Ap Human Geography Chapter 7 Key Issues 3+4

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Once the Supreme Court permitted "separate but equal" treatment of the races, southern states enacted a comprehensive set of laws to segregate blacks from whites as much as possible. What were these laws called"

"Jim Crow" laws, named for a 19th century song and dance act that depicted blacks offensively

What 4 nationalities are in Western Asia?

Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani

What happened in 1991 in Somalia?

a dictatorship that ran the country collapsed and various clans and subclass claimed control over portions of the country

Was Ethiopia on the side of the Islamist militias?


What did the U.S. do in relation to Somalia in 1992?

they sent several thousand troops to Somalia after an estimated 300,000 people died from famine and from warfare among clans

What were the reactions of the U.S.'s attack on Iraq by different ethnic groups in Western Asia?

- kurds welcomed the U.S. because they gained more security and autonomy than they had under Hussein - Sunni Muslim Arabs opposed the U.S.-led attack because they feared loss of power and privilege given to them by Hussein who was a Sunni - Shiite Muslim Arabs also opposed to the U.S, presence. Although they had been treated poorly be Hussein and controlled Iraq's post-Hussein government, Shiites shared a long standing hostility toward the U.S. with their neighbors in Shiite-controlled Iran

ethnicities in Iraq

3/4 of Iraqis are Arabs, and 1/6 Kurds. The Arab population is divided among Muslim branches, with 2/3 shiite and 1/3 Sunni

Who gained control over most of Afghanistan in 1995?

A faction of the Pashtun called Taliban

Why did the Eritreans began a 30 year fight for independence?

After World War II, Ethiopia regained its independence and the United Nations awarded Eritrea to Ethiopia. The UN expected Ethiopia to permit Eritrea considerable authority to run its own affairs, but Ethiopia dissolved the Eritrean legislature and banned the use of Tigrinya, Eritrea's major local language and the Eritreans rebelled.

Who was Ethiopia controlled by from the late nineteenth century to 1990?

Amharas who are Christians

conflict in Darfur

As Sudan's religion-based civil war was winding down, an ethnic war erupted in Sudan's western-most region, Darfur. Resenting discrimination and neglect by the national government, Darfur's black Africans launched a rebellion in 2003. Marauding Arab nobodies, known as janjaweed, with the support of the Sudanese government, crushed Darfur's black population, made up mainly of settled farmers; 480,000 have been killed and another 2.8 million have been living in dire conditions in refugee camps in the hash desert environment of Darfur. Actions of Sudan's government troops, including mass murders and rape of civilians, have been termed genocide by many other countries and charges of war crimes have been filed against Sudan's leaders

Important minorities in Iran

Azeri and Baluchi

To strengthen their cases for breaking away from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbs and Croats engaged in ethnic cleansing of ______ ______.

Bosnian Muslims

Ethnic cleansing by ______ ______ against _______ _______ was especially severe because much of the territory inhabited by Bosnian Serbs was separated from Serbia by areas with Bosnian Muslim majorities.

Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Muslims

what term refers to the nationality of the UK?



Comprise 74% of Sri Lanka's population, migrated from Northern India in the 5th century B.C., occupying the southern two thirds of the island. 300 years later, the Sinhalese were converted to Buddhism, and Sri Lanka became one of that religion's centers. Sinhalese is an Indo-European language in the Indo-Iranian branch

The conflict between the Hutus and the Tutsis spilled into neighboring countries, especially the _______ _______ __ ______.

Democratic Republic of Congo

when were South Africa's apartheid laws repealed?

During the 1990s

What are the 4 main ethnicities in the British Isles?

English, Welsh, Scots, Irish

What was the outcome between Eritrea and Ethiopia?

Eritrea rebels defeated the Ethiopian army in 1991 , and 2 years later, Eritrea became an independent state. But war between Eritrea and Ethiopia flared up again in 1998 because of disputes over the location of the border. Eritrea justified its claim through a 1900 treaty between Ethiopia and Italy, which then controlled Eritrea, but Ethiopia cited a 1902 treaty with Italy. Ethiopia defeated Eritrea in 2000 and took possession of the disputed areas. Battles along the border have continued

What is Lebanon's second largest Christian sect?

Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox church that uses a Byzantine liturgy

who took control of much of Somalia between 2004 and 2006?

Islamist militias

How did the current unrest among Afghanistan's ethnicities start?

It dates from 1979 with the start of a rebellion by several ethnic groups against the government, which as being defended by more than 100,000 troops from the Soviet Union. Unable to subdue the rebellion, the Soviet Union withdrew its troops in 1989, and the Soviet-installed government in Afghanistan collapsed in 1992.

Is Lebanon's diversity religious or ethnic?

Lebanon's diversity may appear to be religious rather than ethnic, but most of Lebanon's Christians consider themselves ethnically descended from the ancient Phoenicians who once occupied present day Lebanon. In this way, Lebanon's christians differentiate themselves form the country's Muslims who are considered Arabs

What is Lebanon's most numerous Christian sect?

