AP Gov Part II Test

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*Public-opinion analysts agree that the level of public knowledge about politics is ________. a) extremely low b) higher than ever c) rising every year d) impossible to measure e) irrelevant in a democracy

a) extremely low

The Founders were worried about groups with common interests forming, which James Madison called ________. a) factions b) parties c) movements d) syndicates e) interests

a) factions

Critical elections result in the ________ and the majority party being displaced by the majority party. a) formation of new coalitions for each political party b) widespread public questioning of the election process c) desire for secession d) formation of new political parties e) successful bid by a third political party

a) formation of new coalitions for each political party

*As organizations, American political parties are ________. a) fragmented and decentralized b) centralized in Washington, DC c) moderate and centrist d) tied to rural areas e) lacking specific identities

a) fragmented and decentralized

Individuals who do not join a group representing their interests yet benefit from the group's influence are ________. a) free riders b) freeloaders c) interlopers d) lobbyists e) secessionists

a) free riders

Which president was responsible for the New deal following the Great Depression? a) Roosevelt b) Hoover c) Harrison d) Jackson e) Kennedy

a) Roosevelt

Which of the following is a typical conservative opinion? a) "I oppose amnesty for undocumented immigrants." b) "I am opposed to prayer in schools." c) "I support government regulation of businesses in the public interest." d) "I want to spend more on government benefits for the needy." e) "I believe we should spend less on the military."

a) "I oppose amnesty for undocumented immigrants."

*You conduct a public opinion poll on the upcoming mid-term elections. You have a sample size of two thousand; your sampling error is +/-3. This means ________. a) 95 percent of the time the poll results are within 3 percent of what the entire population thinks b) there is a 100 percent chance your poll is accurate c) your poll will always be inaccurate d) there is a 50 percent chance your poll reflects the opinions of the entire population e) your poll is 3 percent accurate and therefore not valid

a) 95 percent of the time the poll results are within 3 percent of what the entire population thinks

Which of the following is an example of parties in government? a) A caucus of Democrats who serve on city council b) The college Democrats club on your campus c) The Democratic Party organization in your community d) All registered Democrats who vote in local elections e) Registered Democrats who campaign for their candidate

a) A caucus of Democrats who serve on city council

*Which of the following is most likely to lead a protest? a) A civil rights advocate b) A merchant c) A teacher d) The conductor of a symphony e) The head of a family

a) A civil rights advocate

With modern media coverage, what factor has become increasingly important for policy entrepreneurs, such as the Speaker of the House? a) A crafted image carefully designed with the media consumer in mind b) Detailed policy plans and statistics c) Political experience in Congress d) A public family life e) The policy entrepreneur's military service record

a) A crafted image carefully designed with the media consumer in mind

The interest group ________ is a citizens' watchdog group that works to expose what it sees as the evils of the PAC system. a) Common Cause b) National Watchdog Association c) Whistleblowers Union d) The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) e) American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

a) Common Cause

The term ________ refers to the belief that to support democratic government, a citizen must vote. a) civic duty b) political efficacy c) voter registration d) Rock the Vote e) mandated voting

a) civic duty

*Why is it important for citizens in a democracy to have good information about politics and policies? a) A democracy requires accurate information so that people can make informed decisions about their government. b) A democracy requires that its citizens gather the news themselves by interviewing sources. c) A democracy requires that citizens get all the information they need from their own government. d) In a democracy, citizens can rely on the information provided by other nations. e) In a democracy, citizens can rely on their representatives to make decisions, so they do not need to inform themselves.

a) A democracy requires accurate information so that people can make informed decisions about their government.

What type of interest group is likely to be composed of the chief executive officers of the largest corporation in America? a) A group serving elitist interests b) A group serving public interests c) A labor union d) A municipal group e) A lawyers association

a) A group serving elitist interests

Which is an example of a collective good for which one interest group has fought but that has benefited all low-paid workers? a) A higher minimum wage b) Gay marriage rights c) Immigrants' rights d) Humane treatment of animals e) Intellectual property rights

a) A higher minimum wage

What is one reason that interest groups must have money to maintain their organization? a) Advertising campaigns and other outreach activities are expensive. b) Successful interest group court members of Congress with expensive gifts. c) Interest groups must pay yearly registration fees to the government. d) Interest groups are required to pay each of their members a salary. e) Interest groups that have financial resources are more appealing to the public.

a) Advertising campaigns and other outreach activities are expensive.

*________ is the process of bringing public attention to specific issues by providing extensive coverage of those issues and ignoring other issues. a) Agenda setting b) Priming c) Framing d) Sensationalizing e) Biasing

a) Agenda setting

Who was the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee? a) Al Gore b) John Kerry c) John Edwards d) Walter Mondale e) Michael Dukakis

a) Al Gore

What is the potential constituency for a consumer advocacy interest group? a) All Americans b) All taxpayers c) Anyone who joins the group d) Anyone who is interested in the health of the U.S. economy e) Anyone who responds to the group's interest polls

a) All Americans

Overall, which statement best summarizes Americans' opinion about their government? a) Americans have become increasingly dissatisfied with government in recent decades. b) Americans trust local and state governments but do not trust the federal government. c) Americans trust the federal government but do not trust state and local governments. d) Since the terrorist attacks of 2011, Americans' trust of the government has steadily increased. e) Trust of the government is at an all-time high.

a) Americans have become increasingly dissatisfied with government in recent decades.

Which of the following is an example of an environmental interest group? a) Audubon Society b) American Medical Association (AMA) c) Christian Coalition of America d) American Conservative Union (ACU) e) National Governors Association (NGA)

a) Audubon Society

Overall, how do the credentials of the most successful political bloggers compare to those of professional journalists who write about politics? a) Bloggers are similar to leading traditional journalists in terms of analytic training, writing skills, and knowledge of politics. b) Bloggers typically have few academic or journalistic credentials. c) Bloggers cover local government, while professional journalists work at the national scale. d) state government e) Congress

a) Bloggers are similar to leading traditional journalists in terms of analytic training, writing skills, and knowledge of politics.

*Which of the following is an example of narrowcasting? a) CNN content appeals mostly to people who consider themselves liberal. b) ABC reruns episodes of Seinfeld late at night. c) An electronics store sells more than wide-screen televisions. d) A game show has only conservative contestants. e) CBS broadcasts hour-long drama series.

a) CNN content appeals mostly to people who consider themselves liberal.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of cable news programming? a) Cable news has become less ideologically charged in the past decade. b) Under 15 percent of cable news programs are taken up with written and edited stories. c) Stories are repeated frequently, often without any new information. d) Most of the airtime is filled with ad-libbed talk. e) New coverage is spotty, ignoring many important topics.

a) Cable news has become less ideologically charged in the past decade.

Some theorists believe that America is ruled by a small group of wealthy elite. Which of these facts best supports that theory? a) Citizens of higher socioeconomic status participate more in politics. b) A higher proportion of white Americans votes than Black Americans. c) Most people who run for office, even in local elections, are wealthy. d) Political participation on all levels can be prohibitively expensive. e) One must pay massive fees to run for office.

a) Citizens of higher socioeconomic status participate more in politics.

Which of the following would be least likely to influence a respondent's answer about proposed abortion legislation? a) Citizenship b) Pre-existing beliefs c) Political ideology d) Partisanship e) Religion

a) Citizenship

Which type of lawsuit allows a group of people in a similar situation to combine the common grievances into a single lawsuit? a) Class action b) Small claims c) Defamation of character d) Malpractice e) Writ of habeas corpus

a) Class action

*Collective goods are those that cannot be withheld from anyone. Which of the following is an example? a) Clean air b) A college education c) Life insurance d) Housing assistance e) Food stamps

a) Clean air

*Why do party organizations favor closed primaries over open primaries? a) Closed primaries favor ideological purity. b) Closed primaries are cheaper to operate. c) Closed primaries are not regulated by state election law. d) Closed primaries reduce the chances of voter fraud. e) Closed primaries allow more voters to take part.

a) Closed primaries favor ideological purity.

