Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) Level II MODULE 2

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How do Present Day Terrorist Groups achieve their goals?

By intentionally planning, targeting, and executing their actions w/ the intent to cause casualties of innocent people


Terrorist Groups recruit from populations that are sympathetic to their ideology and objectives. Recruiting is accomplished using the following means - -capabilities: conducted on the basis of skills and qualifications rather than ideological characteristics (CBRN) -coercion: gain operatives from diverse backgrounds using blackmail and intimidation. can range from gaining information to conducting suicide bombing operations

Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAM)

Random employment of AT measures designed to portray a highly visible and robust security posture from which terrorists cannot easily discern these AT measure from any other security patterns/routine


is a system of preventive measures used by DoD to mitigate hostile actions against DoD personnel, resources, facilities, and critical information - * does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against accidents

weapons ambush - magnetic bomb

more recent form of a weapons ambush is to attach a magnetic bomb to a car while in motion

weapons ambush - overrun attack

overrun attack = a form of weapons ambush; simple to execute victim has a discernible routine terrorists:- -acquire/follow victim's car -if in a car - pull out to pass -if on a motorcycle - approach between lanes of traffic -overrun car -fire at victim as they pass -drive away and escape

terrorist planning cycle

phase 1: broad target selection phase 2: intelligence gathering and surveillance phase 3: specific target selection phase 4: pre-attack surveillance & planning phase 5: attack rehearsal phase 6: actions on the objectives phase 7: escape

T or F

T: Education and employment opportunities influence membership of international terrorist groups. Members typically have higher levels of education and lower incomes

What term is used interchangeably with the term INSURGENCY?


planning and conducting assassinations

similarities between all assassinations include - victim's actions or routines are predictable -victims tend to disregard sensitive indicators, information received, and threats posed by terrorists in the target environment

Terrorist perspective

- Actions are neither evil neither unlawful - Violent destruction, maiming and killing innocent people is necessary and morally justified - The end justifies the violent means

Higher FPCONS can cause delays/inconveniences-

- Detailed vehicle inspections - 100% ID checks - Gate closures - Use of barriers - Extra guard duty for troops

Threat Levels

- High - Significant - Moderate - Low **Not to be confused w/ those given the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), Department of State, or FBI, as each analysis

Ex of RAM:

- Irregular guard changes - Roving security patrols - Surprise and varying types of inspections and searches of personnel and vehicles

Non-State Supported Terrorist Groups

-usually insurgent movements that operate w/ virtually no external support mechanism - generally pose the most serious threat to the stability of established governments ex: New People's Army (NPA) and Sendero Luminoso are some of most dangerous of all contemporary insurgent movements


=unlawful seizure and detainment of a person, usually held for ransom primary purpose - -making money -generating publicity for extended period of time -releasing jailed group members -causing economic stress w/in country by forcing large businesses to cut back on number of personnel assigned to country - generating less revenue for state -forcing government into granting concessions

What is Terrorism motivated by?

- Religious - Political - Ideological beliefs and committed in the pursuit of goals that are usually political

Victim perspective

- Terrorist acts as criminal and immoral - No legitimacy in the injury or death of innocent people

FPCON based on multiple factors that may include but are not limited to -

- Terrorist threat - Target Vulnerabilities - Critically of assets - Security resources available

Advantages of implementing RAM

- Thwarting terrorist planning by varying security routines - Increasing AT awareness for DoD personnel, dependents, visitors, and neighbors - Increasing alertness among law enforcement, security, base or facility personnel - Validating capability to execute measures from higher FPCONs

Cell Structure

-Cells at the tactical level are the building blocks -primary reasons for compartmental structure of cell is security: difficult to penetrate entire organization, and compromise or loss of one cell does not compromise other cells and personnel cannot divulge sensitive information if the cells don't know about each other

