Ap Euro Practice Test q's midterm

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Based on the passage, which of the following can be safely inferred about Herberle's religious affiliation?

He was not Roman Catholic

Which of the following best summarizes the advice given by Frederick William in the first paragraph?

Helping the people will strengthen the state

Based on the relationship between wages and prices shown in the table, in which period were living conditions for Antwerp stonemasons likely the most difficult?


The changing choice of subject matter by Dutch painters demonstrated in the table best reflects which of the following?


During the late nineteenth century governments in western Europe most directly responded to the issue addressed in the passages in which of the following ways?

Attempting to manage business cycles through taxation and regulation

St. Teresa's text is best understood as a direct part of the

Catholic Reformation

The disparity on the 1910 map between the eastern region of Europe and the western and central regions was primarily the result of which of the following?

Differences in landholding patterns and agricultural practices

In addition to the political pamphlets described in the passage, which of the following did the most to turn public opinion against the Old Regime?

Discussions in French salons and coffeehouses

The graph above best supports which of the following statements?

During the late eighteenth century, the English population grew faster than it had from 1450 to 1600

Which of the following best explains European states' ability to dominate the world trade system in the 1700s?

Europe's continued superiority in naval and maritime technology

The image(Columbus landing in 1492 in West Indies while Natives hand him gifts) provides the most reliable information about which of the following?

European attitudes toward non-European peoples

Which of the following best describes the main claim made by von Staupitz in the passage?

Forgiveness of sins depends on repentance, not on a monetary payment

The changes in working hours described in the passage are best explained by which of the following developments of the late nineteenth century?

Government and private reforms

Which of the following from the table most strongly contributed to the overall trend shown in the table?

Improvements in agricultural productivity and food-distribution capability***???

Which of the following general claims does the author make regarding the background of European overseas expansion?

It emerged from the consolidation of central governments

Which of the following later developments would best support Copernicus' claim regarding the motion of the spheres?

Kepler's formulation of the laws of planetary motion

Based on the passage, Cobden would most likely have been associated with which of the following nineteenth-century ideologies?


Which of the following statements would the Moroccan ambassador have most likely agreed with?

Manufacturing products is better than resource extraction for economic development

Celtis' discussion of Italian influence in the German lands is most similar to which of the following?

Martin Luther's criticisms of the Catholic Church in his Ninety-five Theses

Which of the following best describes Luther's meaning in the excerpt above?

Only faith in Christ will bring salvation, not good works

Frederick's testament was most likely intended to justify which of the following?

Prussia's adoption of enlightened absolutism

The author's mention of Prussia as an example for Spain most likely refers to which of the following?

Prussia's success in eighteenth-century conflicts such as the Seven Years' War, which occurred despite Prussia's lack of significant overseas colonies

Which of the following is Metternich most strongly critiquing in his letter to the tsar?


Which of the following can best be inferred from Tanucci's sarcastic reference to Naples' greatness?

Some southern European intellectuals felt that their societies were falling behind those of Atlantic Europe

The participation of women such as the "poissardes" led to which of the following during the early phases of the French Revolution?

Temporary improvements in women's legal status

(the topic of sixteenth-century art) The development of the artistic style known as baroque was most closely associated with which of the following developments?

The Catholic Reformation

Which of the following developments of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries best explains why Enlightenment political thinkers called for the expansion of political rights and popular participation in governance?

The Commercial Revolution increased the economic power and influence of a wide segment of European society outside the traditional aristocracy

The treaty provisions in the first paragraph were most similar to which of the following?

The Edict of Nantes (1598)

The ordinances in the passage best exemplify which of the following aspects of Calvinism?

The belief that laws must be based on religious principles

Richelieu's ideas best reflect which of the following developments in Europe during the 1600s?

The creation of new systems of government that centralized state power

Which of the following in the table best accounts for the changes indicated in the tables between the literacy rates of the sixteenth century and those of the seventeenth century?

The development and spread of cheap printed educational materials, such as books for learning to read

The image(SELF PORTRAIT) is best understood in the context of which of the following developments during the Renaissance?

