AP Comp Gov Final

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The term "failed state" best refers to which of the following?

A state in which law and order persistently breaks down

Which description below most accurately describes Iran's Islamic republic?

A unitary government with a dual executive whose perogatives and responsibilities are specified in the Constitution

Which of the following statements is true about Iranian domestic policy?

The predominant interpretation of Shari'ah law allows for birth control

Which of the following policies was a governmental priority for Russian reformers in the early 1990's?

The rapid transition toward a market economy

Gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP) are measures used to compare countries on

The size of their economies

Interest groups tend to have minimal impact on individual legislators in parliamentary systems because

The strength of political parties gives individual legislators less power over policy

All of the following are issues currently faced by the European Union (EU) EXCEPT

The withdrawal of its founding members

Which of the following is an empirically based statement about politics in Nigeria?

There are many major ethnic groups in Nigeria

Which of the following statements accurately describes changes in the Chinese media in the past twenty-five years?

There has been an increase in investigative reporting

Which of the following is an accurate feature of the judiciary in China?

There is no independent judicial review

Which of the following is the best explanation of the cause of the democratic deficit in the European Union (EU)?

citizens lack direct control over the workings of the EU institutions

One of the central arguments of dependency theory is that

colonialism hampered the long term advancement of developing countries

Which of the following is true of Military rule in Nigeria?

many military leaders promised democratic rule and were followed periods by of democratic rule

The Russian political party system that has emerged since 1991 can best be described as a

multiparty system with one party dominating

Which of the following is a correct definition of a Camarilla?

organization that consists of a political leader's personal followers

In Great Britain, the House of Lords has the power to

postpone the enactment of legislation

Political culture is best defined as the

prevailing attitudes in a society toward government, authority, and participation

Why is Iran considered a rentier state?

Iran is able to capitalize on its oil revenues

Which of the following is true of the current Mexican Constitution?

It declares that all subsoil rights are the property of the nation and limits foreigners rights to exploit natural resources

Which of the following is a true statement about the Chinese government's approach to ethnic minorities?

It has given some latitude to ethnic minorities in such matters as population control and language

Which of the following best defines a successful vote of no confidence

A majority vote in the legislature forces the resignation of the government

For which of the following reasons is the year 2000 considered a turning point in Mexican political history?

A President was elected who was not a candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)

Which of the following regarding class politics in Great Britain is true?

Although its impact has diminished class remains the most important source of social cleavage in British politics

In comparing procedural and substantive democracy, it is accurate to say

All substantive democracies are procedural, but not all procedural democracies are substantive

Which of the following has been an important consequence of the one-child family policy for Chinese society?

An increase in the median age

Which of the following provide a check on the Supreme Leader in Iran?

Assembly of Religious Experts

Which of the following is true of both China and Russia?

Both have weak legislative branches compared with the executive branch

All of the following are accurate comparisons of Mexico and China in the latter half of the twentieth century EXCEPT:

Both outlawed all opposition parties from competing in elections

Which of the following is the best indicator that a political regime is legitimate?

Citizens follow laws because they believe in the government's right to rule.

Which of the following occurs in a command economy?

Central planners determine prices on the basis of supply and demand

Following the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989, Iran's constitution was amended to

Change the selection criteria for Supreme Leader

Which of the following is the best indicator that a political regime is legitimate?

Citizens follow laws because they believe in the government's right to rule

In which of the following types of systems is economic policy necessarily negotiated among government, labor and industry?


In Chinese politics, the "mass line" refers to the principle that

Correct party leadership depends on constant contact between the party and the public

In recent years, all of the following reforms have been instituted in China EXCEPT

Creation of an independent judiciary

The organizing principle of the Chinese Communist Party is

Democratic centralism

Which of the following types of regimes has had the greatest increase in number worldwide since 1970?


Which of the following occurred soon after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini?

Economic development became the central concern of the Iranian state

Which of the following was Deng Xiaoping's most important contribution to Chinese politics?

Economic liberalization

Which of the following is true about the current legal system in China?

Economic reform has led to judicial reform

One primary aim of the Cultural Revolution in China between 1966 and 1976 was to

Eliminate all opposition to the ideas of Mao Zedong

Which of the following is a key component of economic liberalization in former command economies?

Eliminating price controls

During the years of the Soviet empire's disintegration, the Chinese leadership did which of the following?

Emphasized liberalizing the economy rather than the political system

The most common strategy adopted by developing countries deal with the problem of population growth is?

