AP World History Midterm Questions

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Which of the following was NOT characteristic of early civilizations? a. Caravan trade b. Urban centers c. Growing populations

a. Caravan trade

Confucianism and Legalism differ in that a. Confucianism focuses on generating an orderly society based on the principal of individual goodness wereas Legalism uses law to eliminate the role of human nature and maintain absolute authority b. Legalism focuses on generating an order society based on the principal of individual goodness whereas Confucianism uses law to eliminate the role of human nature and maintain absolute authority c. Confucianism is a religion whereas Legalism is not d. Legalism is a religion, whereas Confucianism is not

a. Confucianism focuses on generating an orderly society based on the principal of individual goodness wereas Legalism uses law to eliminate the role of human nature and maintain absolute authority

The temporary restoration of the Roman imperial Mediterranean world in the sixth century was accomplished by: a. Constantine b. Charlemagne c. Justinian d. Theoderic e. Heraclius

a. Constantine

Centralized monarchies existed by the late Middle Ages in which of the following kingdoms? a. England and Spain b. France and Italy c. Greece and Turkey d. Spain and Holland e. Belgium and France

a. England and Spain

In regard to state building in West Africa, it can be said that: a. Ghana was the first great commercial state there b. warfare with the Byzantines resulted in the eventual decline of the kingdom of Mali c. trade and commerce produced the growth of an integrated empire in the region d. Zimbabwe replaced Mali as the predominant trading nation in the area e. it was conquered by the Arabs, who built the first commercial state there

a. Ghana was the first great commercial state there

The two major religions practiced in Classical India were a. Hinduism and Buddhism b. Islam and Buddhism c. Islam and Hinduism d. Catholicism and Hinduism

a. Hinduism and Buddhism

Which of the following pairs of religions uses images to represent its deity? a. Hinduism and Christianity b. Judaism and Christianity c. Confucianism and Buddhism d. Islam and Christianity e. Islam and HInduism

a. Hinduism and Christianity

Which of the following Native American societies built large mounds and are thought to have used them for religious purposes? a. Hopewells b. Pueblos c. Inca d. Maya e. Hopi

a. Hopewells

After the mid-1200s Mali: I. was soon conquered by Arabs, who installed an administration that was controlled from Turkey II. stopped acting as a trade center III. became a key trade center and controlled a major communication network IV. was led by Christians a. III only b. IV only c. I, II, and IV d. I and II

a. III only

Which of the following is an accurate statement about Islamic art and architecture? a. Islamic art focuses on abstract geometric patterns and ornate calligraphy in Arabic b. elaborate miniatures of historical figures and historical battles were create during the Abbasid and Umayyad dynasties c. the most important architectural contributions were elaborate pyramids and sculptures d. most Islamic art forms were derived from classic Greek and Roman examples e. Ikebana, or flower arranging, was developed as an alternative to depicting human and animal forms in art

a. Islamic art focuses on abstract geometric patterns and ornate calligraphy in Arabic

In what order did the three monotheism come into being? a. Judaism, Christianity, Islam b. Christianity, Islam, Judaism c. Judaism, Islam, Christianity d. Shinto, Taoism, Judaism e. Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism

a. Judaism, Christianity, Islam

The "Sacred Edict" delineating the proper Confucian behavior was issued by: a. Kangxi b. Ming-Loi c. Qianlong d. the Duke of Kamchatka e. Yongle

a. Kangxi

The Buddhists who applied the term "lesser value" to their rivals were eventually known as a. Mahayana b. Hinayana c. Theravada d. Shi'ites e. Pure Land Sect

a. Mahayana

Which of the following is a valid statement about manorialism and the medieval manor? a. Manorialism provided the economic foundation of feudalism b. the manor was the fundamental unit of medieval urban organization c. the medieval village was usually in direct economic competition with the manor d. manorialism increased the level of freedom and mobility among the peasantry e. manorialism ended in the tenth century

a. Manorialism provided the economic foundation of feudalism

The Roman general who began a new system of military recruitment that made soldiers loyal to their general and not the Senate was: a. Marius b. Sulla c. Crassus d. Caesar e. Pompey

a. Marius

The Mongol khan from Samarkand who attacked the Islamic state of the Tughluq Dynasty was: a. Tamerlane b. Genghis Khan c. Chalukya d. Malmug Khan e. Chandragupta XIV

a. Tamerlane

Which ethnic group came to dominate most of the Middle East and North Africa by the end of the fifteenth century? a. Turks b. Spanish c. French d. Persians e. Egyptians

a. Turks

Tang rule in China became permanently weakened as a result of a rebellion by a protege of: a. Yang Guifei b. Xuan Zong c. Hsuan Tsung d. Sui Yandi e. Sun Yan-sen

a. Yang Guifei

Who was Francis Xavier? a. a Jesuit missionary who traveled widely in China b. a Portuguese warlord who conquered Macao c. a Spanish colonial administrator in Asia d. a Dominican priest who advocated equal rights for all Asians e. an Italian composer influenced by Asian music

a. a Jesuit missionary who traveled widely in China

Mercantilism promoted the idea that national wealth was based on a. a favorable balance of exports over imports b. imperial taxation c. foreign investment d. an isolationist military and foreign policy e. lower tariffs or even the entire elimination of tariffs

a. a favorable balance of exports over imports

Southeast Asia has proven to be: a. a region of linkage between disparate civilizations b. unable to reject inappropriate practices from other areas c. uninterested in outsiders' ideas d. a cultural backwater e. a region with no true civilization

a. a region of linkage between disparate civilizations

John Calvin: a. advanced the doctrine of predestination b. was murdered by Lutheran police in Paris c. had to leave Germany, for protection, after he accepted Protestantism d. believed in free will e. left Geneva for Paris

a. advanced the doctrine of predestination

The image above is an illustration of what activity essential to the development of ancient civilizations? a. agriculture b. hunting c. animal husbandry d. trade

a. agriculture

By around 3500 BCE, Sumerians developed all of the following EXCEPT a. an alphabet b. the wheel c. astronomy d. complex religious systems

a. an alphabet

Under Gupta India: a. arabic numerals originated in India b. slavery increased c. Hinduism and Buddhism became the official religions of India d. the government of India became more centralized e. the status of women improved

a. arabic numerals originated in India

Francis Bacon a. argued that only rigorous research using an inductive methodology was truly scientific b. wanted to develop techniques that would allow humanity to "conquer religion in action" c. argued that only a deductive methodology would generate valid scientific findings d. claimed that religious revelation was the only path to truth e. became an Anabaptist

a. argued that only rigorous research using an inductive methodology was truly scientific

The chief executive officers of the Roman Republic who were responsible for leading the Roman army into battle and administering the government were the: a. consuls b. praetors c. senators d. centuriates e. tribunes

a. consuls

Which of the following was NOT among Castiglione's criteria expected of the nobility in The Book of the Courtier? a. deep religious piety b. basic qualities such as breeding and dignity c. a classical education d. a well-developed personality, including military and physical abilities e. service to the prince

a. deep religious piety

What do Confucianism, Hinduism, and Judaism have in common? a. each created guidelines and moral authority for the cultures to which they belonged b. each demanded the cultures to which they belonged evangelize and spread the philosophies of the culture c. each is a polytheistic faith d. each was developed in the Indus River Valley

a. each created guidelines and moral authority for the cultures to which they belonged

The janissaries were: a. elite gunpowder troops recruited from Christian communities b. aristocratic calvary units from Egyptian provinces c. mercenary crossbowmen from East Asia d. artillery specialists e. skilled naval commanders

a. elite gunpowder troops recruited from Christian communities

Silk Road trade: a. established links between the empires of Han China and Rome b. flourished in-spite of constant interference from nomadic tribes c. was confined to land routes across Asia d. bypassed Mesopotamia e. linked North Africa with Rome

a. established links between the empires of Han China and Rome

One of the weaknesses of the early Muslim empires was: a. failure to resolve the question of succession b. intolerance of the legal traditions of non-Muslim peoples c. disregard for the cultural traditions of conquered peoples d. insistence on conversion of non-Arabs within the empire e. indifference to the Sunni/Shi'ite split

a. failure to resolve the question of succession

The sacred ball court a. had life or death implications for those who played upon it b. could only be played on by Mayan priests c. was a large, open, circular playing area that employed the use of straw baskets into which large, soft balls had to be tossed d. was found only among the Incas and Iroquois e. disappeared after the fall of the Olmec

a. had life or death implications for those who played upon it

How was Kublai Khan an effective ruler in China? a. he rebuilt the bureaucracy and economy b. he killed all of its former bureaucrats c. he outlawed Buddhism d. he forced all bureaucrats to speak Mongolian e. he installed only Mongolians in administrative positions

a. he rebuilt the bureaucracy and economy

During the feudal period in Western Europe: a. independent domains fought regularly with one another b. some women were allowed to rule fiefs c. priests were allowed to marry d. the birth rate declined e. scandals racked the Catholic Church

a. independent domains fought regularly with one another

The major stages of Roman imperial expansion before 100 BCE included: a. involvement in and seizures of Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean b. seizure of the Atlantic coastline of Africa to outflank Carthage prior to the Third Punic War c. the defeat of the Gauls by Sulla and Pompey d. only military rather than economic considerations e. revenge for the death of Cincinnatus at the hands of the Latins

a. involvement in and seizures of Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean

