Ap gov unit 1 part 2

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Which of the following statements about the federal government between 1948 and 1978 is supported by the chart?

A relatively stable number of employees administered larger federal budgets and enforced more regulations.

The decision in United States v. Lopez (1995) reflected new ideas about federalism at the time that can be best characterized by which of the following?

Acknowledgement of the limitations of national power and a recognition of the reserved power of the states.

The case United States v. Lopez (1995) struck down the Gun-Free School Zones Act because

Congress exceeded its authority in the use of the commerce clause

"We are unanimously of opinion, that the law passed by the legislature of Maryland, imposing a tax on the Bank of the United States, is unconstitutional and void...This is a tax on the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union to carry its powers into execution. Such a tax must be unconstitutional..." The decision of the Supreme Court upheld the principle that

Congress has the power to make laws to carry out its constitutional duties

Which of the following is the most likely consequence of divided government?

Delays in confirmation of federal court nominees

FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT According to the chart, in which of the following years (approximately) did the number of federal military personnel fall below that of federal civilian personnel?


What part of the Constitution would you look to find power of the President?

Article 2

Which of the following pair of Supreme Court cases best illustrates how views of federalism have shifted in the United States? ABrown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)Baker v. Carr (1962) BMcCulloch v. Maryland (1819)United States v. Lopez (1995) CCitizens United v. Federal Elections Commission (2010)McDonald v. Chicago (2010) DSchenck v. United States (1919)New York Times v. United States (1971)


Which of the following policies would the states most likely prefer according to the political cartoon?

Block grants

Which of the following actions did President Johnson suggest he would take to address problems in public schools?

Calling on experts to advise the federal government in finding ways to improve public education

Which of the following is a consequence of having concurrent powers within a federal system of government?

Citizens and interest groups seeking policy change can choose from multiple access points.

South Carolina passed a law to increase the state tax on gasoline to help fund repairs on highways and bridges. The state tax is in addition to the federal tax on every gallon of gasoline that is sold. Which of the following constitutional provisions does this scenario illustrate?

Concurrent powers

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) required states to implement standards-based education reform in order to receive federal funds. Which of the following criticisms of NCLB is being expressed in the cartoon?

Education resources are being systematically reduced, while education standards are becoming more unreachable.

Percentage of Americans Without Health Insurance Coverage Which of the following characteristics best explains the data on the map?

Federalism creates differences between states on the implementation of health-care policy.

Prior to Obergefell v. Hodges, some same sex couples who were married in other states took Tennessee to court to require them to recognize their marriage in Tennessee. Additionally, some argue that concealed carry permits should be universally recognized by all states. These issues deal directly with the Constitution's ______________________.

Full Faith And Credit Clause

Which of the following public policy problems is most likely to result from the situation shown in the chart?

Government employees may become responsible for larger bodies of regulation than they can effectively monitor.

Adapted from Vital Statistics on American Politics, ed. Harold W. Stanley and Righard G. Niemi, Washington, D.C.: Washington Quarterly Press, 2000 Which of the following statements can be supported from information in the table above? Federal grants to state and local governments have increased substantially in total dollar amount since 1950. In 1994 the federal government devoted a larger percentage of outlays to grants than in 1980. Between 1980 and 1990, grants decreased as a percentage of federal outlays. In 1994 states were more dependent on federal grants for revenue than in 1990, 1970, or 1960.

I, III, and IV only

Which of the following is the best example of a categorical grant?

Money given to states for special education programs

Which of the following actions by the federal government best illustrates the concept of unfunded mandates?

Requiring states and municipalities to provide certain services for their citizens without providing resources to pay for those services

Based on the passage and your knowledge, which of the following most likely explains how Adam Smith might react to the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ?

Smith would disapprove of the court's decision to expand the federal government's power to regulate the economy.

FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT The increasing number of state and local government employees reflects which of the following about the political system in the United States?

State and local governments provide many necessary public services in a federal system.

Which of the following is the most accurate interpretation of the political cartoon?

State governments prefer federal funding but do not want federal oversight over how the money is spent.

Which of the following is the most reasonable implication of James Madison's argument in The Federalist 46 ?

States can resist the federal government's encroachments more readily than the federal government can oppose state policies, leading to a federal system based on a foundation of states.

In McCulloch v. Maryland , the Supreme Court established which of the following principles?

States cannot interfere with or tax the legitimate activities of the federal government.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies Madison's argument in The Federalist 46 ?

States creating universal health care for their state even though the federal government does not endorse such a policy.