What kinds of governments are more likely to occur in democracies with multiparty systems? a) Coalition governments b) Winner-takes-all governments c) Minor-party governments d) Unitary governments e) Federalist governments

a) Coalition governments

Given current standards of popular reporting, which of the following would be the least newsworthy? That is, which is likely to get the least media coverage? a) Complicated policy issues b) Novelty stories c) Drama and human interest d) Celebrity news e) Fistfights between political figures

a) Complicated policy issues

According to a 2020 Gallup poll, the largest percentage of Americans label themselves as ________, at 37 percent of the population. a) Conservatives b) Liberals c) Independents d) Socialists e) Communists

a) Conservatives

*In 1968, the ________ party lost favor with voters because of the ________. a) Democratic; Vietnam War b) Democratic; Cold War c) Republican; Civil Rights Movement d) Republican; Vietnam War e) Democratic; Middle East conflict

a) Democratic; Vietnam War

The presidency of Andrew Jackson brought about a struggle between ________. a) Democrats and Whigs b) Federalists and Anti-Federalists c) Federalists and Democratic-Republicans d) Democrats and Republicans e) Whigs and Federalists

a) Democrats and Whigs

Which of these is an example of how local grass roots party organizations are filling the void created by the decline of inner-city party machines? a) Distributing yard signs and campaign literature b) Paying for televised advertisements for candidates c) Hosting large fundraising events with the party faithful d) Flying candidates to other districts to meet prospective donors e) Pushing for judicial rulings favorable to the party's ideology

a) Distributing yard signs and campaign literature

Which of the following questions has the most neutral phrasing? a) Do you favor government efforts to reduce smoking? b) Do you favor Gestapo-style tactics to prevent smoking? c) Do you favor government infringement on your freedom to smoke? d) Do you favor government efforts to force its will on law-abiding Americans who smoke? e) Do you favor turning smokers into criminals, or do you support the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution?

a) Do you favor government efforts to reduce smoking?

Which president made frequent use of Twitter to communicate directly with millions of Americans about matter both large and small in significance? a) Donald Trump b) George W. Bush c) John F. Kennedy d) Barack Obama e) Bill Clinton

a) Donald Trump

Which of the following best describes the organization of American political parties? a) Each level of the party is relatively independent. b) Each level of the party is completely dependent on all other levels of the party. c) Elected officials can usually dictate a party's positions on the issues. d) State party leaders choose the national party's positions. e) Party leaders largely control the flow of money to campaigns.

a) Each level of the party is relatively independent.

*Citizen control of the government's agenda is facilitated primarily by which of the following? a) Elections b) Political parties c) Interest groups d) Polling e) The Electoral College

a) Elections

An emphasis on candidates' past performance in political office and personal competence fit best with which of the following models? a) Electoral reward and punishment b) Responsible party c) Electoral competition d) Prospective voting e) Candidate-centered voting

a) Electoral reward and punishment

Which viewpoint represents the direct opposite of pluralism? a) Elitism b) Communism c) Idealism d) Conservatism e) Moralism

a) Elitism

Which of the following statements is true of media coverage of recent presidential elections? a) Far more stories deal with the horse race and the candidates' strategies then with questions of public policy. b) Most news stories focus on the candidates' biographical details. c) The media cover third-party candidates much more intensely than they cover the candidates from the major parties. d) The media seek to engage in fundraising for their preferred candidates. e) News coverage focuses intensely on the candidates' preferred public policies.

a) Far more stories deal with the horse race and the candidates' strategies then with questions of public policy.

*What institution was established by Congress in 1934 to regulate the airwaves? a) Federal Communications Commission b) Public Broadcasting System c) Radio Act Commission d) National Public Radio e) Federal Regulatory Commission

a) Federal Communications Commission

The right of interest groups to exist is granted in the ________ Amendment. a) First b) Second c) Fourth d) Nineteenth e) Twentieth

a) First

*Conservatives are most likely to tine into ________ for news. a) Fox b) CNN c) MSNBC d) NPR e) the BBC

a) Fox

Which of the following is NOT a component of the pluralist group theory of politics? a) Groups place the common interest about group interest. b) Groups weak in one resource can use another. c) No one group is likely to dominate. d) Groups usually play by the rules of the game. e) Groups provide a key link between people and government.

a) Groups place the common interest about group interest.

Which minority population is the fastest growing in the United States? a) Hispanics b) Blacks c) Asian Americans d) Native Americans e) European Americans

a) Hispanics

*According to the American National Election Study, the largest percentage of Americans voting in presidential elections identify themselves as ________. a) Independent b) Republican c) Democrat d) conservative e) liberal

a) Independent

*What has the rise of television broadcasting reinforced and advanced in the American political process? a) Individualism b) Cooperation c) Monopoly power d) Newspaper readership e) Liberalism

a) Individualism

A young reporter wants to write important pieces like those written after the Watergate scandal. What type of reporting is this? a) Investigative b) Yellow c) Muckraking d) Sensationalized e) Biased

a) Investigative

*Which of the following does the FCC do? a) It enforces the equal time rule for political candidates. b) It monitors blogs and other social media. c) It runs its own public broadcasting networks. d) It permits no owner to control more than 75 percent of the broadcast market. e) It ensures that all news media give fair and balanced coverage.

a) It enforces the equal time rule for political candidates.

What was the importance of the 1896 election? a) It shifted party coalitions and entrenched the Republicans for another generation. b) It marked the beginning of divided government, which exists to this day. c) It allowed the Democrats to overtake a weak Republican Party. d) Through allowing for a Republican victory, the election fractured the party. e) It saw the Democratic state parties gain support at the expense of the national party.

a) It shifted party coalitions and entrenched the Republicans for another generation.

*The first two political parties in the United States were ________. a) Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and Adams's Federalists b) Jefferson's Federalists and Adams's Democratic-Republicans c) Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and Adams's Whigs d) Jefferson's Whigs and Adams's Democratic-Republicans e) Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and Adams's American Independence Party

a) Jefferson's Democratic-Republicans and Adams's Federalists

*Which of the following types of interest groups is most likely to use public activities such as protests to draw attention to their cause and influence policy makers? a) Labor unions b) Free-trade groups c) Potential groups d) Political action committees (PACs) e) Trade interest groups

a) Labor unions

Adam grew up in a suburb, preferred to play outside rather than inside, attended public school, and regularly attended worship services with his mom and dad. Which of these factors is most likely to inform Adam's political views? a) Living with both his mom and dad b) Living in a suburban neighborhood c) His preference for outdoor play d) Attending public school e) His religion

a) Living with both his mom and dad

________ is the attempt to gain support of politicians capable of influencing political decisions to benefit a particular cause or interest. a) Lobbying b) Cold-calling c) Blackmailing d) Bribing e) Campaigning

a) Lobbying

The ________ established criteria for determining whether an organization or firm should register its employees as lobbyists. Those who fit the criteria must file a report regarding each of their clients, indicating how much they were paid by them for lobbying services. a) Lobbying Disclosure Act b) Fair Government Act c) Limited Responsiveness Act d) Open Government Act e) Restricted Access Act

a) Lobbying Disclosure Act

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that lobbyists can help members of Congress? a) Lobbyists can help to ensure the nomination of Supreme Court justices. b) Lobbyists can be an important source of information. c) Lobbyists can help politicians with political strategy for getting legislation through? d) Lobbyists can help formulate campaign strategy. e) Lobbyists can be sources of ideas and innovations.

a) Lobbyists can help to ensure the nomination of Supreme Court justices.

*In addition to family, from what source do children get most of their information as they grow older? a) Mass media b) Their peers c) Their neighbors d) Books e) Government

a) Mass media

Which of the following most ensures that no one group dominates congressional decisions? a) Members of Congress have differing constituencies. b) Party leaders are always in sync with elected officials. c) Party caucuses can remove committee chairs who do not follow the party line. d) The vice president is also president of the Senate. e) Incumbents must work outside their party to raise enough money.

a) Members of Congress have differing constituencies.