A Renaissance person is one who: a. is knowledgable in many fields and proficient in the arts b. paints like Donatello c. knows the arts of war d. is a patron of the guilds e. studies the Byzantine classics

a. is knowledgable in many fields and proficient in the arts

Which of the following is an accurate statement of the status of women in Medieval Europe? a. it differed according to social class and geographic location b. it tended to be the same across Europe despite class differences c. women could serve as leaders in both the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches d. Aristocratic women all held some kind of political power e. women enjoyed the right to vote

a. it differed according to social class and geographic location

All of the following were true about the witchcraft craze in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries EXCEPT: a. it was exclusively a big-city phenomenon b. most of those accused of being witches were female c. the hysteria surrounding the accusations of witchcraft led to many witch trials d. the unsettling nature of the times served to feed the frenzy over witchcraft allegations e. the witchcraft hysteria was declining in Europe by the mid-1800s

a. it was exclusively a big-city phenomenon

Why did China become more open to foreign influences after the end of the 1700s? a. its national wealth had declined, and it slipped backward in technological innovation and scientific advancement b. its leaders encouraged more imports c. Britain promised the Chinese military support d. the Chinese economy was booming and China's leaders wanted to increase trade with the West e. China welcomed Christian missionaries as modernizers

a. its national wealth had declined, and it slipped backward in technological innovation and scientific advancement

The Indus Valley civilization a. relied heavily on communal planning b. is best studied through its written records c. was isolated from other river valley civilizations because of surrounding mountains d. declined after the arrival of Aryan invaders e. shared similar flood control concerns with the Egyptians

a. relied heavily on communal planning

Which of the following characterized the politics of the Tokagowa shogunate? a. rigid social stratification backed by a dictatorial government b. a gradual opening of Japanese economic and intellectual life to the outside world c. ruthless extermination of political enemies and racial minorities d. a high degree of social mobility e. a move toward limited forms of participatory government

a. rigid social stratification backed by a dictatorial government

The Neolithic Age a. saw the beginnings of urbanization b. saw the process of agriculture carried out without the use of metal tools c. produced societies without class distinctions d. saw a decline in global populations e. witnessed the end of nomadic societies

a. saw the beginnings of urbanization

Muhammad's teachings: a. stressed that Islam was not just a religion but also a way of life b. required all Muslims to follow the Six Suras and Seven Pillars c. accepted polygyny but permitted men to take only one wife d. were entirely theological with almost on ethical nor moral aspects e. were propagated in Greece to make them more understandable in the non-Arab world

a. stressed that Islam was not just a religion but also a way of life

The rise of agricultural societies saw the rise of all of the following EXCEPT a. the development of democratic societies b. the general deterioration of the status of women c. the creation of bureaucracy d. the development of systems of law

a. the development of democratic societies

As manufacturing and commerce began to grow in Ming and Qing China a. the elite retained a preference for agriculture b. industrialization became the preferred area of activity for all Chinese c. Europeans became the predominant force in all areas of Chinese production d. government tax policies favored the industrial sector over the agricultural one e. Chinese views about businesses were the same as those in Japan

a. the elite retained a preference for agriculture

Which was not an achievement of the Tang Dynasty? a. the solution to the problem of nomadic peoples along China's border b. the adoption of products from Vietnam c. an emphasis on long-distance trade d. irrigation e. advances in technology of warfare

a. the solution to the problem of nomadic peoples along China's border

The Han dynasty had a stable government for centuries, due in part to all of the following EXCEPT a. the strong military force with which the government, under the leadership of Asoka, the Warrior Emperor, expelled the Hun invasion b. the adoption and growth of the Confucian system of civil administration c. the Mandate of Heaven, which inclined Emperors to rule fairly and justly d. the creation and exportation of goods such as paper, silk, and gun powder along the Silk Road

a. the strong military force with which the government, under the leadership of Asoka, the Warrior Emperor, expelled the Hun invasion

During the Yuan Dynasty: a. there was a major growth in the development of popular theater as well as the novel b. the development of the performing arts came to a sudden end c. sumo wrestling developed in Sinkiang d. many Chinese poets wrote with the Arabic characters used by the Mongols e. anti-mongol attitudes led to a boycott of cultural activities

a. there was a major growth in the development of popular theater as well as the novel

Sikhism: a. tried to blend Islam and Hinduism b. remained pacifistic in spite of attacks from Hindus and Muslims c. ultimately provided a third religious alternative in Persian Afghanistan d. was founded by Nanak, a guru in Tamiland, in the early 500s e. followed the Five Pillars of Asoka

a. tried to blend Islam and Hinduism

Shotuku Taishi: a. used Chinese political procedures to strengthen Japanese unity to resist Chinese power b. was a Chinese Buddhist monk who became the first Heian emperor c. was believed by the Koreans of Silla and the people of Shikoku to be the son of Izanami d. sent missions to India to study the more centralized system of government there e. was the first shogun of Japan

a. used Chinese political procedures to strengthen Japanese unity to resist Chinese power

The Mongols were skilled in ______ but not in _____. a. warfare; nation building b. administration; warfare c. archery; horsemanship d. nation building; cultural borrowing e. architecture; painting

a. warfare; nation building

Basho: a. was intrigued by the search for the meaning of existence b. was Japan's premier seventeenth century architect c. was the first Muslim intellectual to emerge in Japan d. was a rebel samurai who tried to assassinate the emperor e. ended his life by suicide

a. was intrigued by the search for the meaning of existence

The Black Death: a. was spread by fleas carrying Yersinia pestis b. killed 95% of its victims in urban areas c. has been an ongoing problem in Europe since the late Roman Empire d. killed many people, but had no effect on economic affairs e. had no religious implications

a. was spread by fleas carrying Yersinia pestis

The issue which almost destroyed the Byzantine Empire in the eighth century: a. was the use of religious icons in worship b. were the crusaders from Western Europe c. was the claim by the emperor to divinity d. were assaults by the Seljuk Turks e. were invasions by the Mongols

a. was the use of religious icons in worship

The Tale of Genji: a. was written by Murasaki Shikibu, a female diarist and court author b. is a study of the life of an eta family c. focuses mainly on the struggle between two "guardian kings" d. is a novel of the samurai wars of the thirteenth century e. is a history of Japan's first emperor, Genji

a. was written by Murasaki Shikibu, a female diarist and court author

Comparing Aztec and Inca political organization would identify differences in the: a. way they were structured b. presence of a tribune system c. power of the ruler d. presence of a class of nobles e. emphasis on military power

a. way they were structured

The Crusades: a. were due, in part, to power shifts stemming from the weakening of the Byzantine Empire after the rise of the Seljuk Turks b. finally determined that Muslim forces would permanently dominate the Mediterranean Sea c. forced Saladin to reduce his territorial claims and, finally, to accept Christianity, in order to stay in power d. were a period when the behavior of Christian armies was much less brutal than that of Muslim forces e. never reached the city of Jerusalem

a. were due, in part, to power shifts stemming from the weakening of the Byzantine Empire after the rise of the Seljuk Turks

Indian religious groups: a. were, particularly its two major groups, strikingly different b. were, aside from differenced over one or two points, surprisingly alike c. were united in their support of the hierarchical social and religious structure d. all possessed strong priestly groups e. disagreed about the tradition of sati, which the Hindus opposed and the Muslims supported

a. were, particularly its two major groups, strikingly different

Which of the following is a major difference between the classical periods in Rome and the Islamic civilizations? a. while Roman society had social class delineations and restricted mobility, Islam was egalitarian, with few barriers to mobility b. the Islamic civilization was more dependent on agriculture and therefore more susceptible to fluctuations in food supply c. While Roman emperors were considered both secular and religious leaders, the caliphs were secular rulers only d. while the Roman Empire fell as a result of internal warfare over succession to the throne, the Islamic Empire was able to maintain its empire into the twentieth century e. Islamic scientific thought and art forms borrowed heavily from Hellenistic sources, while Rome's scientific, philosophical, and artistic achievements were unique to its culture

a. while Roman society had social class delineations and restricted mobility, Islam was egalitarian, with few barriers to mobility

As a new faith, Islam gained strength a. with portions of the former Roman Empire b. when adherence to Arabic ethnicity was emphasized over adherence to Islam c. first in Mecca, then throughout the Arabian peninsula d. because of rules of succession established by the first caliphs e. in East Asia

a. with portions of the former Roman Empire

According to Islamic belief: a. Muhammad created the concept of Allah b. Allah sent not his first but his final message through Muhammad c. the teachings of Jesus and Moses are incorrect and immoral d. Allah ordained that Muhammad was a subordinate of God e. there is no afterlife for the individual

b. Allah sent not his first but his final message through Muhammad

"Beloved of the Gods, King Piyadasi, conquered the Kalingas eight years after his coronation. One hundred and fifty thousand were deported, one hundred thousand were killed and many more died (from other causes). After the Kalingas had been conquered, Beloved of the Gods came to feel a strong inclination towards the Dhamma, a love for the Dhamma and for instruction in Dhamma. Now Beloved of the Gods feels deep remorse for having conquered the Kalingas." The excerpt above from the Rock and Pillar Edicts of Ashoka Maurya explain his decision to convert to which of the following religions? a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Judaism d. Daoism

b. Buddhism

Which of the following was NOT a factor in the decline of Buddhism in India? a. Hinduism's increasing appeal b. Buddhism's reinforcement of basic Indian societal institutions c. Hinduism's increasing religious ardor d. the growing attractiveness of Bhakti to the Indian masses e. Buddhism's rejection of the caste system

b. Buddhism's reinforcement of basic Indian societal institutions

Known as the way of the warrior, the strict code of Japanese retainer was called: a. hara-kiri b. Bushido c. Shogun d. Samurai e. kamikazi

b. Bushido

Which of the following empires experienced significant defeats at the hands of the seventh-century Arab armies? a. Hellenistic b. Byzantine c. Mauryan d. Song e. Mongol

b. Byzantine

Upon what religious-philosophical training did Qing rulers rely to strengthen their imperial authority in China? a. Daoism b. Confucianism c. Pure Land Buddhism d. Hinduism e. Shamanism

b. Confucianism

Of the three philosophies competing for attention in medieval China: a. Manichaeanism had the largest following b. Confucianism triumphed by fulfilling the Chinese social need with the concepts of hard word and filial piety c. Buddhism prevailed because of its divine visions d. Daoism triumphed because of its philosophical underpinnings e. neither Buddhism or Daoism ever offered an alternative to restrictive Confucian theology

b. Confucianism triumphed by fulfilling the Chinese social need with the concepts of hard word and filial piety

