AP Chemistry

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Define chemical formula and give an example.

A chemical formula is the representation of chemical substances using their chemical symbols and appropriate subscripts for the number of atoms. A simple formula is CA(NO3)2. This formula indicates a compound with one calcium atom, two nitrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms.

Define a hydrate and give and example.

A hydrate is a substance that contains a fixed number of water molecules. The water molecules are written separately from the formula itself and connected to it with a dot in the center of the line between the chemical formula and the water molecules. For example, cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate is CoCl2*6H2O.

Define metal.

A metal is a substance with characteristic properties of high electrical conductivity, malleability, and a metallic-silver or yellow luster. A metal can also be described as the nucleus and core electrons in a "sea of valence electrons."

Define metalloid.

A metalloid is an element that has properties of both metals and nonmetals. They are useful as semiconductors. Examples are silicon and germanium, which are used for transistors and integrated circuits.

Define proton.

A proton is one of the three particles that make up the atom along with an electron and a neutron. The proton has a positive charge, equal in magnitude (but with the opposite sign) to the charge of the electron. The number of protons is equal to the atomic number of an element. Protons, along with neutrons, are located in the nucleus and make up the bulk of an atom's mass.

Describe the three states of matter.

A solid retains both volume and shape and molecules are relatively rigid in a crystal lattice. A liquid retains volume but not shape, molecules move freely in close contact, and strong attractive forces are present. A gas assumes the volume and shape of a container, molecules are almost totally independent of each other, there is little in the way of attractive forces, and it is highly compressable.

Define alkali metals.

Alkali metals are the elements in the first group (column) of the periodic table (1A or 1.). All: have ns1 electrons as valence electrons, are extremely reactive elements, have low ionization energies, have low electronegativities, are metals that form 1+ ions.

Define alkaline earth metals.

Alkaline earth metals are the elements in the second group (column) of the periodic table. All: have ns2 electrons for valence electrons, are very reactive elements, are very reactive elements, are metals that form 2+ ions.

What is an amorphous substance?

Amorphous means without structure. Amorphous substances have no long-range crystal structure. Glass is an example of an amorphous substance.

Define electron, neutron, and proton.

An electron occupies space outside the nucleus. (Mass = 0, charge = 1-, symbol is e-). A neutron is an uncharged particle in the nucleus. (Symbol is 1n, mass = 1). A proton is a positively charged particle in the nucleus. (Symbol is 1p, mass = 1, charge = 1+) (Number of protons defines the identity of an atom.)

What concept includes allotropes?

An element exhibits allotropy when it can exist as two or more distinct chemical structures. For example: the three allotropes of carbon-graphite, diamond, and C60 (buckminsterfullerene). Not all elements have allotropes.

Define ion.

An ion is an element that has lost or gained one or more electrons. A cation has lost one or more electrons. An anion has gained one or more electrons. A polyatomic ion is a group of elements bound together covalently that also carries a charge.

Define isotope.

An isotope is an atom with a specific number of neutrons in addition to the protons and electrons defined by the atomic number. A given element may have several isotopes, each of which has a different number neutrons while having the same number of electrons and protons. For example: C-12, C-13, and C-14. Each has 6 electrons and 6 protons; however, they have 6,7, and 8 neutrons, respectively.

What theories or concepts are used to describe a base?

Arrhenius Theory: any compound which increases the hydroxide concentration of a solution. Bronsted Theory: a substance that is a proton acceptor. Lewis Theory: a base is an electron pair donor.

What is the formula for carbon dioxide? Write the chemical equation when it is dissolved in water. Is carbon dioxide a polar or nonpolar molecule?

CO2 (g) CO2(g) + H2O <-----> H2CO3 (aq) O----C-----O the molecule is linear and nonpolar.

What is the concept behind a chemical compound?

Chemists envision a chemical compound as a substance that has a fixed ratio (by either mass or atoms) of two or more different atoms. Chemical compounds have definite physical properties that can be used to identify the compound. Chemical compounds also have characteristic chemical properties that indicate what reactions they participate in and what reactions they do not.