*________ is considered to be the biggest organizational challenge faced by the national chairpersons of both the Republican and Democratic parties. a) Money b) Labor c) Advertisements d) Logistics e) Communication

a) Money

How did the Watergate scandal affect news organizations? a) More reporters have been assigned to investigative reporting beats. b) Fewer reporters have been assigned to investigative reporting beats. c) The Watergate story discouraged government insiders from communicating with the press. d) Reporters' salaries have increased dramatically. e) Newspapers' print circulation has increased dramatically.

a) More reporters have been assigned to investigative reporting beats.

In general, how do Americans feel about press criticism of political leaders? a) Most think it is worth it because it keeps leaders from doing things that should not be done. b) The majority believes criticism keeps political leaders from doing their jobs. c) Most think it does not matter because political leaders will do whatever they want. d) Most people refuse to answer such questions, citing the right to privacy. e) The majority believes that it is simply wrong to criticize leaders.

a) Most think it is worth it because it keeps leaders from doing things that should not be done.

_______ refers to media programming on cable TV or the internet that is focused on a particular interest and aimed at a particular audience. a) Narrowcasting b) Selective exposure c) Broadcasting d) Sound biting e) Partisan programming

a) Narrowcasting

Which interest group is most likely to lobby for or against a law regulating the use of firearms for hunting? a) National Rifle Association (NRA) b) American Iron and Steel Institute c) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) d) American Farm Bureau Federation e) American Legion

a) National Rifle Association (NRA)

In the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt's ________ increased government responsibility, giving the Democratic Party a boost. a) New Deal b) USA Patriot Act c) trickle-down theory d) foreign policy e) supply-side economics

a) New Deal

*What is an example of a rule made by the Federal Communications Commission in 1996 to simplify policies concerning media monopolies? a) No single owner can control more than 35 percent of the broadcast market. b) An owner can only have a monopoly in a single broadcast market. c) No single owner can control more than 50 percent of the broadcast market. d) No single owner can control more than one station in a broadcast market. e) Public radio cannot be sold to a private owner.

a) No single owner can control more than 35 percent of the broadcast market.

Federal income tax returns allow taxpayers to check off a box that allows them to donate three dollars to the public financing of presidential campaigns. In general, how do taxpayers respond to this request to donate three dollars? a) Only 4 percent of taxpayers check the box. b) Almost all taxpayers check the box. c) About half of taxpayers check the box. d) No taxpayers check the box. e) About 75 percent of taxpayers check the box.

a) Only 4 percent of taxpayers check the box.

Which of the following is true concerning parties in the United States? a) Organizationally, state parties are on the upswing throughout the country. b) Parties are adopting rules to ensure that their members vote along party line. c) State parties are abdicating much of their authority to the national party. d) The national parties are requiring the state parties to take on many new official duties. e) The national parties are working to make themselves more similar to the strong centralized parties of Europe.

a) Organizationally, state parties are on the upswing throughout the country.

*Which of the following statements is true of political action committees (PACs)? a) PACs may give up to $5,000 to a candidate for each election. b) PACs have no limit on how much they can give to a single candidate. c) PACs are least active during the election cycle. d) PACs are not regulated as to how much money they may give a candidate. e) PACs are not governed by rules or regulations.

a) PACs may give up to $5,000 to a candidate for each election.

*Which of the following statements is true about political partisanship in the United States today? a) Partisan identity is increasingly shaped by dislike for the other party. b) Republicans tend to like Democrats, but Democrats tend to distrust Republicans. c) Democrats tend to respect Republicans, but Republicans are deep'y suspicious of Democrats. d) The "fear and loathing" that Hunter Thompson identified in the 1970s no longer exists between the major political parties today. e) There exists an attitude of mutual trust and respect between Republicans and Democrats.

a) Partisan identity is increasingly shaped by dislike for the other party.

*Which of the following best predicts how people will vote? a) Party identification b) Gender c) Income level d) Religious affiliation e) Education

a) Party identification

Which factor(s) weaken political campaigns' effects on voters? a) Party identification and incumbent name recognition b) Negative advertising c) Campaign expenditures d) Party mobilization and character attacks e) Negative advertising and challengers' name recognition

a) Party identification and incumbent name recognition

Based on voter turnout rates, which group will have the best chance of influencing policy? a) People with higher income and education levels b) Republicans c) Democrats d) People over the age of sixty-five e) Minorities with lower income levels

a) People with higher income and education levels

Given their success in influencing public policy, which of the following groups is likely to spend the most money on lobbying activities in a given year? a) Pharmaceutical interest groups b) Transportation interest groups c) Commercial interest groups d) Environmental groups e) Labor unions

a) Pharmaceutical interest groups

*Which industry spends the most on lobbying in the United States? a) Pharmaceuticals b) Oil and gas c) Telecom d) Automotive e) Real Estate

a) Pharmaceuticals

*________ is a theory of American democracy emphasizing that the policymaking process is open to the participation of all groups with shared interests, with no single group usually dominating. As a result, the public interest generally prevails. a) Pluralism b) Hyperpluralism c) Elitism d) Triangulation e) Liberalism

a) Pluralism

________ refers to electoral choices that are made on the basis of voters' policy preferences and where the candidates stand on particular issues. a) Policy voting b) Selective attention c) The mandate theory of elections d) Planned exposure e) Platform identification

a) Policy voting

In a democratic society, what describes the link between political opinion and public policy? a) Political participation b) Manifest opinion c) Latent opinion d) Salient opinion e) Ideology

a) Political participation

*Our earliest views of political matters usually come from parents, as part of which process? a) Political socialization b) News gathering c) Ideology formation d) Indoctrination e) Cultural development

a) Political socialization

________ are professionals who conduct opinion research to tell candidates what voters think of them. a) Pollsters b) Logistical organizations c) Campaign counsels d) Fund-raisers e) Campaign consultants

a) Pollsters

Which of the following is an example of individuals using a trial balloon? a) President Donald Trump's telling reporters that he was considering a quarantine of the New York City metro area to contain the spread of the coronavirus b) Mitt Romney's announcement of his presidential candidacy c) The Supreme Court informing the media of the cases it will consider d) Richard Nixon's denial that he was involved in anything illegal e) Gerald Ford pardoning Richard Nixon for any wrongdoing

a) President Donald Trump's telling reporters that he was considering a quarantine of the New York City metro area to contain the spread of the coronavirus

Which of the following would be considered a party focused on a single issue? a) Prohibition Party b) Populist Party c) Progressive Party d) American Independent Party e) Libertarian Party

a) Prohibition Party

Which electoral reform would make it easier to elect third-party candidates to Congress? a) Proportional representation b) Requiring candidates to list all campaign donations online c) Strict ballot-access laws d) Requiring candidates to live in the district they wish to represent e) Abolishing the electoral college

a) Proportional representation

*________ is based on population changes recorded by the US Census. a) Reapportionment b) Participation c) Campaign funding d) Redistricting e) Political culture

a) Reapportionment

*By emphasizing his "Southern strategy," President ________ was able to begin a period of realignment in which Southern states abandoned the Democratic Party for the Republican Party beginning in 1968. a) Richard Nixon b) Gerald Ford c) Ronald Reagan d) Dwight Eisenhower e) George H.W. Bush

a) Richard Nixon

Which of the following is NOT a form of unconventional participation? a) Ringing doorbells for a petition b) Protesting c) Civil disobedience d) Hunger strikes e) Violent clashes with the police

a) Ringing doorbells for a petition

Despite asserting that he would balance the budget throughout his campaign, President ________ ran up the largest deficit in American history. a) Ronald Reagan b) George H.W. Bush c) Jimmy Carter d) Gerald Ford e) George W. Bush

a) Ronald Reagan

*Which of the following refers to the process through which people consciously choose to get the news from information sources that have viewpoints compatible with their own? a) Selective exposure b) Journalistic stays c) Limited exposure d) Media restraint e) Press prevention

a) Selective exposure

Which is an example of a lobbyist performing a positive act while working for an interest group? a) Serving as a consultant for a member of the White House staff trying to fashion a piece of legislation b) Planning expensive fundraisers for the candidates to mock their opponents c) Staging violent public protests against causes their group opposes d) Heckling public officials who oppose their views e) Inciting riots when one of their supporters is criticized

a) Serving as a consultant for a member of the White House staff trying to fashion a piece of legislation

