AP2 Final

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Using a Punnett square, what are the odds of Luiz and Kristen having a child with a tail, if you know that both of them carry the gene but neither have a tail?


The average life span of a red blood cell is:

4 months.

Pleiotropy refers to:

A single gene coding for multiple traits

the neurohypohysis secretes but does not manufacture


Which of the following will lower blood pressure?


You are on a college budget. You buy the marked down hamburger meat from Walmart in an attempt to save money. Your roommate served dinner that night which was basically bovine sushi on a bun. The next day, you are stricken with severe diarrhea that lasts for days.You most likely have:

Acidosis with a normal or low PCO2

growth hormone is released by the:


TSH is produced by the:


The anterior pituitary is called the:


Lymphatic tissue often removed along with the tonsils:


Adrenergic neurotransmitters with a sympathomimetic effect are released by the ________ during times of stress.

Adrenal medulla

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted by the:

Adrenal medulla

Fertilization takes place usually at the junction of the isthmus and:


The heat gain and loss centers are located in the:

Anterior hypothalamus

Gonadocorticoids: (choose 2)

Are produced in the adrenal cortex cause development of secondary sex characteristics

Most digestive enzymes are produced and secreted in inactive forms to prevent:


Choose the vitamin commonly manufactured by bacteria in the large intestine:


Intrinsic factor is necessary to absorb molecules of:


intrinsic factor is important for proper absorption of vitamin:


The WBC that releases histamine and heparin when degranulated:


Filtration occurs at the:

Bowman's capsule

Sympathetic nervous stimulation results in:


To maintain their body temperature, infants use:

Brown fat metabolism

Choose the water soluble vitamin:


Glycogen is a type of_________________that comes from ________________based sources.

Carbohydrate /animal

Blood cell antigens are located in/on the:

Cell membrane

Where are receptors for first messenger hormones located?

Cell membrane of the target cell

Attach directly to the heart valves to prevent them from prolapsing during systole

Chordae tendonae

The enlarged collection area for lymphatic fluid is called the:

Cisterna chylli

Proteins manufactured in the liver that assist antibodies:


A male erection is produced by which tissue?

Corpus cavernosum

The penile urethra is surrounded by the:

Corpus spongiosum

An example of ICF would be:


Secretion occurs mostly in the:

Distal convoluted tubule

Natural killer cells differ from b cells and t cells because they:

Do not require prior exposure to an antigen

A common form of permanent birth control for men involves severing the:

Ductus deferens

In the male, peristalsis propels sperm through the:

Ductus deferens

contains cilia in the male:

Ductus deferens

The vitamin linked to selenium and important in normal cell membrane structure:


A blood test measures chemistry levels of the:


Which of the following statements about energy is FALSE?

Energy is stored in the electron bonds of ADP

An example of a brush border enzyme would be:


A white blood cell type that would be increased in allergic or parasitic conditions:


A red blood cell with a nucleus would be a:


Another name for a circulating non-nucleated red blood cell:


Bilirubin results from the breakdown of:


Blood cell production is stimulated by the hormone:


The juxtaglomerular cells produce:


.The hormone produced by the adenohypophysis stimulates estrogen production:


In young girls, the beginning of ovulation is marked by rising spikes in GnRH and:


The hormone that stimulates sperm production in the male:

Follicle stimulating hormone

Portal circulation connects the:

GI tract and liver

the duct of Oddi empties the __________ and ____________ into the _____________.

Gall bladder/ pancreas/ duodenum

Location of podocytes:

Glomerular visceral epithelium

Put in order the hormonal arrangement in order of first to last secretion.


The dorsal mesenteric membrane becomes the:

Greater omentum

In early pregnancy, the corpus luteum is not lost due to the presence of _________, produced by the zygote:


The hormone often used to detect pregnancies:


The term "heterodont" refers to the fact that humans:

Have multiple shapes and functions to their teeth

A stem cell type that can differentiate into either WBC or RBC:


You have a persistent and nasty crystal meth habit and constantly pilfer from your family. You have just found out that your grandfather has cut you out of the will. You were never fond of him anyway, and try to smother him with his spittle-stained pillow. After a few minutes, it is safe to assume he is:

Hypercapnic, hypoxic, and acidotic

You have just learned that there is now a requirement for A&P III. You hyperventilate and collapse. Eager to impress the professor, your classmates gather around you excitedly and declare you likely to be:


Addisons disease:


You are drinking liters of water for a lab experiment. Your urine is very diluted, also termed:


Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the:


Releasing hormones are produced by the :


There is a portal system circulation between the _________ and __________.


Choose the correct formula:

IRV +TV + ERV +RV =total lung capacity

Immunoglobulins that are primarily found in glandular secretions such as saliva and tears are


The antibody present in colostrum:


The immunoglobulin found of respiratory mucosal membranes:


The immunoglobulin involved in allergies and anaphylaxis:


Immunoglobulins that are most abundant and are responsible for longer resistance against many viruses, bacteria, and bacterial toxins are


Immunoglobulins that are the first antibodies to be produced in response to infection, are


Choose the option that is NOT an example of your bodies' non-specific defenses.