Define electron configuration.

Electron configuration is a listing of the electrons within an atom based upon the sublevels that are filled and the relative energies of these sublevel. The electron configuration for silicon is 1s22s22p63s23p2. It is also the sequence in which the sublevel fills can be read, row by row, from the periodic table.

Define element.

Element is the term given to any one of the 118 distinct particles of known atoms. Each has distinct chemical and physical properties. Elements are organized on the basis of atomic numbers in the periodic table.

The frequency of a photon is __________________ to its wavelength. a. directly proportional b. inversely proportional c. not related If a or b is chosen, write the appropriate equation.

Frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength, as shown in the equation: wavelength x frequency

What is the formula for hydrosulfuric acid? Write the reaction when the gas form, hydrogen sulfide, is dissolved in water.

H2S(aq) H2S(aq) + H2O <----> H3O +(aq) + HS - (aq)

What is the formula for sulfurous acid? What are the two Ka expressions?

H2SO3 Ka1 [H+][HSO3 -]/[H2SO3] or [H3O+][HSO3 -]/[H2SO3] Ka2 [H+]pSO3 2-]/[HSO3-] or [H3O+][SO3 2-]/[HSO3 -]

What is the formula for sulfuric acid? Is it a weak or strong acid? What is the ionization reaction?

H2SO4 The first proton is a strong acid. H2SO4(aq) ----> H+(aq) + HSO4-(aq)

What is the formula fro phosphoric acid? What are the three ionization reactions?

H3PO4 H3PO4 <-----> H2 PO4 - + H + H2PO4 - <-----> HPO4 2- + H + HPO4 2- <-----> PO4 3- + H +

What is the formula for hydrobromic acid? Is it a weak or strong acid? What is the ionization reaction?

HBr(aq) Strong acid HBr ----> H+(aq) + Br-(aq)

What is the formula for hydrogen bromide? What is the ionization reaction?

HBr(g) HBr(g) ----> H+(aq) + Br-(aq)

What is the formula for hydrochloric acid? Is it strong or weak and where is it found? What is the ionization reaction?

HCl(aq) Strong acid Also, stomach acid and used for cleaning cement HCl(aq) ----> H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

What is the formula for chloric acid? What is the Ka expression?

HClO3 Ka = [H+][ClO3 -]/[HClO3] or [H3O+][ClO3 -]/[HClO3]

What is the formula for perchloric acid? Is this a weak or strong acid? Write the reaction when dissolved in water.

HClO4 strong acid HClO4 ----> H + + ClO4 - or HClO4 + H2O <----> H3O + + ClO4 -

What is the formula for nitrous acid? What is the Ka equation?

HNO2 Ka= [H+][NO2 -]/[HNO2] or [H3O+][NO2-]/[HNO2]

What is the formula for nitric acid? Is it a weak or strong acid? Write the equation when nitric acid is dissolved in water.

HNO3 Strong acid HNO3 --> H+ +NO3 - or HNO3 + H2O --> H3O+ + NO3 -

Define halogen.

Halogens are the elements in the next to last group of the periodic table (Group VIIA or 17). They are reactive elements with an ns2, np5, valence electron structure. Halogens commonly form salts (halide is another name for salt) with metals. Halogens generally have high electronegativities. Fluorine has the highest electronegativity in the periodic table. In simple compounds, halogens tend to form only one bond. However, halogens form multiple bonds with oxygen and other halogens.

Define Hund's Rule

Hund's Rule states that all orbitals in a sublevel must fill with one electron before a second electron of opposite spin can be added to any orbital in that sublevel.

Define malleable.

Malleable is a property of metals. Malleable means that the substance can be hammered into new shapes.

Define metallic crystal.

Metalli0c crystals form from the metals in the periodic table. These crystals are malleable, ductile, and conduct electricity. Chemists view metallic crystals as a lattice of nuclei and core electrons in a "sea" of mobile valence electrons.

Describe where on the periodic table metals, nonmetals, and metalloids are found. Describe their properties.