*The rise of the internet has hurt some forms of media. Which form of media is doing well? a) Social media b) Printed newspapers c) Printed magazines d) Traditional broadcast radio stations e) Long TV analyses of politics

a) Social media

Male and female political opinions are the most divergent on which of the following issues? a) Social services b) Abortion rights c) Government regulation of corporations d) Religion e) Z balanced budget

a) Social services

*Which of the following is the most important determinant of political participation? a) Socioeconomic status b) Gender c) Race d) Age e) Education

a) Socioeconomic status

Which of the following is used to measure the strength of the public's opinion on any given issue by companies such as Gallup? a) Survey or poll b) Quasi-experimental study c) Randomized control study d) Regression study e) Ethnographic study

a) Survey or poll

*Party organizations and personal contacts as the means by which candidates communicate with voters have been largely replaced by ________. a) TV and the internet b) radio c) political consultants d) print news e) campaign managers

a) TV and the internet

How long is a typical sound bite? a) Ten seconds b) Half an hour c) One second d) One minute e) One hour

a) Ten seconds

What is the benefit of a political action committee (PAC) receiving funds from a nonprofit education and organizing group, called a 501(c) group? a) The 501(c) group faces less strict rules requiring disclosure of donors' identities. b) The 501(c) group is the same as a Super PAC and is completely unregulated. c) The 501(c) group can spend all of its funds on political activities. d) The 501(c) group is publicly financed. e) The 501(c) group is required to disclose donations of $10,000 or more.

a) The 501(c) group faces less strict rules requiring disclosure of donors' identities.

During which period was it easiest for a president to give a full speech using the three major television networks? a) The Cold War b) World War II c) The Great Recession d) The twenty-first century e) The Gulf War

a) The Cold War

What is the most frequently visited political website? a) The Huffington Post b) Snopes c) Apple News d) Fox e) Breitbart

a) The Huffington Post

________ would be considered a linkage institution. a) The Republican Party b) The United Nations c) The Department of Defense d) The Supreme Court e) The Red Cross

a) The Republican Party

Why are the broadcast media more strictly regulated than the print media? a) The broadcast media lease public airwaves. b) The broadcast media have a long history of political malfeasance. c) The airwaves are an unlimited resource, but there can only be one newspaper in a city. d) Children are exposed to television but do not have access to the internet. e) The broadcast media often show obscene content late at night.

a) The broadcast media lease public airwaves.

Which of the following major news stories was followed the most closely by the American public? a) The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle b) The terrorist attacks of 2001 c) The Columbine High School shooting d) The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus e) Passage of President Obama's health care reform bill

a) The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle

Which of the following is true about telephone surveys? a) The growing use of cell phones makes telephone polling more difficult and more expensive. b) Telephone surveys cost significantly more than face-to-face surveys. c) Telephone surveys have a higher response rate than face-to-face interviews. d) The internet has made telephone surveys completely obsolete. e) Random-digit dialing has made telephone surveys much more expensive.

a) The growing use of cell phones makes telephone polling more difficult and more expensive.

Which of the following statements is true about using the internet to run presidential campaigns? a) The internet has had an enormous positive impacts on candidates' ability to raise campaign funds. b) A relatively small proportion of the American public (under 10 percent) gets political information from social media. c) Candidates must rely on direct mail rather than the internet because Americans prefer to receive information from direct mail. d) Candidates generally do not devote much attention to setting up a website that summarizes their beliefs and positions. e) Voters with strong religious affiliations will not access political information from the internet.

a) The internet has had an enormous positive impacts on candidates' ability to raise campaign funds.

*Which of the following statements is true regarding political ideology in America? a) The majority of American voters do not meet the criteria for being classified as ideologues. b) Party polarization has decrease over the past three decades. c) Overall, the views of the American public are extreme, unconditional, and dogmatic. d) The red state/blue state distinction is the best way to classify American's political beliefs. e) In recent years, the number of ideologues has decreased.

a) The majority of American voters do not meet the criteria for being classified as ideologues.

According to many observers, what is the "new parent" in the socialization process? a) The mass media b) School c) Internet groups d) Political parties e) Friends and peers

a) The mass media

The breaking of laws that are seen as unjust is ________. a) civil disobedience b) mass protest c) police violence against protestors d) freedom of assembly e) political alienation

a) civil disobedience

Which of the following best describes the adversarial portion of the relationship between the media and the government? a) The media push for complete transparency, while the government wants to control how some issues are presented to the public. b) The media care most about profits, while the government is most concerned about equality. c) The media want to earn a profit, while the government's top priority is spending tax dollars. d) The media want a great deal of competition in the media industry, while the government wants to limit competition. e) The media want to favor the Democratic or "blue" states, while the national government wants to favor the Republican or "red" states.

a) The media push for complete transparency, while the government wants to control how some issues are presented to the public.

Some political scientists claim that campaigns have minimal effect on the election outcome. How can this be explained? a) The most predictive factors of the election outcome are in place will before campaigns begin. b) Party loyalty of voters is so consistent as to be non-variable. c) History shows a clear pattern of ineffective political messaging by campaigns. d) Voters have become more savvy and are often unmoved by campaign messaging and advertisements. e) Most eligible voters do not vote but are the target of campaign messaging.

a) The most predictive factors of the election outcome are in place will before campaigns begin.

Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of social media? a) The number of people using social media is out of proportion to its influence. b) False or misleading information spreads rapidly through Facebook and other social media sites. c) Social media amplifies content that tends to be politically polarizing. d) Social media users see only content that fits with their political inclinations. e) Social media reinforces "filter bubbles."

a) The number of people using social media is out of proportion to its influence.

What is often seen as a major weakness of American political parties? a) Their ability to enforce ideological rigidity among elected officials is limited. b) Parties are vulnerable to being taken over by splinter groups. c) Local party organizations have too much power. d) National conventions set the rules by which the party is governed. e) They fail to produce viable third parties that can win a presidential election.

a) Their ability to enforce ideological rigidity among elected officials is limited.

*In the United States and other democratic societies, why might many people be concerned about media monopolies and the consolidation of a few large media corporations? a) There are fewer viewpoints from which citizens can understand current events. b) Large media corporations do not cover the news as thoroughly as smaller ones do. c) Media corporations are less able to serve as government watchdogs. d) Covering the news becomes more expensive. e) No one is concerned about this.

a) There are fewer viewpoints from which citizens can understand current events.

Which of the following is true of better-educated citizens? a) They are more tolerant of opposing opinions. b) They are more likely to be conservative. c) They are less likely to vote in elections. d) They are less knowledgeable about public policy. e) They are unwilling to participate in political dialogue.

a) They are more tolerant of opposing opinions.

Which of the following is TRUE about political action committees (PACs)? a) They must report their contributions to the Federal Election Commission. b) They are not required, but are encouraged, to report their contributions to the Federal Election Commission. c) Their numbers have declined precipitously in recent years. d) Most exist for about the length of a campaign and then die out, to be replaced with new ones in the next election cycle. e) Individual contributions to a PAC are limited to $1,000 per year.

a) They must report their contributions to the Federal Election Commission.

Which of the following is true of interest groups? a) They try to affect political policy by taking their case to members of the legislature. b) They nominate candidates for public office. c) They always focus on a single issue. d) They usually focus on overturning recent legislature. e) They always hire lobbyists.

a) They try to affect political policy by taking their case to members of the legislature.

When the soft money loophole was closed, how did money continue to find its way into political campaigns? a) Through 527 groups b) Through the McCain-Feingold loophole c) Through dense money d) Through illicit contribution from foreign governments e) Through buying bulk purchases of books to avoid limits on campaign contributions

a) Through 527 groups

What is a possible negative effect of the media's use of exit polls on a national election? a) Voters in states where polling places have not closed might be inclined not to vote. b) Most polls are inaccurate. c) Voters in states where polling places have not closed might be more inclined to vote. d) Polling data can inadvertently support a separatist political party. e) Polling firms use the results to increase their influence over the national dialogue on important issues.

a) Voters in states where polling places have not closed might be inclined not to vote.

