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Question 22 (RN4.3) The Medici acquired political power by first establishing themselves as successful a. Bankers b. Explorers c. Diplomats d. Generals


(WR6.1) Q51 Empress Catherine the Great of Russia had herself portrayed in the painting a. To appear as feminine as possible b. To meet the expectations of a male dominated world c. To attract French philosophies of the Enlightenment to Russia d. To appear to be an intellectual


Question 29 (RF1.3) Luther changed the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on which of the following? a. The Trinity was overthrown b. Clergy could marry c. Females could become priests d. Bishops were abolished


Question 9 (FR8.2) Which of the following philosophies ideas are most clearly reflected in #6 of the excerpt above? a. Montesquieu b. Rousseau c. Diderot d. Voltaire


Question 44 (SE6.3) Adam Smith's greatest legacy over the centuries following his death came in the form of a. Tariffs b. Mercantilism c. Pump printing d. Free trade


Question 27 (RN6.3) What characteristic of political thought during the Italian Renaissance is raised by Bruni's oration? a. the emphasis on secular models of individual and political behavior b. the focus on creating a larger Italian state c. the increased involvement of the people in political decision-making d. the overlapping nature of religious and political power


Question 11 (FR11.1) Which of the following aspects of the Napoleonic Code shows the greatest contradiction to the teachings of the Enlightenment? a. "Every Frenchman shall enjoy civil rights" b. "Married persons cannot derogate from the rights resulting from the power of the husband over the persons of his wife and his children" c. "Private persons have the free dispositions of the property belonging to them" d. All portions of national territory, which are not susceptible to private proprietorship, are considered as dependences on the public domain"


Question 14 (FR13.2) What was the purpose behind Hugo's poem? a. To mark the end of the French Empire b. To commemorate Napoleon as a national hero c. To remember and honor the fallen soldiers of the Napoleonic Wars d. To celebrate the success of the invasion of England


Question 16 (RN 2.1) This map depicts Italy at which of the following periods? a. The French Revolution b. The Renaissance c. The Reformation d. The Wars of Religion


Question 2 (FR3.1) In this excerpt, Olympe de Gouges is responding to a. romantic and nationalist challenges to the Enlightenment's overemphasis on reason. b. new arguments proposed by Enlightenment philosophes like Rousseau promoting the continued exclusion of women from political life. c. universal demands for greater religious tolerance. d. the works of Diderot that applied the principles of the scientific revolution to society.


Question 35 (RF4.2) What in particular is depicted in the woodcut that led to a serious European-wide crisis in the 16th century? a. War between the Papal States and Orthodox Christians b. The sale of papal influences c. The abuse of state power in the punishment of criminals d. Persecution of Jewish worship


Question 28 (RF1.1) The fundamental tenant of Lutheranism was which of the following? a. God has already decided whether you will be saved b. Attend Mass every day if you wish to be saved c. Believe and you will be saved d. Do good works


Question 31 (RF3.1) Why is there such an emphasis on obedience to religious belief in this preface to a list of grievances and demands? a. The peasants did not want to cause any trouble b. The peasants did not want antagonize the Holy Roman Emperor. c. The peasants wish to appear less radical than they really were d. The peasants wanted to gain support of the French king, who was very religious


Question 40 (SE4.2) Galileo's response to the Bible-based arguments of his accusers reflects the system of thought called a. Rationalism b. Classical cosmology c. Humanism d. Naturalism


Question 15 (FR13.3) Hugo's poem, as well as the actual construction of the column, were reflections of a. Imperialism b. Civic Humanism c. Conservatism d. Nationalism


Question 21 (RN4.2) The heavily fortified nature of the building at street level suggests what about Florence and the Medici? a. They did not like the people of Florence b. They were never popular c. The ruled by violence d. At times Florence politics became rough


Question 32 (RF3.2) What was the Peasant Revolt about? a. Taxes and serfdom b. Demands for complete social equality c. he overthrow of the Habsburg monarchy d. Demands for political suffrage


Question 41 (SE4.3) Besides Galileo's discoveries in astronomy, what new scientific ideas and observations arose during the period 1450-1648? a. The emergence of Romanticism as a challenge to Enlightenment rationality b. Anatomical and medical discoveries presenting the body as an integrated system c. Positivism, or the idea that science alone provides knowledge d. The emergence of alchemy and astrology as challenges to classical views of the universe


Question 7 (FR7.3) Which of the following aspects of the English Civil War most closely resembles the beliefs and ideals of the Tennis Court Oath? a. The installation of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector b. The adoption of the English Bill of Rights c. The Restoration of the Monarchy d. The passing of the Triennial Act


Question 13 (FR11.3) Which of the following best describes Napoleon's goals and desires fought for in the French Revolution? a. To implement all the goals and desires fought for in the French Revolution b. To establish a Constitutional Monarchy c. To benefit the common good d. To protect the rights and freedoms of all people


Question 26 (RN6.2) The approaches of humanist scholars such as Bruni led to which of the following developments by the early sixteenth century? a. An increasing skepticism about the role of religion and its relevance in contemporary life b. An increase in the Catholic Church's receptivity to calls for reform c. Christian humanists employing Renaissance learning in service of religious reform d. Increased tolerance for new ideas and approaches to theological and scientific debates.


