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Passage by Equiano: In what way did slavery and the transatlantic slave trade contribute to changes in the European economy?

slavery increased production of certain commodities, like sugar, coffee, and tea, which in turn generated a consumer economy in Europe

Picture of Gutenberg Bible: Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the production of documents such as the one above?

the need to disseminate new ideas

Passage by Luther: Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the conflict that led to the production of the above document?

the new interpretations of Christian doctrine and practice

Excerpt by Carpenter: What was the general complaint of those who participated in the movement originally sparked by Edward Ludd?

the new technologies of the IR threatened traditional textile workers

Painting & Poem by David Friedrich & Wordsworth: What common element of Romanticism do these 2 artistic pieces reflect?

the power and attraction of nature

Map on Religious Governments: The map above represents which of the following?

the time of religious pluralism

Map of 1848 Revolutions: Which European nation's overthrow of the July Monarchy was the impetus for the revolutions depicted in this map?

(D) NOT Russia, Austria, or Kingdom of 2 Sicilies

Passage by Kramer & Sprenger: Based on the document and your knowledge, which of the following groups would be most likely to use the document to support their political beliefs?


Map of Revolts & Independence: Which 2 uprisings were fueled by nationalism and resulted in independence from another European power?

Greece and Belgium

Document by Council of Trent: Based on the document and your knowledge, which of the following would be most likely to agree with the general tone of the document?


Excerpt from Carlsbad Decrees: The 'Carlsbad Decrees' limited the activities of all of the following groups except?

Catholic priests and Protestant ministers

Passage by Luther: Which Protestant leader might well have disagreed with Luther on this issue?

John Calvin

Image of The Baldacchino by Lorenzo Bernini: The stylistic appeal to emotion experienced a revival in the late 18th century and early 19th century under the label of?


Map of Revolts & Independence: Which of the uprisings on the map above was suppressed by its own domestic conservative government?


Excerpt from The Law on Suspects: The Law on Suspects and related measures could be considered a "turning point" in the French Revolution primarily because they produced?

a conservative "counter-revolution"

Image by Delacroix- 1830: What was the political result of the 1830 Revolution and the installment of the July Monarchy?

a constitutional government based on the principles of classical liberalism

Passage by Benign Bossuet: This form of government would have been likely to exist in the 17th century in a state where?

a large majority of the population was Catholic

Excerpt by Ure: Which of the following contributed to the rise of the new labor system in England that Andrew Ure referenced?

available supply of natural materials like coal and iron ore

Passage by Kramer & Sprenger: Which of the following, along with the Church, also regulated public morals?

city governments

Excerpt by Carpenter: Which of the following is another complaint that workers had about factories beyond those discussed in the Luddite pamphlet excerpt above?

factory overseers resorted to harsh disciplinary tactics, including physical punishment

Excerpt by Ure: Who was most likely to provide the capital needed for this system of labor and production?

factory owner

Excerpt by Bakunin: What was Bakunin's belief about the role of government in society?

he believed that structured governments were oppressive and not necessary in a modern society

Image of February Days: In addition to seeking greater political opportunities for the m/c, what else was a cause of the uprising depicted in the image above?

higher food prices that followed several years of poor harvests

Image by Konrad: What specific group in Russian society led the uprising depicted in Karl Konrad's painting?

military officers who wanted to see the ideas of the Enlightenment implement in Russia

Image by Delacroix- 1830: What does Delacroix's painting suggest about the participation in the 1830 revolution by different social classes?

people from a variety of social classes joined in the 1830 revolution

Passage by Pico della Mirandola: Values that were important to Mirandola and others like him included?

secularism and individualism

Passage by Kramer & Sprenger: The passage above, when applied to the late 16th and early 17th centuries, represents a continued reflection of?

social and economic upheaval in Europe

Picture of Gutenberg Bible: The invention of the printing press that led to the above picture aided in?

spreading the Renaissance beyond Italy

Image of w/c Women: What type of factory work did the women in the image do?