What type of system did the Founders create for parties in America? a) Wary of the existence of parties, they designed a system that greatly restrained them. b) They created a two-party system to ensure the system of checks and balances. c) They created a two-party system to protect the rights of states and the national government. d) They envisioned parties serving as the essential vehicles for change in government and gave them broad powers. e) They created a system in which parties were limited to a maximum membership of 10 percent of the population.

a) Wary of the existence of parties, they designed a system that greatly restrained them.

*In what situation can the House of Representatives determine the winner of an election? a) When the Electoral College cannot produce a majority b) When a candidate's support is concentrated in one region c) When a candidate fails to win any of the five states with the most electoral votes d) When a candidate fails to win a majority of the popular vote e) When a candidate belongs to a third party

a) When the Electoral College cannot produce a majority

In addition to the current major parties, Republicans and Democrats, what are two other major parties in American history? a) Whigs and Federalists b) Libertarians and Prohibitionists c) Federalists and Populists d) Whigs and Libertarians e) Democratic-Republicans and Tories

a) Whigs and Federalists

In the 1850s, the Whig and Democratic Parties split over the issue of ________. a) slavery b) westward expansion c) increasing presidential powers d) secession e) the Thirteenth Amendment

a) slavery

Liberals, more than conservatives, tend to believe which of the following? a) Women should have freedom of choice with respect to abortion. b) The United States should spend more on defense. c) Government should reduce services to the public. d) Gun purchases should be easier or at least no more difficult. e) The death penalty should be an available option.

a) Women should have freedom of choice with respect to abortion.

*The Constitution requires the government to enumerate the population every ten years. This counting of the population is known as ________. a) a census b) a demography c) a consensus d) surveying e) polling

a) a census

A viewer of the Fox News Channel is most likely to be ________. a) a conservative Republican b) a moderate Independent c) a centrist Democrat d) politically disengaged e) a progressive Socialist

a) a conservative Republican

A sample is ________. a) a relatively small proportion of people chosen to represent the whole b) a poll of every citizen in a nation c) the basis of the US Census d) a single person chosen to represent a particular population e) a volunteer from a specific racial or ethnic group

a) a relatively small proportion of people chosen to represent the whole

Over the past century, more people have gained the right to vote in the United States, and ________. a) a smaller percentage actually votes b) fewer people have run for office c) more states have extended voting rights to noncitizens d) more people vote in local elections than in national elections e) American turnout rates are similar to those for Australia, Denmark, and Sweden

a) a smaller percentage actually votes

A policy idea floated to the media for the purpose of assessing the likely political reaction is called ________. a) a trial balloon b) narrowcasting c) thought leadership d) a sound bite e) media neutrality

a) a trial balloon

*According to the theory of hyperpluralism, ________. a) a wide variety of interest groups have become empowered with the ability to veto policy change, leading to gridlock b) too many groups spend unlimited amounts of money on their members' interests c) lobbyists try to reach too many people and therefore spread their message d) certain interest groups have too many members e) too many interest groups in the United States have too few members

a) a wide variety of interest groups have become empowered with the ability to veto policy change, leading to gridlock

Experienced lobbyists develop a reputation for ________. a) accurate information b) bribery c) "creative" accounting d) blackmail e) extortion

a) accurate information

*Pollsters can manipulate the results of a poll by ________. a) altering the wording of the questions b) selecting a representative sample c) reducing sampling error d) using professional pollsters to conduct the poll e) conducting exit polls

a) altering the wording of the questions

*Lobbying refers to ________. a) attempts to influence public policy by communicating with public officials b) buying favors in Washington, DC c) influencing policymaking through the use of violence d) threatening members of Congress e) organizing angry citizen demonstrations

a) attempts to influence public policy by communicating with public officials

An example of a "free-rider" is a person who _________. a) benefits from better working conditions without participating in a union that fought for those rights b) attends interest group meetings without paying dues c) receives job security as a member of a labor union d) hands out pamphlets rather than financially supports an interest group e) protests legislation that requires payment for activities that the person believes should be free

a) benefits from better working conditions without participating in a union that fought for those rights

The American two-party system promotes ________. a) broad coalitions of party supporters b) the organization of political parties around special interests c) voter alienation d) greater conflict and clear policy choices e) more competitive elections

a) broad coalitions of party supporters

An important step all candidates must take early on in the campaign is to ________. a) build an effective campaign organization b) wait for the other candidate to make the first move c) cover up any past personal improprieties d) hire and train security guards and bodyguards e) consult medical staff for a regimen to develop physical stamina

a) build an effective campaign organization

Even before the invention of the internet the beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, the nightly network news broadcasts (ABC, CBS, NBC) watched their audiences shrink because of an increased audience for ________. a) cable television news b) national newspapers c) magazines d) AM talk radio e) local newspapers

a) cable television news

*Candidates for president of the United States will spend at least half of their campaign money for ________. a) campaign commercials b) staff salaries c) travel expenses d) fundraising expenses e) legal fees

a) campaign commercials

*Long campaigns can result in expansions of the government's activities because ________. a) candidates tend to make promises as they vie for office, and then they try to keep those promises when in office b) new government regulations are needed to control campaign activities c) campaigns require the services of many government workers d) excess campaign contributions are channeled toward paying for new public services e) campaigns allow candidates to closely observe the needs of the nation

a) candidates tend to make promises as they vie for office, and then they try to keep those promises when in office

The responsible party model calls for ________. a) candidates to offer clear policy positions and carry out their promises if elected b) party platforms that reflect the beliefs of most voters c) a party's candidates to campaign for each other d) a platform in which each wing of the party is represented e) candidates to debate the issues before setting a platform

a) candidates to offer clear policy positions and carry out their promises if elected

A ________ is a group of newspaper published by a media conglomerate. a) chain b) public corporation c) watchdog d) string e) link

a) chain

Among Americans, ________ are more likely to participate in politics. a) citizens of higher socioeconomic status b) young people c) citizens of lower socioeconomic status d) people who lack a strong political ideology e) people with lower levels of education

a) citizens of higher socioeconomic status

*Elections to select party nominees in which only people who have registered in advance with the party can vote for that party's candidates are called ________. a) closed primaries b) open primaries c) White primaries d) platform debates e) policy debates

a) closed primaries

A partisan voter is a ________. a) committed supporter of a political party b) member of an informal electoral alliance c) member of a protest party d) member of a splinter party e) party activist

a) committed supporter of a political party

*According to Miller, Wattenberg, and Malanchuk, the three most important dimensions of candidate image are integrity, reliability, and ________. a) competence b) likability c) past performance d) credibility e) validity

a) competence

*The media gave the name Super PACs to political action committees that make the only independent expenditures because ________. a) court rulings allow Super PACs to receive unlimited contributions, giving them powerful potential to influence elections b) Super PACs can accept donations only from donors who have already met the limits for contributions to regular PACs c) courts have created an unusually stringent set of laws controlling the activities of Super PACs d) Super PACs replace older PACs that were less directly under control of the candidates e) many journalists believe Super PACs have an unusual capacity to unite the citizens of the country

a) court rulings allow Super PACs to receive unlimited contributions, giving them powerful potential to influence elections

