AP Gov Midterm Study Guide

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What was the effect of the opinion in Schenck vs. United States?

As long as speech does not present a clear and present danger to the nation or public, it is presumed to be acceptable

Under what circumstances can the police conduct searches?

As long as they have probable cause of criminal activity

15th Amendment

Assured states could not deny citizens the right to vote based on race

Which of the following statements about congressional reappointment and redistricting is true?

Districts must be drawn so that, within a state, every persons' vote is roughly equal to every other persons' vote

(Cartoon where Gorsuch tells Obama's nominee that "They told me that seat was vacant") Which of the following best describes the message of the cartoon?

One's presidents appointment was replaced by another presidents

Which of the following best describes a frequent source of constitutional contention between the executive branch and the legislative branch?

war powers

Early presidents

were less inclined to engage in territorial spats with Congress over each branch's formula powers

(Chart: Choices of Subjects at each age level about choosing black or white dolls) Which of the following statements from the Brown vs. Board of Education opinion ties most directly to the table?

"To separate (African American Children) from others of similar age and qualifications solely because of their race generates a feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely never to be undone

Which of the following is true regarding the public's perception of Congress?

A House member's individual approval ratings is usually higher than Congress' approval ratings

(Graphic: Amending the Constitution) Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the infographic above?

Amendments are proposed more often by Congress than by special conventions

(Bar graph: statements that are offensive to minority groups) Which of the following consequences may occur based on the data in the graph?

Americans are likely to open limits on speech in the future

(Table: Federal grants from the top 5 departments FY 2011) Which of the following statements is reflected in the table above?

Medical and social needs receive the most federal grant money

The notion that the presidency is a "Bull Pit" suggests that presidents can...

Mobilize members of their parties to force legislation through Congress Control the flow of information between the white house, the press, and the American Public Craft public speeches that dramatically influence public opinion

(Chart: Number of women in Congress) Which of the following reflects the data in the chart?

More women have served in the house than in the senate

Members of the National Organization for Women (NOW) protest a Congressional bill that eliminates protection for pregnant workers. After the bill passes, they form a letter-writing campaign hoping to influence the President to veto the bill. This is an example of which of the following principles of American government?

Multiple access points for stakeholders to influence policymaking

Those who disagree with the views of the majority opinion in Schenck would likely celebrate the shaping of thee Constitution in which 1st Amendment ruling?

New York Times vs. United States

(Chart: Average Age of Members,112th-115th Congresses (2011-2018) Which of the following statements is reflected in the table above?

Newly elected Senators were on average older than newly elected house members

Which of the following statements is an accurate interpretation of the law on obscene speech in America?

Obscene speech is not protected, but decisions on obscenity law are largely subject to community standards

Which of the following comparisons of the 1964 Civil rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are accurate?

One outlawed discrimination in hiring and the other increased African American voter registration and participation

In what ways do the decisions in Engel vs. Vitale and Wisconsin vs. Yoder differ?

One suggests a public policy creates an establishment of religion while the other suggests a public policy denies a free exercise of religion

"In a pure democracy the people are the sovereign, and their will is declared by themselves;.....be able to debate, understand the subject submitted to them, and declare their opinion concerning it."-Brutus NO. 1. (1787). Which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?

Participatory democracy does not work in large countries

"The president will be elected to four years and is re-eligible as often as the people of the united states think him worthy of their confidence...prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law." -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 68, (1788). Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's argument?

People are protected from a dangerous president by elections every 4 years and a process the legislature can undertake.

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court decision establish "separate but equal" doctrine of state-sponsored racial segregation?

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Anthony is concerned about his state government's efforts to decrease regulations on pesticides that could hurt the bee population. He decides to join the League of Conservation Voters to help them lobby against deregulating pesticides. This an example of which of the following models of democracy?

Pluralist democracy

Virginia Plan

included a three branch system and a bicameral legislature

"The Congress has the power...to create all laws that are necessary and proper..." can be found in which part of the Constitution?

Article 1


Proposed in 1787, sets up a framework for national government

The "right to privacy" established by Griswold vs. Connecticut was applied in which Supreme Court case?

Roe vs. Wade

Civil Rights

The equal application of law to all Americans

("The commerce clause should be limited to its proper sphere....like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it."-Texas Justice Foundation, brief filed in the United States vs. Lopez 1993) This passage best aligns with which of the following opinions in United States vs. Lopez?