At its apex the Ottoman Empire eventually included a. Italy, Greece, and the balkans b. Egypt, Palestine, and Asia Minor c. Spain, Greece, and Egypt d. Austria, Kiev, and the Balkans e. Arabia, Asia Minor, and Sicily

b. Egypt, Palestine, and Asia Minor

The Protestant movement established itself in which of the following kingdoms? a. Austria, Denmark, and England b. Holland, Denmark, and England c. France, Italy, and Hungary d. Ireland, Scotland, and Norway e. Poland, Austria, and Germany

b. Holland, Denmark, and England

"Sing, O goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans. Many a brave soul did it send hurrying down to Hades, and many a hero did it yield a prey to dogs and vultures, for so were the consuls of Jove fulfilled from the day on which the son of Atreus, king of men, and great Achilles, first fell out with one another." The above quotes is from which of the following texts? a. The Vedas b. Homer's Iliad c. Hobbes' Leviathan d. The Code of Hammurabi

b. Homer's Iliad

Which of the following civilizations is the exception to the generalization that cities began in river valleys? a. Indus b. Inca c. Tigris d. Nile e. Huang He

b. Inca

Safavid power was spread throughout Persia by: a. resurgent Sunni military leaders b. Islami's militant use of Shi'ite Islam to unify the region c. Safi's enforcement of sufi mysticism throughout the region d. Shah Abbas's successful military campaigns against the Byzantines e. Sunni pashas

b. Islami's militant use of Shi'ite Islam to unify the region

In the Middle Ages, most available Aristotelian thought had been preserved by: a. Germanic tribes b. Islamic and Byzantine scholars c. Scholars of Genoa d. Catholic monks e. the Pope in Rome

b. Islamic and Byzantine scholars

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the ancient Greeks? a. the Greeks incorporated the gods of the Persians after the Persian Wars b. It is the commitment to arts and sciences begun in Greece's Golden Age that would become cornerstones of Western culture c. Greece's philosophers concentrated on the afterlife, beginning new religions d. During the Golden Age of Pericles, the Greeks abolished slavery

b. It is the commitment to arts and sciences begun in Greece's Golden Age that would become cornerstones of Western culture

The peasant revolt that brought down the preoccupied Ming Dynasty, a precipitated the ascension to control of the Manchus, was led by the disgruntled postal worker a. Yuan Shi-Kai b. Li Zicheng c. Zheng Chenggong d. Koxinga e. Kangxi Lon

b. Li Zicheng

The "shogunate system" was established by: a. Khubilai Khan b. Minamoto Yoritomo c. Ayosu Fujiwara d. Shotoku Taishi e. Heidekei Matamura

b. Minamoto Yoritomo

The great river that dominates the western region of Africa, the so-called "hump of Africa" is the: a. Nile b. Niger c. Congo d. Zaire e. Zambeze

b. Niger

The Great Wall of China, pictured above, was begun during which Chinese dynasty? a. Zhou b. Qin c. Han d. Mauryan

b. Qin

The Aztec and Incan civilizations were unable to defend themselves against the aggression, weaponry, and diseases of the a. Portuguese military b. Spanish conquistadors c. Dutch mariners d. Spanish diplomats e. French couriers

b. Spanish conquistadors

The massive stone carving in the form of a disc portraying the struggle between forces of good and evil in the universe is the: a. Disc of Forces b. Stone of the Sun c. Temple of Inscriptions d. Sun Disc e. Parthenon

b. Stone of the Sun

The work that is considered to be China's most distinguished popular novel is: a. Monkey b. The Dream of the Red Chamber c. Gold Vase Plum d. The Golden Lotus e. The Riverbank

b. The Dream of the Red Chamber

Which of the following is an example of Song China's capacity to combine scientific knowledge with technological expertise? a. the world's first telescope b. a celestial clock that used a chain-driven mechanism c. foot-binding d. Zen e. fireworks

b. a celestial clock that used a chain-driven mechanism

Central to the thinking of 17th century scientists in Europe was: a. an adherence to the Christian belief in original sin b. a mechanistic view of the human body and the world at large c. a defense of Ptolemy's geocentric theory d. a belief in the expanding universe e. a new feminist conciousness

b. a mechanistic view of the human body and the world at large

How would one best characterize Japan's political situation during the 1400s and 1500s? a. a condition of peace and prosperity b. a state of disunity and civil war c. a time of tight political cohesion d. a division of the country between two warring factions e. a dominance of politics by religious authorities

b. a state of disunity and civil war

Hinduism a. was based on traditions of the Harappan civilization b. addressed the consequences of one's behavior c. offered no hope for members of lower castes d. became secondary to Buddhism among the religions of India e. gained little acceptance outside India

b. addressed the consequences of one's behavior

A ninth-century Iranian mathematician created a. chaos theory b. algebra c. calculus d. geometry e. trigonometry

b. algebra

Loa-Tzu argued that a. obligations of filial piety included extended family b. ambition and activism lead to chaos c. order was achievable through strong, centralized government d. all life is suffering

b. ambition and activism lead to chaos

Early civilizations contributed all of the following achievements EXCEPT a. alphabets b. animal husbandry c. mathematics d. divisions of time

b. animal husbandry

The nation-state a. was embraced by the Ottoman Empire b. arose in Europe both because of and in spite of its diversity of cultural groups c. was incompatible with absolute monarchies d. was not limited to definite borders e. promoted harmony among Europeans

b. arose in Europe both because of and in spite of its diversity of cultural groups

The Hebrews are unique in ancient civilization for their a. large, centralized state b. belied in monotheism c. strong military tradition d. relative equality of social classes

b. belief in monotheism

Which of the following products attracted the greatest European interest in Southeast Asia in the period between 1500 and 1800? a. opium b. cloves and pepper c. slaves d. cotton e. ayuthaya

b. cloves and pepper

The Persians a. were noted for their harsh treatment toward conquered peoples b. continued the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia c. introduced a new religion similar to the structure of Hinduism d. failed to establish a unified empire e. focused their commercial activity on trade with China

b. continued the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia

The Vedic religions a. featured monotheism, as did Judaism b. contributed to the development of India's caste system c. were practice predominately within the Roman Empire d. considered reincarnation incompatible with a focus on hard work

b. contributed to the development of India's caste system

The early medieval church in the West: a. was headed by two rivals, the Archbishop of Milan and the Patriarch of Jerusalem b. developed a more organized monastic structure under St. Benedict c. was for a long time ruled by the Patriarch of Constantinople d. was under the sole control of the Patriarch of Jerusalem e. was dominated for several centuries by the Arian Christians

b. developed a more organized monastic structure under St. Benedict

Medieval Europe: a. extended local schools found on the manor b. developed new banking institutions from multicultural contacts c. saw the rise of universities after the conclusion of the Hundred Years' War d. produced urban areas that rivaled those in Eastern empires e. produced uniquely Christian architectural forms

b. developed new banking institutions from multicultural contacts

The teachings of Confucius encouraged people to a. embrace a heliocentric view of the solar system b. follow a code of moral conduct c. accept the teachings of the Pax Romana d. worship the one true God who watches over and cares for his people

b. follow a code of moral conduct

Though most early civilizations were polytheistic, the Greek faith was unique in that its gods a. were all powerful b. had human emotions c. were considered branches of one great being d. interfered directly in everyday life

b. had human emotions

Which of the following statements is NOT true about ancient Indian music? a. it was derived from Vedic chants b. it had no spiritual connection at all c. it emphasized the performer's creativity d. classical Indian music is based on a scale called a raga e. music played a major role in religious observances

b. it had no spiritual connection at all

One of the most significant factors in China's development into one of the first elaborate classical societies was a. its comparatively open society, which allowed for social mobility and freedom of religion b. its stable political leadership c. its access to gold and other precious metals d. its ability to remain isolated and avoid outside invasion

b. its stable political leadership

The Egyptian civilization was similar to the Sumerian civilization in a. its reliance on natural defense barriers b. its system of social stratification c. its political structure d. the extent to which its culture was diffused e. the nature of the flood pattern of its major rivers

b. its system of social stratification

The Zhou Dynasty developed the concept of Mandate of Heaven which a. provided justice for patriarchal society in China b. justified the overthrow of leaders that were unjust or unwise c. established feudalism d. rationalized the demand for tribute to rulers

b. justified the overthrow of leaders that were unjust or unwise

Indian painting a. was drab and unimaginative during the Mughal period b. made significant progress after the introduction of paper to Indian society in the 1400s c. blended Turkic, Nepalese, and Indian styles d. disappeared under Mughal rule because of Islamic prohibitions against people and animals in art e. was based on Western models

b. made significant progress after the introduction of paper to Indian society in the 1400s

New religions coming into Southeast Asia a. included Islam, Shinto, and Zoroastrianism b. often were somewhat altered by new converts who blended their traditional beliefs with the new doctrines c. were only temporarily considered, and the rejected, by the regions peoples d. all of the above e. none of the above

b. often were somewhat altered by new converts who blended their traditional beliefs with the new doctrines

The Buddhist social order included: a. strict adherence to patriarchal authority b. opposition to caste systems c. well-defined gender role distinctions d. emphasis on well-educated rulers

b. opposition to caste systems

The Catholic Church condemned the theories of Copernicus because they a. ended the spirituality of death b. removed humans from the center of the universe and god from a definite location c. conflicted with those of Galileo d. were contrary to the Council of Constance e. rejected St. Ptolemy's view of the universe

b. removed humans from the center of the universe and god from a definite location

