AP World History

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Troops that served the British East India Company; recruited from various warlike peoples of India

Open Door Policy

U.S. pledged its support of the sovereignty of the Chinese government and announces equal trading privileges amount all imperial powers (basically Europe and the U.S.)

Social mobility

ability of a person to work his way up from one social class to the next, became more common place

Boxer Rebellion "Harmonious Fists"

an organized response to the Manchu governments defeats and concessions to the western powers and Japan

Social Darwinist

applied Charles Darwin's biological theory of natural selection to sociology. "survival of the fittest"


believed in the 3 branches of government

Charles Darwin

came up with the biological theory of natural selection through sociology "Evolution"


cloth, linens, clothes

Suez Canal

completed in 1869 connected the Mediterranean sea to the Indian Ocean around the cape of Good Hope.

Berlin Conference

conference about splitting up Africa

Domestic System

cotton woven at homes or small shops as a part of an inefficient, high labor

Muhammad Ali

defeated the French and the Ottoman and gained control of Egypt in 1805

Standard of Living

family became individual, the standard family was middle class, happy/ healthy= loyal & productive people

7 years war

fought both is continental Europe and also in overseas colonies between 1756 and 1763; resulted in Prussian seizures of land from Austria and English seizures of colonies in India and North America

Matthew Perry

from the U.S. arrived in Japan on a steam boat, Japan never seen one before and they quickly realized that their isolation had resulted in their inability to compete economically and military with the industrialized world (1853)


government has all of the power

Factors of Production

land, labor and capital, that is needed to create/ invent/ product

White Lotus Rebellion

led by Buddhists who were frustrated over taxes and government corruption

John Locke

life, liberty, and property


mix between government having control and free market


natural growth of the increased efficiencies in farming and agriculture


people control FOP

Rudyard Kipling "White Man's Burden"

poem that describes how when European Nations conquered the rest of the world, those endeavors were " burdens" duty of Europeans to conqueror each "half- devil and half- child" so that they could be converted to Christianity and civilized in the European fashion.

Robert Clive and "Corporate Troops"

raised an effective army that riddled the subcontinent of the french, successfully conquered the Bengal region (Bangladesh)

Agriculture Revolution

resulted in food surplus, farming and the basis to starting strong civilizations. Also, crop rotations, planting crops with higher yield.

Thomas Paine

student of enlightenment, Common Sense explained. Americans natural rights and appealed to the colonists to form a better government


the dominant ethic group believed they were the center of the world "higher/ superior"

Labor Unions

unions were vehicles through which thousands of employees bargained for better working conditions or threatened to strike, there by shutting down the factory

Abbas I

was Muhammad's successor that halted his westernization attempts. He reinvigorated under subsequent rulers, who worked with the French to construct the Suez Canal

Indian national Congress

well educated Indians began the path towards independence

Taiping rebellion

were led by a religious zealot claiming to be the brother of Jesus, recruited an army nearly a million strong and nearly succeeded in bringing down the Manchu government

Adam Smith

wrote "The Wealth of Nations"(1776) that economic prosperity and fairness is best achieved through private ownership

Friedrich Engel

wrote that the working class would eventually revolt, wrote it with Karl Marx

Ottoman "beys"

"beys" were local leaders that had more influence over developments in Egypt that the rulers in Istanbul. Ottoman rule at this time was very weak

Treaty of Kanagawa

(1854) grossly favored the U.S. and other countries. They were in leadership of the Samurai, the revolted against the shogun who had ratifies these treaties and restored Emperor Meiji to power

"Boer, Africaners" Boer War

(1899- 1902) the British reigned supreme and all of south Africa was annexed as part of the ever expanding British empire - Boers= south African dutch -Boers later discovered diamonds and gold in the Transvaal, the British quickly followed the rights to the resources had bloody battles

Russo- Japanese war

(1904) victorous Japanese kicked Russia out of Manchuria and established its own sphere of influence there. Japan was now not just an imperial power but a world power


(Enclosure Movement) public lands that were shared during the Middle Ages, enclosed by fences allowed for private farming and private gain

Free market economy

(capitalism) individuals sell their products and services in a free and open market.

Laissez- faire

(capitalism) when government remove themselves entirely from regulation

British East India Company

(tea and cotton) a joint- stock company that operated like a multinational corporation with exclusive rights over British trade with India


(were afraid of machines) destroyed equipment in factories in the middle of the night to protest working condition and pitiful wages. As a result they executed workers

Suffrage (men & women)


Sino- French war

1883 the Chinese lost control of Vietnam to the French who later established the French Indochina

Factory Act of 1883

British Parliament passed the law that limited the hours of each work day, restricted children from working in factories and required factory owners to make working conditions safer and cleaner

Treaty of Nanjing

British military forced China to sign the treaty, 1st of the "unequal treaties" which Britain was given considerable rights to expand trade with China

opium wars

Chinese English fought a war over the opium trade

Sino- Japanese War

Chinese was defeated when the rising imperial power of Japan wanted in on the action

Spheres of Influence

European powers were rushing to establish a greater presence in China. France, Germany, Russia and of course Britain carved up huge slices of China for themselves

Karl Marx

German economist and philosopher who spent a good part of his adult life living in poverty, pointed out that factory workers had genuine opportunities but were being exploited

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