Anthropology Exam 2

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T/F: Race can become biology, by shaping people's biological outcomes due to disparities in access to certain kinds of healthcare and diets, exposure to certain kinds of diseases, and other factors that can make people either sick or healthy.


T/F: The Irish and a few other groups became white during the past century, but the phenomenon of groups becoming white appears to have stabilized.


T/F: The dichotomy between males and females is not two distinct categories but a continuum of sexual possibilities in the human species


T/F: The incest taboo, or the prohibition against marrying within the nuclear family, is a human universal


T/F: The notion of "ritualized homosexuality" developed by Gilbert Herdt was problematic because Western notions of homosexuality do not easily apply cross-culturally


T/F: as children get older, cultural influences on behavior become much stronger; and as a result, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to isolate biological influences on what it means to be male or female


T/F: nuclear family units occur in and are important to nearly every society around the world


T/F: one of the key functions of family is controlling and managing its members' wealth


T/F: patterns of social inequality and racial discrimination have important biological consequences for certain groups, such as African Americans.


T/F: sex is a simple product of nature and biology


T/F: since the early nineteenth century, the traditional American family has consisted of a husband, a wife, a few children, and perhaps a pet


T/F: weddings and marriages are usually less about the couple than about relationships with the couples social network, including friends and family


Hijras interest anthropologists mainly because they are A- a reflection of a gender/sex system that sees meaning in combining male and female B- homosexual C- increasingly acting as prostitutes D- exotic

A- a reflection of a gender/sex system that sees meaning in combining male and female

A clan that reckons descent through both their mother and father is called a A- cognatic clan B- matrilineal clan C- patrilineal clan D- unilineal clan

A- cognatic clan

Most families function as groups of real people who work together toward common ends. Such family groups are referred to as A- corporate group B- nuclear family C- extended family D- natal family

A- corporate group

Anthropologists have studied hundreds of different kinship systems around the world over the past century, but they can all be grouped into six different patterns based on terms for which group of relatives? A- cousins B- children C- parents D- grandparents

A- cousins

T/F: Racialization has identified different markers of racial identity in Latin America than in the United States


T/F: The debate over male and female inequality was never adequately resolved because there was not enough evidence to prove either side


T/F: There is a biological connection between the trait of skin tone and other "racial" traits, such as certain racial features and bodily shapes.


T/F: a key feature of the theory of primordialism is that ethnic groups are created by powerful interest groups in a society


T/F: all feminist anthropologists agree that women's subordination is a human universal


T/F: for antidiscrimination activists and educators, it is usually enough to simply demonstrate the existence of prejudice and discrimination


T/F: one of the reasons intersex individuals interest anthropologists is his unusual and strange it is in a sexually dimorphism species


What are people who belong to conservative religious movements that advocate a return to traditional principles called? A- fundamentalists B- faithful C- practitioners D- believers

A fundamentalists

An anthropologist who studies new ways in which class identities are combined with racial and ethnic identities, such as the idea that WASP signifies white or Jew signifies middle class, takes what type of approach? A- cultural constructivist B- primordialist science C- biological determinist D- population dynamics

A- cultural constructivist

Which term refers to expressions of sexual and gender that diverge from the male and female norms which dominate in most societies? A- gender variance B- transgender C- intersexed D- sexuality

A- gender variance

Why did Liberian rebel soldiers cross-dress during the civil war in the 1990s? A- it distinguished them from the governments soldiers B- they were misogynistic C- they were the only clothes they had access to D- the rebels were homosexual

A- it distinguished them from the governments soldiers

Anthropologists are interested in a situation like the way the new heart drug BiDil was created and approved because A- it shows how cultural, political, and economic processes can work together to promote the idea that race is biologically based B- it shows how social classifications like ethnicity are normalized C- it illustrates how government agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fight racism D- it illustrated clearly how different racial groups have different biology

A- it shows how cultural, political, and economic processes can work together to promote the idea that race is biologically based

Sherry Ortner, a feminist anthropologist, observed that the roots of female subordination lay in the distinction all societies make between A- nature and culture B- strength and weakness C- public and domestic D- men and women

A- nature and culture

The social, economic, and political processes of transforming populations into races and creating racial meanings is called A- racialization B- prejudice C- ethnocentrism D- racism

A- racialization

What is an important factor in making race real? A- racism B- segregation C- disease D- genetic markers

A- racism

What is a life cycle ritual that marks a person's or group of persons' transitions from one social state to another? A- rite of passage B- totemism C- animism D- magic