"We hold that the (Gun Free School Zones) Act exceeds the authority of Congress to regulate Commerce...among the several states."--Justice Rehnquist

The civil rights Act of 1964 was passed to reinforce the..?

14th Amendment

Cabinet-Level Departments

15 cabinet departments, each with a secretary or head that serves on the President's cabinet

"The president will be elected to four years and is re-eligible as often as the people of the united states think him worthy of their confidence...prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law." -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 68, (1788). Which amendment to the constitution has made some of the argument in the passage moot?

22nd Amendment

(Cartoon:Statue of Liberty with microphone and a tablet of civil liberties cracked on the ground) A lawyer arguing against the government actions as depicted by the political cartoon would invoke which constitutional amendment?

4th Amendment

The Miranda rule stems from the rights protected by which of the following?

5th Amendment It limited the government;s power to interfere with the press

"First, always, is the question whether Congress has directly spoken...the question for the court is whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute."-Justice John Paul Stevens, Majority Opinion, Chevron vs. Natural Resources Defense Council (1984). Which of the following statements in relation to the bureaucracy would justice Stevens most likely support?

A degree of discretion in necessary when bureaucratic agencies must apply laws that are imperfectly written

Brutus No. 1

A large republic endangers personal liberty

Which of the following is a chief argument in Jame's Madison's Federalist 10?

A large, diverse republic will tame factions

"We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal"...certain principles dear to Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country's anti religious laws"-Martin Luther King Jr. (Letter from a Birmingham Jail). Which of the following statements best reflects Dr. King's message in this passage?

A law does not automatically mean that something is right or wrong

Roe vs. Wade

Assured a pregnant woman's right to have an abortion in the first trimester

14th Amendment

Assured citizenship to all persons born in the U.S.

"In Republican Government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates...As the weight of the legislative authority requires that it should be thus divided, the weakness of the executive may require, on the other hand, that it should be fortified." -James Madison, Federalist 51, 1788. What constitutional principle does MAdison address in the passage above?


("It is in the context of the present world struggle between freedom and tyranny...Racial discrimination furnishes grist for the Communist propaganda mills." -Attorney General James P. McGranery, December 1952.) McGranery's statements were most likely made during the Supreme Court ruling on which of the following cases?

Brown vs. Board of Education

A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing. Which is the most likely action the relevant House Committee will take first?

Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem

"In Republican Government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates...As the weight of the legislative authority requires that it should be thus divided, the weakness of the executive may require, on the other hand, that it should be fortified." -James Madison, Federalist 51, 1788. What of the following statements is most consistent with Madison's views in the passage?

Checks in the law making process limit the legislature's power

(Graph: U.S. House and Senate Reelection Rates, 1964-2014) Which of the following is a chief cause for the trend shown in the bar graph chart?

Citizens are familiar with incumbents, who use their office for outreach and constituent service

("It is in the context of the present world struggle between freedom and tyranny...Racial discrimination furnishes grist for the Communist propaganda mills." -Attorney General James P. McGranery, December 1952.) Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on McGranery's argument?

Civil Rights Legislation may have positibve effects on foreign policy goals

Brown vs. Board of Education

Concluded that "separate but equal" schools are impossible

Which of the following best describes Congress' use of the commerce clause over time?

Congress has used it to expand its legislative branch

(Chart: Number of women in Congress) Which of the following might be a potential consequence of the trend illustrated in the chart?

Congress is more likely to address issues of health, education, and welfare

(Chart: Average Age of Members,112th-115th Congresses (2011-2018) Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the data in the table above?

Congress is not descriptively representative of the country in the age demographic

(Graph: U.S. House and Senate Reelection Rates, 1964-2014) Which of the following statements is reflected in the bar graphs?

Congressional incumbents win reelection a majority of the time

Independent regulatory agencies

Created and empowered by congress to monitor particular industries and enforce unique laws

(Pie chart: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Complaints Filed, 2016) Which of the following is an accurate statement based on the data in the pie chart?

Discrimination based on race and sex are the most common complaints

What was the outcome of the Shaw vs. Reno Supreme Court case in 1993?

Districts cannot be drawn based on race, even if the purpose is to enhance minority representation in Congress

("It is in the context of the present world struggle between freedom and tyranny...Racial discrimination furnishes grist for the Communist propaganda mills." -Attorney General James P. McGranery, December 1952.) Based on the text, with which of the following statements would McGranery most likely agree?