Terrorist Tactics

-Incidents: incidents of terrorism can be rogue by a lone individual or sanctioned activities of a large organization -Flexible: terrorists use flexible array of means and material to accomplish assigned missions and seek to identify vulnerabilities that can be attacked -Adaptive: terrorists are adaptive and learn from tactical success and failure. adjusts to techniques to conditions to achieve an objective -Defensive: terrorist tactics include defensive actions to defeat an enemy attack, gain time, economize capabilities and develop conditions favorable for operations. Some defensive actions include dispersion and hiding, using human shields, exploiting sensitive infrastructure and conducting information operations -Offensive: attack is the primary type of offensive operation. terrorists use a broad range of technology from low-tech to high-tech and they adapt their tactics in an attempt to remain elusive

Terrorist Goals

-Obtain Recognition - common short-term goal for terrorist groups, specifically publicity gained from a terrorist act focuses national and international attention to a group's cause and/or grievances --> $, sponsorship, recruitment of new members -Cause an Overreaction - measures include- special antiterrorist laws that allow searches w/o warrants, detention of citizens w/o chargers, curfews, travel restrictions. hope is that the public views the institution of these measures as violation of their rights -Weaken Security Forces - to reduce effectiveness of a state's defenses and erode public confidence includes calling false alarms, assassinating security personnel, conducting sophisticated raids and ambushes -Obtain Money and Equipment - acts of terrorism are executed in order to steal or extort money and equipment especially weapons and ammunition essential to the terrorist group's struggle -Create a Chaotic Atmosphere - these acts briefly isolate entire segments of the population from government influence, making them susceptible to terrorist intimidation and propaganda -Discourage Foreign Investments - to negatively affect the country's economy. it is characteristic of leftist movements worldwide to use foreign investors and corporations as symbols of capitalist oppression and imperialism -Influence Government - to influence government decisions, legislation or elections -Release of Prisoners - frequent demand made by terrorists -Satisfy Vengeance - most brutal acts of terrorism are often reserved for informants or other traitors to the cause. "kneecapping" is a favorite tool used by IRA security personnel

Terrorist Cells

-Operational Cell-determines operational objectives, participants, target, timing, and attack method -Intelligence Cell- combines intelligence and security; collects, analyzes and disseminates target-specific information and provides OPSEC -Support Cell- fulfills requirements (recruitment, personnel support, media, financing education, logistics and communications) -Cadre-are the heart of the organization; trained to execute the attack or place the bombs

Ideological Categories Social

-Particular social policies or issues may be so contentious that they incite extremist behavior and terrorism. this type of terrorism is frequently referred to as single-issue or special interest terrorism -social terrorist seek to change a specific policy or behavior and attempt to force their beliefs on the general population -one of most radical and violent social terrorist groups in the U.S. involves antiabortion or "pro-life" activities

Ideological Categories: Religious Affiliation

-Religiously motivated terrorist see their ultimate objective as divinely sanctioned and therefore infallible and nonnegotiable. Religious motivations can be tied to ethnic and nationalist identities such as conflict in Northern or Kashmiri or India conflict. Religiously inspired terrorism is on rise ex: Al Queda/ISIS/ISIL

Political Ideologies include

-Right wing: associated w/ reactionary or conservative side of political spectrum. intent is to replace existing forms of government. often associated w/ fascism or neo-Nazism -Left wing: associated w/ revolutionary socialism or variants of communism. Left-wing rhetoric can often move toward anarchistic thought. Associated w/ Maoist or Marxist-Leninst ideologies -Anarchist: they're antiauthority or antigovernment and strongly support individual liberty. promote small communities as highest form of political organization

Terrorist Groups are labeled by their:

-State Affiliation -Identity and Intent Categories -Ideological Categories (Political/Religious Affiliation, Social policies/special interest terrorism) -Geographic Categories

Terrorist Group Affiliation Include

-State-Directed = Primarily supported by a country/state -State-Supported = Generally operates independently, but receives substantial outside support -Non-state supported = Usually insurgent movements that operate w/ virtually no external support mechanism and generally pose the most serious threat to the stability of established governments -Lone Terrorist (AKA Lone Wolf) = Tactics are conceived entirely on their own w/o any direction from a terrorist commander