Metals are found on the lower left of the periodic table, nonmetals on the upper right of the table, and metalloids are on either side of a staircase line that starts between boron and aluminum, aluminum to silicon, and then to the bottom of the table. Metals typically have a silvery luster (except gold and copper), conduct electricity easily, and are malleable and ductile. Nonmetals have none of the properties that metals have. Metalloids have properties in between metals and nonmetals. They are semiconductors of electricity.

What is the formula for dinitrogen pentoxide? Write the equation when it is dissolved in water What is the oxidation number of nitrogen in this compound?

N2O5 N2O5 + H2O ---> 2HNO3 (5 oxygen)(-2) + (2 nitrogen) (x) = 0 x = +5 is the oxidation number of each nitrogen.

Define noble gas.

Noble gases are in the last group of the periodic table (Group VIIIA or 18). They are unusually unreactive with an octet of valence electrons ns2np6. Helium was first found in the sun's spectrum. Xenon was the first noble gas that was made into a compound.

Define noble gases.

Noble gases are the elements in the last group in periodic table (Group VIIIA or 18). They are unusually stable elements and all, except He, have ns2, np6 valence electrons. The noble gases include: helium He, neon Ne, argon Ar, krypton Kr, xenon Xe, radon Rn.

Describe nuclear charge and the concept of effective nuclear charge.

Nuclear charge is the number of positive charges in the nucleus. This is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus (Z) and is also the atomic number. The concept of effective nuclear charge is that inner (core) electrons shield outer electrons from the nuclear charge. The outer electrons are attracted by a nuclear charge that is approximately equal to the number of valence electrons. The atomic radius decreases from left to right across the periodic table because the effective nuclear charge increases as the number of valence electrons increases. The increase in effective nuclear charge increases the attractive force on the valence electrons, resulting in a smaller atom.

What is the formula for sulfur trioxide? Write the equation when it is dissolved in water. What compound is formed? Is the acid weak or strong.

SO3 SO3(aq) + H2O ---> H2SO4(aq) Sulfuric acid Strong acid

Amphoteric and amphiprotic substances have the same underlying concept. Explain.

Substance that can both donate and accept protons are amphiprotic. Example: H2PO4-. Substances that can react as both an acid and a base are amphoteric. Example: Al2O3.

Write the name for the formula: SO3 2- Write the formula for the name: carbon dioxide.

Sulfite ion CO2

Define Bohr atom.

The Bohr atom is the model of the atom developed by Niels Bohr. This model viewed electrons circling the nucleus like a miniature solar system. Each orbit had a definite energy and electrons moving from one orbit to another and either absorbed or emitted the energy difference between the orbits. This theory replicated the Rydberg Constant to less that +/-0.5%.

What is the Pauli Exclusion Principle?

The Pauli Exclusion Principle requires that no two electrons in an atom may have the same set of four quantum numbers: n, l, ml, and ms. This also means that no two electrons with the same wave equations can coexist. Another interpretation is that now two electrons can occupy exactly the same space at the same time.

Define periodic table, period, and group.

The arrangement of the elements in an orderly fashion that shows the relationships of their electronic, chemical, and physical characteristics is the modern periodic table. Each row in the table is called a period. Each column in the table is called a group (and sometimes family).

What is an atom?

The atom was named for the smallest indivisible particle in nature; however, discoveries in physics in the late 1800s showed this was not true. The atom is the fundamental particle defining one of the 118 elements.

What is the concept behind the atomic number?

The atomic number is the number that specifies the position of an element in the periodic table. It is also a number representing the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. The atomic number defines the identity of an element. The basic idea is that each element must fall in some sort of order. Medeleev originally based the order on atomic masses. It was later found that the order should be based on the number of protons in the nucleus of an element.

What is an atomic orbital?

The atomic orbital is the region in space, outside the nucleus, that has a high probability or containing an electron. Atomic orbitals have specific shapes and sizes as defined by quantum numbers.

What is the formula for aluminum fluoride? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for aluminum fluoride is AlF3. The ions that make up this compound are Al3+ and F-.

