Ap Euro Reformation

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the doctrine of the indulgences rests on all of the following principles except belief a. that God is both merciful and just b.in salvation by faith alone c. that Christ and the saints established a treasury of merits d.that the church has the authority to grant sinners access to the treasury of merits e.that time in purgatory could be replaced with indulgences


the dissolution of English monasteries was reversed by whom?

Elizabeth I

The baroque style represented

Roman Catholic emphasis on grandeur

John Knox was influential in the Reformation in


Zwingli is most closely associated with what movement?

Swiss Reformed

T or F The Reformation and print culture drove eachother


what was the tipping point for luther in the Reformation?

Tetzels selling of indulgences

Martin Luther believed a woman should become

a wife and mother

What is the major difference between calvinism and lutheranism?

emphasis on predestination

What factors proved decisive in shaping the course of the Reformation in eastern Europe?


The Roman Catholic Council of Trent had its primary result as...

reform within the Catholic church and reaffirmation of Catholic doctrine

What did Martin Luther's response to the German Peasants War of 1524-1525 demonstrate?

support of the prevailing social and political order

What did the Peace of Augsburg not do?

unified Germany politically and religiously

Who's teachings had the greatest impact on the Reformation in Scotland

John Calvin

What resulted from the English Reformation in the Church?

The english monarch was established as the head of England

What describes Ireland during the Reformation era by the reign of Elizabeth

Majority Catholic with a minority Protestant mix concentrated in one region

What describes England by the reign of Elizabeth I?

Mostly Anglican with some Catholic an Calvinist

What best describes France during the Reformation era?

Mostly Catholic with a Calvinist minority

By the end of the reformation era, Scotland was largely...


What best describes the population of the Holy Roman Empire during the Reformation era?

mixed catholic and protestant

in the 15th century many clerics held more than one office known as...


The reformation in England was issued primarily on what grounds?


The catholic reformation..

reaffirmed the traditional doctrines of the church was a direct response to the challenges of protestantism sought to initiate institutional reform sought to stimulate a new spiritual fervor in the people and clergy

What were the goals of Protestant Princes in Germany before 1555

recognition of Lutheranism as a legitimate form of religion

In his Institutes of Christian religion, john calvin sought to...

systematize Protestant doctrine as the basis for a reformed Christianity

The response of the Roman Catholic church to the Protestant Reformation did not include

the abolition of the Index of Prohibited Books

Weber claimed...

the protestant work ethic helped bring about capitalism

Major Protestants and Roman Catholic leaders of the 16th century condemned Anabaptists because

they advocated for a complete separation of church and state

the overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the 16th century was...

to combat heresy and Protestantism to uplift the spiritual condition of both clergy and laity

Why did France support the Protestant princes of Germany?

to prevent Charles V from increasing his power

Luthers ideas about Roman exploitation of Germany appealed to who?

political aspects of German Princes

what is martin luthers basic belief as a leader of the Protestant Reformation

faith is the key to salvation

what was the result of the German peasants Revolt of 1524-1525

from a combination of new religious ideas and peasant demands

what was not an appeal of calvinism

more tolerant towards catholic church

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