AP Euro Unit 1 Review

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The concerns expressed by Barstow reflect which of the following ideas?

A primary reason for the European witch-hunts was gender stereotypes.

Which of the following developments most directly allowed Europeans to travel to other areas of the globe during the age of discovery and exploration?

Advances in navigation and cartography.

Which of the following represents a later example of the impact of Newton and the other scientists of his era?

An increased emphasis on reason in European culture.

Which of the following artistic movements would have been used by Louis XIV and other prominent monarchs and church officials of the time to glorify their state power?


How did the Catholic Church ultimately respond to the charges leveled against it during the Reformation?

By enacting reform through the Council of Trent.

What school of thought did Erasmus's writing most closely identify with?

Christian humanism

What country did Christine de Pizan consider the "rebel host" in the second to last line of the fourth stanza above?


In which of the following countries or regions did lay authorities initiate religious reform?

England during the rule of Henry VIII

Vesalius's work proved that a number of accepted ideas about the human body were wrong. Who had been the accepted authority on the human body until Vesalius reversed his ideas?


The main idea expressed by Briggs reflects which of the following?

Gender was not as important as social status regarding the European witch-hunts.

Newton's study of the idea of the universality of gravity was most influenced by which of the following scientific disciplines or ideas?

Heliocentric studies

Louis's revocation of the Edict of Nantes best reflects which of the following policies?

His expansion of religious control over France.

Which of the following actions by Louis XIV best reflect the ideas of the excerpt?

His policies that limited the nobility's participation in government.

Which of the following is a reason that Louis was almost constantly at war throughout most of his reign?

His pursuit of both dynastic and state interests.

Which of the following most likely influenced Rafael to paint School of Athens?

Humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts.

Calvinist ideas would have been most influenced by which of the following?

Ideals of the Christian humanists regarding Catholic abuses.

The ideas in the excerpt above would have most influenced which of the following?

John Locke

Which of the following statements about the Reformation can be inferred from this political interpretation by Elton?

Many princes and monarchs took advantage of religious reform in an effort to gain greater political and economic control.

The ideas expressed by Castiglione in the passages most directly support which of the following ideals regarding women during the Italian Renaissance?

Most Renaissance humanists believed that it was not proper for educated women to serve in the same roles as educated men.

Which of the following best represents change over time regarding the European witch-hunts?

New ideas in science based on observation and experimentation led to a decline in the European witch-hunts by the end of the seventeenth century.

Galileo's ideas about a heliocentric view of the universe would have been most influenced by which of the following scientists and thinkers?

Nicolaus Copernicus

In addition to England, which of the following developed a system of government that was not an absolute monarchy?


Which of the following was the most immediate cause for the excerpt?

Pop Boniface's desire to assert the power of the papacy over the power of a monarch.

One immediate result of the Unam Sanctam was:

Pope Boniface's excommunication of Philip IV of France

Which of the following developments best represents a long-term effect of Christian humanism?

Religious conflict in Europe until the mid-seventeenth century.

The excerpts above most directly reflect which of the following ideas?

The Calvinist belief that the state should be subordinate to the church.

Which of the following was the most immediate cause for the founding of the Jesuits?

The Catholic Reformation and the desire to revive the Roman Catholic Church.

The ideas about education expressed by Castiglione in the above passages are most consistent with which of the following?

The Italian Renaissance humanists' focus on the study of classical literature.

The "mission system" described in the excerpt above was used to culturally subjugate which of the following groups?

The Native Americans

Which of the following would also be considered a major achievement of the Spanish monarchy in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries?

The Spanish established colonies across the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.

The excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

The commercial motives for European exploration of overseas territories.

Which of the following would be a reason for an increase in the slave trade during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

The decimation of the Native American population as a result of disease.

The patterns described in the excerpt most directly illustrate which of the following developments?

The establishment of a plantation economy in the New World.

Which of the following most likely influenced Botticelli to paint Primavera?

The humanist shift away from theology.

This excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

The impact of mathematics on future scientific study.

Which of the following changes in art is best reflected in Vasari's analysis of Leonardo da Vinci?

The new technique of geometric patterns.

Which of the following was the most immediate cause for the excerpt?

The outcome of the Glorious Revolution, which established parliamentary supremacy.

Which of the following occurred in Europe that was a significant result of the trend from 1511 to 1570 as shown in the table?

The price revolution of the sixteenth century, which contributed to vast social and economic changes.

Which of the following was also a result of this new era in science?

The questioning of religious authority

Which of the following developments would be considered by most historians to be the most significant factor that caused the state to encourage explorers searching for gold?

The rise of mercantilism, which gave the state a new role in commercial development.

The excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

The role of religion in Florence during the mid-fourteenth century.

The trends described by Barstow and Briggs most directly illustrate which of the following major historical developments in Europe?

The social and economic upheavals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Renaissance art and architecture were followed by the movements known as Mannerism and Baroque. Which of the following best exemplifies how these two movements were different from Renaissance art?

The use of distortion, drama, and illusion in these forms of art.

Which of the following was a result of the European exploration and colonization of new territories?

There was an exchange of plants, animals, and diseases- the Columbian Exchange- between the Old and New Worlds.

According to Solsten and Meditz, how was Spain different from most other European nations?

There was more religious plurality in Spain than elsewhere on the continent.

The ideas of Andreas Vesalius based on the above image would have been most challenged by which of the following?

Those who still believed in the authority of the church.

Which of the following was the fundamental justification for the Jesuit establishment of missions like the one described in the excerpt?

To promote the spread of Roman Catholicism throughout the New World.

The image most directly reflects:

anatomical and medical discoveries of the time period

Based on the poem, it can be inferred that Christine de Pizan:

believed that France had gained a heroine and a new sense of nationalism as a result of the 1429 Battle of Orleans.

During and after the Reformation, the task of regulating morality violations such as those stated above was mostly carried out by:

city governments.

According to the excerpt above, Ferdinand and Isabella felt that in order to create a centralized modern state. they must:

create religious uniformity.

The dialogue above shows that scientists of the era increasingly:

defined a new kind of reasoning that would ultimately shape the "scientific method".

The excerpt best reflects an effort by Boccaccio to:

explain medieval efforts to both justify and slow down the spread of the plague.

One result of the plague was that:

many Jews fled eastward to Russia and Poland to escape persecution in the West.

Based on the dialogue above, it can be inferred that Galileo:

questioned the authority of the ancients

For the most part, the plague spread mostly in areas:

that were along commercial trade routes.

The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly addressed the prevailing ideas in the sixteenth century that:

the Catholic Church needed to address the issue of church abuses.

Another reason the French were able to win the Hundred Years' War was:

the effective use of gunpowder and the cannon toward the end of the war.

The sentiments expressed in the passages would have been most influenced by:

the invention of the printing press in the 1450s.

A major change that occurred within a few years of the Unam Sanctam was:

the movement of the papacy to Avignon.

Religious and civil wars influenced by political implications:

were best exemplified by the French Wars of Religion during the sixteenth century.

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