Which of the following is NOT a technological innovation that led to major change and improvement in the lives of Neolithic peoples? a. plows, which were used to till agricultural land b. seaworthy craft, which allowed long-distance travel by water c. wheeled vehicles, which facilitated overland travel and trade d. pottery, which improved cooking, food storage, and thus nutrition

b. seaworthy craft, which allowed long-distance travel by water

Daoism promotes a belief that one should a. advocate for what one believes is moral b. seek harmony with nature c. concentrate on spending the beliefs of Daoism d. all of the above are true

b. seek harmony with nature

The Ming Dynasty: a. under Yongle, had Chinese ships bring back Christian missionaries to China b. sent a fleet, including ships far larger than those of any other society to East Africa c. sent a huge army into Japan, which captured and held the city of Edo for one year until a debt owed to the Chinese government was paid d. saw their fleets reach the Mediterranean Sea e. dismantled the Great Wall as it was no longer needed for the defense of China

b. sent a fleet, including ships far larger than those of any other society to East Africa

Which of the following is a key characteristic of all early civilizations? a. basic written communication b. some economic specialization c. some military organization d. complex astronomical knowledge

b. some economic specialization

The key location of Malucca placed it in a position to trade in porcelain and silk from China, and other luxury goods from the Maluccas and the Philippines. The statement above describes what region about the year 1500? a. the southern tip of Africa b. the Malay Peninsula c. Sri Lanka d. the Horn of Africa e. Madagascar

b. the Malay Peninsula

What European country below did NOT develop an absolute form of monarchy during the 1600s and 1700s? a. the Austrian Empire b. the Netherlands c. Spain d. France e. Russion

b. the Netherlands

The Phoenicians developed a simplified 22 letter alphabet that is the origin of many current written alphabets today. Which of the following best explains why this alphabet was able to spread so efficiently to societies throughout the region? a. The Phoenician spoken languages associated with the alphabet was similar to most of the other languages of the Mediterranean b. The Phoenicians established naval city states across the Mediterranean and were actively involved in maritime trade with many different societies c. The Phoenicians conquered many of their neighboring civilizations and the alphabet was spread through assimilation of culture d. The Phoenicians were rapidly conquered by the Egyptians, which spread the written system by extensive trade routes to the east

b. the Phoenicians established naval city states across the Mediterranean and were actively involved in maritime trade with many difference societies

Results of cultural diffusion among early civilization included: a. the invention of the wheel b. the legend of Quetzalcoatl c. the cultivation of potatoes d. Harappan sewage systems e. none of the above

b. the legend of Quetzalcoatl

Which of the following is an accurate statement about East African cities up through the 1300s? a. the area was not ethnically diverse b. the most widely used language was Swahili c. the area unfortunately never enjoyed a booming economy d. Islam had not reached the shores of East Africa yet e. East African city-states were all under the rule of a single Arab sheik

b. the most widely used language was Swahili

The best reason for the division of early world history at c. 600 BCE is that the period between c. 600 BCE to c. 600 CE is characterized by: a. the development of agricultural societies b. the rise of classical civilizations c. the beginnings of global exchange d. the beginnings of interactions between pastoral and agricultural societies

b. the rise of classical civlizations

The fifteenth century saw a. the beginnings of nation-states in Italy and Germany b. the strengthening of nation-states in England and France c. decentralization of political power in Spain d. the establishment of Western European political tradition in the Middle East e. the establishment of parliamentary tradition in England and France

b. the strengthening of nation-states in England and France

Which of the following directly contributed to the increase in permanent and semi-permanent settlements around the Nile Valley around 5000 BCE? a. the decline in cattle populations forced people to adopt agriculture b. the warming of the climate drying out the Sahara drove people east c. the introduction of ironwork facilitated building larger settlements d. the end of the Ice Ages created a more hospitable climate for settlement

b. the warming of the climate drying out the Sahara drove people east

Which of the following best describes social and gender roles in the Aztec culture? a. the majority of the population were slaves b. there were clear-cut lines of demarcation between responsibilities and duties of males and females c. women had fewer rights and freedoms that their Chinese counterparts d. opportunities for rising in social status were nonexistent e. all men were freemen but most women were only slaves

b. there were clear-cut lines of demarcation between responsibilities and duties of males and females

The picture above depicts Egyptian peasants harvesting papyrus reeds. For what purpose was the plant likely harvested? a. to be broken down for consumption b. to be used to generate scrolls as a writing surface c. to be burned during a religious ceremony d. to be used to mummify the recently deceased

b. to be used to generate scrolls as a writing surface

Traditional Roman religion: a. was quite similar to Jainist thought and practice in India b. was based on the proper implementation of rituals by state priests c. involved worship of a variety of officially mandated gods d. was replaced by Zoroastrianism during the Principate e. could best be described as ethical monotheism

b. was based on the proper implementation of rituals by state priests

The population of the Inca civilization: a. never mastered the techniques of stone fitting, which limited their growth potential b. was divided into provinces containing about 10,000 people each c. had a large temple, dedicated to the moon, in each major population center d. developed a highway system able to move all of its people at the same time e. was jointly ruled by the Sun Emperor and his mother and eldest aunt

b. was divided into provinces containing about 10,000 people each

Until the modern era, India: a. enjoyed relative political unity b. was not often united into a single state c. experienced cultural homogeneity d. was dominated by a single religion e. was highly urbanized

b. was not often united into a single state

Trade in Southeast Asia: a. was greatly helped by the region's close cultural ties to Japan and Australia b. was of considerable importance in the Indonesian archipelago c. was no factor in the economic life of Pagan, Angkor, and Vietnam d. was exclusively with China e. came only with the arrival of the Portuguese

b. was of considerable importance in the Indonesian archipelago

Safavid Iran a. was a purely Persian society b. was strongly influenced by the Turkish elements within the society c. adopted Sunni Islam as its state religion d. was a thoroughly egalitarian society e. had an unusually tolerant attitude toward Christian and Buddhist minorities

b. was strongly influenced by the Turkish elements within the society

Which of the following is a true statement about Swahili? a. it was a culture reflecting a mixture of Indian and African influences b. the term derives from the Arab word for "jungle" c. As a language, it employed Bantu grammar and Arabic linguistic terms d. it was exclusively a written language e. it became the official language of Islam

c. As a language, it employed Bantu grammar and Arabic linguistic terms

Ashoka Maurya is responsible for which religion's expansion beyond India and into many parts of Southeast Asia? a. Hinduism b. Daoism c. Buddhism d. Christianity

c. Buddhism

Two religions that encourage the monastic life are: a. Islam and Confucianism b. Taoism and Judaism c. Buddhism and Christianity d. Judaism and Christianity e. Islam and Christianity

c. Buddhism and Christianity

Over the course of three centuries before the rise of the Sui Dynasty: a. China experienced a period of tranquility and order b. Confucianism grew in popularity c. Buddhism developed a much wider following among the Chinese people d. Doaist philosophy provided the Chinese population with enduring comfort e. Islam made its first appearance in China

c. Buddhism developed a much wider following among the Chinese people

By 1500, Islam had extended to all of the following areas of Africa EXCEPT: a. East Africa along the Indian Ocean b. West Africa c. Central Africa along the Atlantic Ocean d. North Africa along the Mediterranean Sea e. East Africa along the Red Sea

c. Central Africa along the Atlantic Ocean

During the Middle Ages, the concept of limited government was seen most clearly in: a. France b. Germany c. England d. Italy e. Spain

c. England

It is accurate to say a. local government was dominated by Manchus and Annamese in southern China b. Yongle moved the Ming capital from Nanjing to Beijing c. European crops such as peanuts and maize were introduced into China during the Qing dynasty d. under the Ming, trade and other contacts increased between China and Japan e. the examination system was entirely abolished by the Qing

c. European crops such as peanuts and maize were introduced into China during the Qing dynasty

Which of the following is true about the Qing dynasty? I. the Qing rulers were ethnically distinct from most of China's inhabitants II. the Qing came to power in China by peaceful means III. the Qing forded ordinary male citizens to wear their hair in queues IV. the early Qing rulers were militarily active a. I and II b. I and III c. I, III, and IV d. II, III, and IV e. all of the above

c. I, III, and IV

The following religion arrived in Indonesia by the 1200s and soon became the dominant religion there: a. Daoism b. Zen Buddhism c. Islam d. Hinduism e. Christianity

c. Islam

Which of the following lived after the other four? a. Confucius b. Siddhartha Gautama c. Jesus Christ d. Aristotle e. Laozi

c. Jesus Christ

The traditional example of seventeenth century abolitionism had been the rule of: a. Henri IV b. James III c. Louis XIV d. Charles II e. Ivan IV

c. Louis XIV

As a result of the 1389 Battle of Kosovo a. the Serbs defeated the Ottoman armies at Osman b. Orkhan was able to defeat the Serbs and gain control of the Balkans c. Murad's Janissaries defeated the Serbs, ending Serbian domination of the Balkans d. the Serbian defeat created Ottoman hegemony over Abu Dhabi e. the Serbs went on to defeat the Bosnians at the Battle of Constance

c. Murad's Janissaries defeated the Serbs, ending Serbian domination of the Balkans