What is the formula for aluminum nitrate nonahydrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is Al(NO3)3 * 9H2O. The ions that make up this compound are Al3+ and NO3 -.

What is the formula for aluminum sulfate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for aluminum sulfate is Al2(SO4)3. The ions that make up this compound are Al3+ and SO4 2-.

What is the formula for ammonium nitrate (fertilizer)? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for ammonium nitrate is NH4NO3. The ions that make up this compound are NH4 + and NO3 -.

What is the formula for ammonium sulfate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nitrogen in the ammonium ion?

The formula for ammonium sulfate is (NH4)2SO4. The ions that make up this compound are NH4 + and SO4 2-. The oxidation number of N is -3.

What is the formula for ammonium sulfite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for ammonium sulfite is (NH4)2SO3. The ions that make up this compound are NH4+ and SO3 2-. The oxidation number of S is +4.

What is the formula for barium hydroxide octahydrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for barium hydroxide octahydrate is Ba(OH)2 * 8H2O. The ions that make up this compound are Ba 2+ and OH-.

What is the formula for calcium bromate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for calcium bromate is Ca(BrO3)2. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and BrO3-. The oxidation number of Br is +5.

What is the formula for calcium carbonate (limestone)? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for calcium carbonate is CaCO3. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and CO3 2-.

What is the formula for calcium chlorate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for calcium chlorate is Ca(ClO3)2. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and ClO3-. The oxidation number of Cl is +5.

What is the formula for calcium chloride dehydrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for calcium chloride dehydrate is CaCl2 * 2H2O. The ions that make up this compound are Ca+ and Cl-.

What is the formula for calcium hydrogen sulfite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for calcium hydrogen sulfite is Ca(HSO3)2. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and HSO3-. The oxidation number of S is +4.

What is the formula for calcium nitride? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for calcium nitride is Ca3N2. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and N3-.

What is the formula for calcium oxide (lime)? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for calcium oxide is CaO. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and O2-.

What is the formula for calcium sulfate (plaster of Paris)? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for calcium sulfate is CaSO4. The ions that make up this compound are Ca2+ and SO4 2-.

What is the formula for chromium(III) phosphate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for chromium(III) phosphate is CrPO4. The ions that make up this compound are Cr3+ and PO4 3-. The oxidation number of P is +5.

What is the formula for chromium(III) sulfite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for chromium(III) sulfite is Cr2(SO3)3. The ions that make up this compound are Cr3+ and SO3 2-.

What is the formula for cobalt(III) chloride? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for cobalt(III) chloride is CoCl3. The ions that make up this compound are Co3+ and Cl-.

What is the formula for copper sulfate pentahydrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for copper sulfate pentahydrate is CuSO4 * 5H2O. The ions that make up this compound are Cu 2+ and SO4 2-.

What is the formula for gold(III) phosphate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for gold(III) phosphate is AuPO4. The ions that make up this compound are Au 3+ and PO4 3-.

What is the formula for iron(III) nitrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for iron(III) nitrate is Fe(NO3)3. The ions that make up this compound are Fe3+ and NO3-. The oxidation number of N is +5.

What is the formula for lead(II) acetate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for lead(II) acetate is Pb(C2H3O2)2. The ions that make up this compound are Pb2+ and C2H3O2 -.

What is the formula for lead(IV) phosphate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for lead(IV) phosphate is Pb3(PO4)4. The ions that make up this compound are Pb4+ and PO4 3-.

What is the formula for lithium bromide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for lithium bromide is LiBr. The ions that make up this compound are Li+ and Br-.

What is the formula for lithium bromite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for lithium bromite is LiBrO2. The ions that make up this compound are Li+ and BrO2-. The oxidation number of Br is +3.

What is the formula for lithium carbonate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for lithium carbonate is Li2CO3. The ions that make up this compound are Li+ and CO3 2-. The oxidation number of C is +4.

What is the formula for magnesium chloride hexahydrate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for magnesium chloride hexahydrate is MgCl2 * 6H2O. The ions that make up this compound are Mg2+ and Cl-.