Superdelegates are people who are awarded positions as delegates to their parties' conventions because they ________. a) currently hold an important political office b) can control the votes of a majority of other delegates c) received a supermajority of the vote during state caucuses d) can be counted on to deliver votes for the candidate during the general election e) contribute unusually large amounts of money during state primaries

a) currently hold an important political office

*In a time of ________, many people are gradually moving away from both parties, as seen in part by shrinking party identification. a) dealignment b) political participation c) alignment d) realignment e) coalition government

a) dealignment

Only half of the eligible population votes in a presidential election, yet over 80 percent of Americans say they are proud of the Unites States' ________. a) democracy b) federal social programs c) global authority d) immigration policy e) restrictions on voting

a) democracy

The science of population changes is ________. a) demography b) polling c) anthropology d) population science e) census

a) demography

*So many different interest groups exist among the business community because ________. a) different industries have different concerns b) they cannot agree on anything c) they want to approach members of Congress from many different angles d) they have formed these groups in an attempt to consolidate their interests e) geographical differences require different interest groups

a) different industries have different concerns

*According to the Federal Election Campaign Act, candidates must ________. a) disclose who contributed to their campaigns, and how the money was spent b) reject any contributions from political action committees (PACs) that exceed $1,000 c) apply for federal funds if they are running in a presidential election d) raise their own campaign funds e) return all donations originating from extremist groups

a) disclose who contributed to their campaigns, and how the money was spent

*The Supreme Court ruling in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission gave corporations and unions the ability to ________. a) donate as much money as they want to groups that make independent political expenditures b) make unlimited campaign contributions directly to political candidates c) pay employees who work directly on candidates' campaigns d) require employees and members to vote for certain candidates e) provide unlimited free products and services to candidates of their choice

a) donate as much money as they want to groups that make independent political expenditures

The choice of presidential nominees is most influenced by voters in states with the ________. a) earliest primaries b) most influential convention delegtes c) most superdelegates d) least use of the invisible primary e) latest primaries

a) earliest primaries

*The term ________ refers to direct group involvement in the electoral process---for example, forming PACs, getting members to work for candidates, and helping to fund campaigns. a) electioneering b) lobbying c) squatting d) influencing e) free-riding

a) electioneering

A desire to engage in ________ has led some interest groups to form PACs. a) electioneering b) get-out-the-vote campaigns c) writing campaign speeches d) campaign planning e) broadcast attack ads

a) electioneering

As compared with print media, television, radio, and the Internet are called ________ media. a) electronic b) social c) narrowcast d) monopoly e) pluralistic

a) electronic

*The role of the Electoral College ________. a) encourages candidates to focus on battleground states b) forces candidates to focus on only the five states with the most electoral votes c) allows candidates to spend more time in smaller states d) provides all Americans with equal access to candidates e) encourages candidates to take non-centrist positions on issues

a) encourages candidates to focus on battleground states

*The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an example of a(n) ________. a) equality interest group b) informal associational group c) environmental group d) political action committee e) 527

a) equality interest group

In which type of poll do researchers select random voting places around the country and ask every tenth person whom he or she voted for? a) exit poll b) political preferences poll c) Gallup poll d) national poll e) electoral poll

a) exit poll

*Anthony Downs's rational theory of voting suggests that people vote if they ________. a) expect to benefit more from the policies of one party than from those of any other party b) believe that a functioning democracy requires their participation as voters c) are convinced that their vote can make a difference in the outcome of an election d) find it convenient and easy to register and to cast their ballot e) feel frustrated about their ability to effect changes in their lives through any other process

a) expect to benefit more from the policies of one party than from those of any other party

A potential disadvantage or narrowcasting, or targeting a specific audience, is that it can result in ________. a) further fragmentation of society into smaller groups b) more people getting their news from the internet c) the targeting of news programs to broad audiences d) equal time being given to all sides of any political issue on the public airwaves e) the exclusion of racial and ethnic minorities

a) further fragmentation of society into smaller groups

One major reason states engage in frontloading of primaries and caucuses is because states with early primaries ________. a) get more media attention and can have more influence on the nomination b) are promised more favorable policies by the candidates c) are allotted extra delegates at the parties' national conventions d) become more strategically important to the general election e) can form powerful political action coalitions to pursue their agendas

a) get more media attention and can have more influence on the nomination

Democratic societies, like the United States, assume that ________. a) government officials should be subject to the scrutiny and review of the media b) news programs should not question government or its policies c) the media build support and loyalty for the government d) the overactive news media promote civil war e) the media must emphasize the use of sound bites in their coverage of any complicated issues

a) government officials should be subject to the scrutiny and review of the media

The void created by the decline of urban political machines ________. a) has been filled in part by county party organizations b) has led to a revitalization of national party organizations c) has limited the scope of government reform d) remains to be filled e) has led to a surge in independent voters

a) has been filled in part by county party organizations

*The Libertarian Party is an example of a party that is centered on ________. a) ideology b) a single issue c) a single presidential candidacy d) low-information voters e) a weakness in a major party's candidate

a) ideology

*Lobbyists in Washington, DC share the ultimate common goal of ________. a) influencing, making, and enforcing laws b) enlarging their membership c) soliciting large amounts of funds from larger companies d) meeting with the president of the United States e) strengthening urban regions at the expense of rural regions

a) influencing, making, and enforcing laws

*The electoral system represents geographical constituencies, but the ________ represents economic, professional, ideological, religious, racial, gender, and issue constituencies. a) interest group system b) congressional system c) bureaucratic system d) antitrust system e) judicial system

a) interest group system

Many of the key cases brought to the federal courts that later lead to policy changes are initiated by ________. a) interest groups b) Democrats c) Republicans d) third-party candidates e) nonvoters

a) interest groups

*The information uncovered in the Watergate scandal was a result of the journalism practice called ________. a) investigative journalism b) infotainment c) horse-race coverage d) beat reporting e) citizen journalism

a) investigative journalism

Most voters and many political scientists believe that the Electoral College ________. a) is no longer useful and should be discontinued b) although old, continue to work remarkably well c) is the simplest and most clear way to elect a president d) encourages candidates to give equal attention to all voter e) keeps elections out of control of uneducated masses of voters

a) is no longer useful and should be discontinued

Today, most media outlets are owned by ________. a) large media companies b) private individuals c) political parties d) the federal government e) private colleges

a) large media companies

Many lobbyists are former ________. a) legislators or congressional staffers b) union leaders c) college professors d) doctors e) social workers

a) legislators or congressional staffers

When Richard Hall and Alan Deardorff called lobbying a form of "legislative subsidy," they were referring to the ________. a) legitimate services lobbyists often perform for their allies on Capital Hill b) means by which lobbyists pay congresspersons for their support c) importance of political partisanship d) power of think tanks in politics e) power of social media influencers

a) legitimate services lobbyists often perform for their allies on Capital Hill

Many members of the Democratic Party would describe themselves as ________. a) liberal b) conservative c) libertarian d) intolerant e) fundamentalist

a) liberal

The major American political parties are made up of ________. a) loose coalitions of individuals and groups b) voters with a strong shared ideology c) organized business groups d) disgruntles voters e) largely older voters

a) loose coalitions of individuals and groups

*The primary goal of media companies is to ________. a) make a profit b) streamline the news-gathering system c) protect democracy d) support the government e) perform a public service

a) make a profit

*The goal of the Motor Voter Act was to ________. a) make it easier for people to register to vote b) provide public transportation to voting places c) allow political party representatives to travel to voters' homes to collect ballots d) allow people to vote at drive-up polls e) prevent voters from traveling to vote in more than one state

a) make it easier for people to register to vote

*A criticism of state laws requiring voters to show identification has been that the laws ________. a) make it unfairly difficult for some groups of people to vote b) continue to allow large amounts of voter fraud c) encourage states to work too closely with the federal government d) make voting feel less important and more like shopping e) allow states to infringe on voters' privacy

a) make it unfairly difficult for some groups of people to vote

*In the United States, the choice of which issues and stories are worthy of news coverage is decided by the ________. a) media b) executive branch c) judiciary d) Federal Communication Commission e) legislative branch

a) media

*The most important resource that interest groups and political action committees can offer candidates for Congress is ________. a) money b) votes c) information d) volunteers e) advertising

a) money

A proportional-representation system for electing members to a nation's legislature is more likely to lead to ________. a) more political parties holding seats b) two major parties as rivals c) more centralized party organizations d) an end to political conflict e) a moderating of political conflict

a) more political parties holding seats

The supreme authority in each major party is the ________. a) national convention b) leadership committee c) national committee d) national party chair e) president

a) national convention

The Johnson-Reed Act established ________ based on the 1890 census. a) official immigration quotas b) the open door policy c) restrictions on imports of goods and services d) the Chines Exclusion Act e) majority-minority districts

a) official immigration quotas

*Most public polling today is done ________. a) on the telephone b) via the internet c) in person d) at focus groups e) at political conventions