Question 30 (RF1.4) What made Lutheranism so appealing to masses of people? a. Retaining loyalty to the Pope while changing the ritual b. Keeping Latin as the language of the Church c. The simplicity of its central doctrine of justification by faith d. Denying the authority of the scripture


Question 10 (FR8.3) The Constitution of 1791, which was established during the first phase of the Revolution, failed to accomplish which of the following aspects from the excerpt above? a. "The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation" b. "The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man" c. "Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good" d. "All citizens being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities"


Question 12 (FR11.2) Which of following best describes Napoleon's rule as reflected in the Napoleonic Code above? a. Hereditary Monarch b. Emperor Napoleon c. Military Hero d. Enlightened Despot


Question 17 (RN2.3) The Fragmented nature of the political system in Italy until the 19th century meant which of the following was true? a. The Ottoman Empire became the overlord b. Easily converted to Lutheranism c. Was intensely nationalistic d. Was subject to foreign invasions


Question 23 (RN5.2) The clothing suggest that the sitter held what social rank? a. Clergyman b. Serf c. Merchant d. Nobleman


Question 36 (RF4.3) Why might printed illustrations be a useful form of propaganda to further a political or religious cause in the 16th century a. Movable type had not yet been invented b. The Pope's controlled all printed books c. They were cheap and easy to produce d. The mass of people were still illiterate


Question 43 (SE6.2) Adam Smith was part of what intellectual movement? a. The Romantics b. Unitarianism c. Utopian Socialism d. The Enlightenment


Question 19 (RN3.2) According to Machiavelli a ruler should not be afraid to do which of the following? a. Be ruthless in pursuit of his duty b. Retreat in the face of an opposing force c. Extract as much wealth as they can through taxation d. Use torture on a regular basis


Question 20 (RN3.3) Which of the following best characterizes the Italian city states of the Renaissance? a. Were in a constant state of warfare b. Enjoyed an unusual reign of peaceful relations c. Flourished only when they were at peace d. Were dominated by the papacy by force


Question 38 (SE2.3) The English elite derived their position and authority from which of the following? a. Landed estates b. Banking c. Manufacturing d. Shipping and insurance


Question 34 (RF4.1) These woodcuts illustrate the contrast between a. Flagellants vs. the Albigensians b. Calvinism against Zwinglism c. Biblical morality and papal corruption d. Capitalism as opposed to mercantilism


Question 45 (WR7.1) The excerpt above was a response to which of the following events? a. the Peace of Augsburg b. the Thirty Years' War c. the French Wars of Religion d. the Catholic Reformation


Question 1 (FR1.1) Which of the following historical developments is best reflected in the image above? a. Women participated in early phases of revolutions. b. Women became increasingly involved in economic production during wars. c. Feminists pressed for legal, economic, and political rights for women. d. Intellectuals argued for the exclusion of women from political life.


Question 18 (RN3.1) To the Renaissance writer Machiavelli, the chief duty of a ruler is which of the following? a. Provide order and protection to the people b. Build an overseas empire c. Provide prosperity to the people d. Enjoy themselves at the expense of their rivals


Question 24 (RN5.3) The portrait was relatively new in European art in the sixteenth century. This represented what development? a. The growth of interest and focus on the individual b. Houses were bigger and more wall space had to be covered c. Artists with greater talent had emerged d. Museums wanted to collect Portraits


Question 25 (RN6.1) Bruni's oration best illustrates which of the following elements of the Renaissance? a. The revival of classical literature and ancient texts b. The use of the printing press to spread the Renaissance beyond Italy c. The critical role patrons played in humanist scholarship d. The ongoing influence of the Catholic Church in Renaissance life


Question 3 (FR3.2) Which of the following eighteenth-century trends would support the argument Olympe de Gouges makes in this excerpt? a. Women participated enthusiastically in the early phases of the French Revolution. b. Citizenship in the first French republic was restricted to men. c. The 1700s saw an increasing focus on gender roles defined by the "cult of domesticity." d. Men and women in urban and rural households generally worked at separate but complementary tasks.


Question 33 (RF3.3) What was Martin Luther's response to the Peasant's revolt? a. He condemned it b. He ignored it c. He supported the Emperor d. He joined it


Question 37 (SE2.2) This family was likely to members of which social group? a. Gentry b. Middle Class c. Urban Poor d. Peasants


Question 4 (FR4.1) Which of the following phases of the French Revolution is most directly reflected in the painting above? a. A constitutional monarchy was established to increase popular participation in the government. b. Revolutions developed to challenge the conservative order and the Concert of Europe. c. Napoleon Bonaparte claimed to defend the ideals of the French Revolution and took control of Europe. d. A radical republic was created that challenged the pre-existing political and social order.