Recruitment of Teens and Young People

-Typical recruitment age 18-29, but as young as 15 -one of the most effective recruiting tools is direct messaging thru social media which is very difficult to track -"Don't be a Puppet: Pull Back the Curtain on Violent Extremism" utilizes an interactive website w/ materials to teach teens how to recognize and become resistant to self-radicalization and possible recruitment

Lone Terrorist (Lone Wolf)

-an emerging tactic of throwing or spraying harmful liquids, known as chemical spray and splash (CSSA) in the faces or vicinity of intended targets ex: orlando nightclub shooting,

common terrorist acts

-bombings -arson -armed assaults -ramming attacks -armed drones -additive manufacturing 3D printing -assassinations hijackings/skyjackings -kidnappings -hostage barricades -seizure -sabotage -threats or hoaxes -environmental destruction -man-portable, air defense system -chemical, biological radiological, and nuclear weapons

Internal Training

-clandestinely at cell level by members of group in target country -in safe houses, similar to squad or fire team training used by US military

additive manufacturing/3D printing

-could also benefit adversaries, violent extremists and even street criminals -groups could produce weapons for use or sale, replicate sophisticated weapons systems -print lethal drones and produce jamming devices to disrupt intelligence collection -susceptible to sabotage by hackers who could introduce flawed instructions or algorithms into mission-critical parts of airplanes -may allow countries under international sanctions to produce complex items domestically, mitigating the economic impact of sanctions

terrorist operations - offensive

-designed on the offensive -utilized a hit-and-run technique -create impression group larger and more efficient -avoid activities that would put them in a defensive

Terrorist Identity and intent categories include:

-ethnocentric= ace/ethnicity is the defining characteristic of a society -nationalistic= loyalty and devotion to a nation-state is the motivating factor -revolutionary= dedicated to the overthrow of an established order -separatist= goal is separation from existing entities thru political autonomy

Training for Terrorist Groups

-external -internal -oriented to group's mission, physical characteristics and security of operational area

suicide bomber

-have increased in the last 20 years -motivated from w/in the conflict are or outside it -vest or belt is preferred popular because they're - -physically and psychologically impacting to society -inexpensive -difficult to stop -highly lethal and difficult to trace 0covered by media and gain instant notoriety

training camp locations

-iran -irag -libya -yemen -north korea -cuba -afghanistan -pakistan -syria -sudan

terrorist operations - impact

-major impact on everyone's lives -tax dollars are used to finance initiatives to harden existing US embassies and military installations, as well as US government building -impact of terrorism is evident in the airline industry. the difficulties people experience when traveling, especially thru a major airport, is a direct result of terrorist threat

phase 1- broad target selection

-nvolves collecting information on potential targets using available resources -collectors may be core members, sympathizers, or people providing information w/o knowledge of the intended purpose -stories from newspaper and other media that provide background information -internet research that provides data (pictures, blueprints, videos) -potential targets are screened based on intended ojectives and assessed areas (symbolic value, critical infrastructure point, high-profile)

characteristics of terrorist operations

-operational planning -security measures -weapons used during an attack


-provide a relatively low risk of injury to the terrorists -inexpensive to build and use -excellent method for a small, weak organization to attack a stronger opponent purpose of a bombing is to - -make the headlines, -create fear -destroy people or property bombing targets may be symbolic or practical, such as a government aircraft or diplomatic installation


-seizure involves occupying and holding a prominent building or object of symbolic value -since security personnel have time to plan and react, there is considerable risk to the terrorist -force is most likely used to resolve the incident if few or no innocent lives are involved

security measures - surveillance

-surveillance personnel do not take part in any physical attack part of operation -Surveillance personnel spend great ideal of time in and around victim and/or target location -time and money invested invested in surveillance personnel; the planners do not want to take chance that the surveillance personnel might be killed or captured during the operation


-terrorist detonate the first bomb to lure first responders and onlookers to the blast area -after a sufficient amount of time passes, a 2nd device detonates in the general location of the first to injure or kill first responders -a decoy bombing has the potential for creating a more devastating event

security measures - multiple targets

-terrorist select multiple targets as potential locations for the actual operation since the primary target is not typically selected the last possible moment -multiple targets may be hit simultaneously w/o individual teams knowing about the other operations. in this situation one attack team serves as diversion for the other, thereby increasing the possibility of having a successful operation