The northern area of Africa, from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, is composed of the greatest desert on earth, the: a. Kalahari b. Gobi c. Sahara d. Niger e. Mohave

c. Sahara

The people of Eastern Europe are known ethnically as: a. Bulgars b. Mediterranean c. Slavs d. the Rus e. Turks

c. Slavs

Which of the following was NOT a major benefit of Moorish occupation of Spain in the Middle Ages? a. The Moors brought with them advances knowledge of medicine and science b. The Moors brought with them advanced knowledge of technology c. The Moors Christianized Spain d. The Moors provided a haven for Jewish scholars and professionals e. The Moors profoundly affected Spanish art and architecture

c. The Moors Christianized Spain

The Mongols were descended from: a. Russian tribesmen who had wondered eastward b. Inuit wanderers who had come from the north c. a mixture of Central Asian, Turkic, and Paleoasiatic peoples d. the Han Chinese e. Dravidian peoples who had intermarried with indigenous shamanic peoples of Central Asia

c. a mixture of Central Asian, Turkic, and Paleoasiatic peoples

Compared to Daoism, Confucianism a. places greater emphasis on the balance of nature b. is less concerned about authoritative government c. also arose in response to turmoil at the end of the Zhou dynasty d. places less emphasis on education

c. also arose in response to turmoil at the end of the Zhou dynasty

The "Struggle of Orders" in ancient Rome: a. saw patrician dominance reinforced through the office of the tribune and the council of the plebs b. resulted in an increase of patrician power by the extension of the plebiscita as binding on all c. became less confrontational when laws were passed permitting plebeians to hold office d. resulted in violent confrontations between two orders that prohibited compromise e. lasted seventy-four years

c. became less confrontational when laws were passed permitting plebeians to hold office

Early agriculture in the Americas: a. developed as a result of cultural diffusion from the Eastern Hemisphere b. featured the domestication of larger animals than the Eastern Hemisphere c. began later than the Eastern Hemisphere d. did not produce the wide variety of crops that the Eastern Hemisphere did e. saw the rise of urbanization earlier than did the Eastern Hemisphere

c. began later than the Eastern Hemisphere

In Classical India, an individual's occupation was dictated by that person's a. education b. financial strength c. caste d. gender

c. caste

During the Neolithic Revolution, which of the following achievements was key to the transition of nomadic societies into fixed communities and the start of civilizations? a. written language b. domestication of animals c. cultivation of plants d. development of simple tools

c. cultivation of plants

Toyotomi Hideyoshi expelled Christian missionaries from his domain in 1587 because the missionaries were: a. supportive of the emperor rather than the shogun b. selling indulgences c. destroying local religious shrines d. interfering in local japanese political matters e. from France, whose revolutionary tradition was a concern to the shogun

c. destroying local religious shrines

The Council of Trent took the position that a. confession was now optional for women and ended for men b. the interpretation of Scripture was an open question to be individually determined c. faith and good works were required for salvation d. there was no longer and validity for indulgences e. the Bible should be made available in the vernacular

c. faith and good works were required for salvation

All of the following were true about the reign of Shah Jahan EXCEPT that: a. he was able to expand the Mughal domain b. he put incredible economic strains on his people with his ongoing programs of conquest and expensive construction enterprises c. famine and drought did not plague India during his rule d. he built the Red Fort in Delhi e. the expense of building the Taj Mahal required him to increase agricultural taxes

c. famine and drought did not plague India during his rule

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT a. rise from farmer's son to leader of Osaka and most other areas of Japan b. increase the area he controlled to include the islands of Shikoku and Kyushu c. gain control of Korea d. create a national currency e. be one of the three unifiers of Japan in the sixteenth centure

c. gain control of Korea

Which of the following was most characteristic of the Neolithic Revolution? a. widespread epidemic disease b. an increase in the nomadic way of life c. greater numbers of settle communities d. global population decline

c. greater numbers of settled communities

Which of the following would you say is a more accurate depiction of the comparison between medieval Chinese and Western thought? a. the Chinese became more individualistic while the Europeans became more scientific b. rationalism dominated Chinese thought, while introspection dominated the thinking of Europe c. introspection dominated Chinese thought, while rationalism dominated the thinking of Europe d. China was riven with constant chaos which Europe was always at peace e. China was eventually dominated by Islam while Europe remained mostly Christian

c. introspection dominated Chinese thought, while rationalism dominated the thinking of Europe

Haiku: a. is a martial art that originated in Japan during the Ashikaga shogunate b. was Japan's emperor in the mid-1400s who promoted trade with China c. is a form of poetry emphasizing enlightenment d. is a form of Noh drama popularized in the 1300s e. was outlawed as a practice that discriminated against women

c. is a form of poetry emphasizing enlightenment

All of the following were policies of Peter the Great EXCEPT: a. the majority of governmental expenditures were for military purposes b. state domination of the Russian Orthodox Church c. isolating Russia from the ways and customs of Western Europe d. an effort to modernize Russia e. strengthening the power of the tsar

c. isolating Russia from the ways and customs of Western Europe

Which of the following accurately characterizes the medieval Chinese family? a. it was female dominated b. its ideal state was that of a joint group of at least two generations c. it moral foundation was filial piety d. the idea of filial piety was abandoned e. most families lived on isolated farmsteads

c. it moral foundation was filial piety

It can be said of Safavid cultural achievements that a. its pottery ignored eastern influences and instead duplicated ancient Persian designs b. it was minimally involved in textile production c. its seventeenth century carpets epitomized the height of its artistic achievements d. its painting was intensely affected by Western methods and subjects e. its architecture was almost wholly imitative

c. its seventeenth century carpets epitomized the height of its artistic achievements

The Moche culture: a. was ended by a devastating pandemic of the Black Death b. was located in a rain forest c. may have been ended by major environmental changes, including both sever flooding and the spread of area deserts d. was pacifistic, perhaps the major cause of its long existence e. was destroyed by the Aztecs

c. may have been ended by major environmental changes, including both sever flooding and the spread of area deserts

Buddhism was brought to China by: a. gurus from Angkor b. barbarian invasions c. merchants from India d. Chinese fleets returning from the West e. travelers from Indonesia

c. merchants from India

In the Islamic mosque, the decorated miche in the kibala that faces Mecca and represents God is termed the: a. mithras b. ajonhi c. mihrab d. muezzin e. mimbar

c. mihrab

All of the following describe elements of ancient Egyptian society EXCEPT a. use of hieroglyphs for written communication b. mummification for preservation in the afterlife c. monotheistic religion d. hierarchical social structure

c. monotheistic religion

Both the American and the French revolutions were caused in part by a. food shortages owing to poor harvests b. problems of royal succession c. onerous taxation that bred discontent d. lack of social mobility in the peasant class e. Church interference

c. onerous taxation that bred discontent

Buddhism: a. became the most popular faith in India b. was the adopted faith of the Gupta rulers c. opposed Confucian ideals of patriarchal families d. changed over time from transmission by traders to its spread through the services of monasteries e. changed over time to teach that common people could reach nirvana

c. opposed Confucian ideals of patriarchal families

An example of diffusion rather than independent invention is the a. Sumerian use of the wheel b. Mayan concept of zero as a place holder c. origin of the Greek alphabet d. cultivation of the banana in Southeast Asia e. origin of monotheism

c. origin of the Greek alphabet

The purposes of the Qing system known as dyarchy was to: a. maintain the Chinese exclusion from Manchu rule in China b. assure the isolation of the Chinese from Manchus in China c. provide a mechanism for sharing of administrative position by Manchus and Chinese d. assure the Manchu administrative domination of China e. keep northern and southern interests balanced politically

c. provide a mechanism for sharing of administrative position by Manchus and Chinese

In the daily life of Mughal India, the Muslim practice of barring women from associating with men outside the home was known as a. sati b. zamindar c. purdah d. raga e. harem

c. purdah

Early urban dwellers a. were dominated by peoples in agricultural settlements b. left the pursuit of religious practices to agricultural peoples c. saw the need for a government d. were exempt from taxation e. were offered few opportunities to carry out specialized tasks

c. saw the need for a government

The Peloponnesian War in the late fifth century BCE was fought primarily between a. the Persians and the Cretans, for control over Mediterranean trade routes b. the Macedonians and the Peloponnesians, as part of Philip II of Macedon's bid to control Greece c. the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League, for dominance of Greece d. the Minoans and the Mycenaeans, for control over the islands in the Aegean Sea

c. the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League for dominance of Greece

The bulk of Alexander the Great's territorial gains came through conquering a. India b. the Arabian Peninsula c. the Persian Empire d. North Africa

c. the Persian Empire

As a result of the controversy over the policy of Jesuit missionaries accommodating Chinese religious beliefs in order to facilitate conversion to Christianity a. the Pope permitted the Chinese to maintain their tradition of foot-binding b. Kangxi's successors assisted in the suppression of Christianity in Japan c. the Pope forbade the practice of ancestor worship d. the Chinese emperors sent young Chinese boys to be educated in Rome e. China declared war against the West

c. the Pope forbade the practice of ancestor worship

One specific characteristic of Japanese culture is: a. the practice of remaining exclusively native b. the constant Shinto domination of all aspects of religion and culture c. the ability to blend native influences with concepts acquired fro other cultures d. the flow of technological and industrial inventions and innovations from its earliest history e. only made literary contributions

c. the ability to blend native influences with concepts acquired fro other cultures

Which of the following is an important contribution of the Lydians? a. their dualistic beliefs inspired the Zoroastrian religion b. their development of a written alphabet was adapted by the Phoenicians c. their introduction of coined money facilitated development of global trade d. their defeat by the Aryans began the formation

c. their introduction of coined money facilitated development of global trade

Myths are useful to historians for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a. they may include reflections of real events b. they illustrate the values and traditions of their societies c. they preserve and explain ancient technology for modern adaptation d. they sometimes reveal commonalities among early societies

c. they preserve and explain ancient technology for modern adaptation

Which of the following was NOT true about medieval towns and cities? a. many towns were receiving charters of liberties by the 1100s and 1200s b. their location near transportation routes was essential c. they were food-producing, self-sufficient units in which commerce was secondary d. many were revived Roman cities whose size and populations grew as trade increased e. news towns or cities were begun at strategically viable locations

c. they were food-producing, self-sufficient units in which commerce was secondary

