AP Euro Semester One Final

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The term conquistador means

"military adventurers exploring for the crown"

Machiavelli's ideas as expressed in the prince achieve a model for

A modern secular concept of power politics

The mesoamerica civilization which existed at the time of European exploration was the


The major practitioner of the new architecture of the Renaissance as exemplified by the dome of the Cathedral of Florence and the city's Church of San Lorenzo was


The most evolutionary of thirteenth and fourteenth-century inventions was/were


Philip II and Spain was ultimately unable to defeat

Dutch Republic

Mysticism in the 14th century

Emphasized an intensely personal feeling of oneness with God

The two initial primary goals of Spanish exploration of the new world were to

Enrich the royal treasury and convert the native to Christianity

The major western rival to the British in India in the seventeenth century was


Which of the following commodities was France most interested in finding in the new world


As a result of the peace of Westphalia of 1648

German states were allowed to determine their religion.

James I of England most of the members of Parliament by

Insisting on his right govern through divine right

Dante's Divine Comedy

Is considered a synthesis of medieval Christian thought

Joan of Arc

Liberated the Loire Valley from English control

Descartes believed that he world could be understood by

Mystical experiences

The Schmalkaldic War in Germany ended in 1555 with the

Peace of Augsburg

The Catholic Church pursued galileo and before the inquisition made him

Recant his findings

The capital of the Aztec Empire was


What was Boccaccio's most famous work?

The Decameron

Th European nation that took over the spice trade from Portugal was

The Dutch republic

The devastation of the great plague in the fourteenth century led to

The perception of life as something cheap and passing

The reintroduction of slavery in the fourteenth century occurred largely as a result of

The shortage of labor created by the Black Death

The author of the sixteenth century literary work that describes a utopian society based communal ownership rather than private property is

Thomas More

The costly palace built by Louis XIV, that become the envy of all European monarchs, was


Zwingli's interpretation of the Lord's Supper differed from Luther's in that

Zwingli said the ceremony was only symbolic and that no real transformation in the bread and win occurred

The peace of Lodi in 1454 exemplifies what key Italian Renaissance political concept

a balance of power between competing territorial states

Western Europe in the Renaissance saw

a decline in serfdom

During the reign of Edward III of England, the Great Council of the barons

became the House of Lords forming a hereditary body of peers in Parliament

The Glorious revolution in 1688 in England was significant for

bloodlessly deposing James II in favor of William of Orange.

Politically, Italy and Germany were similar in the fourteenth century because

both regions failed to develop a centralized monarchical state.

the Corpus Hermeticum

contained writings on the occult as well as theological and philosophical speculations.

John Locke was responsible for

emphasizing the social contract between the people and government.

The edict of Nantes was all of the following except it

expelled the Huguenots from France.

The Golden Bull in 1356 in Germany

gave seven electors the power to choose the "king of the Romans."

Prior to the Golden Bull of 1356, Germany was a land composed of

hundreds of virtually independent states.

The thirty years war

is considered by most to be part of the larger Bourbon-Habsburg struggle.

The English Bill of Rights

laid the foundation for a constitutional monarchy

Which of the following best describes the experience of European explorers and traders in japan

the Japanese initially welcomed the Europeans and their goods but eventually expelled all but the Dutch

During the period of the English Commonwealth

the Lord Protector relied upon the army to maintain his rule

Ars Moriendi refers to the

the art of dying

The Great Schism is known as that period in the history of the Catholic Church marked by

the creation and feuding of multiple popes.

About 1550, the globalization of the world economy under the Spanish began with

the international silver trade

John Wyclif condemned the Church for all the following except that

the pope should be given greater power to eliminate heresy and unbelief.

Changed urban attitudes in the fourteenth century included

the regulation and acceptance of prostitution in most communities

A reason for the success of European joint stock companies in Asia after 1650 was

their ability to arm themselves and fight for their trading rights

The papacy at Avignon

witnessed the creation of a specialized church bureaucracy.

It is estimated that the population of Mexico declined between 1519, when it was roughly 11 million, to ______ by 1600

2.5 million

What was the main cause of the fourteenth century famines?