Establishing policies that seek to reduce fertility rates

Health care, pensions, unemployment insurance, and direct economic assistance to those in need are

Examples of provision of public policies

Unlike Mexico and Nigeria, Iran has not experienced

Formal colonial rule

Compared with first-past-the-post, a proportional representation electoral system

Gives third parties a better chance at winning seats in a legislature

In a rentier system, public policy is less responsive to citizens because of which of the following factors?

Government revenues are derived from foreign purchases of a particular resource

Which of the following is a feature of the Iranian Political system?

Having a dual executive consisting of Supreme Leader and President

Which of the following is true of Iran's Supreme Leader?

He has the power to appoint half of the members of the Guardian Council

Which of the following statements about the Maastricht Treaty are correct? I. It established European citizenship II. It established a uniform criminal code for all member states III. It paved the way for a single European currency IV. It devised a common foreign policy for all member states

I and III only

Which of the following countries have a history of corporatism? I. United Kingdom II. Russia III. China IV. Mexico

I and IV

All of the following is true of structural adjustment: I. it is strongly encouraged by IMF and World Bank II. it is strongly encouraged by the WTO III. it often results in large inequities in wealth IV. it sets up barriers to trade

I, II, and III

Which of the following were consequences of ending the centrally planned economy in Russia after 1991? I. Increased unemployment II. Decentralized production decisions III. An increase in the number of individually owned enterprises IV. A decrease in corruption

I, II, and III only

China's political leaders regard which of the following as integral parts of an eventually united Chinese state?('10) I. Hong Kong II. North and South Korea III. Taiwan IV. Tibet

I, III and IV only

Which of the following is true of the transitions to democracy in Mexico and Russia?

In Mexico old institutions were reformed while in Russia new institutions were created

Which of the following is a correct statement about elections in Great Britain and Russia?

In Russia presidential elections are held every four years, while in Great Britain national elections may be called at any time within a five-year period

Which of the following sets of contrasts is true for all parliamentary and presidential systems?

In parliamentary systems, the legislative and executive branches are fused, while in presidential systems they are separate.

Which of the following principles did President Mohammad Khatami put at the center of his domestic agenda in his first term?

Increased freedom of the press

One of the key socioeconomic changes as countries develop economically is

Increasing rural-to-urban migrations

All of the following countries have had active separatist movements EXCEPT


Which of the following countries is best described as a theocratic state?


Iran and Nigeria differ in which of the following ways?

Iran is a unitary state but Nigeria is a federal state

Which of the following is true of coalition government?

It tends to result from a fragmented legislature and can be unstable

Which of the following best describes Iranian political culture?

It values the community's welfare above individual rights

Based on the table above, which political party in Great Britain would gain the most seats from a change to proportional representation?

Liberal Democrat

Which of the lines shown in the chart above best represents the general relationship between per capita GDP and degree of democracy?

Line C

One similarity between the political systems of Russia and Great Britain is that in both countries the

Lower house of the legislature is the more powerful chamber in the policy-making process

Interest group pluralism refers to a system in which

Many interest groups compete to influence the government policy

Which statement below best explains why, despite tremendous oil reserves, the Nigerian government still has difficulty providing social services throughout the country?

Massive corruption limits the amount of resources redistributed by the government to the people

One similarity between the Prime Minister of Russia and the Prime Minister of Great Britain is that both

May be removed as a result of votes of no confidence in the lower house of the legislature

Which of the following is true of the legislature in Mexico?

Members are elected by proportional representation

All of the following political are features of the Iranian political system EXCEPT

Military rule

What is meant by the term "democratic deficit" in the European Union?

Most decision making in the European Union is done by nonelected officials

According to the Chinese constitution, formal power of the governing rests with the

National People's Congress

Which of the following countries has a history of coups d'état and military rule during the past 50 years?


In which of the following pairs of countries do both governments have a federal structure?

Nigeria and Mexico

A unitary system is best defined as one that has

No constitutional division of powers between the central and regional governments

In Nigeria, Shari'ah law is part of the legal system in the

Northern region

All of the following are true of Nigeria EXCEPT

Oil prices in Nigeria are low compared to the rest of the world

The voting behavior of members of the British House of Commons in principally determined by their

Party affiliation

Which of the following refers to the array of political parties operating in a particular country and the nature of the relationship between them?

Party system

Political parties in Nigeria are best described as being organized around which of the following?

Personalities and powerful individuals

In terms of actual practice, the key decision making body in the Soviet Union was the

Politburo of the Communist Party

In most democratic political systems, interest groups differ from political parties in which of the following ways?