-terrorist use weapons ranging from old and obsolete to modern state-of-the-art, including weapons of mass destruction (WMD) -weapons of choice, for a given operation, is determined by whether the weapon is - -is easily accessible -is concealable -has enough firepower -is easy to use

3 Different perspectives to any terrorist event:

1) Terrorist perspective 2) Victim perspective 3) General public perspective

3 types of Network Structures

1. Chain -each node links to the node next in sequence, typical when have a common function like smuggling 2. Hub or Spoke and Wheel -outer nodes communication w/ one central node, a variation is the wheel design where outer nodes communicate w/ one or two other outer nodes plus the central node 3. All-Channel -all nodes are connected to each other. network is organizationally "flat" command and control is distributed and can be communication intensive

armed assault

2 types - -ambushes - sudden attack from concealed position on previously defined target -explosive ambush & weapons ambush -purpose is to kidnap or kill the victims -raids - surprise attacks by a small armed force on a previously defined target purpose: - gain access to radio/television broadcast capabilities in order to make a statement -fulfill logistical requirements such as bank robberies for $ -expose a government's inability to secure a personnel, or critical facilities

Organization of a Terrorist Group

2 typical structures: 1) Hierarchal: well-defined vertical chain of command -information flows up and down and not horizontally -traditional and common of larger well-established groups w/ greater specialization of functions 2) networked

ramming attack

3 common characteristics among these attacks - - targeting of public venues or mass gatherings -use of secondary weapons -lack of observable indicators immediately before the attack mitigating strategies - 1. planning and preparation -establish liaison -conduct threat, vulnerability and risk assessments 2. personnel -maintain security force -conduct incident training 3. access control and barriers -establish standoff zones -evaluate the need for physical barriers 4.monitoring, surveillance, and inspection program -evaluate, design, and implement a monitoring, surveillance, and regularly review appropriate physical security -deploy security forces to inspect for signs of security issues 5. communication and notification


= to murder by sudden and/or secret attack, often for political reasons assassination victims are - symbolic targets, such as political figures, or government representatives -vengeance targets, such as police officers, or military poersonnel

operational planning

5 information-gathering techniques - -fixed (static surveillance) -mobile surveillance -technical surveillance -casual questioning (elicitation) -probing -terrorist cannot failure -terrorists rehearse operation in environment mirroring target location


= forceful seizure of surface vehicle, its passengers, and/or cargo purpose- -disrupting economy -embarrassing the government -gaining concessions from the targeted government -gaining popular support


= involves an aircraft, to create a mobile hostage barricade. may enable the terrorists to conduct negotiations in a country sympathetic to their casue

State-Directed Terrorist Group

Activities are conducted @ the direction of the controlling state. Group may be an element of the state's security organization ex: As-Sa'iqa operates out of Lebanon and is a military unit of the PLO

Terrorist Group Def

Any organization that uses terrorism in a systematic way to achieve its goal

FPCON Normal

Applies at all times as a general threat of terrorist attacks, hostile acts, or other security threats always exist in the world


Applies to a non-specific threat of a terrorist attack or hostile act directed against DoD elements and personnel - Enhanced capabilities are implemented to deter and detect these non-specific threats, and other security threats targeting DoD elemtnts and personnel -CC's mus be able to sustain ALPHA measures indefinitely


Applies when a terrorist attack or hostile act has occurred or is anticipated against specific installations or operating areas CC's focus on implementing capabilities in response to and containment of these attacks, and to support recovery efforts in emergency managements plans - Should be maintained on a limited basis and only be declared as long as the necessary response capabilities are required

FPCON Charlie

Applies when a terrorist/hostile incident occurs w/in the area of interest (AOI) or intelligence is received indicating a hostile act or some form of terrorist action or targeting against DoD elements, personnel, or facilities is likely. - CC's implement mandatory and supplemental FPCON measures designed to apply delay and deny effects against these attacks -CHARLIE Measures must be sustained throughout the entirety of the threat


Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity - Bravo measures must be capable of being maintained indefinitely and will likely affect missions and base support operations during prolonged implementation

Geographic Categories

Include: -Domestic/indigenous: "home grown" operate w/in against home country -International: operate in multiple countries, retain geographic focus -Transnational: operate internationally, not tied to a country

High Threat Level

Indicates that anti-U.S terrorists are operationally active and use large casualty producing attacks as their preferred method of operation - Substantial DoD presence and the operating environment favors the terrorist

Significant Threat Level

Indicates that anti-US terrorists are present and attack personnel as their preferred method of operation or a group uses large casualty producing attacks as their preferred method but has limited operational activity - operating environment is neutral

Low Threat Level

Indicates that no group is detected or the group activity is non-threatening

Moderate Threat Level

Indicates that terrorists are present but there are no indications of anti-US activity - operating environment favors the host nation

State-Supported Terrorist Group

Is willing to accept support form any source as long as it's not linked to specific directions

Recruitment of Women

Motivating Factors - -suicide terrorism is viewed as a way to gain redemption and restore honor -economic and social dependence on men cause women to never learn skills that would allow them to be independent --> terrorist groups will promise to provide for a woman's family if they execute a suicide attack -lack of security on thwarting female suicide attacks due to existing social, cultural, and religious restrictions on gender interactions resulting in weakened security measures toward women

Training Programs

Normal Training course includes programs in - -physical fitness -weapons and explosives -political indoctrination -general tactics and combat techniques -tradecrafts -psychological warfare -survival -communications

Terrorist Levels of Commitment

Terrorist Organization: -leaders = provide direction/guidance, provide roles and objectives ->senior leaders: fully committed charismatic representatives ->operational leaders: control areas/terrorist networks -Cadre- active members, plan/conduct operations, manage intelligence, finance, logistics and communications -Active Supporters- participate in political fundraising and information activites. fully aware of their relationship, but do not commit violent acts -Passive Supporters: sympathetic to goals, not committed enough to take action

General public perspective

Terrorists understands that if the Gen Pub's perspective is favorable, it can cause pressure on a gov or group to alter their behavior to one that may meet terrorist objectives

DoD Definition of Terrorism

The unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instill fear and coerce governments or societies

DoD Threat Methodology

Used to assess the terrorist threat to personnel, facilities, materiel, and US interests.

terrorist operations

considered - -dynamic in nature b/c they become instantaneous media events ="simple" b/c they're easy to command, control and support - these considerations serve to enhance lanning as well as the operation's final execution


arson = a malicious act using fire or an incendiary agent to damage, sabotage, or destroy property -low risk to the perpetrator since it is hard to prove guilt due to lack of trace evidence left at the scene -requires low level of technical knowledge and the goal is to cause physical and psychological damage -used for symbolic attacks and to cause economic effects

explosive ambush

bomb may be - -planted along route the victim travels -placed in vehicle parked alongside the road -planted in victim's residence or office area, using a ruse to gain entry

External Training

conducted by non-group members outside operational area- -operatives travel abroad and return to put training into practice -operatives travel intact to another country and depart directly to the operational area to conduct attack


deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity thru subversion, obstruction, disruption and/or destruction -objective is to demonstrate the vulnerability of the critical infrastructure and the ability of the government to stop terrorism -utilities, communications, and transportation systems are so interdependent that a serious disruption to any affects all of them and attracts immediate public and media attention

phase 4- pre-attack surveillance & planning

during this phase members if the operational cells begin to appear and information is gathered on the target's current patterns over an extended period. the information gathered is used to: -conduct security studies -conduct detailed preparatory operations -recruit specialized operatives (as need) -procedure a base of operations in the target area (safe house, cache) -select transportation means -determine a weapon or attack

phase 5 - attack rehearsal

during this phase rehearsals are conducted to improve the odds of success, confirm planning assumptions, and develop contingency plans. typical rehearsals include - -equipment checks and weapons training -staging for final preparatory checks -deployment into the target area -actions on the objectives -escape routes rehearsals have taken place at unpopulated weapons ranges, paintball facilities, and on the grounds near terrorists' residences

phase 3- specific target selection

during this phase the target is selected for detailed operational planning taking into consideration the following factors - -will the target attract high-profile media attention? -does the target provide an advantage to the group by demonstrating its capabilities? wh -what are the chances of success? -does the target have exploitable weaknesses according to the current security status? -is the security status going to change between decision and execution? -does success make the desired statement to the correct target audiences? -what are the cost versus the benefits of conducting the operation? -is the effect consistent w/ group objectives? -does success affect a larger audience than the immediate victims?

