Anthropology Final (chap 9-16)

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"Who Needs Love": According to the article, all these sanction(s) keep Japanese couples from divorcing EXCEPT what?

- FInancial penalties - women can't support themselves and their children financially without a male in the household -Men fear they may be treated negatively at work and not be promoted if they divorce -You will be shamed socially and people will talk about you -Women fear that they will not be able to remarry as no man will want to marry a woman who is not a virgin

In "Too Many Bananas", what item did the author buy (with money) that Kolia demanded be returned?

--- A watermelon A pineapple A banana Tobacco

Concordant traits are:

---A set of traits that always occur together--- A set of traits that can occur independently of each other A set of traits that never occur together A set of traits that are the same for every individual

The rule that says within a group of endotherms, individuals living near the equator tend to have darker pigment.

---Gloger's Rule--- Bergmann's Rule Allen's Rule Morgan's Rule

The Inis Beag of Ireland are an example of a:

---Sexually restrictive society Sexually moderate society Sexually permissive society Society with an unusually early age of marriage

In many parts of the world food is a very important way of communicating social identity.

---True False

As the intensity of agricultural practices increases, the range of cultigens decreases.

---True False

In a caste system, social stratification is based on ascribed status.

---True False

Ruralization is the process that leads to a contested space in the country located between different city-states.

---True False

In "Radio Lab: Why Isn't the Sky Blue", how did Guy Deutsher's daughter Alma initially describe the sky?

---White Blue Bright Gray

One of the plausible reasons for the lack of surpluses in hunter-gatherer groups is that surpluses could deplete local resources. This argument is called

---an optimal foraging strategy a primary foraging strategy an environmental foraging strategy a generalized foraging strategy

Anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include all of the following except

---narrative symbols -- key scenarios summarizing symbols elaborating symbols

The subsistence pattern utilized by humans for most of our history has been:

--foraging pastoralism horticulture agriculture

According to the lecture, the first evidence of domestication comes from about:

25,000 years ago 12,000 years ago 6,000 years ago 2,000 years ago

The Potlatch is an example of:

A feast A leveling mechanism Redistribution --- All of the above

"Berdache Tradition": What is the major role of a berdache in many Native American societies?

Basket maker Fashion Consultant ---Mediator Chief

One of the ways that archeologists can evaluate the extent of damage done by epidemic diseases in ancient human settlements is through

Carbon-14 dating of human remains analysis of fire pit remains close examination of plant and animal DNA ---careful evaluation of skeletons found in burial sites

Which of the following is a payment made from the groom's family to the bride's family upon their marriage?

Conspicuous consumption ---Bridewealth Bride service Dowry

The ____________________ suggests that societies throughout the world need environments and technology that provide sustenance for not only present but future generations.

Dependency Theory ---Sustainability Model Green Model Modernization Theory

In "Baseball Magic", the author of the article played as a first baseman for what team?

Detroit Tigers

The maximum population of a species allowed by existing environmental conditions and resources

Ecological Footprint Maximum Capacity Sustainable Capacity --Carrying Capacity--

Countries find it relatively easy to decide what language its citizens will speak.


Forensic scientists can identify the race of an individual's skull with 100% accuracy.


Scientific and medical authorities no longer try to biologize racial difference.


In "Too Many Bananas", which of the following is NOT a lesson discussed in the article?

In a society where food is shared or gifted as a part of social life, you may not buy it with money. Never refuse a gift, and never fail to return a gift. --- Every gift must have an immediate, equivalent return. Where reciprocity is the rule and gifts are the idiom, you cannot demand a gift.

In the archaeological record, which is an indicator of domestication of plants?

Pottery Sedentary villages Storage Baskets All of the above

What is the relationship between power and authority?

Power and authority are synonymous and there is no difference between the terms Where there is power, there is always authority Power can exist without authority Authority usually exists without power in state level societies

Capitalism is an example of:

Reciprocity A closed economic system Redistribution --- A Market System

Rolling the oaks at Toomer's Corner would best be described as what type of ritual for Auburn fans?

Sacrificial Rite Sorcery Rite of Intensification Divination ?

This assumes a close relationship between language and culture and claims that language defines people's experiences

Semantics Duality ---Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis-- Displacement

"Who Needs Love": The article gives three reasons why Japanese marriages are so strong and durable. Which one of the following IS NOT a reason listed in the article?

Strong religious beliefs

The Inis Beag of Ireland are an example of a:

The Inis Beag of Ireland are an example of a: ------Sexually restrictive society Sexually moderate society Sexually permissive society Society with an unusually early age of marriage

The Inis Beag of Ireland are an example of a:

The Inis Beag of Ireland are an example of a: Sexually restrictive society Sexually moderate society Sexually permissive society Society with an unusually early age of marriage

The RACE project/exhibit was developed and presented by

The Southern Poverty Law Center The NAACP The Equal Justice Initiative ---The American Anthropological Association---

An ecological footprint is a measurement of the population an area can support.

