300 eggs -clumos of whitish beadlike dots, usually in orifices

how many instars for maggothood


how many species of roaches


_____ documented cases of insulin as murder weapon


how many species of roaches in US


termites cause ____ in damages per year in US

> $2 billion

_____ or ____ usually process the scene

CSI unit or trained field technicians

examples of hallucinogens


time rqd for a given species to reach a particular stage of development is a way to determine


finished sketch is

a precise rendering of the crime scene, usually drawn to scale

bones and bodies not usually expected to be found=

accident (unless criminal confesses)


after about 1-2 weeks as a maggot, the outer chitin of the maggot body hardens, darkens, forms a shell inside of which the maggot changes into an adult fly (1 week process)

the first invasion is by insect species which will

alter the habitat in some form by their activities. these changes make the habitat attractive to a second wave of organisms which in turn alter the habitat for use by yet another organism

rate of insect development dependant on



any substance that when taken in sufficient quantites causes a harmful or deadly reaction when administered a living organism

livor mortiss


________ is the most important to determine toxin

blood conc -know the normal levels and medical stuff, and recreational uses and go from there


branch of science that deals with detecting poison

other tools

brushes, trowel (be careful)

necrophagous species

carrion (flesh eating)

crime scene search what to search for will be determined by

circumstances of crime

insects are ____ blooded

cold blooded


computer aided drafting -become standard with sketching

notes must be

constant whilst processing the crime scene

if things didnt decomp, the world would be full of

dead bodies


destroys your teeth

Radix pedis diaboli

devil's foot poison


drawn out poising


dry and arid -low humidity, high heat

urine (testing toxins)

easily obtained but can't tell if drug was in effect at death

finding a large quantity of toxin in the stomach does not

equal COD b/c toxin may not have been introduced to the bloodstream

chain must be

established whn evidence presented in court as an exhibit -failure to do so may lead to questioning of authenticity and integrity

forensic entomology is used to

estimate time of death (Post Mortem-Interval--PMI) when circumstances surrounding crime unknown

wiggle room btw categories b/c (concentration categories)

everyone reacts differently based on age, sex, body size, and health

forensic scientist isn't needed at scene unless

evidence is complex, major crime, or recovery of skeletal reamins

ME will collect

fluids and tissues for testing

forensic medical entomology or medicocriminal/microlegal entomology

focuses on the criminal component of the legal system and deals with the nerophagus (or carrion) feeding insects that typically infest human remains -criminal and nectophagus

_____ attract the insects, not necessarily blood

gases excreted from the body (methane, ammonia, CO, N2)

physical evidnce must be

handled carefully and wrapped seperatly to avoid loss of trace evidence


hard to tell ethnicity

route of entry is extremely important in cases of

injection where the person had no means to inject or no physical capabilities... homicide is strong consideration

comparasion of ____ on the body at time of examination helps to determine PMI

insect species

cyanaide damages

internal workings of the cell, making them unable to use oxygen

crime scene sketch shows all

items of physical evidence

when all other ways fail, you can trace poisons through ___

maggots, empty puparia, or larval skin crust (shed skin)

poison in insect proven through

mass spectrometer

physical evidence size can be

massive objects to microscopic traces

search for physical evidence must be

methodological and systematic

effects of most toxins do ...

not cause visible changes in the body of living people or during an autopsy

termites have _____ body

not segmented

toxins will be most concentrated at

point of entry

1st responder to any crime scene is

police officer

arthropods often follow a ________ which helps to find PMI

predictable succession

damage caused by bugs mandibles as they feed can produce markings and wounds of the skin that may be misinterpreted as ______

prior abuse

crime scene search should include all

probable entry and exit points

necrophagous insect activity accelerates

purification and the disintegration of the corpse


quick poisoning

PMIs from insects present on the remains are estimated from

recognition of pattern of colonization for each species

physical evidence is

recognized and properly preserved for lab examination in its original condition -anything in and around the body

if evidence is found adhering to a structure

remove specimen wiht forceps or other appropriate tool


requires an ingestion of large quantaties b4 its leathal -CO, alcohol, heavy metals (Mg, Pb, Se)

true poison

requires only a tiny amount -CN

mushrooms cause

sever damage to liver and extremely low blood sugar level

dental picks

sharp and efficient, but can do damgage

inhaled toxins

show up in lungs

once photos are taken ___

sketch/map the scene

rigor mortis


forensic entomology

study of insects and their relationship to criminal investigatino

always leave bones ____ as you clean


all measurements made with

tape measure

algor mortis


forensic sci begins at

the crime scene


the destruction of cells or tissues by their own enzymes, especially those released by lysosomes.

notes will ID

the time when evidence was discovered, by whom, how, by whom it was packaged and marked -disposition of the item after it was collected

larvae consume _____

tissue and organs

when size is significant_____

use a ruler or other measuring scale (quarter) -important for jury

critical areas scene should be

vacuumed and submitted to the lab for analysis

development of insects dependent on

weather (especially flies)


when the eggs were layed

heroin in the body...

will change into morphine in the blood stream, so don't look for heroin

Stomach contents (testing toxins)

will determine toxins in body, can't tell effects -in living people sampled via gastric tube

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