A little ice age inducing bad weather with heavy rains

The Tudor Dynasty ruled in


Victory over the Spanish Armada at the end of the sixteenth century was achieved by


The Dutch mystic who founded the Modern Devotion movement and led the group known as the Brothers of the Common Life was

Gerard Groote

Maria winkelmann was a

German astronomer

A subject of particular interest to fifteenth century humanists was

Greek language

Spain's initial claim to Asian territory was based on

Magellan's circumnavigation and exploration

Economic developments in the Renaissance included

Revival of trade

The first European nation to establish formal diplomatic relations with China was


Antoine Lavoisier is regarded as

The father of modern chemistry

Tycho Brahe recorded astronomical data from

The observatory he built at uraniborg castle

A key economic consequence of the plague was

a decline in manorialism and weakening of feudalism as noble landlords desperate for cash converted peasant labor service to market rents freeing their serfs

The reign of Queen Mary of England was most noted for

a failed Catholic restoration

One overall result of the Great Schism was to

badly damaged the faith of many Christian believers

The development of printing in the fifteenth century

ensured that literacy and new knowledge would spread rapidly in European society.

the edict of Worms

made Martin Luther an outlaw in the Holy Roman Empire

the petition of Right (1628), among other things,

maintained that the King could pass no new tax without the consent of Parliament.

Two key areas of Renaissance technological innovation were

mining and metalworking, including manufacture of firearms.

Thomas hobbes

stated that mankind was animalistic, and needed a strong government to maintain social order.

The most valuable product from the west Indies


The mainland states of Southeast Asia had better success in resisting European encroachment than did the Spice islands and Malay states because

they were more cohesive politically with strong monarchies

The aristocracy of the sixteenth century was

to dominate society as it had done in the Middle Ages.

Meister Eckhart

was a mystic who claimed that one could achieve a union of the soul with God.

Italian Renaissance humanism in the early fifteenth century, above all else

was based on the study of the Greco-Roman classics.

After 1648, the Holy Roman Empire

was not really an empire at all but rather a loose association of 300 German states.

The Renaissance papacy

was often seen as corrupt and debauched, as evidenced by Alexander VI.

the Reformation in England under Henry VIII

was triggered by Henry's desire to annul his marriage

Louis XIV restructured the policy-making machinery of the French government by

(a and b) personally dominating the actions of his ministers and secretaries and stacking the royal council with loyal followers from relativity new aristocratic families.

First ignored by the Europeans, both america (except for Mexico) finally drew settlers because of the

Abundant fish and fur

England's break with the Roman Church become official with the passage of the

Act of Supremacy

The anapbaptists

Advocated adult baptism, and if they had been baptized as children, a second baptism

The crucial battle of the Hundred Years' War that was won by Henry V in 1415 and that led to the treaty and apparent victory in the war for Henry and England was the Battle of


Federigo da Montefeltro of Urbano was

An example of a skilled, intelligent, independent Italian warrior prince

During the 17th century, Royal and princely patronage of science became

An international phenomenon

Among the great and influential female religious mystics of the fourteenth century was

Catherine of Siena

Organized religions in the 17th century rejected scientific discoveries that

Conflicted with the Christian view of the world

Th liberal education taught by Vittorino da Feltre

Contained as its primary goal the creation of well-rounded, virtuous and ethical citizens

Pico Della Mirandola's Oration on the Diginity of Man stated that humans

Could be whatever they chose or willed

England under the reign of Edward III witnessed the

Crown's acceptance of Parliaments right to approve royal taxation and to inspect government accounts

In the conduct of the Hundred Years War, a sure sign of feudalism's decline was the

Decisive role of peasants foot soldiers rather than mounted knights

Kepler's laws of planetary motion gained acceptance despite

Disproving Aristotle's conviction that the motion of the plantes was steady and unchanging

By 1550, Portugal established colonies in which of the following distant places

East Africa, india, and south china

Frances bacon emphasized the importance on

Empirical experimental observation

Which of the following pair of European nations followed Portugal in establishing trading posts in asia

England and holland

Which of the following European kingdoms claimed territory in North America after 1500

England, Spain, France

The progress of the Hundred Years' War was characterized by

English use of peasant soldiers and the longbow

Italian artists in the fifteenth country began to

Experiment in areas of perspective

The Medici controlled the finances of the Italian city-state of


Although Charles V had many adversaries, his chief concern during his reign was

Francis I of France

The Jesuit missionary who propagated Christianity in India, Malacca and the Moluccas, and Japan, and who died just before reaching China was

Francis Xavier

Benedict de Spinoza claimed

God was not just the creator of the universe, he was the universe

Post-plague socioeconomic relations between Reich and poor in Europe

Got much worse as materially threatened nobles began to regard wealthier peasants and their new-found desires for meat and wine with utter contempt

Galileo's observations found that planets were not made of some perfect substance but

Had natural properties similar to the earth

What was the commercial and military league set up off the north coast of Germany?

Hanseatic League

In 1415, the Hundred Years' War was restarted by the English King

Henry V

Which of the following statements best applies to Peter the Great of Russia?