Domestic policy can impact foreign policy

(Pie chart: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Complaints Filed, 2016) Which of the following is a reasonable conclusion based on the information in the chart?

Enforcing racial equality of the sexes is a reserved power

Civil Liberties

Enshrined in the Bill of Rights

Based on the ruling in McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819), what is the difference between enumerated powers and implied powers?

Enumerated powers are powers that the Constitution explicitly grants to the federal government, whereas implied powers are no explicitly written but are necessary for carrying out enumerated powers.

(Graphic: State legalization of Same-Sex Marriage) Which of the following consititutional clauses has motivated these changes?

Equal protection clase

("It is in the context of the present world struggle between freedom and tyranny...Racial discrimination furnishes grist for the Communist propaganda mills." -Attorney General James P. McGranery, December 1952.)Which of the following constitutional provisions enables the power of the federal government in enacting legilation regarding the issues raised in McGranery's arguments?

Equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

Which of the following groupings constitute an "iron triangle"?

Executive agency, congressional committee, interest group

(Map: United States map titled "Legal Drinking Age: 1975") Which of the following constitutional principles or policies best explains the information in the map?


Procedural Due Process

Focuses on the manner in which government acts towards its citizens

Substantive Due Process

Followed when the ideas or points of law are fundamentally fair and just

Which of the constitutional provisions is at issue in Schenck vs. United States?

Free speech in the first Amendment

(Graph: George W. Bush's Job Approval Ratings Trend (2001-Present) Which of the following accurately describes the information presented in the chart above?

George W. Bush left office with a lower approval rating than when he entered office

Modern Presidents

Globalization has contributed to the growth of presidential power

(Cartoon:Statue of Liberty with microphone and a tablet of civil liberties cracked on the ground)Which of the following statements describes the message in the political cartoon?

Government actions violate protections enshrined in the Constitution


Has authority over the ratification of treaties with other nations

House of Representative

Has more rules of procedure to guide its lawmaking process

Which is the most democratic institution of government that represents the framers' commitment to a republican form of government?

House of representative

How the Executive Branch can influence federal courts?

Implementation of decisions through administrative discretion

Which scenario represents the principle of federalism as the founders of the nation envisioned it?

In 1966, Mississippi became the last state to legalize alcohol after ratification of the 21st Amendment in 1933

(Chart: Choices of Subjects at each age level about choosing black or white dolls) Which of the following statements reflects a trend represented in the table?

In response to most requests, preferences for the "white doll" increased between the ages of 3 and 4, then steadily declined.

In what way did the 17th Amendment broaden democracy?

It gave citizens greater impact on lawmaking in the U.S. Senate

How did New York Times vs. United States (1971) affect the interpretation of the 1st Amendment?

It limited the governments power to interfere with the press

Which of the following statements of the Declaration of Independence is accurate?

It was drafted after arguments for rebellion appeared in the Federalist Papers

(Graphic: Votes for Supreme Court Justices) What conclusion can you draw from the information in the graphic?

Kennedy appealed about equally to republicans and democrats

Shay's rebellion highlighted which of the following weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?

Lack of power to keep a standing army

Federalist No. 10

Large republic will control factions by pitting them against each other

Block grants

Lead to loss of federal direction on spending grant money

With which statement would a 17th Amendment supporter agree?

Legislatures should be representative bodies

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had which of the following effects?

Literacy tests as a requirement for voter registration were abolished

Most members of Congress believe the legal driving age should be 18, because statistics shows that drivers under 18 have many more accidents than those 18 and older. Which of the following is the most practical and lasting action Congress can take to address the issue?

Mandate states to set the driving age at 18 and then withhold highway funds from any state that does not comply

Two citizens are arguing over the role and influence of the many organized interest groups that try to impact the public policy. The first citizen suggests that interest groups should be banned from engaging Congress members and other policymakers. The second suggests that since there are so many groups looking to impact policy from so many different perspectives, these competing groups will bring about only policies acceptable to a consensus of the citizenry. The second citizen believes in which type of political theory?

Pluralist theory

Which statement is accurate regarding the law and government surveillance of persons in the United States?

Policies have changed over time as people debate the balance between security needs and individual liberties

(Graph: George W. Bush's Job Approval Ratings Trend (2001-Present) Which of the following was a likely consequence of the trend illustrated in the graph?