A- rite of passage

Indiana University biologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey conducted a series of sexuality studies during the 1940s and found that A- sexuality exists on a continuum B- most people are heterosexual C- most people are homosexual D- sexuality is either straight or queer

A- sexuality exists in a continuum

A good example of distinguished discrimination is when A- shopkeepers or security guards follow black customers through stores B- formal laws prevent certain social groups from being full citizens C- a teacher divides her or his class into brown eye and blue eye groups D- the police so racial profiling

A- shopkeepers or security guards follow black customers through stores

People everywhere establish their gender/sex identities, including normative categories like "man" or "woman," through A- social performances B- sexual practices C- sexual preferences D- birth

A- social performances

Which of the following is an example of American totemism? A- sports team mascots B- beauty C- money D- the cross

A- sports team mascots

Geertz's approach to religion is a style of analysis that looks at the underlying symbolic and cultural interconnections within a society; this is often referred to as A- the interpretive approach B- symbolic anthropology C- neo-evolutionism D- structural-functionalism

A- the interpretive approach

The social processes that make race part of the natural order of things—by producing theories, schemes, and typologies about human differences is A- the naturalization of race B- structural violence C- hegemony D- stereotyping

A- the naturalization of race

Does race have biological consequences? A- yes, because of racism B- yes, because of racialization C- no, because of naturalization D- no, because of primordialism

A- yes, because of racism

Approximately how many children were born during the "baby boom"? A- 190 million B- 77 million C- 25 million D- 5 million

B- 77 million

The early anthropologist who write the book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies and was the first to distinguish between biological sex and gender roles was A- Judith Butler B- Margaret Mead C- Franz Boas D- Ruth Benedict

B- Margaret Mead

Which of the following observations would be least likely to come from an anthropologist who shared Simone de Beauvior's notion of "second sex"? A- egalitarian relations between male and female are rare, if not impossible B- Western models of male-female relations cannot be universalized C- men subordinate women D- gender inequality is universal

B- Western models of male-female relations cannot be universalized

Anthropologist Don Kulick did ethnographic research among the travestis and believes he was accepted into their group because he identified as A- an anthropologist B- a gay man C- fluent in Portuguese D- female

B- a gay man

Which of the following is not true about ethnicity? A- it tends to organize people in terms of common descent B- anthropologists agree on the theory to explain it C- it is dynamic D- it can serve powerful interests

B- anthropologists agree on the theory to explain it

Anthropologist George Gmelch studies which sport where he found that players used a lot of magic? A- hockey B- baseball C- basketball D- soccer

B- baseball

Anthropologists understand that in order to understand gender/sex inequalities one must study A- gender roles B- both men and women C- men D- women

B- both men and women

A key difference between caste and social class is A- irrelevant there are no differences between caste and social class B- caste divides people in terms of moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms C- class divides people in terms of moral purity caste in socioeconomic terms D- class divides people in terms of biological relatedness, caste in terms of social relatedness

B- caste divides people in terms of moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms

When Americans recognize that people are born into a particular social position due to the economic situations of their families, they are recognizing the existence of A- equality B- class C- discrimination D- prejudice

B- class

A number of societies have the notion that men are _________ and women are _________ A-born; created B-created; born C-good; bad D- healthy; sick

B- created; born

Negative or unfair treatment of a person because of his or her group membership or identity is called A- violence B- discrimination C- prejudice D- racism

B- discrimination

What social distinction classifies people according to descent? A- Caste B- ethnicity C- race D- class

B- ethnicity

When social norms dictate that someone from a particular clan must marry outside of that clan, anthropologists say that the clan is A- a lineage B- exogamous C- endogamous D- a corporate group

B- exogamous

If you live in a household with your mom and dad, your grandfather, as well as your aunt and two cousins, you live in what kind of family? A- unnatural family B-extended family C- traditional family D- nuclear family

B- extended family

Anthropologists commonly refer to the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize makes, females, and those who do not fit either category as A- transgender B- gender/sex systems C- biological sex D- gender roles

B- gender/sex systems

Individuals who diverge from male-female norm and exhibit sexual organs and functions somewhere between, including both male and female, are called A- cisgendered B- intersexed C- transgender D- transsexual

B- intersexed

What is the family formed by a married couple and their children called? A- extended family B- nuclear family C- traditional family D- natal family

B- nuclear family

Anthropologists reject the idea that same-sex sexuality is a fixed and exclusive condition because A- sexuality is established at birth and remains the same throughout the lifespan B- of cross-cultural research that shows sexual practices and sexuality is variable throughout a lifetime C- of the research of Dr. Bronislaw Malinowski D- gender is biologically determined