Political parties nominate and run candidates for elective office, while interest groups do not

The process by which basic political attitudes and beliefs are developed is developed is known as

Political socialization

The concept of nation is best defined as a

Population with common historical, ethnic, linguistic, and/or religious bonds

Nigeria's head of state is the


Which of the following one of the most important a causes of the Islamic revolution of 1979 in Iran?

Prohibition of Islamic religious practices

Both Mexico and Russia have

Proportional representation in the lower house of the legislature

Developing countries with multiple political parties most often divide along which of the following lines of cleavage?

Religion and ethnicity

Which of the following statements best characterizes Nigerian society?

Religious diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity

Chinese citizens participate in politics by voting in elections for

Representatives to the local People's Congress

Which of the following statements is supported by the data in the table above?

Respondents were more likely to support devolution than to oppose it

The nature of patron-client relationships is accurately reflected by which of the following statements?

Responsibilities and obligations are based on a hierarchy between elites and citizens

Before the Mexican elections of 2000, the presidential nominee of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) had been chosen by which of the following processes?

Selection by the sitting president

Policies to decrease ethnic tension in Nigeria have included all of the following EXCEPT

Successful government led campaigns to promote nationalism

The European Union (EU) is an example of a

Supranational organization

The nature of the social and political cleavages in China and Russia are different because in China

The Communist Party is still one important and stable channel of upward mobility, while in Russia it is not

Which of the following political parties dominated its country's politics for the greatest number of years during the twentieth century?

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in Mexico

Which of the following are the two most powerful policy-making institutions in Iran?

The Islamic Consultative Assembly( Majles) and the Guardian Council

Which of the following statements best characterizes the varying geographic distribution of the electoral support received by the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the National Action Party (PAN) in Mexico since 2000?

The PAN receives significantly more support in northern Mexico than the PRD does

Which of the following is true of the Mexican President?

The President is limited to one term of office

Which of the following is true of the election of the President in Nigeria?

The President must get support from a variety of regions in order to get elected

Which of the following was a direct result of the reforms initiated my Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980's?

The Soviet government's legitimacy diminished as inefficiency and corruption were publicly acknowledged

The welfare service commitments of advanced industrial democracies are most seriously threatened by

The aging of their populations

In parliamentary democracies the major parties of the Right and of the Left tend to disagree most on which of the following?

The appropriate degree of government involvement in the economy and in solving social problems

According to dependency theory, which of the following is one aspect of the relationship between developed and developing nations in the global economy?

The economic progress of developing nations is hampered by developed nation's dominance of foreign direct investment in developing nations

All of the following were results of NAFTA in Mexico EXCEPT?

The government began to nationalization more industries after its adoption

A successful vote of no confidence in a parliamentary system means that

The government steps down and a new government must be formed

Which of the following can be considered a fundamental feature of a parliamentary system of government?

The head of government can be dismissed through a vote of no confidence in the assembly

China's management of public policy crises is best characterized by

The importance of secrecy in the Chinese Communist Party

Which of the following best describes the European Union's (EU) democratic deficit?

The lack of its accountability to the average citizen in member states

In which of the following ways did the Iranian revolution of 1979 resemble the Chinese revolution of 30 years earlier?

The leaders of both revolutions personified charismatic authority

Which of the following is generally true about countries with unitary governments?

They have a highly centralized policy process

Which of the following is a true statement about the adoption of competitive elections in Chinese villages?

They were initiated by the state to control local corruption and incompetent leaders

Which country below is a unitary system that has experienced devolution?

United Kingdom

Civil societies require which of the following?

Voluntary associations

The Russian constitution of 1993 differs significantly from the Soviet constitution in that the 1993 constitution has

allowed the President to disband the Parliament

The European Union (EU) challenges the sovereignty of member states in Europe because

an increasing number of decisions are now being made by the EU instead of being made solely by national governments

An illiberal democracy would typically be characterized by

elections coupled with restrictions on individual liberties

In Great Britain, the Prime Minister is

he head of government and leader of the dominant party in Parliament

The primary purpose of Question Hour in the British Parliament is to

hold government ministers accountable for their actions

Which of the following has the responsibility of disqualifying candidates for public office in Iran?

the Guardian Council

After the adoption of the Russian constitution in 1993, which of the following institutions has had the most power in Russia?

the President

In Russian politics, all of the following contribute to the continuing attraction of authoritarian political forces such as ultranationalists and former communists EXCEPT

the desire of most Russians to reestablish the tsarist empire

Which of the following best describes a command economy?

the government makes all fundamental economic decisions about capital investment, prices, wages, and production levels

Which of the following most accurately describes the population of Iran?

the largest cleavage is between the secular and religious populations

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