AP Chemistry Chapter 10

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Zinc reacts with aqueous sulfuric acid to form hydrogen gas: In an experiment, 225 mL of wet is collected over water at 27 °C and a barometric pressure of . How many grams of Zn have been consumed? The vapor pressure of water at 27 °C is


A sample of a gas (5.0 mol) at 1.0 atm is expanded at constant temperature from 10 L to 15 L. The final pressure is __________ atm.


The density of ammonia gas in a 4.32 L container at 837 torr and 45.0 °C is __________ g/L.


The molecular weight of a gas that has a density of 7.10 g/L at 25.0 °C and 1.00 atm pressure is __________ g/mol.


A sample of gas (12.28 g) occupies 100.0 L at 400.0 K and 2.00 atm. A sample weighing 9.49 g occupies __________ L at 353 K and 2.00 atm.


The van der Waals equation for real gases recognizes that __________.

A) gas particles have non-zero volumes and interact with each other B) molar volumes of gases of different types are different C) the non-zero volumes of gas particles effectively decrease the amount of "empty space" between them D) the molecular attractions between particles of gas decreases the pressure exerted by the gas E) all of the above statements are true

The volume occupied by 1.5 mol of gas at 35 °C and 2.0 atm pressure is __________ L.


A balloon originally had a volume of 4.39 L at 44 °C and a pressure of 729 torr. The balloon must be cooled to __________°C to reduce its volume to 3.78 L (at constant pressure).


The temperature and pressure specified by STP are __________ °C and __________ atm.

0, 1

The pressure of a sample of gas (6.022 g) in a 30.0 L vessel at 402 K is __________ atm.


Zinc reacts with aqueous sulfuric acid to form hydrogen gas: In an experiment, 201 mL of wet is collected over water at 27 °C and a barometric pressure of . The vapor pressure of water at 27 °C is 26.74 torr. The partial pressure of hydrogen in this experiment is __________ atm.


A gas vessel is attached to an open-end manometer containing a nonvolatile liquid of density 0.791 g/mL as shown below. The difference in heights of the liquid in the two sides of the manometer is 43.4 cm when the atmospheric pressure is 755 mm Hg. Given that the density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL, the pressure of the enclosed gas is __________ atm.


How much faster does effuse than?

1.004 times as fast

What is the density (in g/L) of oxygen gas at 77.0 °C and 700.0 torr?


A gas vessel is attached to an open-end manometer filled with a nonvolatile liquid of density 0.993 g/mL as shown below. The difference in heights of the liquid in the two sides of the manometer is 32.3 cm when the atmospheric pressure is 765 mm Hg. Given that the density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL, the pressure of the enclosed gas is __________ atm.


A sample of a gas (1.50 mol) is contained in a 15.0 L cylinder. The temperature is increased from 100 °C to 150 °C. The ratio of final pressure to initial pressure is __________.


The amount of gas that occupies 60.82 L at 31°C and 367 mm Hg is __________ mol.


The density of nitric oxide (NO) gas at 1.21 atm and 54.1 °C is __________ g/L.


The volume of hydrogen gas at 38.0 °C and 763 torr that can be produced by the reaction of 4.33 g of zinc with excess sulfuric acid is __________ L.


The density of chlorine gas at 25 °C and 60. kPa is __________ g/L.


The mass of nitrogen dioxide contained in a 4.32 L vessel at 48 °C and 141600 Pa is __________ g.


The reaction of 50 mL of gas with 150 mL of gas to form ammonia via the equation: will produce __________ mL of ammonia if pressure and temperature are kept constant.


The reaction of 50 mL of gas with 50 mL of gas via the equation: will produce a total of __________ mL of products if pressure and temperature are kept constant.


At a temperature of __________ °C, 0.444 mol of CO gas occupies 11.8 L at 889 torr.


A closed-end manometer was attached to a vessel containing argon. The difference in the mercury levels in the two arms of the manometer was 12.2 cm. Atmospheric pressure was 783 mm Hg. The pressure of the argon in the container was __________ mm Hg.


The molecular weight of a gas that has a density of 5.75 g/L at STP is __________ g/mol.


A sample of gas (1.3 mol) occupies __________ L at 22 °C and 2.5 atm.


A fixed amount of gas at 25.0 °C occupies a volume of 10.0 L when the pressure is 629 torr. Use Charles's law to calculate the volume (L) the gas will occupy when the temperature is increased to while maintaining the pressure at 629 torr.


The volume of HCL gas required to react with excess magnesium metal to produce 6.82 L of hydrogen gas at 2.19 atm and 35.0 °C is __________ L.


A sample of an ideal gas (3.00 L) in a closed container at 25.0 °C and 76.0 torr is heated to 300 °C. The pressure of the gas at this temperature is __________ torr.


A sample of gas (24.2 g) initially at 4.00 atm was compressed from 8.00 L to 2.00 L at constant temperature. After the compression, the gas pressure was __________ atm.


A sample of gas (1.9 mol) is in a flask at 21 °C and 697 mm Hg. The flask is opened and more gas is added to the flask. The new pressure is 795 mm Hg and the temperature is now 26 °C. There are now __________ mol of gas in the flask.


The thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate can be used to produce oxygen in the laboratory. What volume (L) of gas at 25 °C and 1.00 atm pressure is produced by the decomposition of 7.5 g of?


A gas at a pressure of 325 torr exerts a force of __________ N on an area of .

2.4 x 10^5

The density of at 1.53 atm and 45.2 °C is __________ g/L.


A sample of a gas originally at 25 °C and 1.00 atm pressure in a 2.5 L container is allowed to expand until the pressure is 0.85 atm and the temperature is 15 °C. The final volume of the gas is __________ L.


