Ap Gov Exam- "Checks and balances"

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Which of these excerpts from the United States Constitution best reflects the principle of checks and balances?

"Every Bill which shall have passed [Congress] shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States."

How can the judicial branch check the legislative branch?

Declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional

Th following statements describe two events relating to the U.S. government.... A. The U.S. Supreme Court declares a law created by Congress unconstitutional B. Congress passes a new tax law and the Internal Revenue Service enforces it. What constitutional principles are demonstrated in examples A and B?

Example A: checks and balances; Example B: separation of powers

What branch can appoint a justice to the Supreme Court?


What branch is having its power checked when...Congress refuses to approve judicial appointments.

Executive & Judicial Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...Congress impeaches a president?

Executive Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...Congress overrides a President's veto?

Executive Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...Congress refuses to approve presidential appointments?

Executive Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...the Supreme Court declares an presidential act unconstitutional?

Executive Branch

How is the power of the judicial branch limited by the U.S. Constitution?

It lacks the authority to approve new legislation.

What branch can declare a presidential action to be unconstitutional?


What branch is having its power checked when...Congress impeaches a judge?

Judicial Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...Congress proposes Constitutional Amendments?

Judicial Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...the President nominates judges to federal courts?

Judicial Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...the President recommends laws to Congress?

Legislative Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...the President vetoes a bill

Legislative Branch

What branch is having its power checked when...the Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional?

Legislative Branch

Which part of the Constitution would states use to challenge federal nutrition guidelines?

The Tenth Amendment

Which example shows how branches of government interact with each other?

The president recommends legislation to Congress.

How are the responsibilities of the legislative and executive branches of government different when it comes to treaties?

U.S. Senate ratifies treaties; the president negotiates foreign treaties.

Read the following information and answer the question below. The federal government is divided into three branches: the executive power, granted to the president; the legislative power, given to Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate); and the judicial power, vested in one Supreme Court and other federal courts created by Congress. The Constitution provides a system of checks and balances designed to avoid the tyranny of any one branch. Most important actions require the participation of more than one branch of government. For example, Congress passes laws, but the president can veto them. The executive branch prosecutes persons for criminal violations, but they must be tried by the courts. Which statement about the executive branch should be added to the information?

When appointing judges, the executive branch must gain approval from the legislative branch.

The concept of separation and balance of powers in the Constitution refers to:

a separation of powers between separate and coequal branches of government.

The passage below is from Federalist 51, written by James Madison in 1788. the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places Source: Public Domain Which constitutional principle does Madison describe in the passage?

checks and balances

The passage below is from a speech by President George W. Bush, March 19, 2003. On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign. Source: Office of the White House Press Secretary Archives What constitutional power justifies the actions described in the passage?


Which of these could result if a state's population declined over time?

reduced representation in the House of Representatives

Why was separation of powers included in the constitution?

to prevent one branch of government from gaining too much control over the federal government

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