President Bush's political party lost the 2008 presidential election

In the 1960's, the federal government passed the Civil Rights Act, which compelled state and local governments to desegregate public places. This is an example of which of the following aspects of federalism in the United States?

Pressure at the national level can force state and local policy changes

Which of the following principles protects citizens from imprisonment without the government taking certain prescribed steps?

Procedural due process

Which of the following methods is the most certain way to override a Supreme Court decision?

Proposing and ratifying a constitutional amendment that counters the decision

While not explicitly mentioned in the constitution, the principle of federalism is found in several of its provisions. Which of the following DOES NOT provide a basis for fedralism?

Provision for popular election of the House of Representatives in Article 1

(Graph: Average News Conferences per Year) Which of the following is a potential cause of the trend illustrated in the bar graph with the presidents after Truman?

Recent presidents may want more control over the public information people receive.

(Graphic: 1997-2017. Swing/Democratic/Republicans) Which is an accurate conclusion based on the data in the graphic above?

Redistricting has greatly contributed to party polarization in Congress in the last 20 years

Which statement or phrase is an accurate representation of the term "devolution"?

Republican minorities in Congress chose to return responsibilities assumed by the federal government back to the states.

"It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples....The imposition os this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them". -Justice Anthony Kennedy, Majority Opinion in Obergefell vs. Hodges (2015). Which statement best summarizes Justuce Kennedy's opinion?

Same-sex couples are unfairly harmed by states' denial of their legal marriage

(Graphic: Votes for Supreme Court Justices) Based on the infographic, which of the following is an identifiable trend?

Senators from the president's party vote to confirm nominated justices more than senators from the opposing party

"...the 1901 statute constitutes arbitrary and capricious actions...placing them in a position of constitutionally unjustifiable inequality vis-a-vis voters in irrationally favored counties."- Justice William Brennan, Majority Opinion, Baker vs. Carr (1962). The dissent in this case expressed a concern with the supreme court's involvement in a political matter, violating which founding principle?

Separation of power

Which of the following is a consequence of the allocation of power between the national government and state governments?

Stakeholders and institutions have multiple access points to influence public policy

Which of the following is a result of the Gideon vs. Wainwright decision?

States must provide low-income or indigent defendants with public defense attorneys.

"It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples....The imposition os this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them". -Justice Anthony Kennedy, Majority Opinion in Obergefell vs. Hodges (2015). Which of the following statements would supporters' of Kennedy's positition above most likely agree with?

Strict scrutiny should apply to laws that treat people differently based on sexual orientation

What is the key difference between the due process clause in the 5th Amendment and the due process clause in the 14th Amendment?

The 5th Amendment protects citizens from the federal government, while the 14th protects from the states

"Given the increasing difference in size between the largest and smallest states.....with fewer than half a million residents, enjoys the same level of representation as California, with more than 30 million." -Frances E. Lee, et al, Sizing up the Senate: The unequal consequences of Equal Representation. Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's arguments?

The Great (Connecticut) Compromise failed to anticipate growing population differences in small and large states.

(Cartoon where Gorsuch tells Obama's nominee that "They told me that seat was vacant") Which of the following constitutional principles allowed the events shown in the cartoon?

The Senates advice and consent role

Which of the following is the most complete summary of the selective incorporation doctrine?

The Supreme Court has required states to apply certain rights in the Bill of Rights through the 14th Amendments due process clause

(Graphs: Supreme Court overturning precedents and laws, 1953-2010) Which of the following accurately describes the date given in the graphs above?

The Supreme Court overturns more federal laws each year than it overturns prior supreme court precedents.

"We have before us one of the most important duties of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Congress...It goes against the history of the country."-Senator Rand Paul, Senate Floor Speech-September 18, 2014. Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt from Senator Pauls speech?

The U.S. Senate should decide on war-like actions on its merits, not along with other legislation

Which of the following best explains why only 5% of African Americans living in Mississippi in 1956 were registered to vote but by 1971 that amount increased to 59%?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 passed

"We have before us one of the most important duties of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Congress...It goes against the history of the country."-Senator Rand Paul, Senate Floor Speech-September 18, 2014. Which foreign policy reality might limit what the Senate can do in this scenario?

The War Powers Act gives the President freedom to act with the military for a limited time

(Graph: Average News Conferences per Year) Which of the following statements is supported by the data in the chart?