Why did strong, large political units develop in Sub-Saharan Africa later and more slowly than they did in other parts of the world? a. other parts of the world were more democratic b. other parts of the world were more technologically advanced c. this part of Africa was very ethnically and linguistically diverse, so there was little political interaction d. there was little interaction among people in Sub-Saharan Africa because there was no other trade c. all of the above

c. this part of Africa was very ethnically and linguistically diverse, so there was little political interaction

Greek society a. was unified by the geography of the Greek peninsula b. was disrupted by the conquest of Alexander c. was extended through overseas colonization d. extended the democratic ideal by relying on free labor alone e. organized its faith around a monotheistic religion

c. was extended through overseas colonization

The Mughal rule of Akbar in India a. extended over about ten percent of the subcontinent b. had been attributed, by some scholars, exclusively to the use of heavily armed cavalry to overwhelm his adversaries c. was the result of a combination of the use of technology, sieges, and negotiation offers, according to one modern historian d. collapsed immediately after Akbar's death, when the British East India Company took over e. extended to Indonesia

c. was the result of a combination of the use of technology, sieges, and negotiation offers, according to one modern historian

The gladiatorial games: a. stimulated the construction of large indoor theaters throughout the empire b. required only limited public resources to finance the capture, transport, feeding, and disposal of live and dead participants because many pious Romans made voluntary contributions c. were deemed vital by the government as they diverted the mass of the population from potentially dangerous political or riotous activities d. were abolished by Augustus as detrimental to the traditional values of Roman society e. were entirely an non-Latin phenomenon, having been imported from traditional religious and mourning rites of the eastern Mediterranean

c. were deemed vital by the government as they diverted the mass of the population from potentially dangerous political or riotous activities

The Second Punic War: a. saw the eventual victory of Carthage b. saw Hannibal invade Italy from Greece c. won Spain for Rome and produced Roman control over the western Mediterranean d. produced a great victory for the Romans over Hannibal at the Battle of Cannae e. all of the above

c. won Spain for Rome and produced Roman control over the western Mediterranean

Which of these statements about women's rights before 800 CE is accurate? a. Hindu law and custom extended property rights to women in the upper castes only b. Confucianism gave women a limited role; however, they could become members of the meritocracy c. Women in the Jewish faith were allowed to hold positions in the religious hierarchy, but they could not own land or divorce d. According to Islamic law, women could own property, inherit belongings, and have dowries e. With increased urbanization and expanded trade routes, women in pre-modern societies gained additional rights and responsiblities

d. According to Islamic law, women could own property, inherit belongings, and have dowries

All of the following were tribune states to China in 1000 CE EXCEPT: a. Korea b. Vietnam c. Burma d. Afghanistan e. Japan

d. Afghanistan

The nomadic mountain-dwellers of North Africa, who served as trade intermediaries for the great trans-Saharan commerce were the: a. Kurds b. Phoenicians c. Carthaginians d. Berbers e. Kushans

d. Berbers

The Silk Roads were especially instrumental in the spread of a. polytheism b. Confucianism c. Daoism d. Buddhism e. Judaism

d. Buddhism

"Which, O Bhikkhus, is this Middle Path the knowledge of which the Tathagata has gained, which leads to insight, which leads to wisdom, which conduces to calm, to knowledge, to the Sambodhi, to Nirvana?" The person who would most likely be associated with this quote is a. Muslim b. Christian c. Polytheist d. Buddhist

d. Buddhist

There is a thing confusedly formed, Born before heaven and earth. Silent and void It stands alone and does not change, Goes round and does not weary. It is capable of being the mother of the world. I know not its name So I style it "the way" The passage above is quoted from the Taw Te Ching by Lao Tzu and is the essential text for followers of which faith? a. Hinduism b. Judaism c. Islam d. Daoism

d. Daoism

In the early eighteenth century, the political system where citizens enjoyed the greatest amount of self-rule was a. Japan b. Russia c. France d. England e. The Ottoman Empire

d. England

Which of the following places in Africa remained Christian despite the spread of Islam on the continent? a. Marrakesh b. Swahili city-states c. Mali d. Ethiopia e. Tunisia

d. Ethiopia

The columns illustrated above are architectural contributions from which civilization? a. China b. Persia c. Sumer d. Greece

d. Greece

Monotheistic Zoroastrianism shares its origins as a belief system with a. Sufism b. Islam c. Judaism d. Hinduism

d. Hinduism

What major features did Andean civilizations have in common? I. They developed written forms of language II. They were organized into clans III. They practiced animal husbandry IV. Women tended to have equal rights with men a. I, II, and III b. II, III, and IV c. I and IV only d. II and III only e. I only

d. II and III only

"The mind of the painter should be like a mirror which always takes the color of the thing that it reflects, and which is filled by as many images as there are things placed before it" These are the words of: a. Pope Leo X in 1504 b. Tamerlane in 1355 c. Shah Jahan in 1677 d. Leonardo da Vinci in 1493 e. Sulieman I in 1529

d. Leonardo da Vinci in 1493

Which of the following is a belief of Islam? a. there is one god, Muhammad b. Jesus is god c. fasting is forbidden d. Muslims must give alms to the needy e. Pilgrimage to Jerusalem is a requirement

d. Muslims must give alms to the needy

Which of the Egyptian Kingdoms encompassed the peak of Egyptian civilization including its largest geographic size? a. Old Kingdom b. Nubian Kingdom c. Middle Kingdom d. New Kingdom

d. New Kingdom

The name of the Chinese dynasty established by the Manchus was the a. Yuan b. Tang c. Ming d. Qing e. Han

d. Qing

India Ocean trade tied together all of the following EXCEPT a. East Africa b. the Arabian Peninsula c. the Persian Gulf d. Russia e. India

d. Russia

The first united Korean nation, 500s CE was: a. Koryo b. Yi c. Nara d. Silla e. Jomon

d. Silla

By 1700 a. European adventurers has mapped the interior of Africa more fully than they had charted the waters off its coast b. the African slave trade was slacking off c. the demand for African slave in Southeast Asia had greatly increased as Europeans, especially the French, took control of Java and the Malay Peninsula d. Spain was in decline as gold and silver production in its American colonies diminished e. England seized the Philippine Islands in the 1580s and had held them for over a century

d. Spain was in decline as gold and silver production in its American colonies diminished

Ziggurats were pyramid-like temples that were formed to worship deities in which of the following early civilizations? a. Indus valley b. Egyptian c. Greek d. Sumerian

d. Sumerian

The Aztec civilization's militaristic tone and use of human sacrifice was based on the earlier culture of the: a. Inca b. Maya c. Mound Builders d. Toltec e. Khazars

d. Toltec

Constantinople was captured and sacked by: a. Arabs in 717 b. Bulgars in 932 c. Seljuk Turks in 1071 d. Western Christians in 1204 e. Mongols in 1347

d. Western Christians in 1204

Why did the city of Zimbabwe become both a political and religious center between the 1250s and the 1450s? a. Zimbabwe dominated the East African slave trade b. Zimbabwe's vast army gave it control over Central Africa c. Zimbabwe was the first African state to trade with European merchants d. Zimbabwe took great advantage of its wealth in gold and diamonds e. Zimbabwe's library attracted a number of Muslim scholars

d. Zimbabwe took great advantage of its wealth in gold and diamonds

All of the following were characteristics of both the Qin and Han dynasties EXCEPT a. strong centralized governments b. an expansion of China's territory c. extreme brutality d. a reliance on the political and social philosophies of Confucius

d. a reliance on the political and social philosophies of Confucius

Which of the following was NOT a position taken by Martin Luther? a. Salvation could only be achieved without the aid of a priest b. the purchase of indulgences would not lead to salvation c. the German princes should establish a reformed German church d. acts of good work are the sole source of salvation e. reading the Bible is important

d. acts of good work are the sole source of salvation

The image above depicts the Temple of Hatshepsut, the first known female ruler in history. All of the following were rights of women during the Egyptian New Kingdom EXCEPT a. inherit property b. buy and sell property c. dissolve marriages d. all of these were rights of women

d. all of these were rights of women

Japan's people: a. are the only racially homogenous people in East Asia b. are all descended from the Ainu invaders who took over the islands by 75 CE c. never developed a locally originated belief system d. are the result of a mixture of peoples from various parts of Asia and beyond e. are all biologically descended from Amaterasu

d. are the result of a mixture of peoples from various parts of Asia and beyond

In their political institutions, the new states of Southeast Asia: a. were predominately replicas of the Chinese system b. were totally original in the development of their governments c. lacked any semblance of formal government d. assimilated Chinese and/or Indian practices into their own ways of doing things e. ultimately crated an integrated and peaceful confederacy in the region

d. assimilated Chinese and/or Indian practices into their own ways of doing things

