AP GOV Unit 4 AP Review

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3 Which of the following statements reflect the author's viewpoint as shown in the passage? A The passage could influence Congress to pass legislation that increases the regulation of health insurance companies B - The passage could convince more members of Congress to support Medicare for all. c - The passage could influence state legislators to limit the types of health care plans offered in their states. d-The passage could influence citizens in deciding whether or not they should purchase health care plans.


4"Which of the following explains how the role of government in health care policy would be influenced if the policy proposal in the passage were to be implemented? A Because it is a single-payer system, the federal government would be able to cut taxes and still fund health care for everyone in the country. b - Due to the nature of the single-payer system, the federal government would provide health care plans only to people who were unable to afford their own plans. c- Because it is a single-payer system, the federal government would let private insurance companies take over administering health care plans. d- Due to the nature of single-payer health care systems, the federal government would be responsible for funding and administering a public health care system for all citizens.


#6 Which of the following statements are supported by the data in the table? A Conservatives are more likely than liberals to believe that global warming is a crisis. B Moderates are more likely than conservatives to agree that global warming is not a problem. C Liberals are more likely than moderates to agree that global warming is a crisis. D Conservatives are more likely than moderates to say that global warming is a major problem.


A member of Congress is arrested and convicted of failing to pay the proper amount of income tax. Which of the following core American values is most relevant to this case? A Limited government B Equality of opportunity C Free enterprise D The rule of law


(#1) Which of the following statements are illustrated by the data in table? A The Silent Generation is more likely to say they have become more liberal over time politically than Millennials. B Millennials are more likely to say they have become more liberal politically over time than Baby Boomers. C Generation X is more likely to say their political views have not changed or been mixed over time compared to the Silent Generation. D Baby Boomers are more likely to say they have become more conservative politically over time than the Silent Generation.


#11 The trend in late October and early November showing Clinton ahead but an increase in support for Trump most likely would be A used by Clinton to assure her supporters of a likely victory B described as momentum by the trailing Trump campaign to encourage supporters to vote C the result of the margin of error, which might lead one to believe Trump was possibly ahead D a result of unscientific polling practices by polling organizations


Which of the following parties would be most likely to support little to no national or state involvement in policymaking? A The Democratic Party B The Libertarian Party C The Green Party D The Republican Party


15 Which of the following statements are least supported by information on the chart? A Most Democrats and Republicans surveyed believe that an increase in social security taxes is needed to address social security deficits. B Most Democrats and Republicans surveyed think that terrorism is a priority. C Both Democrats and Republicans surveyed believe the military is a less important priority than the economy. D A majority of respondents surveyed do not believe that reducing crime is a more important priority than reducing the budget deficit.


17 Which of the following best explains how the format affected the polls? A The closed-ended format limited respondents to fewer options, which forced respondents to focus on the most important issue of those options. B The closed-ended format decreased participation because it was more difficult for respondents to think of a response. C The open-ended format increased the number of respondents who mentioned energy policy because the poll reminded them of the issue. D The open-ended format limited the number of potential responses, which affected the accuracy of the poll.


25Using both maps, which of the following explains how states with capital punishment voted in the 2016 election? A The maps show that states with capital punishment were more likely to vote for the Republican in the 2016 election. B The maps show that support for or opposition to capital punishment had no correlation to how a state voted in the 2016 election. C The maps show that states with capital punishment were more likely to cast their ballots for the Democrat in the 2016 election. D The maps show that states with capital punishment were just as likely to vote for the Democrat as they were to vote for the Republican.


A large national survey of young Americans recently released by CIRCLE shows young Obama and Romney voters had strikingly similar levels of political knowledge. The survey also shows a clear relationship between respondents' high school civics education experiences and their knowledge of campaign issues and political participation in the 2012 presidential election. However, taking high school civics had little or no relationship with young adults' choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. "Young people who recalled experiencing more high-quality civic education practices in schools were more likely to vote, to form political opinions, to know campaign issues, and to know general facts about the US political system," said Peter Levine, director of CIRCLE. "Civics education was not related to partisanship or choice of candidate. These results should allay political concerns about civic education being taught in schools." Source: CIRCLE, 2013. Which of the following concepts is most closely related to the passage? A Public opinion polling B Partisanship C Political socialization D Ideology


The idea of having a constitution, which establishes the powers of the government to enact and enforce legislation, is most closely aligned with which of the following core American values? A Equality of opportunity B Free enterprise C The rule of law D Individualism


$10 In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won the election despite losing the popular vote by about two percent. The line graph illustrates which of the following about presidential election polling? A The trend appears to indicate that Clinton is more likely to win, but factors such as margin of error and the electoral system also need to be taken into account. B Most polling used by the media is biased and lacks scientific rigor, leading to incorrect assumptions about who will win elections. C Even though polls reach many people, it is not useful to make inferences about the general population because most people are not being polled. D Polling groups of people over a long period of time leads to incorrect polling results.


13 Which of the following is a possible limitation depicted by the data presented in the chart? A The chart does not show many differences between the parties on public policy issues. B The chart does not account for the segments of the population that identify as Independents. C The chart does not take into account those who are not registered to vote. D The chart surveyed respondents during January 5-9, 2018.