a) on the telephone

*When voting, most people will base their political behavior on knowledge of ________. a) one issue they care the most about b) current hot-button political issues c) media experts and pundits d) foreign policy e) in-depth knowledge about domestic policies

a) one issue they care the most about

Kent is a nineteen-year-old single man. He never graduated from high school, and he is currently trying to find a job. According to demographic research, Kent is ________. a) one of the least likely people in the country to vote b) most likely to get his political information via direct mail c) one of the people most likely to contribute money to a political campaign d) highly likely to vote in all elections e) highly likely to actively seek out information about political issues and candidates

a) one of the least likely people in the country to vote

*Interest groups are ________ that seek to influence government. a) organizations with a shared policy goal b) corporations c) political party affiliates d) individual lobbyists e) factions

a) organizations with a shared policy goal

Audience fragmentation, selective exposure, and the growth in the number of cable news and internet media sources have contributed to the popularity of many ________. a) partisan news shows b) publicly owned media sources c) political attack ads d) foreign news sources influencing US opinion polls e) print magazines

a) partisan news shows

*Officials elected under a party banner collectively represent the ________. a) party in government b) party in structure c) party in the electorate d) party as organization e) party as fund-raiser

a) party in government

*A political party's statement of its goals and policies for the next four years is called a(n) ________. a) party platform b) partisan position c) ideology d) worldview e) candidate scorecard

a) party platform

Providing incentives (such as city jobs) for loyalty to the party machine is ________. a) patronage b) bribery c) nepotism d) benefaction e) patrimony

a) patronage

Because people know little about where candidates stand on issues, they use _______ to help them make rational choices. a) performance criteria b) policy criteria c) common sense d) the wisdom of the masses e) opinion polls

a) performance criteria

*People are increasingly choosing news sources, such as the Fox News Channel and NPR, that match their ideology. As a result, the public is becoming politically ________. a) polarized b) homogenized c) inactive d) alienated e) independent

a) polarized

The issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics are collectively called the ________. a) policy agenda b) fiscal policy c) paradox of thrift d) right/left divide e) hot-button issues

a) policy agenda

The people who invest their political "capital" in an issue are ________. They may work in or outside of the government, in elected or appointed positions, or in interest groups or research organizations. a) policy entrepreneurs b) social media influencers c) lobbyists d) public relations experts e) spin doctors

a) policy entrepreneurs

Candidates' advertisements focus mainly on ________ unpaid media coverage focuses mainly on ________. a) policy issues; the campaign b) the campaign; policy issues c) policy issues; policy issues d) the candidates' personalities; policy issues e) policy issues; the candidates' personalities

a) policy issues; the campaign

*Individuals' views about public policies, political parties, candidates, government institutions, and public officials are their ________. a) political attitudes b) agents of socialization c) practical knowledge d) social knowledge e) government intelligence

a) political attitudes

*A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose is ________. a) political ideology b) political culture c) worldview d) political socialization e) social values

a) political ideology

*The manner in which citizens can influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue is ________. a) political participation b) political culture c) political ideology d) de facto segregation e) norming

a) political participation

High-tech politics refers to ________. a) politics in which the behavior of citizens and policymakers is shaped by technology b) a proposal for direct democracy through the use of online voting c) a progressive society in which all political participation is done with the use of technology d) the use of cable television to broadcast the workings of the government e) the ability of government to observe the behavior of citizens through electronic means

a) politics in which the behavior of citizens and policymakers is shaped by technology

*Compared with print news sources, TV news ________. a) prefers to convey emotions and ideas from sound bites and visual cues rather than in-depth reporting b) familiarizes the public with key issues through its intense analysis of national and international issues c) always presents multiple perspectives on key issues d) has surpassed the internet and social media in popularity e) causes voters to research their policy concerns intensely

a) prefers to convey emotions and ideas from sound bites and visual cues rather than in-depth reporting

Organizations that seek a collective good that benefits society as a whole, such as consumer protection organizations, are examples of ________. a) public interest lobbies b) agricultural lobbies c) equality lobbies d) union lobbies e) business lobbies

a) public interest lobbies

*In a true democracy, there must be a close match between ________, government policies, and actions, at least in the long run. a) public opinion b) the president's agenda c) Congress's views d) the military's needs e) lobbyists' goals

a) public opinion

*When an interest group launches a publicity campaign to draw attention to the plight of immigrant workers, it is trying to get ________ on its side. a) public opinion b) lobbyists c) the president d) members of Congress e) other countries

a) public opinion

The US election process has earned the label "permanent campaign" because ________. a) public participation throughout the election process makes the process very long b) the media tend to report all political events in terms of their effect on elections c) it takes so much money to be elected that candidates are constantly raising funds d) the growth of social media allows for public votes on policy issues throughout candidates' terms in office e) voters have the ability to remove elected officials from office at any moment in their term

a) public participation throughout the election process makes the process very long

Groups and individuals sometimes seek the help of ________ to improve their image and their ability to peddle their issue positions. a) public relations firms b) investigative journalists c) FCC regulators d) muckraking reporters e) policy entrepreneurs

a) public relations firms

*The key to building an accurate opinion poll is to use ________, which if done correctly should reflect the same demographic breakdown of the greater population. a) random sampling b) representative sampling c) selective sampling d) micro sampling e) macro sampling

a) random sampling

Third parties ________. a) rarely win elections b) are unconstitutional c) center on domestic policy issues d) align mostly with Democratic issues e) operate mostly at the local level

a) rarely win elections

In the 2008 election, Black voter turnout ________. a) reached an all-time high b) reached an all-time low c) was the same as in previous years d) was nonexistent e) was slightly lower than average

a) reached an all-time high

According to pluralist theory, policymaking in a democracy is the result of special-interest groups ________. a) reaching equilibrium b) dominating the country c) destroying the political system d) radicalizing the country e) not affecting the political system

a) reaching equilibrium

The strongest effect of election campaigns is to ________. a) reinforce voters' existing preferences for candidates b) induce voters to take new positions on key issues c) convert voters from one candidate to another d) discourage voters from more active political participation e) control media portrayals of a candidate

a) reinforce voters' existing preferences for candidates

Unequal participation, such as people who do not vote, threatens the effectiveness of a(n) ________ because the voices of some populations are not heard. a) representative democracy b) direct democracy c) electoral college system d) social movement e) limited government

a) representative democracy

You volunteer to work for the Reform Party because you want to institute a flat tax, which the candidate has promised to implement if elected. You are operating in accord with the ________. a) responsible party model b) organizational party model c) party platform model d) pragmatic party model e) political outcomes model

a) responsible party model

*South Carolina, which outlaws union membership as a condition of employment, is an example of a(n) ________ state. a) right-to-work b) employment-at-will c) anti-labor d) pro-labor e) nonconforming

a) right-to-work

To combat one form of workplace discrimination, ________ laws were passed so that nonunion employees could work beside union members. a) right-to-work b) anti-lobbying c) anti-union d) symbolic e) employment-at-will

a) right-to-work

*Conventional participation includes ________. a) running for office b) protesting c) civil disobedience d) violence e) not voting

a) running for office

The vice presidential nominee is usually ________. a) selected by the delegates somewhat as a formality, since the vast majority always vote for whomever the presidential nominee picks b) selected by the presidential nominee in the weeks after the convention c) a close friend from the same state as the presidential nominee d) the runner-up for the presidential nominations, and often someone whom the presidential nominee does not like e) selected by the delegates without a recommendation from the presidential nominee

a) selected by the delegates somewhat as a formality, since the vast majority always vote for whomever the presidential nominee picks