In their attempt to follow tradition, the Tokugawa ruled through a coalition of daimyo and a council of elders called the : a. eta b. hari c. tozama d. bakufu e. fudai

d. bakufu

The Hellenistic Empire of Alexander a. continued the competition with Persia begun under the Greek poleis b. was successful in curbing foreign influence upon Greece c. produced theories that accurately explained the nature of the universe d. blended Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures e. strengthened its hold upon the Mediterranean world after Alexander's death

d. blended Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures

Social practices typical to many African societies included: a. election of kings by all adult males b. a lineage system that was often matrilineal c. behavior patterns between the sexes that were more relaxed than those found in societies in most other parts of the world d. both b and c e. all of the above

d. both b and c

Which of the following is true about both the Han Empire and the Gupta Empire? a. both empires had long-established traditions of dynastic rule b. both were overrun by Germanic tribes in their declining years c. both empires were characterized by religious unity d. both saw a number of technological advances e. both chose administrators on the basis of extensive examinations

d. both saw a number of technological advances

If one were to compare the societies of the Aztec and Maya, the best characterization of that comparison would be: a. Mayan society was warlike, while the Aztecs were peaceful b. Mayan society was predominately urban while Aztec society was rural c. both societies achieved dominance in their area mainly through warfare d. both were agricultural societies that had substantial urban populations e. Aztec society lacked a written script while Mayan society had writing

d. both were agricultural societies that had substantial urban populations

Shang China a. developed numerous artistic works even though they did not know the use of metals b. left on decipherable written records c. was prevented by natural barriers from trading with other early civilizations d. contributed to the development of central government in China e. was less urbanized than the Nile valley civilization

d. contributed to the development of central government in China

Confucianism and early Buddhism a. became the dominant philosophy of their respective regions b. emphasized the importance of effective government c. included a belief in nirvana d. did not believe that their founders were gods e. elevated the status of women

d. did not believe that their founders were gods

Prince Henry: a. was the first European to get to the source of the Zambezi b. established a school for naval gunners in Portsmouth, England in 1438 c. was depicted as the "epitome" of greed by Sir Thomas More d. established a school for navigators in 1419 e. became King of England in 1628

d. established a school for navigators in 1419

Which of the following is a fundamental teaching of Islam? a. the shari'a is a compilation of the Sunna, the teachings of Muhammad and the Quran b. Muslim coverts may continue to worship their former deities c. the five times a day prayer services that Muslims must observe are led by a priest called an imam d. everyone is equal under Islam e. social responsibility is less important than adherence to ritual

d. everyone is equal under Islam

In the arrangement of the daimyo in their two distinct types, the so-called inside ones that were subordinated to the shogunate were the a. han b. tozama c. bakufu d. fudai e. banzi

d. fudai

The use of which of the following metals had the greatest influence on the development of weapons and warfare during ancient times? a. Bronze b. Steel c. Copper d. Iron

d. iron

African culture: a. rapidly did away with bards once the Arabic and Swahili languages were established b. never used the storytelling talents of women to spread and perpetuate knowledge and beliefs c. used only wooden carvings for religious purposes, reserving terra cotta and metal objects for secular occasions d. is notable for its incorporation of bards to retain and spread communal history and religious beliefs e. was never subject to outside influences

d. is notable for its incorporation of bards to retain and spread communal history and religious beliefs

The Code of Hammurabi codified which of the following principles? a. Primae noctis, first rights to maidens' virginity in feudal society b. status quo antebellum, re-establishment of prewar conditions c. quid pro quo, the exchange of one favor for another d. lex talionis, scaled retributive justice

d. lex talionis, scaled retributive justice

The personal element of feudalism was most symbolized in the relationships involving: a. serfs and the lord of the manor b. knights and priests c. popes and emperors d. lords and vassals e. burghers and kings

d. lords and vassals

In the Chinese civil service examination: a. candidates from southern China always received the highest positions b. the system entirely eliminated aristocratic influence in the government bureaucracy c. the Song severely restricted the eligibility for taking the exams d. many candidates who passed the first examination did not go on to a higher level e. few of the successful candidates came from the landed gentry

d. many candidates who passed the first examination did not go on to a higher level

In comparison to its Mesopotamian neighbors, Egyptian society showed a higher level of sophistication in a. its development of science b. its alphabet c. defense against invaders d. mathematics

d. mathematics

The Qing rulers of China segregated themselves from their subjects by doing all of the following EXCEPT a. forcing Chinese men to wear their hair in a long braid b. forbidding Chinese to teavel to Manchuria c. disallowing marriage between Manchu and Chinese d. not using the traditional examination system to choose government officials e. not allowing Chinese to learn the Manchu language

d. not using the traditional examination system to choose government officials

The basic message of Jesus of Nazareth was that: a. the church must be financially solvent b. the written requirements of Judaism should be literally obeyed c. he was providing a foundation for a value system for Western civilization d. people should love God and each other e. he saw a need to replace traditional Judaism

d. people should love God and each other

The most effective expression of literature from the Tang to the Ming dynasties was in the form of: a. technical books of instruction for artisans and peasants b. general prose c. historical narratives d. poetry e. encyclopedic gazettes

d. poetry

The peoples of the Southwest in America lived in complex dwellings called: a. tipis b. yurts c. cliff homes d. pueblos e. totem poles

d. pueblos

The goal of the Christian Crusades was to: a. evangelize the Africans b. conquer Asia Minor c. increase papal territories d. retake the Holy Land from the Muslims e. share Jerusalem with the Turks

d. retake the Holy Land from the Muslims

All of the following are examples of attempts by early humans to gain control over nature EXCEPT a. constructing sundials b. plowing fields c. domesticating animals d. settling in river basins

d. settling in river basins

All of the following are true about scholasticism EXCEPT: a. it is a term used to depict the philosophical and theological system of medieval institutions of learning b. it attempted to prove the unity of faith and reason c. it was preoccupied with establishing the concurrence between Christian and Aristotelian thought d. the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus e. theology was considered the "queen of the sciences"

d. the author of the Summa Theologica was Abelard dun Scotus

One of the greatest differences between Hinduism and Buddhism is the former's emphasis on a. reincarnation b. one central being c. personal development d. the caste system

d. the caste system

18th century revolutionary leaders tended to be members of: a. the merchant class b. the working class c. the Catholic clergy d. the educated middle class e. the nobility

d. the educated middle class

In the late Middle Ages, one of the causes of the decline of papal authority was: a. a long famine in central Europe b. the decline of monastic orders c. Islamic incursions into Europe d. the massive mortality rate during the Black Death e. the ongoing war between England and France

d. the massive mortality rate during the Black Death

During the Heian period in Japan, with whom did real power rest? a. the emperor b. the samurai c. the head of the Buddhist family d. the shogun e. whichever noble clan assumed the position of chancellor

d. the shogun

The Golden Age of Pericles saw many advancements in Athens among these were all of the following EXCEPT a. democracy for all adult males b. rebuilding after the Persian Wars c. establishment of the Delian League d. the writings of the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer

d. the writings of the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer

The earliest civilizations in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres were similar in a. their location at similar latitudes b. their technological knowledge c. their reliance on the flooding of major rivers in their midst d. their practice of polytheism e. the extent of their trade concerns with neighboring peoples

d. their practice of polytheism

Europeans embarked on expansionist voyages for all of the following EXCEPT: a. there was a potential for economic gain through increased world trade b. some desired to spread Christianity in other parts of the world c. they had developed confidence in sailing due to improved cartography, navigational methods, and ship designs d. they feared that Islam would occupy the rest of the world if Christendom did not e. national competition between European nations

d. they feared that Islam would occupy the rest of the world if Christendom did not

How did African societies gain the skill of metalworking? a. the Muslims taught the Africans the skill b. Western Europeans taught the Africans the skill c. African societies only learned the skill after they were enslaved d. they gained it on their own without outside help e. none of the above

d. they gained it on their own without outside help

Which of the following is NOT an accurate reference to Anabaptist ideas and practices? a. they celebrated the Lord's Supper in private homes b. they were a radical group of religious reformers c. their beliefs were simple and their philosophy was staunchly democratic d. they saw government as a direct partner with religion in society e. other Protestants and Catholics agreed on their persecution

d. they saw government as a direct partner with religion in society

Which of the following was NOT characteristic of Gothic architecture? a. stained glass windows b. ribbed vaults and pointed arches c. flying buttresses d. thick walls e. a play of lightness

d. thick walls

Compared to the Viets, the Chinese were more: a. agrarian b. ethnically diverse c. interested in trade d. urbanized e. interested in preserving their own culture

d. urbanized

The San: a. was the largest tribal group in West Africa b. kept the Bantu out of their lands for eight centuries by using a guerilla war strategy c. created the largest city in southern Africa in the eleventh century d. were often described as "bushmen" by later Europeans e. overwhelmed the fortress at Marrakech in 1000

d. were often described as "bushmen" by later Europeans

The official calendar of Islam begins: a. in 570 CE b. when Muhammad and his closest supporters left Yathrib and went to Mecca c. with Muhammad's death in 632 CE d. with the occurrence of the Hijrah e. with the Arab conquest of Damascus

d. with the occurrence of the Hijrah

Which of the following is an accurate statement about women in China in the period from c. 900-1600? a. the position of women was equal to that of men b. neo-confucianism promoted women's equality c. upper-class women enjoyed more rights than lower-class women d. women from lower classes tended to be freer from restrictions than those of the upper classes e. the practice of foot-binding was outlawed

d. women from lower classes tended to be freer from restrictions than those of the upper classes

The Cape of Good Hope was rounded in 1487 by: a. Abram Voorhies b. Vasco de Gama c. Ferdinand Magellan d. Henry the Navigator e. Bartolomeu Dias

e. Bartolomeu Dias

Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of why Islam appealed to so many peoples? a. Muhammad, as the last of the great prophets, accepted earlier Judaic and Christian revelation and incorporated them into Islam b. Islam's Five Pillars provided a simple and clear guidance to believers c. Islam was monotheistic and thus shared a common element with Judaism and Christianity at the time when most people practiced polytheism d. Islam preached equality of all peoples, thus appealing to the poor and oppressed e. Because Islam lacked any legal code, it was possible to adapt Islam to any form of governmental organization

e. Because Islam lacked any legal code, it was possible to adapt Islam to any form of governmental organization