What is the formula for magnesium hydroxide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for magnesium hydroxide is Mg(OH)2. The ions that make up this compound are Mg2+ and OH-.

What is the formula for magnesium phosphide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for magnesium phosphide is Mg3P2. The ions that make up this compound are Mg2+ and P3-.

What is the formula for mercury(I) iodide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for mercury(I) iodide is Hg2I2. The ions that make up this compound are Hg2 2+ and I-.

What is the formula for nickel(II) hydrogen carbonate or nickel(II) bicarbonate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for nickel(II) hydrogen carbonate is Ni(HCO3)2. The ions that make up this compound are Ni2+ and HCO3-. The HCO3- ion is also called bicarbonate.

What is the formula for potassium dichromate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for potassium dichromate is K2Cr2O7. The ions that make up this compound are K+ and Cr2O7 2-. The oxidation number of Cr is +6.

What is the formula for potassium dihydrogen phosphate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for potassium dihydrogen phosphate is KH2PO4. The ions that make up this compound are K+ and H2PO4-.

What is the formula for potassium permanganate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for potassium permanganate is KMnO4. The ions that make up this compound are K+ and MnO4-. The oxidation number of Mn is +7.

What is the formula for rubidium perbromate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for rubidium perbromate is RbBrO4. The ions that make up this compound are Rb+ and BrO4-. The oxidation number of Br is +7.

What is the formula for silver chloride? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for silver chloride is AgCl. The ions that make up this compound are Ag+ and Cl-.

What is the formula for silver chromate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for silver chromate is Ag2CrO4. The ions that make up this compound are Ag+ and CrO4 2-.

What is the formula for sodium chloride? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for sodium chloride is NaCl. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and Cl-.

What is the formula for sodium chromate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for sodium chromate is Na2CrO4. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and CrO4 2-. The oxidation number of Cr is +6.

What is the formula for sodium hydrogen phosphate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for sodium hydrogen phosphate is Na2HPO4. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and HPO4 2-. At times, the HPO4 2- ion is called monohydrogen phosphate. The oxidation number of P is +5.

What is the formula for sodium hypobromite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for sodium hypobromite is NaBrO. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and BrO-. The oxidation number of Br is +1.

What is the formula fro sodium hypochlorite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for sodium hypochlorite is NaClO. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and ClO-. The oxidation number of Cl is +1.

What is the formula for sodium nitrite (food preservative)? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for sodium nitrite is NaNO2. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and NO2-.

What is the formula for sodium nitrite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for sodium nitrite is NaNO2. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and NO2-. The oxidation number of N is +3.

What is the formula for sodium oxalate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for sodium oxalate is Na2C2O4. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and C2O4 2-.

What is the formula for sodium oxide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for sodium oxide is Na2O. The ions that make up this compound are Na+ and O2-.

What is the formula for strontium iodide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for strontium iodide is SrI2. The ions that make up this compound are Sr2+ and I-.

What is the formula for tin(II) carbonate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for tin(II) carbonate is SnCO3. The ions that make up this compound are Sn2+ and CO3 2-.

What is the formula for titanium(II) chlorite? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for titanium(II) chlorite is Ti(ClO2)2. The ions that make up this compound are Ti2+ and ClO2-. The oxidation number of Cl is +3.

What is the formula for tungsten(VI) oxide? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound?

The formula for tungsten(VI) oxide is WO3. The ions that make up this compound are W 6+ and O 2-.

What is the formula for zinc sulfate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula for zinc sulfate is ZnSO4. The ions that make up this compound are Zn2+ and SO4 2-. The oxidation number of S is +6.

What is the formula for aluminum hydrogen sulfate or aluminum bisulfate? What are the symbols for the ions that make up this compound? What is the oxidation number of the nonoxygen element in the polyatomic ion?

The formula fro aluminum hydrogen sulfate is Al(HSO4)3. The ions that make up this compound are Al3+ and HSO4-. The oxidation number of S is +6. The HSO4- ion is often called the bisulfate ion.

Define nucleus.