textile production

Picture of Gutenberg Bible: Which of the following might've resulted form the invention of the printing press?

the development of religious groups such as Lutherans and Calvinists

Map on Religious Governments: Based on the map above and your knowledge, which of the following best reflects the result of what is shown on the map?

the failure of Habsburg rulers to restore Catholic unity

Excerpts by Salama & Woodham-Smith: Which of the following best represents the British government's reaction to the crisis discussed by R.N. Salama and Cecil Woodham-Smith in this document?

the federal government repealed the Corn Laws

Excerpt from The People's Petition: The specific disagreement within the movement that limited the effectiveness of 'The People's Petition' was whether?

the movement should use violent or non-violent tactics

Passage by Luther: The passage above represents a conflict over?

the purpose of the Protestant Reformation

Image by Konrad: What was the immediate cause of this uprising in Russia in 1825?

the rejection of Nicholas' leadership and calls for a constitution

Excerpt by Ure: How were artisans negatively affected by the factory system process Ure described?

they lost control of their means of production

Picture of Gutenberg Bible: This invention greatly contributed to the growth of?

vernacular literature

Map of Revolts & Independence: Which state gained their independence in 1830 but is not included on the map above?


Passage by Equiano: The passage undermines what commonly held European view of African slaves?

Africans were inferior to whites and unable to develop higher skills like reading and writing

Image of The Baldacchino by Lorenzo Bernini: One of the principal uses of this style of interior decoration, also evident in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, was to?

demonstrate the wealth and power of the state

Painting & Poem by David Friedrich & Wordsworth: What idea associated with the Romantic movement of the 19th century did Caspar Friedrich demonstrate in 'The Polar Sea'?

the power of nature is much greater than the influence of mankind

Document by Council of Trent: Which of the following statements is most likely to be true based on the above document?

there was a revival of the Catholic Church, but Christianity was divided

Image of Crystal Palace: The Crystal Palace depicted in this painting was built for which of the following purposes?

to celebrate England's advancements in commercial interests and industry

Image by Delacroix- 1830: What art movement is Delacroix's 'Liberty Leading the People' generally associated with?


Image by William Turner: This painting illustrates which of the following 19th century artistic movements?


Image of St. Petersburg from 1st Russian Newspaper: In what way was the Great Northern War (1700-1721) between Russia and Sweden a product of the image and the forces behind its publication?

Sweden was an obstacle to Peter the Great's ambition to gain ice-free ports in the Baltic Sea

Image by Delacroix- 1824: All of the following were reasons western European nations offered support to the Greeks in their independence movement except?

Western Europeans argued that an independent Greece would give them more stable trade relations in the region

Map of Revolts & Independence: Why is there no revolution in the UK on the map above?

Britain elected to implement reforms rather than risk revolution by the people

Excerpt by Mill: Which of the following is an example of a European government's application of Mill's ideas about governance?

Britain's Great Reform Act of 1832

Excerpt from Carlsbad Decrees: Which 19th century ideology triumphed with the issuance of the 'Carlsbad Decrees' in 1819?


Passage by Benign Bossuet: What philosophy of government is advocated in the passage?

Divine Right Monarchy

Passage by Luther: Which of the following might have occurred as a result of groups such as the nobility challenging monarchial authority based on religious reform?

Edict of Nantes

Image by Delacroix- 1830: Where did the revolution that inspired this painting by Delacroix occur?


Excerpt from The Law on Suspects: What factor contributed to the decision to enact the "Law on Suspects"?

France was at war and feared both internal and external enemies

Excerpt by Ure: Which 19th century writer disagreed with Andrew Ure's description of labor?

Friedrich Engels

Image of train: What inventor is credited with inventing "The Rocket", which is pictured above?

George Stephenson

Dialogue by Erasmus: Which of the following would be most likely to disagree with the views represented in the document?

Habsburg rulers

Map of 1848 Revolutions: Which of the following groups shown on this map did not resist Austrian control during the events of 1848-1849?