His program of Europeanization was predominantly technical and aimed at modernizing the military

in France, the Protestant minority was known as


Blaise pascal believed that

Humans could not understand infinity, only god could

Margaret cavendish attached the belief that

Humans through science were masters of nature

Galileos ideas on motion included the principle of


Perhaps the most famous of Italian ruling woman was

Isabella d'Este

Which of the following is true about the commercial revolution in europe

Joint stock companies providing the means for individual investors to profit from overseas commercial adventures

Frederick William the great Elector build Brandenburg-Prussia into a significant European power by

Making the General war Commissariat the bureaucratic machine of his state

Which of the following statements best describes marriage in Renaissance Italy?

Marriages were usually arranged, to strengthen familial alliances.

All of the following monarchs were successful in continuing the centralization of their "new monarchies" except

Maximilian I of the HRE

Which of the following does not explain the European dominance over Native American groups after 1492

Natives were pacifist is and would not resist

The fifteenth century theologian who claimed that reason could not prove spiritual truth was


The Parliamentarians were unsuccessful in the English Civil war because

Of the effectiveness of Oliver Cromwell's New model army

The European nation that had the first direct contact with China since Marco Polo was


The nation that first established trading posts in india, launching the rapid expansion of the spice trade, was


Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement?

Predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God

what was the name of the Renaissance painter who was noted for his painting "the school of Athens"


Northern European humanists such as Erasmus studiously learned Greek expressly to

Read the New Testament in its original Greek version and comprehend better the early new writings

The council of Trent

Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings against the Reformation

The word "Renaissance" means


The sponsorship of the exploration by Spain in 1492 was made possible by the recent...

Reconquista of Iberia

The Black Death

Recurred in severe outbreaks for centuries

Issac Newton's scientific discoveries although readily accepted in his own country were

Resisted on the continent

Louis XIV's Edict of Fontainebleau

Revoked the earlier Edict of Nantes, curtailed the rights of French Protestants, and caused thousands of highly skilled Huguenots to flee the country

The chronological order in which European kingdoms sailed to the americas was

Scandinavians, Spanish, Portuguese

Rene descartes philosophy stressed

Separation of mind and matter

Among the adverse economic and population changes in fourteenth-century Europe were

Shrinking peasant land holdings, exodus of residents from rural areas, rising the # of poor people (All the above)

In what way did the Spanish exploration in the new world affect European economies

Silver and gold brought back from the new world created inflationary pressures

the British East India Company official who fought off the French threat in India was

Sir Robert Clive

Which region most effectively avoided European control

Southeast Asia

The first kingdom to sponsor the successful circumnavigation of the globe


In the late fifteenth century, Italy become a battle ground for the competing interests of

Spain and France

As louis XIII's Chief minster, Cardinal Richelieu was most successful in

Strengthening the central role of the monarchy in domestic and foreign policy

A major impetus for the colonization of Brazil by Portugal was the European demand for


The major difference between England's North American colonies and those of France was that

The English colonial population was much greater than the European population of New France

Jesuit missionaries were successful in converting many Chinese's to Christianity because

The Jesuits pointed to similarities between Christian morality and Confucian ethics

Which of the following highlights the basic difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires after 1450

The Spanish were more territorial while the Portuguese had limited holdings

The immediate cause of the Hundred Years' War between France and England grew out of

The dispute over the duchy of Gascony

the "Golden Age" of the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century witnessed

The economic prosperity of the United Provinces ruined by series of wars late in the century and the temporary weakening of the States general (B and C)

The scientific societies of early moder Europe established

The first scientific journals appearing regularly

Portugal's handicap in its attempt to dominate southeast Asian trade was that

The kingdom was too small, lacking a sufficient population to govern an empire

Copernicus's heliocentric theory was based on

The observations of several earlier astronomers and his own computations

Humanism's main effect on the writing of history was

The secularization of historiography and the explanation of change over time

Before copernicus, most people believed

The universe to have a stationary earth at the centrar and heavenly spheres orbit it

Which of the following is the underlying premise of mercantilism

There is a limited amount of bullion in the world, and the nation that controls the most will dominate politically and economically

All of the following are true about the administration of the Spanish empire in the new world except

There was no opposition to Spanish treatment of the Indians in the new world

Women benefited from the Black Death because

There were new employment opportunities.

Which of the following is not true of Northern Renaissance artists?

They valued the secular human form as the primary subject of painting.

Newton's universal law of gravitation proved that

Through mathematical proof it could explain all motion in the universe

The papal decree in 1494 which split the explored world between the Portuguese and the Spanish was called

Treaty of tordesillas

castiglione's the Courtier was a

Very popular handbook laying out the new skills in politics, the arts, and personal comportment expected of Renaissance aristocrats

All of the following were factors that motivated European exploration except

Wanting to enslave native people

The English Peasants Revolt in France in 1381

Was caused by the rising economic expectations of ordinary people

The Peasants' War of 1524-1525

Was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's divine order

The economic policies of Jean-Baptist Colbert, Louis XIV's controller general of finances

Were based on the economic theory of mercantilism that stressed government regulation

The "new monarchs" of the late fifteenth century in Europe

Were forced upon the acquisition and expansion of power

According to Jacob Burkhardt, the Renaissance in Italy represented

a distinct break from the Middle Ages and the true birth of the modern world.