Which of the following examples describes the core value of equality of opportunity? A A student gains admittance to a university without the hindrance of racial discrimination. B A person is hired at a workplace because the hiring manager prefers younger employees. C A business owner receives a loan from a bank as a result of growing up with the bank manager. D A citizen is appointed to a school board through political connections with the mayor.


12 The polling in the summer of 2016 shows a sharp increase in popular support for Clinton, followed by a sharp increase in popular support for Trump. Which of the following factors most likely accounts for these increases in popular support? A A change in the use of sampling techniques employed by polling organizations B The timing of political events covered by the news which temporarily influenced preferences C The effect of political socialization on individuals responding to poll questions D Sampling errors that affected polling results


14 The data in the chart is too limited to support which of the following generalizations? A Democrats believe the environment is a more important policy priority than terrorism. B Republicans believe the economy is a priority for state governments rather than the federal government. C Most Democrats believe the federal government needs to take action to reduce crime. D There is a relatively wide partisan gap on whether the military should be a top priority.


23Based on the data in the bar graph and your knowledge of the course, which of the following is an accurate statement that can be made about political socialization? A Young people are closer to and tend to rely more on their peers than their parents for political information. B The political orientation of parents has a great influence on how their child will view politics. C Family, schools, peers, and social environments, including civic and religious organizations, all have an equal role in the political socialization of young people. D The impact of globalization on political culture and an expansive social media network has the greatest influence on children's political socialization.


5 Which of the following most likely explains how the views of a moderate, someone who does not subscribe to the views of a single political party, might be affected by this passage? A The passage might convince a moderate to support a single-payer public health care system and the passage of a constitutional amendment that requires Congress to create such a system. b The passage might convince a moderate to support a single-payer public health care system and contact their representatives in Congress to indicate their support. c The passage might convince a moderate to support a single-payer public health care system and vote for a member of Congress who supports defunding Medicare entirely. D The passage might convince a moderate to support a single-payer public health care system and a proposal that would double income taxes to pay for it.


18 The data from the two polls, which ask the same question, illustrate which of the following? A Public opinion can influence policy debates and election results. B Polls that do not use scientific methods will not be replicable in another setting. C Those making inferences from polling results should understand the methods used by pollsters. D Scientific polling is not an appropriate way to measure public opinion.


Which of the following public policies would Republicans be most likely to support? A Placing more regulations on businesses B Increasing national government involvement in the public health care system C Creating a less restrictive marketplace environment D Creating additional education policies at the national level rather than at the state level.


A large national survey of young Americans recently released by CIRCLE shows young Obama and Romney voters had strikingly similar levels of political knowledge. The survey also shows a clear relationship between respondents' high school civics education experiences and their knowledge of campaign issues and political participation in the 2012 presidential election. However, taking high school civics had little or no relationship with young adults' choice between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. "Young people who recalled experiencing more high-quality civic education practices in schools were more likely to vote, to form political opinions, to know campaign issues, and to know general facts about the US political system," said Peter Levine, director of CIRCLE. "Civics education was not related to partisanship or choice of candidate. These results should allay political concerns about civic education being taught in schools." Source: CIRCLE, 2013. The students mentioned in the passage did not have a strong preference in candidates or increased levels of partisanship, despite their exposure to civics education. Which of the following explains this type of political socialization? A Political


Which of the following public policies would Democrats be most likely to support? A Reducing taxes on American businesses and corporations B Increasing the age of eligibility for social security benefits C Reducing the size of the federal government by eliminating an executive department D Increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans


26Which of the following amendments is most closely related to the information on the maps? A First Amendment B Eighth Amendment C Fifth Amendment D Fourth Amendment


16 Which of the following elements of polling likely created the difference in the poll results? A The difference was likely a result of the margin of error. B One poll is a tracking poll, and the other is a benchmark poll. C The formats of the survey questions are different. D The questions are worded differently.


22According to the bar graph, which of the following statements is true about the influence of parents on the political orientation of their children? A About 50% of children whose parents are both Democrats will become Independent/Non-partisan. B When both parents are Democrat, their child is likely to become Independent/Non-partisan. C About 25% of children whose parents are both Republican will become Independent/Non-partisan. D When both parents are Republican, their child will not become a Democrat.


24Using both maps, which of the following best explains how states without capital punishment voted in the 2016 presidential election? A States without capital punishment were more likely to vote for the Republican in the 2016 election. B Support for or opposition to capital punishment had no correlation to how a state voted in 2016. C States without capital punishment were more likely to cast their ballots for the Democrat in the 2016 election. D States without capital punishment were just as likely to vote for Hillary Clinton as they were to vote for Republican.


8 Which of the following explains how the scenario described in the passage relates to political behavior? A Globalization has influenced how individuals participate in politics. B Taking part in civic education affects whether or not an individual politically c Generational differences account for major differences in political participation rates. d D Individuals are likely to form opinions about politics that correspond to their parents' views.


#1 Which of the following are supported by the data in the table? A Very few people change their views on social or political issues over time. B Younger people are more apt to identify as politically liberal rather than socially liberal. C As people get older, they tend to become more liberal on social issues but not on political issues. D More people become more socially conservative over time than more socially liberal.


According to the bar graph, what percentage of children remain Independent/Non-partisan if their parents do not have a consistent orientation toward either party? A 50% B 30% C 20% D 100%


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