Map on Religious Governments: Which of the following would be most likely to disagree with the results of what is seen on the map above?


Passage by Benign Bossuet: Which of the following would have been the most vigorous opponent of a philosophy like Bossuet's?

John Locke

Image of Crystal Palace: Where did this International Exhibition take place in 1851?


Image of February Days: What leader of France abdicated the throne as a result of this uprising in France?

Louis Phillippe

Map of 1848 Revolutions: All of the following were causes in 1848 of the European event shown on this map except?

Napoleon's aggressive foreign policy that led to the conquest of most of the continent

Image of St. Petersburg from 1st Russian Newspaper: What is the most likely explanation for the newspaper's decision to portray the city of St. Petersburg rather than Moscow or another Russian city?

Peter the Great built St. Petersburg as a "window on the west"

Document by Council of Trent: The event that was most likely responsible for the Council of Trent was the?

Protestant Reformation

Passage on Marriage Advice/Wifely Duties: Based on the passage above and your knowledge, which of the following groups would have been most opposed to this type of thinking?

Protestant leaders

Passage by Pico della Mirandola: The passage above represents the shift in European thinking from relying totally on the teachings of Scholasticism to what type of thinking?

Renaissance humanism

Document by Council of Trent: Which of the following counties or empires would most likely have agreed with the teachings found in this document?

Spain under Philip II

Excerpt from Carlsbad Decrees: Why did the 'Carlsbad Decrees' implement these particular restrictions and limitations?

University groups were viewed as promoters of liberalism and nationalism

Excerpt by Cloncurry to Peel: What was responsible for the catastrophe outlined in the 2 letters to Sir Robert Peel?

a plant fungus called "the blight"

Passage by Equiano: The description in the passage suggests that slavery in the Atlantic world of the 18th century was?

a well-developed, organized and extensive system of forced labor

Image of Utopian Society: Which of the following best describes Robert Owen's organization of this community?

an industrial town that organized workers around a principle of "enlightened management"

Image of The Baldacchino by Lorenzo Bernini: This architectural style, typically described as ornate and theatrical, is known as?


Excerpt by Bakunin: What ideology was Mikhail Bakunin influenced by when he developed the anarchist plan in the above document?


Image by Konrad: What political ideology triumphed at the conclusion of the Decembrist uprising?


Excerpt by Marx & Engels: This passage from Marx and Engels demonstrates a significant difference between their ideology and other thinkers because Marx and Engels?

demanded the complete elimination of private property, whereas other thinkers advocated a significant rearrangement of society while still allowing for private property

Passage on Marriage Advice/Wifely Duties: Based on the document and your knowledge, which of the following led to Europeans delaying marriage and childbearing?

economic challenges

Excerpt by Mill: In addition to his ideas in this passage, what other cause did John Stuart Mill support in the 19th century?

enfranchisement of women

Map of 1848 Revolutions: According to this map, what specific challenge did Austria face in 1848-1849?

ethnic nationalities that might threaten Austrian unity

Image of w/c Women: How did skill requirements for women in this image differ from those in earlier home production?

fewer skills were necessary for these jobs than were required for earlier jobs

Excerpt by Marx & Engels: What did Marx and Engels view as the fundamental cause of the conflict discussed in this selection?

historical tension concerning the control of the means of production

Image of train: What economic benefit did this industrial innovation have?

it allowed for the cheaper and more efficient transportation of raw materials and finished goods

Image of train: How did this innovation further contribute to the IR in the 2nd half of the 19th century?

it created additional demand for industrial goods like iron, steel, and glass

Excerpt from The People's Petition: What is the significance in English political history of 'The People's Petition'?

it reflected the ideas of the 1st large-scale w/c political movement in Europe

Excerpt by Mill: What 19th century ideology is reflected in this selection by John Stuart Mill?


