AP Euro chapter 19

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What did the National Assembly not do?

1. abolish private property 2. give women the right to vote

What did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy do?

1. confiscated the lands owned by the RCC 2. decreed that bishops and priests would be elected by the people and paid by the state 3. required the clergy to take a loyalty oath to support the new government

What did the National Assembly reform?

1. created a constitutional monarchy 2. Divided france into 83 departments governed by elected officials 3. established the metric system 4. abolished internal tarrifs 5. abolished guilds

What are the accomplishments of the National Assembly?

1. declaration of rights of man 2. civil constitution of clergy 3. abolish divine right monarchy 4. reform voting

What was different about the republican calendar?

1. removed all christian holidays 2. the month will now be 3, 10 day weeks

When did the French Revolution begin?


What was the population of France during the Old Regime?

27 million

What was the social structure of the Old Regime?

3 estates

Peasants comprised how much of France's population?


What was the Continental System?

A French blockade that disallowed any French lands from trading with Britain

What is Napoleon considered?

A child of the enlightenment and the revolution

Who was Olympe de Gouges?

A female journalist who demanded equal rights in her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female citizen

What is the French Revolution?

A major political and social turning point

What happened at the Bastille?

A mob marched on Bastille looking for guns and prisoners

What was the main reason for Napoleon's quick rise to power?

A series of stunning military victories where he was the underdog, crushed enemies along the way

What was symbolic about the storming of the Bastille?

Act against royal despotism

What does the Declaration of the rights of man say?

All men were born and remain free and equal in rights

What did the French parliament do to Louis XVI?

Assumed the right to approve or disprove the king's decrees

What were Napoleon's 4 reasons for defeat?

Attempting to implement the continental system, naval defeat by British, Nationalism spread accross the countries within his empire, most of the independent states had formed allinaces against him

What was Napoleons final defeat?

Battle of Waterloo

What are the events of the third phase of the FR in order?

Beginning of uprising in Vendee, insurrection leading to arrest of Girondists, Robespierre named to committee on public safty, convention establishes General Maximum on prices/wages, execution of Marie Antoinette, Slavery abolished in french colonies, arrest trial and execution of ulturarevolutionaries, arrest trial and execution of Danton and followers (sans-coulats), Robespierre arrested and his supporters executed, Dircectory takes office

What is Napoleon's domestic policy?

Civil code reaffirmed ideals of the revolution and created a uniform legal system

What are the events of the 2nd phase of the FR in order?

Civil constitution off the clergy, Louis XVI attempt to flee paris, declare war on Austria, Insurrection in paris, massacres in paris, republic established, louis XVI executed

Who made up the first estate?


Where was Napoleon born?


What worsened the financial crisis in France?

Cost of fighting in the 7 years war and the American Independence war

What did the republic try to do in regards to religion?

De-christianize france

Analysis of these excerpts show that they most directly illustrate which of the following

Debates regarding gender issues during the FR

What are the events of the 1st phase of the FR in order?

Estates general, Third Estate calls itself the national assembly, tennis court oath, ball of the bastille, national assembly - abolishes feudalism, national assembly - decleration of rights of man, womens march to versailles

What is the Corvée?

Forced unpaid labor

Why was France's economy so good in the 50 years before the war?

Foreign trade and industry

What did the Declaration provide for?

Freedom of religion, freedom from arbitrary arrest, freedom of speech and the press, and the right to petition the government

Who was Abbe Sieyes?

French writer that talked about the 3rd Estate being more then just poor people but being citizens of France.

Who was outspoken against Napoleon?

Germaine de stael

What was Napoleon's first assignment?

Go to italy, gather an army, and defeat the Austrians

What lead to the increase in bread prices?

Grain shortage

What happens to Napoleon?

He becomes emperor of France

How did Louis XVI handle Frances debt?

He consumed half the nation's tax revenue

Why was Napoleon disliked?

He was short, spoke with an Italian accent and had little money

What harmed the France's funds?

Helping the Americans

What was the initial economic issue for the French Revolution

Inflation of bread (140%)

What did the Girondins want?

Involve France in a war that would discredit the monarchy

What philosopher is initially for the FR but then changes sides?


What is the Taille?

Land tax

Who was Tusant?

Liberate slaves

What was the slogan of the French Revolution?

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

What rights were addressed in the Declaration ... man?

Liberty, Property, Security, and resistance to oppression

What did the Cahiers de doleances do?

Made the church pay taxes

How does Napoleon make the bourgeois happy?

Makes it so by law everyone is equal

The image below best reflects which of the following ideas that occurred as a result of the Revolution?

Many people condemned the Revolution because of its disregard for traditional authority

What did the War with Austria do to the population?

Mobilized it, gave it a common enemy, and fueled nationalism

Who were the two groups in the radical phase?

Mountain and Girondins

Which of the two radical groups will win and is more radical?


What is the Concordat of 1801?

Napoleon's agreement making peace with the church

Which of the following actions most directly undermines Napoleon's assertions?

Napoleon's curtailment of some rights throughout the continent

Who was the first killed by guillotine?

Nicolas Jacques Pelletier

Who made up the second estate?


Who was exempt from paying taxes?


What lead to the French Revolution?

Only the poor (3rd estate) pays taxes

What did the Jacobins want?

Overthrow the monarchy and create a republic

What caused peasants to loose Half their income?

Paying feudal dues to nobles, tithes to the church, royal taxes, taille, corvée

What is the second phase of the FR calles?

Radical phase

What was the third phase of the FR called?

Reign of Terror

What did the French Revolution now offer a model for?

Revolutions/political movements

Who was the leader of the Jacobins?


The exclusion of the female gender from the DecRigManC would have been most supported by which of the following thinkers if the Enlightenment?


Which of the following groups was excluded from the ideals set forth in the DecRigManC?

Slaves in Haiti

Where was Napoleon banished to?

St. Helena

What happened at the Tennis Court Oath?

The 3rd Estate was locked out of the National Assembly and went to an open room to write a new constitution.

What are the two main differences between the French and the American revolution?

The Americans would take advantage of not killing and sparing lives, and the French were bad economically while the Americans were fine

This image best represents which of the following events of the French revolutionary period?

The Jacobin response to opposition

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to support Napoleon's views expressed in the excerpt?

The Philosophies of the enlightenment period

What is established with the abolition of the monarchy?

The Republic

What does the Tennis Court Oath mark?

The beginning of the French Revolution

Based on the information in the graph, which of the following was a cause of the FR in 1789?

The economic crisis of the lower class

What was the Napoleonic Code?

The equality of all citizens, religious tolerance, and abolition of feudalism

The patterns shown on the graph above most directly resulted in which of the following?

The first or liberal phase of the FR

Why did Louis call the Estates General?

The imminent threat of bankruptcy

Who made up the 3rd estate?

The peasants

Which of the following actions during the period of the first French Republic best reflects the policies of the Jacobins?

The pursuit of a policy of De-christianization

What happened in Hati when France abolished slavery?

They contacted the British to come and take over so they could keep their slaves

Why did women march on Versailles?

They demanded cheaper bread and insisting that the royal family move back to paris

What happened during the Thermidorian Reaction?

Violence and beheading

What was the Thermidorian Reaction?

Was the end to the Committee of Public Safety and the end to the Terror

What did French laws exclude?

Women from voting and holding office

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