AP Euro Chapter 20

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The crystal palace...

To celebrate England's advancements in commercial interests and industry.

Which of the following best describes Robert Owen's organization of this community?

An industrial town that organized workers around a principle of "enlightened management".

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the new labor system in England that Andrew Ure referenced?

Available supply of natural materials like coal and iron ore.

Which of the following is another complaint that workers had about factories beyond those discussed int eh Luddite pamphlet excerpt above?

Factory overseers resorted to harsh discipline tactics, including physical punishment.

Who was most likely to provide the capital needed for this system of labor and production?

Factory owners.

Which of the following statements best reflects the comparative assertions made by Marx and Engels?

France moved toward industrialization at a more gradual pace than Great Britan, while German states industrialized quickly after the mid-nineteenth century.

Which 19th century writer disagreed with Andrew Ure's description of labor?

Friedrich Engels.

What did Marx and Engels view as the fundamental cause of the conflict discussed in this selection?

Historical tension concerning the control of the means of production.

The ideas in the excerpt above contributed to the conditions that fostered what supsequent event?

Industrialization in Prussia allowed that state to become a leader of a unified Germany.

Laws that sought to remedy the problem of child labor, such as the one referenced in the excerpt above, best reflect which of the following responses to industrialization?

Interventionist economic policies on behalf of the less privileged.

What economic benefit did this industrial innovation have?

It allowed for the cheaper and more efficient transportation of raw materials and finished goods.

The scenes depicted in this cartoon best serve as evidence to support the ideaology of which of the following groups?

Labor unions and movements, which later developed into political parties that promoted social and economic reforms.

The directives expressed in this excerpt were the primary results of which of the following 19th century developments?

Mechanization and the factory system became the predominant modes of production.

Which of the following social transformations was most likely a factor in why this factory issued the rules in the excerpt above?

Migration from rural areas in industrialized regions created an inexperienced workforce.

Marx and Engels' assertion that "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all" is an extension of what other intellectual idea?


In addition to the demands mentioned above, 'The People's Petition' also called for?

The elimination of property qualifications to vote.

How were artisans negatively affected by the factory system process Ure described?

They lost control of their means of production.

Which of the following groups would least likely be concerned by Sir Robert Peel's statement?


This passage from Marx and Engels demonstrates a significant difference between their ideology and other thinkers because Marx and Engels?

Demanded the complete elimination of private property, whereas other thinkers advocated a significant rearrangement of society while still allowing for private property.

Which of the following was a major contributor to the development of the consciousness that Marx attempts to galvanize in this excerpt?

In industrialized areas of Europe, socioeconomic changes created divisions of lanbor that led to the creation of a new urban industrial working class.

How did this innovation further contribute to the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the nineteenth century?

It created additional demand for industrial goods like iron, steel, and glass.

What is the significance in English political history of 'The People's Petition'?

It reflected the ideas of the first large-scale workers' class political movement in Europe.

Based on Map 20.2: Continental Industrialization, ca. 1850, where are the most important emerging industrial areas in France located?

Paris, Lyons, Lille.

The scenes depicted int his cartoon are most indicative of which of the following social changes in the mid-nineteenth century?

Socialists called for a fair distribution of society's resources and wealth.

Based on Map 20.1: The Industrial Revolution in England, ca. 1850, what appears to be the most important components of the Industrial Revolution other than coalmining?

Textiles, iron and machinery.

Which group of people in England was responsible for the issuance of 'The People's Petition'?

The Chartists.

Based on Map 20.2: Continental Industrialization, ca. 1850, where is the largest emerging industrial area located?

The Ruhr.

On Map 20.1: The Industrial Revolution in England, ca. 1850, what appears to be the largest industrial area?

The area surrounding Manchester and Liverpool.

The specific disagreement within the movement that limited the effectiveness of 'The People's Petition' was whether...

The movement should use violent or non-violent tactics.

What was the general complaint of those who participated int eh movement originally sparked by Edward Ludd?

The new technologies of the Industrial Revolution threatened traditional textile workers.

All of the following are characteristics of the community referenced in this image except...

The organization of all community members into phalanxes based in skills.

What type of actions did the Luddites use in order to bring attention to their concerns?

They resorted to breaking machines, which they saw as threats to their traditional way of life.

Published in Punch Magazine, this cartoon presents a critique of...

Various private, nongovernmental reform movements that sought to lift up the deserving poor.

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