Maronite, which split from the Roman Catholic Church in the 17th century. Maronites, ruled by the patriarch of Antioch, perform the liturgy in the ancient Syrian language

Lebanon's Muslims:

Most of Lebanon's Muslims belong to one of several Shiite sects. Sunnis, who are much more numerous in the world, account for a minority of Lebanon's Muslims. Lebanon also has an important community of Druze, who were once considered to have a separate religion, but now consider themselves Muslim. Many Druze rituals are kept secret from outsiders.

Where are Kurds located in Iraq?


What are the most numerous ethnicities in Afghanistan?

Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara

Most numerous ethnicity in Iran


What is the most numerous ethnicity in Pakistan?

Punjabi, but the border area with Afghanistan is principally Baluchi and Pashtun.

In Canada, who are clearly distinct from other Canadians in language, religion, and other cultural traditions?


Persians constitute the world's largest ethnic group that adheres to _____ _____.

Shiite Islam

Who has dominated the government, military, and most of the commerce in Sri Lanka?


What two ethnicities was there a war between from 1983-2009 in Sri Lanka?

Sinhalese and Tamil because Tamils felt that they suffer from discrimination at the hands of the Sinhalese-dominated government.

What 3 principal ethnicities inhabit Sri Lanka?

Sinhalese, Tamil, and Moors

After the Muslim army conquered Persia in the 17th century, most Persians converted to _____ _____.

Sunni Islam

What religion is Somalia

Sunni Muslims

who seized the dutch colony in 1795 and controlled South Africa's government until 1948?

The British

The British Isles ethnicities: English

The English are descendants of Germanic tribes who crossed the North Sea and invaded the country in the 5th century

The British Isles ethnicities: Irish

The Irish were Celtic people who were ruled by England until the 20th century, when most of the island became the independent country of Ireland.

largest ethnicity in Ethiopia

The Oromo who are Muslim fundamentalists from the south

What are the 2 nationalities in Ireland and Great Britain?

The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

The British Isles ethnicities: Scots

The Scots were Celtic people who had am independent country for more than 700 years, until 1603, when Scotland's king James VI also became James I of England thereby uniting the two countries. The Act of Union in 1707 formally merged the two governments although Scotland was allowed to retain its own systems of education and local laws.

What was the outcome of the long war from 1983-2009 between Sinhalese and Tamil?

The Tamils were defeated

Why did the U.S. have a forged nationality in the late 18th century?

The U.S. forged a nationality out of a collection of ethnic groups gathered primarily from Europe and Africa, not through traditional means of issuing passports, (African Americans weren't considered citizens then) or voting (women and African Americans couldn't vote then), but through sharing the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

The British Isles ethnicities: Welsh

The Welsh were Celtic people conquered by England in 1282 and formally united with England through the Act of Union of 1536. Welsh laws were abolished, and Wales became a local government unit.

What is the most important annual rugby tournament and where does it include teams from?

The most important annual rugby tournament is called the Six Nations' Championship and it includes teams fern England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Italy, and France

Plessy vs. Ferguson

The supreme court stated that Louisiana's law was constitutional because it provided separate, but equal, treatment of blacks and whites, and equality did not mean that whites had to mix socially with blacks "separate but equal"

Conflict between Hutus and Tutsis

The two ethnicities speak the same language, hold similar beliefs, and practice similar social customs. Yet Hutus and Tutsis have engaged in large scale ethnic cleansing and genocide. Hutus were settled farmers, growing crops in the fertile hills and valleys of present-day Rwanda and Burundi, known as the Great Lakes region of central Africa. Tutsis were cattle herders who migrated to present day Rwanda and Burundi from the Rift Valley of western Kenya beginning 400 years ago. Relations between settled farmers and herders are often uneasy.

Eritrea 2 principal ethnic groups

Tigrinya and Tigre

___ were instrumental in the successful overthrow of the Congo's longtime president, Joseph Mobutu, in 1997.


What two countries sent troops into Lebanon at various points in failed efforts to restore peace?

U.S. and Israel

The capital of Lebanon, Beirut, has been divided by what?

a Christian eastern zone and a Muslim western zone

ethnic cleansing

a process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region. Ethnic cleansing is undertaken to rid an area of an entire ethnicity so that the surviving ethnic group can be the sole inhabitants.

centripetal force

an attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state

Why did the U.S. lead an attack against Iraq in 2003 that resulted in the removal and death of the country's long time president?

because U.S. officials justified removing Hussein (the president) because he ran a brutal dictatorship, created weapons of mass destruction, and allegedly had close links with terrorists

conflict in south sudan

black Christian and animist ethnicities resisted government attempts to convert the country from a multiethnic society to one nationality tied to Muslim traditions. A north-south war between 1983 and 2005 resulted in the death of an estimated 1.9 million Sudanese, mostly civilians. The war ended with the establishment of Southern Sudan as an independent state in 2011. However, fighting resumed as the governments of Sudan and South Sudan could not agree of boundaries between the two countries

The U.S. Supreme Court in 1896 upheld a Louisiana law that required what?

black and white passengers to ride in separate railway cars

In South Africa, under apartheid, a newborn baby was classified as being one of what four races?