The growth of individualist humanism in artistic expression

Which of the following most directly undermines the author's argument that the Thirty Years' War "settled nothing worth settling"?

The ideal of a universal Christendom was effectively abandoned as religion largely ceased to be the major cause for warfare between European states

Bentham's argument exemplifies which of the following processes at work in eighteenth-century Europe?

The loosening of traditional moral restrictions on economic activity

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two sources' arguments?

The medical examiners want the state to legislate on behalf of the workers, while Smiles does not want the state to intervene in labor relations

Napoleon's efforts to limit civil rights and restrict domestic opposition are best explained by which of the following?

The need to maintain a unified France in the face of continued resistance by other European powers to his imperial conquests

The list of demands could best be used as evidence for which of the following?

The persistence of traditional social hierarchies in rural societ

The presence of the aristocracy in both of the images most directly reflects a continuation of which of the following processes?

The preservation of the nobility's social status despite the absolutist authority of monarchs

Which of the following best explains how the prior development of the putting-out system created the conditions for the early mechanization of the textile industry in Europe?

The putting-out system established a large and steady market demand for clothing

Which of the following best explains the importance of the East Indies in the European-dominated trade networks of the 1600s and 1700s?

The region was a source of spices and other luxury goods for the European market

Goldsmith's poem most directly provides evidence for which of the following?

The sense of unease felt by people in the face of rapid social and demographic change

A historian could best use Lord Kenyon's attitude toward witchcraft in Source 1 as evidence of which of the following?

The spread of Enlightenment thought

The influence of Newton's methodology described in the passage is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The spreading influence of thought associated with the Scientific Revolution

Which of the following most directly facilitated the trend in sugar consumption in Britain represented in the chart?

The wars of the eighteenth century left Britain the dominant naval power in the Atlantic

The provisions of the treaty in the passage had which of the following long-term effects on Europe?

They led to a decline of the importance of religion as a motivation for conflict among European states

"The Constitutions of 1791 and 1795 tightened your chains instead of breaking them" Which of the following best explains Maréchal's view of the Constitutions of 1791 and 1795 ?

They primarily reflected liberal bourgeois interests

Which of the following best explains why Priestley had a positive view of the revolutions referenced in the passage?

They reflected Enlightenment principles of popular sovereignty

The illustration shows the physical response to a painful stimulus (fire). The sensation of heat at the foot sends a signal to the brain, which causes the arm to move to brush away the fire. The image demonstrates which of the following regarding scientific advances in early modern Europe?

They used information obtained through dissection to reconceptualize the body as an integrated system

Which of the following best explains the emphasis that many early-nineteenth-century conservative thinkers placed on the value of religious belief in maintaining social stability?

They were responding to the upheaval associated with attempts to supplant Christianity during the radical phase of the French Revolution

Which of the following was a long-term trend that emerged in response to the economic patterns represented in the table?

Western European women began to delay marriage to limit the number of children they would have

Which of the following best explains why many saw Napoleon as an oppressor, as stated in the passage?

While he created some representative institutions in conquered regions, in practice these were manipulated to keep Napoleon's regime in power

The long-term economic effect in Europe of the establishment of trading networks and colonies such as the one described in the passage was

a shift in the center of economic power from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic states

In subsequent years, the French government used the institutions created by the decree to

attempt to spread French Revolutionary ideals throughout Europe

The house above, designed by Palladio and constructed in Italy during the sixteenth century, illustrates the architectural influence of

classical temples

The French government issued the decree primarily in response to

domestic unrest and foreign aggression against the radical Revolutionary government

The dark areas in the map above represent the

farthest extent of lands ruled directly by Napoleonic France

Based on the passage, what does de Azurara argue was the major motive behind Henry's actions?

his christian faith

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's calls for the moral improvement of society are best understood in the context of

intellectual discontent with the existing political and economic system of old regime Europe

Which of the following does the author use as evidence of the impact of the introduction of European cattle to the New World?

migration into labor settlements

In addition to being informed by general principles, Voltaire's concern with promoting religious toleration was primarily relevant to supporters of the Enlightenment in eighteenth-century France because

the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by King Louis XIV in 1685 had led to the persecution of members of the Protestant minority

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