The average number of news conferences per varies from administration to administration

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the necessary and proper clause?

The clause empowers Congress to act as required to carry out its expressed powers

(Graphs: Supreme Court overturning precedents and laws, 1953-2010) Based on the information in the charts, which of the following conclusions can you draw?

The court has issued more conservative rulings when it overturns prior Court precedents

Which statement accurately describes the Supreme Court's contemporary interpretation of the death penalty?

The court has restricted its use in certain instances, including the execution of minors and the mentally handicapped

("Where the will of the legislature, declared in its statutes, stands in opposition to that of the people, declared in the Constitution, the judges ought to be governed by the latter rather than the former...it will be the duty of the judicial tribunals to adhere to the latter and disregard the former." -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist NO. 78, 1788.) Which of the following statements best summarizes Hamilton's argument?

The courts will protect the liberties of the people by acting as a check on their representatives

"It is now clear that the challenged laws burden the liberty of same-sex couples....The imposition os this disability on gays and lesbians serves to disrespect and subordinate them". -Justice Anthony Kennedy, Majority Opinion in Obergefell vs. Hodges (2015). Which of the following constitutional provisions would Justice Kennedy cite to support his opinion?

The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment

A local police officers searched a person's car on a slight suspicion, and happened to find the person possessed an illegal gun. The person never consented to the search, nor did the officer obtain a warrant. Which of the following might prevent the gun from being introduced as evidence in a trial?

The exclusionary rule

"We have before us one of the most important duties of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Congress...It goes against the history of the country."-Senator Rand Paul, Senate Floor Speech-September 18, 2014. Which power of Congress is Senator Paul probably most concerned with based upon the passage?

The expressed power to declare war

(Graphic: State legalization of Same-Sex Marriage) Based on the infographic, which of the following statements is most accurate?

The first states to legalize same-sec marriage did so though courts; later states used more demographic measures

A U.S. district judge in Alabama has a dispute in his court in which an employee is suing her employer over improper termination in violation of the civil rights act. the 9th Circuit Court Appeals and the U.S. District Court of Kansas have both ruled on highly similar cases under the same law and sided with the employee. Which of the following is the likely action the federal judge in Alabama will take?

The judge will rule in the same way under the practice of stare decisis

("The commerce clause should be limited to its proper sphere....like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it."-Texas Justice Foundation, brief filed in the United States vs. Lopez 1993) Which of the following statements best summarizes the argument in the Texas Justice Foundation's brief?

The judicial branch can determine if Congress is operating within its enumerated powers and thus checks legislative power

"First, always, is the question whether Congress has directly spoken...the question for the court is whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute."-Justice John Paul Stevens, Majority Opinion, Chevron vs. Natural Resources Defense Council (1984). Those who disagree with the above supreme court's opinion would likely point to which facts?

The lawmaking process becomes less democratic when bureaucratic agencies can regulate beyond their defined jurisdiction

"Our debt being unfunded and unprovided for, the interest cannot be paid...But I cannot find a single state has laid the Taxes." -Robert Morris, letter to the president of Congress (1782). Based on the text above, which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?

The national government under the Articles lacks necessary tax enforcement power

What must a suing party prove to win in a libel lawsuit?

The offending party acted maliciously

(Political Cartoon: "The Omnibus Bill") The central message of this political cartoon is best summarized by which of the following statements?

The omnibus legislative process doesn't allow for debate and negotiation

Which of the following aspects of the U.S. Constitution best illustrates the concept of elite democracy?

The original wording of the Constitution regarding the selection of U.S. senators

Which of the following may the President do under the Constitution to limit the power of Congress?

The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed in the house or state

"There sure is an idea, which is not without its advocates...adhering differently to the different individuals who composed the magistracy" -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 70, 1788. Which of the following statements reflects Hamiltons thinking as reflected in this passage?

The president should be a singular individual

A member of the presidents cabinet disagrees strongly with the president on how executive branch policy should be carried out and has publicly expressed those views. Which of the following outcomes will likely happen?

The president will remove the official from his administration

A republican president has nominated a federal judge for an opening on a U.S. court. A number of senators have declared they are not supportive of the nominee, including many senators within the president's own party, which holds only a simple majority of the Senate seats. No democrats support the candidate. Which of the following scenarios will likely occur?

The president will withdraw the nomination or the nominee will withdraw

Which of the following would most likely be a violation of the 25th Amendment?