B- of cross-cultural research that shows sexual practices and sexuality is variable throughout a lifetime

All biological approaches to race are problematic because A- they do not take into account variation in nail growth B- one trait tends to be representative of other characteristics like intelligence and personal character C- the sampling is too broad and focuses only on invisible traits D- they accurately describe an actual individual or characterize whole groups of people

B- one trait tends to be representative of other characteristics like intelligence and personal character

A misconception about hormones in society is that A- they are irrelevant B- sex-specific hormones cause particular behaviors C- they are not important for sexual functioning D- certain hormones are linked to both sexes

B- sex-specific hormones cause particular behaviors

Sex-assignment surgery is important because it A- is performed only on girls B- shows that "sex" is constructed upon cultural assumptions C- shows that "sex" is a biological phenomenon D- improves the biological functions of intersexed people

B- shows that "sex" is constructed upon cultural assumptions

In Latin America, "blackness" and "whiteness" are based on A- genetic markers B- social behaviors C- eye color D- skin color

B- social behaviors

The "natural" order represented in social hierarchies of any society is supported by A- historical facts B- social institutions C- truth D- biology

B- social institutions

An anthropologist who uses instrumentalist theories of ethnicity would explain the rise of "Latino" food distributorGoya as A- an effort by a large company to welcome people to the United States B- the creation of a special market segment by a food company to enhance its profitability C- a reflection of the heterogeneity of Latino groups D- a response to the demands Latin American immigrants have for tastes from home

B- the creation of a special market segment by a food company to enhance its profitability

In a kinship system with matrilineal descent, who does a man inherent his rights to land and clan wealth from? A- the fathers mother B- the mothers brother C- the mother D- the father

B- the mothers brother

Matrilineal descent is traced through which relative? A- the fathers mother B- the mothers brother C- the mother D- the father

C- the mother

A good illustration of the naturalization of race is A- the integration of intersectjonality ideologies on the census B- the process involved in approving BiDil for use among African Americans C- the natural occurrence of differences in skin color between populations D- people from a particular racial group projecting their ideas of scenic beauty onto a landscape

B- the processes involved in approving BiDil for use among African Americans

Which of the following explanations of whiteness would be LEAST likely to come from an anthropologist who studies population dynamics? A- whiteness is influenced by cultural factors, such as religious affiliation B- whiteness is created through social processes that naturalize race C- we can understand whiteness by understanding who mates with whom D- whiteness comes from isolated breeding within a population

B- whiteness is created through social processes that naturalize race

A jet finding of anthropologist Matthew Gutmann's fieldwork on masculinity in Mexico is that A- women prefer macho men B- women challenge men's domination over them by arguing and issuing ultimatums C- women support machismo by supporting domineering mean D- women cause their own insubordination by being submissive

B- women challenge men's domination over them by arguing and issuing ultimatums

When divorced couples with kids get remarried they are sometimes called ___________ and consist of full siblings, step-siblings, and half-siblings

Blended family

Saying race is not ________ is not enough because face has real consequences

Culturally constructed

An anthropologist who studies unearned privilege would be most interested in which of the following? A- the path that U.S. presidents pursue to earn the votes necessary for a successful election B- a fieldwork situation like the one involving Tamie Tsuchiyama, in which she clearly got privileges other internees did not get because of her involvement with the government C- a situation in which an upper-class man gets accepted at an Ivy League university because his father and grandfather went there D- racial profiling of blacks by a security officer

C- a situation in which an upper-class man gets accepted at an Ivy League university because his father and grandfather went there

All societies differentiate between male and female, but one way Americans are unique in how we do it is that we link gender to A- sounds B- body shapes C- colors D- numbers

C- colors

What is the main implication of Don Kulick's story about "coming out in the field" for other anthropologists who do not necessarily study in a gay community? A- you should study communities that are most exotic to you B- you should never do research in a community where you are not welcome C- developing rapport sometimes relies on sharing a lot in common with your subjects D- developing a research project in a city can be especially challenging

C- developing rapport sometimes relies on sharing a lot in common with your subjects

Which of the following is a dilemma facing an ethnographer of transgender people in the United States? A- transgender people are often too welcoming of ethnographer, encouraging them to become transgender themselves B- it is difficult to work with people who cross-dress as a reflection of their sexual fantasies C- how ones research or advocacy can reinforce social inequalities and suffering D- to do good research, one should identify as transgender

C- how ones research or advocacy can reinforce social inequalities and suffering

The "one drop rule" enlarged the slave population by A- linking blood type with racial difference B- separating the poor European farmers and the poor African farmers C- including the mixed-race children of slaveholders in the enslaved population D- making skin color the chief marker of status and difference

