Ap Euro Ch. 12 & 13 Reading Notes

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political tract written by Luther in which he called on German princes to overthrow the papacy; attacked the sacramental system

The Adress to the Nobility of the German Nation

was an informal group of clergyman and layman who worked to foster reform by emphasizing personal spiritual development and outward acts of charity

The Oratory of Divine Love

training manual for spiritual development

The Spiritual Excersizes

began the imitation of nature


most important composer of the era

Guillaume Dufay

led the Ultra-Catholic party


first Tudor king

Henry VII

acknowledged as the political leader of Huguonots

Henry of Navarre

final stage of Renaissance Art

High Renaissance

wrote the spiritual excersizes

Ignatius Loyola

wrote numerous letters and treaties that brought her praise from male intellectuals

Isotta Nogarola

restored church services of the "Book of Common Prayer"

Act of Uniformity

Luther calling German rules to "smite, stab, and slay the peasants

Against the Robbing Murdering Hordes of Peasants

intigrates details with Italian style

Albrecht Durer

wished to initiate a radical reform by abolishing all relics, images, and mass

Andreas Carlstadt

created the Martydom of Saint Sebastian

Antonio Pollaiulo

Investigation of movement

Antonoio Pallaiulo

intellectual movement based on the study classical literary works of Greece and Rome

Renaissance Humanism

A. Encompasses popes from the end of the Great Schism to the beginning of the reformation

Renaissance Papacy

eleven Lutheran cities- vowed to protect each other when one was attacked for religious reason

Schmalkaldic League

emerged from Franciscans- caring for the sic and focused on preaching directly to the people


had the imitation of Christ translated to Spanish

Cardinal Ximenes

restored discipline and eliminated immortality among the monks and secular clergy

Cardinal Ximenes

commissioned a translation of Plato's dialogues

Casimo de' Medici

became prominent in Venice for her public recitations or orations

Cassandra Fedele

stressed the importance of liberal studies and physical education

Concerning Character

Renaissance view of the value of liberal arts was most strongly influenced by what?

Concerning Character by Pietro Paolo Vergerio

passed the Sacrosanct and Frequens & Sacrosanta

Consul of Canstance

Did not use juries and allowed torture to extract confession

Courts of Star Chambers

highest point of Renaissance works of historagraphy

Frencesco Guicciardini

Charless V four major problems

French; Papacy; Turks; German International Situation

Initiated the High Renaissance preoccupation with the idealization of nature

Da Vinci

designed the Tempietto

Dante Bramante

designed a small temple on the site of Saint Peter's martydom

Donato Bramante

Major activities of Jesuits

Establishing schools; Spreading of Catholic faith among Christian; fighting Protestantism

condemning appeals to a council over the head of a pope as heretical


short treaty on the doctrine of salvation

Freedom of a Christian Man

emphasizes political and military history

Frencesco Guicciardini

painted Geiovanni Arnolini and His Bride

Jan van Eyck

condemned Luther as a heretic

Johann Eck

proclaimed himself king of the New Jerusalem

John of Leiden

initiated the English Reformation

King Henry VIII

defended the ability of woman to pursue scholarly pursuits

Laura Cereta

was the first Italian humanist to gain through knowledge of the Greek

Leonardo Bruni

wrote History of the Florentine People

Leonardo Bruni

Dominated renaissance art

Leonardo da Vinci, Rapheal, and Michelangelo

practice in which wealthy aristocrats maintained private armies of followers dedicated to service of their lord

Livery and maintenance

The Elegances of Latin Language

Lorenzo Valla

creates a base for later development of a strong French monarchy

Louis XI

spider king

Louis XI

invites French king Charles VII to intervene in Italian politics

Ludovice Sforza ( duke of Milan)

wrote 95 Thesis


wrote Freedom of a Christian Man


wrote The Adress to the Nobility of the German Nation


founded the Carmelite nuns

Saint Teresa of Avila

created Primavera

Sandro Botticelli

His 3D human figures provided a model for later generations of Florentine painters


Peaceful, evangelical, and stressed separation from the world

Menno Simons

Plato and the Platonic philosophy


indictment of abuses in the sale of indulgences


uses figures as props to show off his mastery of perspective

Paolo Uccello

Painted reflecting the mathematical side of art

Paulo Uccello

ended religious war fare in Germany

Peace of Augsburg

first to characterize the middle ages as a period of darkness; promoting that the middle ages was ignorant


greatest advocate of malitian Catholicism

Philip II of Spain

created Urbino

Piero della Francesca

provided accurate representation & sense of the power & wealth of the rulers of Urbino

Piero della Frencesca

had an especially important impact on Florentine painters

Platonic Academy

believed no religious truth was worth civil war


most involved in war and politics than any other pope

Pope Julius

issued an indulgence finance for the construction of St. Peter's Basilica

Pope Leo X

created the Index of Forbidden Books

Pope Paul IV

issued the papal bull Exercabilis

Pope Pius II

commissioned to do paintings and construction of St. Peter's basilica


baptized as children and then again adults


emphasized reforming the secular clergy; founding orphanages and hospitals


A new confession of faith that defined theological issues midway between Lutheranism & Calvinism

Thirty Nine Articles

praised his household as a model of Christian family life

Thomas More

wrote The Imitation of Christ

Thomas a Kempis

northern provinces of Netherlands

Union of Utrecht

order of nuns that focused on establishing schools for educating girls


founded the most famous school in the educational renaissance

Vittorina de Feltre

Luther's major concern

assurance of salvation

designed to prevent the expansion of power, wealth, or rank of any one state at the expense of others

balance of power

Makes it difficult for the king to assert authority after the Hundred Years War

depopulation; desolate farmlands; ruined commerce; independent and unruly nobles; nationalism

Primary concern of the renaissance papacy

governing the church as its spiritual leader

what did the Peace of Augsburg do?

granted Lutheranism equal standing with Catholicism; Each German ruler to decide the religion of his subjects

stressed the occult sciences with emphasis on astrology, alchemy, and magic


starting point for most Protestant major doctrines

justification by faith alone

poem set to music


made the Hapsburg dynasty an international power

marriage of Maximilian to Mary

his frescoes were regarded as the first masterpieces of early renaissance art


How did the Calvinist view the Last Supper?

only in a spiritual sense

most important characteristic of northern humanism

reform program

union of the Union of Arras

southern provinces of the Netherlands

reveals a world of balance harmony, and order; underlying principals of classical Greece and Rome

the School of Athens

music tries to portray the literal meaning of the text

text painting

was an effort to purify medieval Latin and restore Latin to proper position over the vernacular

the Elegances of Latin

foremost achievement of Martin Luther

translation of the New testament into German

greatest contribution of Guillaume Dufay

will change the composition of mass

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