Matt Davies owned and operated a medicinal marijuana company in the state of California which recognized the the operation as a legal. However, the Controlled Substances Act (Federal Law) made the practice illegal. Matt Davies was charged and eventually sentenced to 5 years in a federal prison and a $100,000 fine. The part of the Constitution that applies in this case is the ____________________________________________________.

Supremacy Clause

Percentage of Americans Without Health Insurance Coverage Which of the following statements is supported by the data on the map?

Texas (TX) has a higher rate of uninsured people than New Jersey (NJ).

Which of the following best defines the constitutional interpretation of federalism?

The federal government and the states have separate but overlapping powers; where these powers conflict the federal government prevails.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) ?

The federal government had the authority to establish a national bank, and Maryland's tax was unconstitutional.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of concurrent powers?

The federal government provides about 25% of the total funding for highways and transit in the United States, while the other 75% of the funding comes from states.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the federal government's role in interstate commerce?

The federal government's role has been greatly expanded through the interpretation of the interstate commerce clause.

Which of the following clauses in the Constitution justifies the "implied powers doctrine" ?

The necessary and proper clause

Percentage of United States Population Living in Poverty, by State in 2015 Which of the following is true based on information on the map?

The poverty rate in the United States varies by state and region.

"We are unanimously of opinion, that the law passed by the legislature of Maryland, imposing a tax on the Bank of the United States, is unconstitutional and void...This is a tax on the operation of an instrument employed by the government of the Union to carry its powers into execution. Such a tax must be unconstitutional..." Which of the following resulted from this Supreme Court decision?

The power of the national government was strengthened.

By using the phrase "creative federalism," President Johnson is most likely referring to which of the following features of the American system?

The relationship between the national and state governments evolves over time and is flexible enough to permit new forms of interaction.

Concurrent powers have which of the following effects on the United States political system?

They make it possible for the states and the national government to simultaneously exercise influence in the same areas of public policy.

Which of the following is a method by which Congress is likely influencing state policy being depicted in the cartoon?

Unfunded mandates

The Americans with Disabilities Act, which provides protections for the disabled, is an example of

a federal mandate

All of the following are consequences of the federal system in the United States EXCEPT

a strict division of power among levels of government

"The Congress shall have power...to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof." The practical effect of this clause has been to

allow the national government to extend its powers beyon dthose enumerated in the constitution

What part of the Constitution would you look in to find the powers of Congress?

article 1

What part of the Constitution would you look in to find the powers of Federal Courts?

article 3

States and localities have the most discretion in establishing policy when federal funding is derived from

block grants

Which of the following forms of financial aid from the national government gives the states the broadest discretion in the spending of money?

block grants

Which of the following powers allows both the federal and state governments to make policies involving taxation?

concurrent powers

In a federal system of government, political power is primarily

divided between the central government and regional governments

The supremacy clause in the Constitution states that

federal law takes precedence over state law when the laws conflict

Diversity of public policy throughout the United States is primarily a consequence of


Percentage of United States Population Living in Poverty, by State in 2015 Which constitutional principle best explains the differences in poverty rates presented in the map?


Which of the following constitutional principles best explains why there is variation among states on the use of capital punishment?


Which of the following constitutional principles most directly addresses the relationship between the national and state governments?


In contrast to revenue sharing, categorical grants-in-aid provide state and local governments with

funds to administer programs clearly specified by the federal government

The framers of the United States Constitution left decisions on voting eligibility to the

indivisual states

The reserved powers of the state governments can best be described as those powers

not specifically granted to the national government or denided to the states

The congressional power that has been contested most frequently in the federal courts is the power to

regulate interstate commerce

The Americans with Disabilities Act was widely unpopular with governors and mayors because it

required that states and cities pay for federally mandated construction and remodeling

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to

reserve powers to the states

The most significant trend in federal-state relations during the 1980s was

shifting the responsibilities and costs for many programs to state governments

Arizona enacted an immigration law in 2010, claiming the legislation complemented existing federal law. The Obama administration disagreed, claiming the state law conflicted with national law. Which clause of the Constitution did the Supreme Court most likely use to strike down a section of the state law?

supremacy clause

The clause in the United States Constitution that states that federal law will prevail in the event of a conflict between federal and state law is known as the

supremacy clause

Of the following, which has been used most to expand the power of the national government?

the commerce clause of the constitution

In the United States political system, the term Federalism refers to

the division of powers between the levels of government

Which of the following constitutional provisions broadened the power of Congress?

the necessary and proper clause

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