Cryptorchidism refers to the testicle being:

In the inguinal canal or above

The meissner's plexus lies:

In the submucosa

________ is the amount of air that you can inhale above the resting tidal volume.

Inspiratory reserve volume

Testosterone is produced by:

Interstitial cells

the macula densa is part of the:

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Choose the FAT SOLUBLE vitamin made by bacteria in the large intestine.


Which of the following is a fat soluble vitamin made by bacteria in the large intestine?


Choose all of the terms that refer to the same thing.

Kreb's cycle TCA cycle Citric acid cycle

Testosterone production is stimulated by:


The pituitary hormone stimulating production of progesterone:


Another name for a white blood cell is:


An abnormally low WBC count:


The hormone that stimulates testosterone production in the male:

Leutenizing hormone

which is more concentrated? Fluid in the:

Loop of Henle

MCV=mean corpuscular volume MCHC=mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Your patient has a very low hematocrit, low RBC count, high MCVand low MCHC. You would suspect:

Loss of RBC through a hemorrhage or hemolysis

Damage to lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels resulting in blockage might cause:


The cell type that produces antibodies


Organ transplant patients must take life-long anti rejection drugs because of the _______of the new organ.


A substance is identified as foreign by the immune system based on a protein known as the:

Major histocompatibility complex

Lymphocytes spend most of their time:

Migrating through the body tissues

The largest layer of smooth muscle in the GI tract:

Muscularis externa

The target tissue of growth hormone:

Musculoskeletal tissue

The thick muscular layer of the uterus is the:


The cells that perform immunological surveillance are the ________ cells.


Cancer cells may be identified and destroyed by (choose the BEST answer):

NK cells

Immunity from catching the flu from your classmate:

Naturally acquired active

The blood cell also known as a polymorphonucleocyte because of the segmented nucleus and has tiny neutral pink (not red or dark blue) staining granules:


The WBC that rises the quickest in response to a bacterial infection:


The blood type most valued by hospitals due to being from "universal donors"


The extrinsic coagulation pathway starts:

Outside the blood stream

Low serum sodium levels might indicate:


Male and female sexual arousal is under the control of the:

Parasympathetic system

Whether or not someone with the BRCA gene will develop breast cancer or not would refer to the__________of that mutated gene.


Ingesta in the GI tract is moved forward down the tract by:


injections of EPO,often seen in "doping" in endurance athletes, may cause a stroke due to:


Your patient has an elevated hematocrit. This means he has a higher:

Proportion of RBC's

Most reabsorption occurs in the:

Proximal convoluted tubule

The electric impulses of the heart is distributed into the heart muscle by the

Purkinje fibers.

Depolarization of the ventricles is represented on an electrocardiogram by the

QRS complex

Choose the correct formula:


Your patient's bone marrow is working hard to keep up with RBC demand. You actually find a few ______________ on his blood analysis.


Most threatening for a newborn due to Rh factor:

Rh positive father

The lungs receive blood from vessels that just left the:

Right ventricle

In the event of an ectopic pacemaker, the electrical activity is being generated somewhere other than the

SA node

Hormones bound to proteins will:

Stay in the circulation longer

Choose the false statement about heat and water loss.

Sweat cools the body through convection heat loss

Lymphatic tissue ________in the presence of an antigen.


If the thymus shrank and stopped making thymosins, we would expect to see an immediate decrease in the number of

T cells

The gubernaculum testis plays a role in:

Testicle descent

Which of the following statements is true?

The endometrial lining sloughs away after the CL degenerates

Some amino acids are "essential", meaning:

They must be included in the diet

The disease once known as Juvenile diabetes but also as insulin dependent diabetes is:

Type I diabetes mellitus

Night blindness is sometimes associated with a:

Vitamin A deficiency

Male pattern baldness is inherited from the mom's side of the family. Bob wanted to know the chances that he would lose most of his hair as he aged, so he had to look at his maternal grandfather to get an idea. This type of inheritance is an example of a/an ____________________ trait.

X linked recessive

The differentiation of gender is due to a gene on the ____________chromosome:


Glucocorticoids are produced by the:

Zona fasiculata

Mineralocorticoids are released by the:

Zona glomerulosa

The protective covering of a oocyte:

Zona pellucida

Hormones that produce secondary sex characteristics are released by the:

Zona reticularis

Starch is a carbohydrate that is:

a c

Lymphatic tissue differs from a lymphatic organ because it lacks:

a capsule

The term lymphadenopathy refers to

a chronic or excessive enlargement of lymph nodes.

a patient with a pH of 7.35, a pCO2 of 60, and a base excess of 3 and bicarb 30 is best described as:

a compensated respiratory acidosis

The greater omentum is

a fatty sheet that hangs like an apron over the abdominal viscera.

Identical twins result when:

a fertilized egg divides into two structures

A glomerulus is

a knot of capillaries within the renal corpuscle.

The heart is roughly the size of

a man's clenched fist

Polyspermia would result in:

a nonviable zygote

The primary function of the proximal convoluted tubule is

absorption of ions, organic molecules, vitamins, and water.