The volume of HCl gas required to react with excess Ca to produce 11.4 L of hydrogen gas at 1.62 atm and 62.0 °C is __________ L.


If 50.75 g of a gas occupies 10.0 L at STP, 129.3 g of the gas will occupy __________ L at STP.


The pressure exerted by 1.3 mol of gas in a 13 L flask at 22 °C is __________ kPa.


The Mond process produces pure nickel metal via the thermal decomposition of nickel tetracarbonyl: . What volume (L) of is formed from the complete decomposition of 444 g of at 752 torr and 22.0 °C?


What volume (L) of gas at STP is produced by the complete reaction of 7.5 g of acording to the following reaction?


The density of chlorine gas at 1.21 atm and 34.9 °C is __________ g/L.


A gas originally at 27 °C and 1.00 atm pressure in a 3.9 L flask is cooled at constant pressure until the temperature is 11 °C. The new volume of the gas is __________ L.


The density of krypton gas at 1.21 atm and 50.0 °C is __________ g/L.


Calcium hydride reacts with water to form hydrogen gas: How many grams of are needed to generate 48.0 L of gas at a pressure of 0.888 atm and a temperature of 32 °C?


Given the equation (not balanced) Determine the number of liters of formed at STP. when 240.0 grams of is burned in excess oxygen gas.


The molecular weight of a gas is __________ g/mol if 3.5 g of the gas occupies 2.1 L at STP.


What is the partial pressure (in mm Hg) of neon in a 4.00 L vessel that contains 0.838 mol of methane, 0.184 mol of ethane, and 0.755 mol of neon at a total pressure of 928 mm Hg?


The volume of 0.65 mol of an ideal gas at 365 torr and 97 °C is __________ L.


The reaction of 50 mL of gas with 50 mL of gas via the equation: will produce a total of __________ mL of products if pressure and temperature are kept constant.


A gas at a pressure of 10.0 Pa exerts a force of __________ N on an area of .


The rms speed of methane molecules at 45.0 °C is __________ m/sec. https://getbooksolutions.com


Given the equation https://getbooksolutions.com (not balanced) Determine the number of liters of consumed at STP when 270.0 grams of is burned.


Automobile air bags use the decomposition of sodium azide as their source of gas for rapid inflation: . What mass (g) of is required to provide 40.0 L of at 25.0 °C and 763 torr?


Ammonium nitrite undergoes thermal decomposition to produce only gases: What volume (L) of gas is produced by the decomposition of 35.0 g of at 525 °C and 1.5 atm?


In a Torricelli barometer, a pressure of one atmosphere supports a 760 mm column of mercury. If the original tube containing the mercury is replaced with a tube having twice the diameter of the original, the height of the mercury column at one atmosphere pressure is __________ mm.


A pressure of 1.00 atm is the same as a pressure of __________ of mm Hg.


The volume of fluorine gas required to react with 2.67 g of calcium bromide to form calcium fluoride and bromine at 41.0 °C and 4.31 atm is __________ mL.


A sample of He gas (2.35 mol) occupies 57.9 L at 300.0 K and 1.00 atm. The volume of this sample is __________ L at 423 K and 1.00 atm.


A fixed amount of gas at 25.0 °C occupies a volume of 10.0 L when the pressure is 667 torr. Use Boyle's law to calculate the pressure (torr) when the volume is reduced to 7.88 L at a constant temperature of 25.0 °C.


If 3.21 mol of a gas occupies 56.2 L at 44 °C and 793 torr, 5.29 mol of this gas occupies __________ L under these conditions.


mixture of carbon dioxide and an unknown gas was allowed to effuse from a container. The carbon dioxide took 1.25 times as long to escape as the unknown gas. Which one could be the unknown gas?


The National Weather Service routinely supplies atmospheric pressure data to help pilots set their altimeters. The units the NWS uses for atmospheric pressure are inches of mercury. A barometric pressure of 30.51 inches of mercury corresponds to __________ kPa.

D) 103.3

A gas is considered "ideal" if one mole of it in a one-liter container exerts a pressure of exactly 1 atm at room temperature. T or F?


If the temperature is lowered from 60 °C to 30 °C, the volume of a fixed amount of gas will be one half the original volume. T or F?


Kinetic-molecular theory assumes that attractive and repulsive forces between gas particles are stronger than those between gas particles and container walls. T or F


The effusion rate of a gas is proportional to the square root of its molar mass. T or F?


The main component of air is oxygen. T or F?


Which one of the following gases would deviate the least from ideal gas behavior?


According to the kinetic-molecular theory, molecules of different gases at the same temperature always have the same average kinetic energy. T or F?


Two deviations of real gases from ideal gases which are treated in the van der Waals equation are finite molecular volume and non-zero molecular attractions. T or F?


The van der Waals equation corrects the ideal gas law for the finite volume and __________ of gas molecules.

attractive forces

An ideal gas differs from a real gas in that the molecules of an ideal gas __________.

have no attraction for one another

The deviation from ideal behavior of a gas is most evident at __________ and/or low temperature.

high pressure

A real gas will behave most like an ideal gas under conditions of __________.

high temperature and low pressure

Abnormally high blood pressure is called __________.


When gases are treated as real, via use of the van der Waals equation, the actual volume occupied by gas molecules __________ the pressure exerted and the attractive forces between gas molecules __________ the pressure exerted, as compared to an ideal gas.

increases, decreases

A 1.44-g sample of an unknown pure gas occupies a volume of 0.335 L at a pressure of and a temperature of 100.0 °C. The unknown gas is __________.


Which noble gas is expected to show the largest deviations from the ideal gas behavior? https://getbooksolutions.com )


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