Question 42 (SE6.1) According to Adam Smith, which of the following is most accurate? a. The pursuit of self-interest leads to prosperity b. All history is the history of class competition c. Deficit spending by the government benefits all d. Controlling the currency allows the government to manage the economy effectively


Question 47 (WR8.1) The idea expressed in this excerpt best reflects which of the following historical trends? a. In the eighteenth century, a number of states in eastern and central Europe experimented with "enlightened absolutism." b. Louis XIV's nearly continuous wars, pursuing both dynastic and state interests, provoked a coalition of European powers opposing him. c. Monarchs "westernized" the state and society by transforming political, religious, and cultural institutions d. Many rulers undertook enduring domestic reforms while curtailing some rights and manipulating popular impulses behind a façade of representative institutions


Question 48 (WR8.2) Based on this document, which of the following can be inferred as a significant effect of the renewed emphasis on science and reason in European culture? a. The French Revolution resulted from a combination of long-term social and political causes, as well as Enlightenment ideas b. Religion was increasingly viewed as a matter of private rather than public concern c. Debates about female roles in the family, society, and the church intensified d. By 1800 most governments had extended tolerance to Christian minorities, and, in some states, civil equality to Jews


Question 49 (WR8.3) The ideas expressed in the excerpt are evidence of which of the following eighteenth-century trends? a. Absolute monarchies limited the nobility's participation in governance but preserved the aristocracy's social and legal privileges b. Expanding empires created nationalist responses throughout Europe c. Monarchies seeking to consolidate power faced challenges from nobles who wished to retain traditional forms of shared governance and regional autonomy d. Conservatives developed new ideologies in support of traditional political authorities


Question 5 (FR4.2) Which of the following social classes was most directly challenged by the actions shown in the painting? a. a nobility based on hierarchy and status b. an economic elite based on the growth of commerce c. a bourgeois class focused on consumerism d. liberals whose ideals emphasized popular sovereignty


Question 53 (WR4.2) The likely purchaser of such a painting would have been? a. A middle-class businessman b. The Prince of Orange c. A Protestant clergyman d. A peasant


Question 39 (SE4.1) What developments in the 16th and 17th centuries led Galileo to raise the concerns he expresses in the passage? a. Protestant scholars put forward the argument that the Bible should not be taken literally. b. Folk traditions of knowledge and the universe largely disappeared. c. New ideas in science and astronomy began to emerge. d. The Protestant and Catholic Reformations fundamentally changed theology, religious institutions and culture.


Question 46 (WR7.2) The excerpt above most directly reflects a. Christian motivations for exploration, as governments sought to spread the faith b. some Protestants' refusal to recognize the subordination of the church to the state c. monarchs' tolerance of religious pluralism in order to maintain domestic peace d. religious conflicts that challenged European monarchs' control of religious institutions


Question 52 (WR6.2) Catherine II (The Great) was well known for which accomplishment? a. Crushing rebellions led by the Russian nobility b. Waging successful wars against the France and England in North America c. Expanding the borders of Russia at the expense of Poland and the Ottoman Empire d. Freeing the serfs


Question 50 (WR8.4) The state policy expressed by Frederick in this document was most unlike which of the following policies of his contemporary monarchs? a. In France, Louis XIV and his finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert extended the administrative, financial, military, and religious control of the central state over the French population b. In Poland, the monarchy's inability to consolidate its authority over the nobility led to the country's partition by the late eighteenth century c. In the Netherlands, the Dutch Republic developed an oligarchy of urban gentry and rural landholders that promoted trade and protected traditional rights d. In England, the outcome of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution protected the rights of gentry and aristocracy from absolutism by codifying the rights of Parliament


Question 54 (WR1.2) Why did the English government pursue a policy of attacking the merchant ships of other countries? a. Queen Elizabeth needed money to build more palaces b. The English navy was destroyed by the Spanish Armada c. They did not understand how resentful Venice and other countries would become d. The limited income of the state meant they could not afford a large navy or pay their official adequately


Question 55 (WR1.3) Which of the following best characterizes the strategy the British would pursue over the next century? a. Focus most of their trade in the Mediterranean b. Colonize all of North Africa c. Continuous war with Poland and Prussia d. Block access of Mediterranean countries to the Atlantic


Question 8 (FR8.1) Which of the following most directly contributed to the creation of the document above? a. The Tennis Court Oath b. Diderot's Encyclopedia c. The Declaration of Independence d. The Cahiers


Question 6 (FR7.2) What did the 3rd Estate demand in "The Oath of the Tennis Court"? a. The creation of a Constitutional Monarchy b. The abdication of Louis XVI c. The establishment of democracy d. The recognition of Robespierre as a leader of France


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