phase 7 - escape

escape plans are usually well rehearsed and well executed. the exception is a suicide operation, however, even in this there are usually support personnel and handlers who must escape or evade response force personnel. post-attack the operation will be properly publicized to achieve the intended effect

man-portable, air defense system

have been used in major conflicts as a means to provide ground forces w/ the capability to reduce the threat of enemy aircraft -1994 assassination of Rwandan and Burundian president when their plane

security measures

include - -employing principles of compartmentalization -choosing multiple targets -preventing surveillance personnel from participating in attack

environmental destruction

increasing accessibility of sophisticated weapons has the potential to cause damage to the environment -tactics include - -intentional dumping of hazardous chemicals into the public water supply -poisoning or destroying a nation's food supplies thru introduction of exotic plants/animals -destroying oil field or attacking an oil tanker

hostage barricade

involves seizing facility, taking all persons inside hostage -differs from kidnapping - kidnappers hide their victims, in a hostage barricade kidnapper uses victims as human shields

weapons ambush

involves use of - -small arms fire -suitcase-sized wire guided missiles -truck mounted mortars -shoulder fired rockets

planning and executing bombings

step 1: select the target - the target is select4ed based on the group's capability step 2: surveil the target - surveillance personnel will not normally seem out of place. they observe the victim or the target location to discover routines adn the level of security. they also determine what items may be brought into the targeted site w/o raising any suspicions step 3: conduct rehearsals and dry runs - briefcases or other containers used for holding bombs may be left in an area under observation by another terrorist. the time it takes for someone to notice something unusual or to alert the security forces tells the terrorists approximately how much delay they can use for the timer step 4: gather materials & build bomb -for sophisticated operations terrorists groups normally have a specially trained bomb maker in the organization step 5: plant the bomb - the bomb maker is almost never responsible for placing the bomb in the target location. the bomb is too valuable to the terrorist group to risk losing to the authorities or to an accidental detonation step 6: leave the target location - most cases, terrorists will leave the target location unless it's a suicide bomber step 7: exploit the attack - important to note that if the public is extremely outraged by bombing or if the terrorists operational and/or political objectives are hampered, the terrorists can den y their involvement, blame the act on another group or remain quiet

threats or hoaxes

terrorist groups w/ established credibility can employ a hoax w/ considerable success -a credible threat causes time and effort to be devoted to increased security measures and may be used by terrorists to observe security procedures -a bomb threat can close a commercial building, empty a theater, or delay a flight at no cost to the terrorist -repetitive or large numbers of false alarms dull the analytical and operational efficiency aof key personnel, thus degrading readiness


terrorists can introduce CBRN material into the air or a facility via external or internal release

phase 2- intelligence gathering and surveillance

this phase can be short or span many years. information typically gathered includes - -practices, procedures, and routines such as scheduled deliveries, work schedules, identification procedures, and observable routines -residences and workplaces to include the physical layout activities at both locations -transportation and travel routes to include the mode of transport, common travel routes, ingress and egress points, vehicles on the grounds, and public transportation -security measures such as security around the target, presence, reaction time of security forces, hardened structures and barriers, screening procedures and emergency response drill procedures. adversaries plan to bypass or avoid security measures; therefore, this is one of the most important areas to consider

armed drones

use of drones has pushed the U.S. military to implement countermeasures, such as electronic jamming

phase 6- actions on the objectives

when terrorist reach this phase, the odds favor a successful attack. the attacker has the advantage of initiative which provides them with - -surprise -choice of time, place, and conditions of attack -employment of diversions and secondary or follow-up attack employment of security and support positions to neutralize reaction forces and security measures

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