True ---False

Rich documentation describing the minute details of daily life exist for all of the city-states in the Middle East region, including Mesopotamia and Egypt.

True ---False

A couple degrees (celsius) increase in the earth's average yearly temperature will not have a major impact on food production.

True --False

According "The Berdache Tradition", a lack of tolerance for gender variation in some cultures is often reflected in their mythology and creation stories.

True ---False

By the end of the Paleolithic Era, humans had accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

Use of fire Migration into North and South America ---Domestication of plants A complex language system

"Why Isn't the Sky Blue": What is the name of the British Prime Minister who was fascinated with the stories of Homer?

WInston Churchill Neville Chamberlain ---William Gladstone--- Tony Blair

A good illustration of the Marxist concept of surplus value is

a worker who gets their pay increased for efficient production ---a worker makes one $30 sweater every hour in a factory but gets paid only $15 a worker improves her or his efficiency by not taking bathroom breaks a factory owner prevents labor unions from forming in the factory

You and your sibling are fighting over who gets to use the family car. When your parent intervenes and seeks a solution that is agreeable to both of you, it is an example of

adjudication negotiation --mediation avoidance

According to the lecture, all religions have in common, by definition:

belief in some form of the supernatural

The "one-drop rule" as used by the U.S. Census in the 1800s is a reflection of

biology --- ideology --- profiling medicine

If you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady"

contributes to gender equality in the workplace ---marginalizes women's voices in work contexts--- demonstrates that women and men are equal builds certainty and trust

What do anthropologists call the structural process of forgetting whole groups of relatives?

ethnic forgetting ethnic amnesia genealogical forgetting ---genealogical amnesia

The U.S. government's prohibition of Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

ethnocentric beliefs about the superiority of Native American culture cultural relativism ---language death--- language ideology

The study of how people classify things in the world is called

ethnography sociolinguistics ---ethnoscience--- biological determinism

The collection of goods in a community and the subsequent re-division of those goods among members of a society is called

exchange production ---redistribution capitalism

Which term refers to expressions of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms that are predominant in most societies?

fourth gender intersex transgender ---gender variance

What are people who belong to conservative religious movements that advocate a return to traditional principles called?


Which of the following is a feature of language?

it is used to communicate it is symbolic it consists of sounds organized into words according to some sort of grammar ---all of the above----

Human skin color is distributed:

n discrete units in categories that coincide with major continental masses ---as a cline (it's a clinal trait)--- similarly in both the northern and southern hemispheres

According to the lecture, which of the following forms of technology is specifically related to the practice of agriculture?

nets hoes digging sticks ---horse-drawn plow

If you live in a household with your mom and dad, your grandfather, as well as your aunt and two cousins, you live in what kind of family?

nuclear family traditional family ---extended family blended family

The communication systems of nonhuman species consist of a finite (limited) number of signals for finite specific meanings. Such systems are said to be:

open arbitrary symbolic ---- closed

"Baseball Magic": BF Skinner noted that __________ associated the arrival of food with a particular action.


A social movement that addresses the linkages between racial discrimination and injustice, social equity, and environmental quality is

political ecology demography political economy --environmental justice--

Intensification, a process that increases yields, can include

prepping soil plant modification large labor force ----all of the above

Censuses interest anthropologists because they

reveal the government's role in classifying and categorizing people change over time indicate shifts in social categories --all of the above--

In "Secrets of Haiti's Living Dead", Wade Davis found that zombification in Haiti was used as a sanction to maintain order. Who, does the article say, are the most likely victims of zombification?

social pariahs (outcasts)

Foodways are dynamic because

some foods become trendy they are subject to large-scale industrial processes trade relationships change ----all of the above

The earliest anthropologist to compare religious and spiritual beliefs around the world was E. B. Tylor. For him the heart of religious beliefs was the belief in


Which of the following is an example of American totemism?

sports team mascots

The social processes that make race part of the natural order of things

stereotyping hegemony structural violence ---the way race is naturalized---

According to the lecture, what is the rarest form of marriage (only found in 4 societies in the entire world)?

strict monogamy serial monogamy ---polyandry polygyny

Easter eggs at Easter and Christmas trees at Christmas are items used in the celebration of Christian holidays. As they were borrowed from other religious practices and added to the religion over time, they are examples of _______________.


According to the lecture, the Neolithic began with

the development of the plow. the use of irrigation --- the domestication of plants and animals the advent of social complexity

Anthropometry measures

the expression of racial traits human leukoctye antigen activity ratio of melanin production to skin reflectance --body parameters to assess physical variation--

Geertz's approach to religion is a style of analysis that looks at the underlying symbolic and cultural interconnections within a society; this is often referred to as

the interpretive approach

A society having many different parts organized into a single social system is said to have

unified government economic complexity --- social complexity social diversity

Which of the following is not a political act?

voting in an election protesting against Voting ID Laws gossiping about a neighbor to shame them for not fulfilling their obligations --posting what you had for dinner on Facebook

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