C- including the mixed-race children of slaveholders in the enslaved population

A voodoo doll is a good illustration of A- totemism B- animism C- magic that follows the law of similarity D- magic that follows the law of contagion

C- magic that follows the law of similarity

Which of he following refers to the family into which one is born and raised? A- family of procreation B- nuclear family C- natal family D- traditional family

C- natal family

If you wanted to study ongoing racialization processes in the United Stated, you would most likely focus on A- the ways whites use their unearned privileges B- the creation of new products for Latinos by companies like Goya foods C- new patterns in which people are dropping ethnic identification in favor of whiteness D- new ideas emerging about the moral purity and pollution of black people

C- new patterns in which people are dropping ethnic identification in favor of whiteness

When a woman marries more than one man she is practicing A- matrilineality B- adultery C- polyandry D- polygyny

C- polyandry

A preformed, usually unfavorable, opinion about people who are different is A- stereotyping B- racism C- prejudice D- discrimination

C- prejudice

A biocultural perspective in gender variance would emphasize all of the following except the A- distinction many societies make between gender variance and sexuality B- role if genetic mutations in predicting intersex individuals C- relative allocation of sex-specific hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, that influence whether a person is male or female D- unique social role occupied by people who are neither male nor female

C- relative allocation of sex-specific hormones, such testosterone and estrogen, that influence whether a person is male of female

Which of the following groups of people were instrumental in the development of categorizing humans into distinct races? A- artists B- clergy C- scientists D- politicians

C- scientists

What was so difficult about the Japanese American anthropologist Tamie Tsuchiyama's fieldwork in a World War 2 internment camp? A- she was short-staffed and forced to abandon her research plan B- she was forced to openly challenge her research sponsors, which ruined her career C- she had to navigate complicated dynamics of prejudice and resentment D- she had to manage a lot of research assistants because it was such a large project

C- she had to navigate complicated dynamics of prejudice and resentment

In some Pentecostal and charismatic Christian religions adherents experience an ecstatic religious happening (often associated with shamanism), which is known as A- meditation B- pilgrimage C- speaking in tongues D- praying

C- speaking in tongues

The most important thing about "the invisible knapsack" idea is that A- it is an illustration of explicit discrimination B- most whites have learned to resist it C- these privileges exist whether or not the person carries racial supremacist ideas D- pretty much everybody wears one

C- these privileges exist whether or not the person carries racial supremacist ideas

One of the reasons it is important to develop culturally sensitive campaigns to address a health crisis like HIV/AIDS is that A- gay sex is a reflection of a permanent condition B- gay sex is about passivity and activity C- what some some people think is gay sex is not considered to be the case by others D- gay sex causes the disease

C- what some people think is gay sex is not considered to be the case

A special group of relatives who are all descended from a single ancestor just sayin called a


Because they have traditionally tended to study non-Western societies, the concept of what has had less relevance among anthropologists than among other social scientists


Means that change is gradual across groups and that traits shade and blend into each other

Clinal variation

Which of the following groups were nonwhite racial groups? A- Italians, Madagascans, and Brazilians B- Irish, Jews, and Egyptians C- Brazilians, New Zealanders, and Jews D- Jews, Italians, and Finns

D- Jews, Italians, Finns

Sexual dimorphism refers to the A- different sex organs present in men and women B- similarities in chromosomal structures for men and women C- similarities in hormones in men's and women's bodies D- different sexual forms, hormones, and chromosomal structures in men and women

D- different sexual forms, hormones, and chromosomal structures in men and women

A major problem with the approach to race that defines race as reproductively isolated breeding populations is that A- it does not acknowledge that race is an aspect of people's identities as intersection B- it does not allow for cultural favors to be included C- it is essentially trait-based D- every breeding population qualifies as a race

D- every breeding population qualifies as a race

According to some, a critical limitation of "second wave" feminism is that it A- acknowledged the expansive experiences of women around the globe B- assumes the fight for gender equality was not a global priority C- failed to acknowledge gender inequalities in a historical perspective D- ignores differences among women in different cultural groups

D- ignores differences among women in different cultural groups

One of Hortense Powdermaker's key insights about prejudice is that A- once leaned, prejudices are impossible to give up B- it is based on generalizations that are generally correct C- people are born with prejudices D- it is based on flawed logic

D- it is based on flawed logic

An anthropologist who studies how societies control sexuality would likely be most interested in the following situations A- the political activities of transgender activists B- how the research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey was immoral C- the activities in a club or bar whose clientele is gay or lesbian D- obstacles in access to birth control