The secretary of State claims authority over the Executive Branch, citing the presidents inability to perform his duties during a surgical procedure

In 1972, both houses of Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment, a Constitutional amendment guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens regardless of sex. However, the amendment failed, as the required number of states did not ratify it before the deadline expired. This is an example of which of the following aspects of federalism in the U.S.?

The sharing of power between states and the federal government constrains national policymaking

(Cartoon: Statue labeled Supreme Court holding two scales with a man in between them balancing, thinking "affirmative action") Which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon?

The supreme Court has limited the ways colleges can recruit minorities

(Graphic: 1997-2017. Swing/Democratic/Republicans) Which of the following statements is reflected in the graphic above?

There have been fewer swing districts than safe districts since 2001

(cartoon: of state and church with fence in between them) Which of the following statements would the cartoonist most likely agree?

There is a constant struggle to define the separation of church and state

"We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal"...certain principles dear to Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country's anti religious laws"-Martin Luther King Jr. (Letter from a Birmingham Jail). Which of the following statements best explains why Dr. King included this passage in "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"?

To show how segregationist laws were no different than unjust laws in oppressive nation states

(Cartoon: Statue labeled Supreme Court holding two scales with a man in between them balancing, thinking "affirmative action") Which of the following best explains why the figure holding the scales of justice is blindfolded?

To show that justice should be colorblind

"There sure is an idea, which is not without its advocates...adhering differently to the different individuals who composed the magistracy" -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 70, 1788. A president might use Federalist 70 to make which of the following arguments?

To support his willingness to exercise executive power

In Federalist 10, Madison argues that the Constitution disperses power between the federal government and state governments. Which of the following describes a constitutional provision in the newly-ratified Constitution that did that?

U.S. Senators were chosen by state legislatures

A Congress member and several other sponsors are ready to introduce a bill into the legislative process. The Bill is designed to reduce tax rates on people with lower incomes. Which committee will review this bill first?

Way and means committee

Which interest group would use the decision in McDonald vs. City of Chicago as a basis to challenge the constitutionality of a law?

a gun rights group

"The nation's waters should be free of pollutants in order to protect the health of our citizens...and shall have the authority to make rules necessary to carry out this ACT."-The Clean Water Act (1970). The above passage is an example of?

administrative discretion in legislation

A president issues an executive order banning newspapers from printing articles critical of the U.S. government. The Supreme Court declares the order unconstitutional because it violates the 1st Amendment right to freedom of the press. This is an example of?

checks and balances

("The Advisory Commission on intergovernmental relations.....a plan for a massive rearrangement of financing responsibilities amount Federal, State, and local governments." -Revenue Sharing: An Idea Whose time has come (1970))Which of the following systems of federalism is described in this passage?

cooperative federalism

Articles of Confederation

created a loose union of states, each receiving one vote in Congress

A senator realizes a Senate vote on an immigration bill is coming up. The senator examines public opinion polls on the issue and carefully reads her inbox for constituents' views on the bill and the issue. This senator is following which model of representation?


"...the 1901 statute constitutes arbitrary and capricious actions...placing them in a position of constitutionally unjustifiable inequality vis-a-vis voters in irrationally favored counties."- Justice William Brennan, Majority Opinion, Baker vs. Carr (1962). The constitutional principle at issue, in this case, is whether the state's failure to draw proportionality populated legislative districts violates?

equal protection under the law

Which of the following statements accurately describes federalism?

federalism is a sharing of powers between national and regional governments

(Graphic: Amending the Constitution) Which concern of the framers does the method illustrated by the infographic address?


Which concern of the framers does the method illustrated in the infographic address?


(Bar graph: statements that are offensive to minority groups) Which of the following constitutional issues is represented in the graph?

free speech

In which of the following areas is Congress most likely to challenge the President?

funding public works projects

The most important factors influencing the President's selection of judges and justices appears to be...?

ideology and partisanship, to impact the political balance and direction of the judicial branch

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding congressional leaders?

in case of a tie vote in the Senate, the vice president breaks the tie

"An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers....sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office." -Rep. Gerald Ford, House Minority Leader;April 15, 1970. This quote by Gerald Ford indicates the impeachment and removal process is..?

inherently, a very political process

Judicial restraint

is exercised when courts refrain from interfering with policies created by elected bodies

Judicial activism

is practiced when courts overrule legislative acts or shape policy

Which of the following describes a way that the federal government could influence state spending on education?