black, white, colored (mixed), or asian

How to states foster nationalism?

by promoting symbols of the country, such as flags and songs


comprise 10% of Sri Lanka's population, they are ethnic Arabs, descended from traders from Southwest Asia who settled in Sri Lanka beginning in the 8th century. Moors adhere to Islam but speak either Tamil or Sinhalese.


comprise 16% of Sri Lanka's population, migrate across the narrow 80 kilometer side Palk Strait from India beginning in the 3rd century B.C. and occupied the northern part of the Island. Tamils are Hindus and the Tamil language, in the Dravidian family, is also spoken by 60 million people in India

The United Kingdom

comprises Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland

comprises the southern 84% of the island of Ireland. The island of Ireland contains one predominant ethnicity - Irish - divided between 2 nationalities

who was the apartheid system created by?

descendants of whites who arrived in South Africa from the Netherlands in 1652 and settled in Cape Town , at the southern tip of the territory. They were known either as Boers, from the dutch word for "farmer" or Afrikaners from the word "Afrikaans," the name of their language, which is a dialect of Dutch

When were U.S. Segregation laws eliminated?

during the 1950s and 1960s

conflict in the eastern front

ethnicities in the east fought Sudanese government forces between 2004 and 2006, with the support of neighboring Eritrea. At issue was disbursement of profits from oil

What has Lebanon been severely damaged by?

fighting among ethnicities since the 1970s

What forced Pakistanis to leave their homes and mov into camps, where they were fed by international relief organizations?

fighting between Pakistan's army and supporters of the Taliban


identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country

Where are Sunnis located in Iraq?

in the center

Genocide in Rwanda in 1994

involved Hutus murdering hundreds of thousands of Tutsis. The genocide began after an airplane carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi - both Hutus - was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. The attacker was never identified but it was assumed that it was a Hutu unhappy with the presidents' attempts to see peace between Hutus and Tutsis. Hutus constituted a majority of the population of Rwanda historically but Tutsis controlled the kingdom of Rwanda for several hundred years and turned the Hutus into their surfs. When Rwanda became an independent country in 1962, Hutus gained power and undertook ethnic cleansing and genocide agains the Tutsis. Descendants of the ethnically cleansed Tutsis invaded Rwanda in 1990. an agreement to share power was signed in 1993, but after the assassination of the president in 1994, Hutus launched genocide against the Tutsis killing an estimated 800,000

When the governmental system was created in Lebanon, Christians constituted a majority and controlled the country's main business, but as Muslims became the majority, they demanded political and economic equality. What was the agreement ending the Civil War in 1990?

it gave each religion one half of the 128 seats in Parliament,


loyalty and devotion to a nationality

what is an example of centripetal force?


difference between nationality, ethnicity, and race

nationality identifies citizens of the United States including those born in the country and those who immigrated and became citizens. Ethnicity identifies groups with distinct ancestry and cultural traditions, such as African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Chinese Americans, or Polish Americans. Race distinguishes blacks and other persons of color from whites

Was the U.S. on the side of the Islamist militias?

no, the U.S. claimed that some of the leaders were terrorists and they launched air strikes in 2007

What part of Lebanon are the Sunnis concentrated in?



physical separation of different aces into different geographic areas

In 1956, what did Sinhalese leaders make the sole official religion and sole official language?

religion - Buddhism language - Sinhala

the cultural values shared with others of the same ethnicity derives from:

religion, language, and material culture

What religions are Lebanon divided between?

roughly 60% Muslims and 40% Christians

What united Eritrea's ethnicities?

shared experiences during the 30 year war to break free of Ethiopia

where are Shiites located in Iraq?


What part of Lebanon are the Shiites concentrated in?

south and east

What does a strong element of ethnic identity come from in the UK?


When Lebanon became independent in 1943, what did the constitution require?

that each religion be represented in the Chamber of Deputies according to its percentage in the 1932 Census.

who are Persians believed to be descendants of?

the Indo-European tribes that began migrating from Central Asia into what is now Iran several thousand years ago

What would happen if Quebecois was recognized as a separate nationality from Anglo-Canadian?

the Quebec government would have a must stronger justification for breaking away from Canada to form an independent country

Who invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and why?

the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and threw over the Taliban led government because it was harboring terrorists


the mass killing of a group of people in an attempt to eliminate the entire group from existence


the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities

how can nationalism have a negative impact?

the sense of unity within a nation-state is sometimes achieved through the creation of negative images of other nation-states

What part of Lebanon are the Maronites concentrated in?

the west-central part

Did the Punjab remain Sunni Muslims or convert to Shiite Muslims like their neighbors Pashtun?

they remained Sunni Muslims

Why did Bosnia & Herzegovina's Serbs and Croats fight

to unite the portions of the republic that they inhabited with Serbia and Croatia respectively

the cultural values shared with others of same nationality derives from:

voting, obtaining a passport, and performing civic duties

Did Ethiopia remain a multiethnic state?


Do England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland field their own national soccer and compete separately at the major international tournaments?


Was Eritrea on the side of the Islamist militias?


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