D- obstacles in access to birth control

Censuses interest anthropologists because they A- specialize in quantitive data collection and analysis B- indicate the permanence of social categories C- are stable over time D- reveal the governments role in classifying and categorizing people

D- reveal the governments role in classifying and categorizing people

Stylized performances involving symbols that are associated with social, political, and religious activities are called A- witchcraft B- ceremonies C- magic D- rituals

D- rituals

A key feature of religious beliefs and behavior is that they are rooted in: A- dogma B- historical documents C- phenomena D- social behavior and social action

D- social behavior and social action

The earliest anthropologist to compare religious and spiritual beliefs around the world was E. B. Tylor. For him the heart of religious beliefs was the belief in A- totems B- the sacred C- magic D- spirits

D- spirits

The core of Anthony F. C. Wallace's understanding of religion was belief in A- God B- Jesus C- the afterlife D- supernatural things

D- supernatural things

To understand aggression in society, we have to understand which of the following factor(s)? A- the biological basis of violence B- the absence of the stare in promoting or preventing conflicts C- fixed and innate notions of violence behavior D- the availability of weapons and cultural attitudes toward violence

D- the availability of weapons and cultural attitudes toward violence

Cross-dressing rebel soldiers in Liberia are an excellent illustration of what? A- how hormones shape human behavior B- the inequality between male and female C- the strange perversions of certain soldiers D- the fact that gender identities are rooted in local concepts and practices

D- the fact that gender identities are rooted in local concepts and practices

French existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoir argues in her book The Second Sex that A- women could do without men in society B- women are more capable than men to be in leadership roles C- women are biologically inferior to men D- throughout history women have been treated as inferior

D- throughout history women have been treated as inferior

Why would English colonial leaders portray Africans as uncivilized heathens? A- to illustrate the intersectional nature of identity B- to follow religious doctrine C- to get elected to local Goverment D- to justify African slavery

D- to justify African slavery

A surrogate mother is a A- woman who raises another woman's child B- woman who acts like a mother to an orphan C- woman who adopts a child at birth D- woman who agrees to have an embryo implanted in her womb

D- woman who agrees to have an embryo implanted in her womb

Jim Crow laws in the US South after the Civil War are a good illustration of

Explicit discrimination

Anthropologists call family groups that consist of larger groups of relatives beyond the nuclear family ___________

Extended families

The set of cultural expectations for how males and females should behave


Refers to the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize makes, females, and those who do not fit either category

Gender/sex systems

The central point of anthropological arguments about ________ is that hey are not sex-specific and they do not by themselves cause aggression and violence.


The social system that organizes people in families based on descent and marriage is called


A visual representation of family relationships is called a

Kinship chart

Similar to clans, __________ tens to be composed of people who are directly descended from known ancestors


The anthropologist study of _________ includes looking at the ideas and practices of manhood and how ended/sex identities are constructed


Dividing people along lines of _______ such as caste does, is an illustration of ________

Moral purity and pollution & social stratification

After the US civil war, the biologizing of race became extreme and people were defined as black if they had a single African ancestor, which came to be known as the

One drop rule

Assumes ethnicity is largely a natural phenomenon, based on biological, linguistic, and geographical ties to those with whom individuals have obvious similarities of appearance, geography, language, or socioeconomic context


A concept that organizes people into groups based on specific physical traits that are thought to reflect fundamental and innate differences


The repressive practices, structures, beliefs, and representations that uphold racial categories and social inequality


The reproductive forms and functions of the body are referred to as our


Margaret Mead's comparative study of sexual differences in three Papua New Guinea societies is important because it is among the first studies to make a distinction between biological ________ and cultural __________

Sex & distinct gender roles

_________ performed in intersex people demonstrates clearly how cultural assumptions about sexual dichotomy shape ideas about the biological basis of sex

Sex-assignment surgery

Sexual preferences, desires, and practices are encompasses in the study of


T/F: In nearly all societies with any degree of social stratification, more men are in leadership roles than women, not only in political roles but also in economic and social roles involving trade, exchange, kinship relations, ritual participation, and dispute resolution


Some societies allow for __________ which refers to people who are neither male nor female

Third Genders (or Hijras?)

T/F: Anthropologists agree that, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality.


T/F: Genetically speaking, humans are a remarkably homogenous species: there is greater variation within human groups than there is between them.


T/F: In many societies, some people live their lives as neither male or female


In early public records, the word "Christian" commonly appeared next to the names of Europeans but was later replaced by


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