issue a mandate tying federal block grants to the amount of state spending per pupil

Which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the United States vs. Lopez decision in 1995?

it establishes limits to federal power under the commerce clause

Which of the following statements is true regarding the courts decision in Marbury vs. Madison (1803)?

it overturned part of an act of congress

The War powers resolution may be considered unconstitutional because?

its use of the legislative veto could be a violation of the doctrine of separation of powers

Federal judges were given lifetime tenure subject to good behavior by the framers of the Constitution in order to ensure that...?

judges are free from political pressures

The concept of originalism holds that...?

judges should determine the intent of the framers of the constitution regarding a particular matter and decide cases in line with that intent

("Where the will of the legislature, declared in its statutes, stands in opposition to that of the people, declared in the Constitution, the judges ought to be governed by the latter rather than the former...it will be the duty of the judicial tribunals to adhere to the latter and disregard the former." -Alexander Hamilton, Federalist NO. 78, 1788.) In the passage, which of the following principles does Hamilton suggest the new federal judiciary will establish?

judicial review

The requirement that cases must be capable of being settled as a matter of law rather than on other grounds is known as...?

justiciable disputes

The Constitution specifically...?

left it to the direction of Congress to establish the lower federal courts

"In a pure democracy the people are the sovereign, and their will is declared by themselves;.....be able to debate, understand the subject submitted to them, and declare their opinion concerning it."-Brutus NO. 1. (1787). Which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?

local and state governments are better equiped to deal with issues affecting people's daily lives

In its investigation of Supreme Court nominees, the Senate Judiciary Committee...?

may probe a nominees judicial philosophy and personal life in great detail

(Map: United states map titled "Legal Drinking Age: 1975") Which of the following accurately describes the information in the map?

most states in the northeast were amoung those with the lowest drinking age

(Graphic: Votes for Supreme Court Justices) Which of the following strategies might a president follow to receive greater support for supreme court nominees?

naming ideologically moderate justices to the Supreme Court

Which of the following is a fair criticism of the federal bureaucracy?

overlapping bureaucratic authority can cause wasteful spending and duplication

Which of the following actions may Congress take to limit the president's power?

override a presidential veto with two-thirds vote

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government."-Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence. Which of the following ideas does the author of the passage advocate?

popular sovereignty

(Political cartoon with the Supreme Court saying "After this presidential election, we'' start moving to our new location") which of the following best reflects the cartoonist's message?

presidents seek to place individuals on the court whose policy views are similar to their own

A bicameral legislature is a legislature that...?

provides checks during the lawmaking process

Categorical Grants

requires states or localities to meet certain criteria

Which of the following best demonstrates judicial activism?

rulings based on the assumption that judges can make policy as well as interpret it

Due to Supreme Court rulings, state schools can no loner conduct morning prayer, local police must warn suspects of their rights to remain silent, and public schools must respect students' rights to non-disruptive symbolic speech. The court has established these policies through which process?

selective incorporation

"Thus every man, by agreeing with others to make one body politic under one government...the original compact through which he and the others incorporated into society would be meaningless."-John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690. Which of the following democratic ideals is described in the passage?

social contract

(Cartoon: "In two words, yes and no") Which of the following statements most closely conveys the main message of the cartoon below?

states want federal dollars but do not want the federal mandates that come along with them

The judicial interpretation of an act of Congress is called...?

statutory construction

New Jersey Plan

supported limited changes to the structure and powers of the national government

Which statement about impeachment under the Constitution is true?

the House can impeach officials for "High Crimes or Misdemeanors"

A judicial philosophy which might take into consideration the nature of the times, legal outcomes for the litigants involved in a case, or the laws of other nations is...?

the belief that our founding document is a "living" constitution

On which of the following issues did Federalists and Anti-Federalists have most widely differing views?

the centralization of government

In the McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819)decision, which two provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened?

the necessary and proper clause/the supremacy clause

Which of the following aspects of the U.S. Constitution best illustrates the concept of participatory democracy?

the process for choosing members of the House of Representatives

In which of the following scenarios would a presidential veto most likely be overridden?

the proposed legislation enjoys widespread bipartisan support

Republicanism is best defined as?

the system by which the interests of the people are represented through elected leaders

How the Legislative Branch can influence the federal courts?

through the advice and consent role during the selection and confirmation process

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