Neoplatonism was based on two primary ideas:

a hierarchy of substances and a theory of spiritual love

The event that sparked the Thirty years War was

a rebellion of Protestant nobles against the Catholic ruler Ferdinand in Bohemia

All of the following were reactions to the great plague except

a reduction in the persecution of religious minorities because of the displeasure it caused God.

The achievements of the Italian Renaissance were the products of

an elite movement, involving small numbers of wealthy patrons, artists, and intellectuals.

The catholic doctrine of transubstantiation opposed by Luther holds that

at communion the bread and wine are miraculously turned into the body and blood of Jesus

The Renaissance popes did all of the following except

attempt to return to the papacy to more humble times.

baroque art

attempted to blend the feelings of the religious reformations with classical renaissance art

Politically, France by the end of the 14th century saw

chaos and civil war as rival noble factions fought for control of the realm.

Pope Boniface VIII

died in 1305 after his captivity at the hands of Philip IV of France.

The chief accomplishment of the Council of Constance (1414-1418) was to

end the Great Schism by forcing the resignation or deposing all existing popes and paving the way for election of only one new pope.

The overall practical political purpose of the court of Versailles was to

exclude the high nobility and royal princes from real power

The Reformation affected the development of education in Europe by

expanding public access to primary schooling and improving secondary schooling through gymnasiums and ministerial training.

Florence was ruled throughout most of the 13th and 14th centuries by the

popolo grasso

Economically, the great plague and the crises of the 14th century

raised wages because of a scarcity of labor

The persecutions against Jews during the Black Death

reached their worst excesses in German cities.

Concerning the sacraments of the Catholic Church, Luther

rejected all of them except baptism and communion, or the Lord's Supper.

Merchants and manufacturers responded to the economic tribulations of the fourteenth century by

restricting competition and resisting the demands of the lower classes.

Under Ferdinand and Isabella, Spain

saw Muslim power vanish from the peninsula.

Slavery in Renaissance Italy

saw slaves from Africa and the eastern Mediterranean used mostly as courtly domestic servants and as skilled workers.

The European aristocracy responded to the adversity of the great plague by

seeking to lower wages by legal means, especially for farm laborers.

The major European disease that resulted in high rates of mortality among the natives of the New World was


Absolutism means

ultimate authority rests solely in the hands of a king who rules by divine right.

Marriages in Renaissance Italy

were an economic necessity of life involving complicated family negotiations

banquets during the Renaissance

were used to express wealth and power of an aristocratic family.

The thirty years war

witnessed the devastation of much of Germany and a loss of population

All of the following are correct about Petrarch except he

wrote sonnets in Latin.

A result of the Colombian exchange that proved disastrous to indigenous people in the americas was the

Arrival of new disease pathogens from europe

in Venice, ultimate governmental executive power was held by the

Council of Ten

The Colombian exchange refers to the exchange between europe and the new world of all of the following except


In the 16th century, the beginning of global European imperialism started with

Isolated trading posts in Africa and asia

The Black Death was most devastating in


The most important religious order in the Catholic Reformation was the


who played a leading role in perfecting movable type of printing?

Johannes Gutenberg

The painter of the Rome's Sistine Chapel ceiling was


Peter the Great's foreign policy had as its primary goal

Opening of a "window to the West"

The Chinese Dynasty which replaced the Ming in the seventeenth century and which cam from Manchuria was the


Which of the following is a true statement about the means of overseas expansion during the age of exploration

The growth of centralized monarchies during the renaissance created governments that had the means to support overseas expansion

The Jacquerie refers to

a peasant's revolt in France in 1358.

The Italian Renaissance was primarily

a recovery or rebirth of antiquity and Greco-Roman culture.

The northern Christian humanists

championed the study of classical and early Christian texts to reform the Catholic Church.

The Italian condottieri were

leaders of mercenary bands, occasionally ruling as military dictators

Concerning parent-child relationships in the Middle Ages

parents lavished considerable attention and affection on their offspring.

In reality, the encomienda made the natives of the new world

slaves of the Spanish

The chief ambition of the Venetian city-state in the 14th century was

to create a maritime commercial empire throughout the Mediterranean and Black seas

The percentage of the European population who died between 1347 and 1351 by the Black Death is estimated at

twenty-five to fifty.

The flagellants

were groups that physically punished themselves to win the forgiveness of God.

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