An interest group such as AARP offers ________ benefits to those who join it. a) selective b) indifferent c) free-rider d) essential e) financial

a) selective

*Research shows that voters are likely to pay attention only to campaign messages with which they already agree, a phenomenon known as ________. a) selective perception b) voter apathy c) political expediency d) ballot blindness e) message prioritization

a) selective perception

The large number and variety of interest groups in the United States generate a tension between ________. a) self-interest and the public good b) left and right c) freedom and anarchy d) more efficient government and government waste e) the people and the government

a) self-interest and the public good

When an interest group releases a study illustrating the failure of government regulation of the food supply, it is ________. a) serving as a consumer interest advocate b) providing a means for political participation c) representing the food producers' interest d) misleading the public e) engaging in a campaign of misinformation

a) serving as a consumer interest advocate

*People who join Greenpeace because they care about the environment are joining a ________. a) single-issue group b) materialistic group c) social media group d) maritime group e) business group

a) single-issue group

*The Electoral College system allows each state the same number of electors as the state's number of members of Congress. A criticism of this system of dividing the Electoral College is that ________. a) smaller states receive disproportionately high representation b) larger states receive disproportionately high representation c) individual voters do not really choose who governs them d) members of Congress have disproportionate influence in choosing the president e) the amount of votes received by each candidate is translated to a proportionate amount of electoral votes

a) smaller states receive disproportionately high representation

In general, individuals who identify themselves as liberals tend to support ________. a) social equality b) a limited government c) government promotion of social morality d) government restrictions on abortion e) increased military spending

a) social equality

*Theodore Roosevelt's presidential candidacy as a member of the Progressive Party is an example of a __________. a) splinter party of a major party b) minor party that shaped policy from inside the government c) party realignment d) minor party that became a major party e) party dealignment

a) splinter party of a major party

During the 2008 election campaign, Barack Obama's door-to-door canvassing of middle-class neighborhoods with television crews in tow was an example of a ________. a) staged media event b) trial balloon c) press conference d) mass mobilization e) convention strategy

a) staged media event

When predicting voting behavior, party identification of voters is generally seen as ________. a) static b) fluid c) situational d) issue-dependent e) irrational

a) static

*The "paradox of mass politics" is that ________. a) the American political system works as well as it does given the lack of public knowledge about politics b) those who are most critical of government are the most likely to vote in national elections c) those who express the most dissatisfaction with politics are those who are most likely to participate politically d) a US president can be elected even if he or she did not win the popular vote e) there is no real advantage or benefit of voting, yet millions of people vote anyway

a) the American political system works as well as it does given the lack of public knowledge about politics

If no candidate wins a majority of the Electoral College vote, the election is decided by ________. a) the House of Representatives b) the Senate c) the popular vote d) the Supreme Court e) holding a second election

a) the House of Representatives

*The National Rifle Association (NRA) works to advance the protection of gun ownership by all citizens. The political influence of the NRA illustrates ________. a) the ability of a small but influential group to influence public policy b) the intense opposition to gun control legislation in the United States c) that the majority of Americans favor gun control d) the relative weakness of interest groups in American politics e) the strength of liberal interest groups

a) the ability of a small but influential group to influence public policy

Voters are most likely to have an impact on public policy when ________. a) the candidates hold different positions on the issues b) voter turnout is very high c) the media focus intensely on candidates' integrity and competence d) political advertising is severely limited e) public policy issues are both urgent and important

a) the candidates hold different positions on the issues

The period very early in the election season when potential candidates line up support from influential elected officials, big donors, and skilled political operatives is often referred to as ________. a) the invisible primary b) frontloading c) grass roots caucusing d) the hidden decision e) a straw poll

a) the invisible primary

Politicians generally do not concern themselves with the views of groups with low participation because ________. a) the opinions of nonparticipants are easy to ignore b) the opinions of the uneducated do not represent the whole c) nonparticipants hold unrealistic ideas on political policies d) there is no guarantee of equality of outcome in US politics e) the opinions of nonparticipants are invaluable

a) the opinions of nonparticipants are easy to ignore

Party image is ________. a) the voter's perception of what parties stand for b) the way parties attempt to portray themselves c) the logo that parties use to identify themselves d) entirely dependent on the candidates a party puts forth e) the issue platform a party puts forth

a) the voter's perception of what parties stand for

Hispanic voters are growing force in America politics because of ________. a) their projected population increase b) the proximity of Mexico c) the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement d) the Summit of the Americas e) the popularity of Latin music

a) their projected population increase

Voters pay attention to characteristics such as a candidate's honesty and reliability because ________. a) they believe that personality predicts performance b) most media reports focus on candidates' personalities c) voters prefer to elect someone who resembles their family d) most voters lack the education to understand policy issues e) candidates are vague and noncommittal about policy positions

a) they believe that personality predicts performance

Because Americans have regular opportunities to exercise political power through elections, ________. a) they can replace leaders without resorting to violent overthrow b) elected officials make their decisions with little regard for their prospects for staying in office c) Americans are some of they most highly informed and engaged voters in the world d) most people are convinced that their vote makes an important difference in the country's policies e) nearly all Americans turn out to vote in every election for which they are eligible to vote

a) they can replace leaders without resorting to violent overthrow

*If you cast your ballot for a Democratic candidate for president and a Republican candidate for Congress, you are engaging in ________. a) ticket splitting b) checks and balances c) separation of powers d) intelligent partisanship e) divided government

a) ticket splitting

Third parties in the United States typically arise when one of the major parties is collapsing or ________. a) to challenge the two-party system and provoke change b) to seek slow, gradual reform c) to amend the Constitution d) to challenge one branch of the federal government e) to publicize an issue but nor seek office

a) to challenge the two-party system and provoke change

An emphasis on hard-biting analysis of political maneuvering and campaign controversies tends to lead to ________. a) unfavorable impressions of the candidates b) favorable impressions of the candidates c) increased participation by volunteers d) increased advertising by candidates in daily newspapers e) foreign involvement in elections

a) unfavorable impressions of the candidates

*In open primaries, ________. a) voters may choose on Election Day which party primary to participate in b) voters may vote for candidates from both parties c) only registered party members can vote d) voters may vote for multiple candidates for the office of president e) all adults can vote, regardless of citizenship

a) voters may choose on Election Day which party primary to participate in

A candidate gives only vague descriptions of her position on a key issues. The candidate's unclear position makes it difficult for voters who ________. a) want to base their votes on that issue b) believe it is their civic duty to vote c) have not decided where they stand on the issue d) are more interested in the candidate's personality e) are members of the candidate's political party

a) want to base their votes on that issue

*In the late 1800s and early 1900s, muckraking journalists published sensationalistic news stories. Today, journalists consider themselves ________ and try to keep politicians in check. a) watchdogs b) muckrakers c) yellow journalists d) unbiased e) bipartisan

a) watchdogs

*Politicians sometimes use ________ issues, which are issues on which the other party's coalition is divided, in an attempt to draw support from the opponent's camp into their own. a) wedge b) private c) special d) historical e) local

a) wedge

*To be the presidential candidate of a major political party, a person must ________. a) win a majority of the delegates at the party's national convention b) win a majority of the party primaries in the states c) first be nominated by the Electoral College d) win a majority of the delegates elected from state caucuses e) have the endorsement of incumbent party leaders

a) win a majority of the delegates at the party's national convention

*Because most states use winner-takes-all systems for electoral votes, it is possible for a candidate to ________. a) win the election, even while losing the national popular vote b) be disqualified by the Electoral College c) get more electoral votes than his or her competitor and still lose the election d) end up with a vice president he or she has not selected e) prevent certain states from splitting their electoral votes

a) win the election, even while losing the national popular vote

The United States Congress operates under a(n) ________ system. a) winner-takes-all b) proportional representation c) instant-runoff d) bi-proportional appointment e) alternative vote

a) winner-takes-all

*In a state that uses a winner-takes-all system for electoral votes, the candidate who ________ gets all of the state's electoral votes. a) wins the most popular votes in the state b) is chosen by the majority of the electors c) represents the same party as the majority of the state's representatives and senators d) wins the most popular votes in the Senate districts represented by the same political party e) wins the popular vote in battleground districts of the state

a) wins the most popular votes in the state

Since ________, neither party has dominated the government of the United States following the fall of the New Deal coalition. a) 1948 b) 1956 c) 1968 d) 1980 e) 1992

c) 1968

A political action committee (PAC) may donate no more than ________ to a candidate for each election. a) $100 b) $500 c) $10,000 d) $5,000 e) $50,000

d) $5,000

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