All of the following are correct concerning European empires in the New World and Asia EXCEPT: a. the Dutch became a major trading power, especially in Asia b. the Spanish imported riches in gold, silver, hides, and agricultural products c. the Portuguese imported Asian spices, jewels, silk, carpets, and perfumes d. development of the modern world economy began e. England seized Greenland from Denmark

e. England seized Greenland from Denmark

The Spanish figures who led the conquests of the Aztec and Inca empires, respectively, were: a. Bernal Dias and Hernan Ramirez b. Hernan Cortes and Alonso de Albuquerque c. Alonso de Albuquerque and Francisco Pizarro d. Luis Ugalde and Semor Simches e. Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro

e. Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro

All of the following are accurate descriptions of the difference between Hinduism and Islam EXCEPT: a. Hinduism is traditionally polytheistic and Islam is monotheistic b. the Hindu caste system conflicts with Islam's belief in the equality of all people c. Islam's simple prayer ceremonies are the opposite of Hinduism's elaborate religious ceremonies filled with music and dance d. Hinduism is thousands of years old wheras Islam is relatively new, having been founded in the seventh century CE e. Hinduism rejects the use of the human form in religious and secular art, whereas the human form is an important subject in Islamic art

e. Hinduism rejects the use of the human form in religious and secular art, whereas the human form is an important subject in Islamic art

For centuries, the northern sections of India were populated by ___ and the southern parts by ___. a. people of Dravidian ancestry; Indo-Europeans b. Pakistanis; Africans c. Tibetans; Chinese d. the British; to French e. Indo-Europeans; people of Dravidian ancestry

e. Indo-Europeans; people of Dravidian ancestry

Which Mongol leader won the civil war of the 1260s and went on the conquer China? a. Ogodei b. Batu c. Subduei d. Genghis e. Khubilai

e. Khubilai

The Turkish-speaking tribal group that ultimately overthrew the Tang were the: a. Mongols b. Magyars c. Uighurs d. Jurchens e. Kirghiz

e. Kirghiz

In spite of the impact of Chinese influence: a. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese b. Japan never adopted either Chinese characters for writing or any part of its governmental system c. Korea never accepted tributary status under Chinese overlordship d. Confucianism itself had little influence anywhere outside of China proper e. Korea never came under Chinese political control

e. Korea never came under Chinese political control

All of the following were relevant to Newton's discoveries EXCEPT: a. they created a new cosmology b. they presented a basically mechanical explanation of things c. universal motion could be mathematically explained d. Einsteinium relativity eventually came to supercede the Newtonian relativity e. Newton's theories had no spiritual or political ramifications

e. Newton's theories had no spiritual or political ramifications

Who is considered to be the "Persian Shakespeare"? a. al-Farabi b. al-Mutanabbi c. Omar Khayyam d. Rudaki e. Sadi

e. Sadi

The roots of classical India included a. the Aryan written language, or Sanskrit b. the egalitarian Aryan society c. Aryan agricultural knowledge d. a society united by jati e. Vedic traditional literature

e. Vedic traditional literature

Southeast Asia states: I. included Funan, Chenla, and the Thai kingdom II. adopted Hinduism or Buddhism and sometimes both III. traded spices for silk from China IV. took part in the Indian Ocean trade a. I, II, and III b. II and IV c. III and IV d. III e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Under both the Han and Roman Empires: a. Imperial roads were connected to the Silk Road b. new territories were added to the empires c. a time of peace settled over both empires d. enduring cultural traditions were established e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following applies to Suleiman I? a. he was known as the "Magnificent" b. he led a highly successful campaign of conquest in southeastern Europe c. he was a wise and skilled domestic ruler d. a and b above e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Daoism and Confucianism a. agreed on the importance of education b. disagreed on the need for personal reflection c. taught that active political involvement was essential to a stable society d. agreed on how to address the turmoil after the fall of the Zhou dynasty e. based their teachings on Chinese traditions

e. based their teachings on Chinese traditions

Buddhism a. became the most popular faith in India b. was the adopted faith of the Gupta rulers c. opposed Confucian ideals of patriarchal families d. changed over time from transmission by traders to its spread through the services of monasteries e. changed over time to teach that common people could reach nirvana

e. changed over time to teach that common people could reach nirvana

Mayan civilization: a. had such a sophisticated religious system that it was adopted by the Spanish invaders b. may have been composed of approximately 30 million people at its height c. was located in the northern part of the Valley of Mexico d. was never wealthy e. declined before 1000 CE

e. declined before 1000 CE

The Onin War: a. brought Shotoku Taishi to power b. drove the Mongols from Japan after only eleven years in power there c. was the major event which caused the collapse of the Kamakura Shogunate in 1256 d. finally restored absolute power to the shogun, Minamoto Yoritomo e. effectively destroyed the power of the shogunate in the 1470s

e. effectively destroyed the power of the shogunate in the 1470s

The Kingdom of Ghana: a. remained poor, in spite of large lead deposits, because of a series of spendthrift rulers b. was the first African state to develop large-scale fish farming c. has a merchant class but refused to trade with Berbers from the north d. accepted the tenets of Buddhism e. exported gold, leather goods, slaves, and ostrich feathers

e. exported gold, leather goods, slaves, and ostrich feathers

The reason for the decline of the Mayan civilization: a. was due to the arrival of hostile Viking adventurers in the ninth century CE b. was a volcanic eruption c. was an internal revolt d. was an external invasion e. has never been absolutely determined

e. has never been absolutely determined

The Japanese creation myth: a. was identical to that of the ancient Sumerians b. stated that Kusaka and his daughter Kishnu had created the earth in two days and establish Japan two months later c. was discarded during the Heian period d. involved a great flood, similar to the stories of Gilgamesh and Noah e. involved the marriage of the god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami

e. involved the marriage of the god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami

Which of the following describes the Tokugowa shogunate during the late 1700s and early 1800s? a. moving steadily toward economic modernization and greater democratization b. anarchic and plagued by civil war c. benefitting intellectually and culturally from friendly ties with several Western powers d. extremely warlike, perpetually in conflict with its neighbors e. isolated from the wider world and clinging to old samurai traditions

e. isolated from the wider world and clinging to old samurai traditions

The Mongols were able to maintain control of China for an extended period because they: a. rapidly assimilated into Chinese society b. maintained a system of harsh reprisals for the Chinese noncompliance c. created a totally new political system that the Chinese found refreshingly appealing d. outlawed the subversive ideas of Confucius e. maintained commercial policies that were conducive to Chinese prosperity

e. maintained commercial policies that were conducive to Chinese prosperity

Both Hinduism and Buddhism a. supported the caste system b. revered women c. became increasingly popular in India d. all of the above e. none of the above

e. none of the above

During the Agricultural Revolution, women a. were confined to childbearing duties b. participated in hunting activities with men c. experienced a decrease in status d. were not represented in neolithic art e. observed and studied the agricultural environment

e. observed and studied the agricultural environment

The two commodities that enabled the Maya to develop trade relations with other civilizations in the region were: a. cotton and silver b. yams and manioc c. manioc and turpentine d. gold and silver e. obsidian and cacao trees

e. obsidian and cacao trees

The Abbasid dynasty: a. created a social rift between Arabs and new converts b. was more interested in strengthening Arab power than in gaining converts c. healed the rift between Sunnis and Shi'ites d. discouraged commercial activity in an effort to focus on missionary endeavor e. proved the high point of Muslim cultural achievement

e. proved the high point of Muslim cultural achievement

Diocletian and Constantine: a. were the first Germanic emperors b. increased the level of personal freedom and social mobility throughout the empire c. avoided eventual Roman demise d. permanently staved off the ravages of economic inflation e. resorted to dictatorial control and heavy pressure to shore up the empire temporarily

e. resorted to dictatorial control and heavy pressure to shore up the empire temporarily

Mercantilism: a. did not affect empires that were not based in Europe b. brought long-term prosperity to Europe c. encouraged the importation of foreign goods d. supported free trade e. sparked further rivalries among European nations

e. sparked further rivalries among European nations

The reconquest of Spain in 1492 gave the crown new opportunities to: a. form an alliance with Russia b. continue to fight against Muslims in northern Africa c. expand their trade in the Mediterranean d. fight agains England for more territory e. sponsor exploration of the Atlantic to find new trade routes

e. sponsor exploration of the Atlantic to find new trade routes

The basic unit of religious categorization in the Ottoman Empire was: a. the exarchy b. the parish c. the umma d. the caste e. the millet

e. the millet

One of the main reasons for the demise of Tang Dynasty was its inability effectively to solve the problem of land distribution. Which of the following statements can serve as a valid explanation for this policy failure? a. Empress Wu confiscated all land, distributing it to illiterate and unprepared peasants b. Mongol invaders destroyed the Chinese government's bureaucratic infrastructure c. equality in land distribution was successfully maintained through tax regulations of the central government d. the receipt of large, permanent land grants by government officials fundamentally strengthened the system but undermined the concept of the Mandate of Heaven e. the spread of land holding by Buddhist monasteries, coupled with rising food production, led to increasing pressure on the land distribution system

e. the spread of land holding by Buddhist monasteries, coupled with rising food production, led to increasing pressure on the land distribution system

High Middle Ages agriculture included all EXCEPT: a. extensive swamp draining and land clearance b. increased output by increasing the amount of land used for farming c. improved methods through the use of iron tools d. adopting the three-field system e. the use of slave labor

e. the use of slave labor

Puritans were all of the following EXCEPT: a. they were Protestant Christians b. they wanted to reform the Anglican Church c. many migrated to North America d. they frequently disagreed with the Stuart kings e. they admired the Catholic elements in the Church of England

e. they admired the Catholic elements in the Church of England

The early Capetian kings of France: a. dominated over their nobility b. governed only the Isle de Rhone c. took possession of the English kings' land in France d. defeated Charlemagne at the battle of the Boyne e. were effective rulers only in the area around Paris

e. were effective rulers only in the area around Paris

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