AP Euro Ch 25 review

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How did the Nazis manage The Northern European states that they conquered?

They established puppet government with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs

Why did Stalin and his supporters sponsor the first five year plan?

They feared a gradual restoration of capitalism and, more importantly, wanted to catch up with the west and overcome traditional Russian "backwardness"

What were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen (Special Task Force)?

They follow to the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering "undesirables" as they moved from town to town

For artists such as the Dadaists and surrealists, what was the purpose of art?

To expose the bankruptcy of modern society and produce radical social change

What was Germany's goal in the battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he

Use the pretext of German minorities in Danzig

As practiced in the 1930s , appeasement was

A British policy that came to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war

What was the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916?

An agreement between Great Britain and France to divvy up parts of the middle east after the war

What did the conservative economists believe in the 1930s?

Balanced budget where the key to economic growth

Why did Italy, after declaring neutrality in 1914, decide to join the triple entente in 1915?

It was promised Austrian territory in return

The signatures of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact, initiated by French prime minister Aristide Briand and US Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg, agreed to

Renounce war as an instrument of International policy

Which battle was the decisive turning point during world war two on the Eastern front?


The great depression did not hit Britain as hard as the United States or Germany, in part because

The British economy had moved away from international markets and toward production of goods for the domestic market

What was the immediate cause of British entry into the first world war?

The German invasion of neutral Belgium

In the Latern agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that received I have the support from the Italian state

What did the Schleiffen plan call for in 1914?

The lightning attack through neutral Belgium and a quick defeat of France before turning on Russia

Why were the Balkans considered the "powder keg" of Europe

The ottoman empire had been forced to give up its territory in the region, leading to growing ethnic nationalism

Throughout the first world war, what mystic did military commanders repeatedly make?

They attempted to Mount massive offensives designed to break through entrenched lines

What was the common effects of western offensives during the first world war?

They cause the slaughter of massed infantry units

How did the Nazi party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft?

They created mass organizations such as the Hitler youth and held mass rallies to spread not see ideology and enlist volunteers

What was the primary political weakness of the white forces as they fought against the Bolsheviks?

They had a poorly defined political program that failed to unite the enemies of the bolsheviks

How did the Western powers react to the declarations of independence by Syria and Iraq shortly after the first world war?

They invaded the two regions and defeated the independence movements

How did France and Belgium react when Germany refused to make it second reparations payment?

They occupied the Ruhr district

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals

What characteristics did communist and fascist dictatorship's share?

Those engaged and state control social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people"

Who was Alexander Kerensky?

An agrarian socialist who became Prime Minister of Russia in July 1917

What did the Balfour declaration of November 1917, written by British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour, announce?

Britain favored the national home for the Jewish people in Palestine

The "cult of the Duce" (leader) promoted the image of Mussolini as

A powerful strong man and bodying the best qualities of the Italian people

The American stock market crash of October 1929 was primarily the result of

An inbalance between real investment and speculation

Why did Britain adopt a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler?

British conservative leaders underestimated Hitler

How did German Chancellor Heinrich Brüning try to cope with the great depression in the early 1930s?

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices

In Stalin's Soviet union, women

Could enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science

Why was the great depression slow to affect France?

France was less industrialized the Nother major Continental Powers in europe and somewhat isolated from the world economy

What did the "war guilt clause" in the Treaty of Versailles declare?

Germany (with Austria) was solely responsible for the war and had to pay reparations

Which countries in August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact that led directly to war

Germany and the Soviet Union

Why did Stalin call for the mass murder of the kulaks?

He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress

In the late 1920s, how did Hitler shape the Nazi party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasize the anti-capitalist elements of national Socialism and vowed to fight communism

How did Lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917?

He mandated land or form in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done

What was the French premier Georges Clemenceau's opinion at the Paris peace conference?

He wanted to create a buffer state between Germany and France

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA storm troopers, roughly 100 individuals, killed in 1934?

He wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the SA leaders had expected appointment to top positions in the army

The German government printing of money to pay unemployment benefits to workers striking in the Ruhr against the Franco-Belgian occupation of 1923 led to


What did the Swedish response to the depression involve?

Increasing social welfare benefits and state spending on public works projects

What was the effect of the 1935 Nuremberg law?

It defined as Jewish anyone having three or more Jewish grandparents

What was the effect of Lenin's 1921 new economic policy?

It encouraged cousins to sell their surpluses and free markets and allowed private traders and small manufacturers to do business again

What was the purpose of the enabling act in 1933?

It gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years

How did Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff react to Germany's loss in the war in the fall of 1918?

Not wanting to shoulder the blame, they insisted moderate politicians should take responsibility for the defeat

What was the principle of national self-determination promoted by Woodrow Wilson?

People should be able to choose a national government through a democratic process and live free from outside interferences

What were the two front war's military planners had anticipated prior to the First World War?

Russia had assumed a two front war against Germany with Austria-hungary, and Germany had assumed a two front war against Russia and France

With the united states' failure to ratify the Versall treaty, many French leaders place to their hopes for future security on

Strict implementation of the treaty

How did Lenin and the Bolsheviks' view of the Marxist party in Russia differ from the Mensheviks view of the party?

The Bolsheviks wanted a small, disciplined party, while the Mensheviks wanted a more democratic party with mass membership

What was the fatal turning point in the Russian prosecution of the war?

The tsar's decision to assume command of Russia's armies, leaving the government in the hands of the strong-willed, aristocratic tsarina

How did the war on the Eastern front differ from the war on the Western front?

The war on the Eastern front remained more mobile, with Germany in a more dominant position

Why was Britain more ready to conciliate Germany then France following the Versallies peace settlement?

British have it depended heavily on the German market for their exports before World War I

What agreement did the United States develop to resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe 1924?

Dawes plan

During the first world war, the African colonial subjects of Britain and France

Generally supported their foreign masters

What part of Otto von Bismark's alliance system did William II abandon?

Germany's nonaggression pact with Russia

In the 20th century, what was John Maynard Keynes known for?

He denounced the Treaty of Versallies for economic reasons

What did the popular front do after it's 1936 victory in France?

It encouraged the union movement and launched a far reaching program of social reforms that included a 40 hour work week

Why did the German military command recommence submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing it was lead the United States to enter the war against them?

They believe that improved submarines could starve British into submission before the United States could come to Britain's rescue

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