Passage by Kramer & Sprenger: Based on the passage above and your knowledge, which of the following groups would have been most opposed to this interpretation?

lower class women

Excerpts by Salama & Woodham-Smith: Which of the following is a specific result of the crisis identified by R.N. Salama and Cecil Woodham-Smith?

many of the Irish poor emigrated to Britain and the US

Map on Religious Governments: Which of the following would be most likely to use the map above to support their political goals?

monarchs who supported the Council of Trent

Passage by Pico della Mirandola: Which of the following might have occurred as a result of the practices followed by Mirandola and others like him?

new ideas in astronomy

Dialogue by Erasmus: The passage above represents the employment of Renaissance learning in the service of?

religious reform

Excerpt from The Law on Suspects: A main target of the Law on Suspects were?

sans culottes of Paris

Excerpt by Marx & Engels: Marx and Engels' assertion that "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all" is an extension of what other intellectual idea?


Passage by Equiano: Of the following, what commodity did more to entrench the institution of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade than any other?


Dialogue by Erasmus: Which of the following groups would be most likely to use the documents to support their political beliefs?

the Anabaptists

Excerpt from The People's Petition: Which group of people in England was responsible for the issuance of 'The People's Petition'?

the Chartists

Excerpts by Salama & Woodham-Smith: What earlier historical process created the conditions for the mid-19th century crisis discussed in this document?

the Columbian Exchange

Passage by Benign Bossuet: What development in the 18th century did the most to undermine this form of government?

the Enlightenment

Image by Delacroix- 1824: Who were the Greeks attempting to gain independence from in this image?

the Ottomans

Dialogue by Erasmus: Based on the passage above and your knowledge, Christian humanism led most directly to which of the following?

the Protestant Reformation

Excerpt from The Law on Suspects: During which part of the French Revolution does the "Law on Suspects" originate?

the ROT

Passage on Marriage Advice/Wifely Duties: Which of the following led to debates about the traditional role of women?

the Renaissance

Passage by Pico della Mirandola: Which of the following developments most likely explains the reason for the production of documents such as the one above?

the admiration of Greek and Roman ideals

Excerpt from The People's Petition: In addition to the demands mentioned above, 'The People's Petition' also called for?

the elimination of property qualifications to vote

Painting & Poem by David Friedrich & Wordsworth: "Ode to Intiations of Immortality" reflects Romanticism's tendency to believe that?

the individual's experience is of utmost importance

Excerpt by Cloncurry to Peel: What action did the British government ultimately take in dealing with the crisis detailed in the preceding letters?

the national government repealed the Corn Laws and created a public works program designed to generate jobs

Image by William Turner: What 19th century tension does Turner highlight in this image?

the new technology of the IR and its interaction with the natural world

Image of Utopian Society: All of the following are characteristics of the community referenced in this image except?

the organization of all community members into phalanxes based on skills

Passage on Marriage Advice/Wifely Duties: The passage above most accurately reflects which of the following?

the persistence of tradition and hierarchy in Europe

Excerpt by Marx & Engels: What specific economic and social conditions were Marx and Engels referring to in this selection?

the social and economic order that emerged with the IR

Excerpt by Carpenter: What types of action did the Luddites use in order to bring attention to their concerns?

they resorted to breaking machines, which they saw as threats to their traditional way of life

Image of Utopian Society: Along with being an industrialist, the founder of this community was also a?

utopian socialist

Image of St. Petersburg from 1st Russian Newspaper: How does this image correctly represent the status of Russia in the early 18th century?

was beginning to adopt the customs and practices of western Europe

Image by William Turner: Artists like Joseph William Turner often focused intensely on nature in their paintings because they?

were emotionally drawn to the powerful forces displayed in nature

Image of February Days: In what ways were the goals and accomplishments of women and workers similar in the wake of this 1848 uprising?

while both groups were active participants in the uprising, they each failed to accomplish their major goals

Image of w/c Women: Which group of women typically composed of the work force depicted in the image above?

young, single women and widows

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