The nucleus is the center of the atom that contains the protons and neutrons. It comprises an extremely small fraction of the atom's volume. The nucleus is extremely dense while the rest of the atom is primarily empty space.

Define and describe the four quantum numbers.

The principle quantum number, n, indicates the shell (or principal energy level) of the atom in which an electron resides and is rough measure of the distance from the nucleus. n can have any value from 1 to infinity. The azimuthal quantum number, l, specifies the sublevel (or orbital) that an electron is located in. This number may be any number from zero up to n-1. This number specifies the shape of an atomic orbital. The magnetic quantum number, m1, indicates the orientation of a sublevel in space. The value of the m1 quantum number can be any number from -l to zero to +l. The spin quantum number, m3, indicates the spin of the electron. An electron is not actually spinning but it is a useful way of visualizing this property. Acceptable values for spin are +1/2 and -1/2. Each electron possesses four quantum numbers. Each electron in an atom must have a set of four quantum numbers different from all other electrons in that atom.

What concept states that only a few three-dimensional basic structures exist for chemical molecules?

The shapes of chemical molecules may be linear, triangular planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, or octahedral. Additional shapes are derived from these basic structures. The basic shape may be deduced from the Lewis structure.

What are the subatomic constituents of the atom?

The subatomic constituents of the atom are protons and neutrons in the nucleus and electrons around the nucleus. The atomic number Z = # of protons. The mass number A = # protons +# of neutrons.

Define transition elements and inner transition elements.

Transition elements are sometimes called d-block elements because the last electrons added to form the element are electrons occupying d orbitals. They occupy the 10 groups in the center of the periodic table. They often form colored ionic compounds. They often have multiple possible oxidation states. They often form polyatomic anions. Inner transition elements have electrons occupying f orbitals as the last electrons added to their electron configuration. They occupy the 14 groups that are often placed outside the periodic table. They contain many of the radioactive and manmade elements.

Define weight and mass.

Weight is the force developed due to the gravitational attraction of two masses toward each other. The weight of an object changes as the gravitational acceleration changes. Mass is the amount of material in a sample. Mass does not change with the acceleration of gravity. weight = force = mass x acceleration of gravity.

Write the names for these elements: Sb W

Write the symbols for these elements: antimony tungsten

Write the names for these elements: Au Ag Cu

Write the symbols for these elements: gold silver copper

Write the names for these elements: Pb Hg Sn

Write the symbols for these elements: lead mercury tin

Write the names for these elements: Na K Fe

Write the symbols for these elements: sodium potassium iron

Write the name for the formula: AsF3 Write the formula for the name: phosphorous pentafluoride

arsenic trifluoride PF5

Write the name for the formula: BeCl2 Write the formula for the name: arsenic trioxide

beryllium dichloride AsO3

Write the name for the formula: CS2 Write the formula for the name: boron trifluoride

carbon disulfide BF3

Write the name for the formula: N2O4 Write the formula for the name: Sulfur hexachloride

dinitrogen tetroxide SCl6

Write the name for the formula: H2O2 Write the formula for the name: nitrogen monoxide

hydrogen peroxide NO

Write the name for the formula: H2S(g) Write the formula for the name: antimony trichloride

hydrogen sulfide SbCl3

Write the name for the formula: NI3 Write the formula for the name: carbon monoxide

nitrogen triiodide CO

Write the name for the formula: O3 Write the formula for the name: nitrogen dioxide

ozone NO2

Write the name for the formula: SeCl4 Write the formula for the name: diphosphorous pentaoxide

selenium tetrachloride P2O5

Write the name for the formula: SiC Write the formula for the name: carbon tetrachloride

silicon carbide CCl4

Write the name for the formula: SiO2 Write the formula for the name: Sulfur dioxide

silicone dioxide SO2

Write the name for the formula: P4O10 Write the formula for the name: dinitrogen pentoxide

tetraphosphorous decaoxide N2O5

Write the name for the formula: XeF4 Write the formula for the name: sulfur trioxide

xenon tetrafluoride SO3

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