Choose all the events that occur in the stomach.

acid secretion mechanical processing intrinsic factor production protein digestion

The digestive enzymes released from the ____________ of the sperm digest the extracellular matrix of the surrounding the oocyte


All of the following are true of the thymus gland, except

activates B cells

Male hormones (androgens) are produced in the _________in women.

adrenal cortex

The target tissue of ACTH is the:

adrenal cortex

Diabetes, immunosuppression, and hypertension can result from chronic stimulation of the:

adrenal gland

The equation C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O+ energy represents:

aerobic metabolism

sympathetic nervous stimulation will cause vasoconstriction of the ____________________ after a massive blood loss.

afferent arteriole

The force the heart must overcome to eject blood is the


The inactivation and clumping by antibodies and antigens is referred to as:


The most abundant plasma protein is:


Which hormone plays a central role in determining the rate of sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion?


Which of the following is a mineralocorticoid?


The fetal bladder develops from the:


The two matching genes found of homologous chromosomes are said to be ___ of each other.


If pathogens or debris make it past the mucous membranes, nasal hair, cilia, and all the other mechanisms meant to trap it, the _____________ will attempt to engulf and remove it.

alveolar macrophage

The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are


The end systolic volume is the

amount of blood remaining in each ventricle following contraction

Your patient has a pH of 7.5, a pCO2 of 40, and a HCO3 of 30. She is in a condition known as:

an uncompensated metabolic alkalosis

Choose all that might apply for an infant born prematurely.

an underproduction of surfactant Correct! an inability to inflate the lungs

Women have menopause, men have:


Your patient had a gastric bypass several years ago. She has been negligent with her diet and medications, and is pale and feeling weak. You suspect:


The target of hypothalamic releasing hormones are cells of the (choose 2)

anterior pituitary Adenohypophysis

Diabetes insipidus is a disease linked to the hormone:

anti-diuretic hormone

Anything that is foreign to the body and causes a reaction is called a/an: (one option)


The left ventricle pumps blood to the


Oxygenated blood passes through a semilunar valve known as the

aortic valve

blood gas analysis is performed on ___________blood.


pH is higher in _______________blood


_________________________ carry blood away from the heart.


Resistance vessels are:


precapillary sphincters are found on:


Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the

arterioles dilate

Blood pressure is highest here.


Your patient with liver failure has a firm rounded abdomen due to accumulation of fluid. This is known clinically as _________________________.


The male begins sperm production _______, while the female starts egg production __________ .

at puberty/before birth

another word for a collapsed lung:


A follicle that fails to develop but instead regresses is said to be undergoing:


which of the following hormones/peptides had the opposite effect of the others?

atrial natriuretic peptide

The earlike extension of the atrium is the


The cells responsible for humoral immunity are the ________ cells.


The patient now has leukocytosis and neutrophilia in his CBC. this would indicate probably a:

bacterial infection

Hypovitaminosis may be seen in cases of inadequate intake of:


Minerals are:


The bicuspid or mitral valve is located

between left atrium and left ventricle

The ________ valve prevents backward flow into the left atrium.


"Cystitis" refers to inflammation of the:


the fluid in the glomerulus is:


The process of filtration is driven by

blood hydrostatic pressure.

In passive immunization, the

body receives antibodies produced by other humans or by an animal.

The small, semisolid mass of food formed during mastication is called a(n) _________________________.


All the circulating red blood cells in an adult originate in the

bone marrow

Stem cells for B cells, T cells, and NK cells are found in the:

bone marrow

Vickie has a tumor that secretes excess amounts of the hormone aldosterone. Because of the elevated level of hormone, she exhibits

both increased blood pressure and increased body stores of sodium ion

Microphages include

both neutrophils and eosinophils.

Most of the oxygen transported by the blood is

bound to hemoglobin.

The pineal gland is located:


Short reflexes of the enteric nervous system do not involve the:

brain and spinal cord

The only phase of deglutition which is voluntary is the ______________ phase.


Circulating calcium levels are increased due to the action of___ (choose 2)

calcitrol parathyroid hormone

localized edema, such as that seen with a venomous sting, would result mostly from damage to:


The organic compound that the body utilizes the quickest:


The most important chemical regulator of respiration is

carbon dioxide

When you multiply stroke volume by the number of times the heart beats per minute, you can find the

cardiac output


carry absorbed fats to the lymphoid system.

Anabolism is to build-up as ________________ is to break-down.


The breakdown of substances to supply nutrients to the body is:


The appendix is attached to the:


A pap smear looks at cells taken from the ________.


Venous valves are responsible for

channeling blood toward the heart.

If your girlfriend says that your singing her favorite song "tugs on her heartstrings", she probably is not really thinking about her _____________ ______________.

chordae tendineae

The finger-like villi that burrow into the endometrium and make up the fetal portion of the placenta are part of the:


Which has the lowest pH?


Choose any or all of the following options that describe the trachea.

cilia C-shaped rings of cartilage goblet cells

Choose ALL of the options that make up the respiratory epithelium.

cilia goblet cells pseudostratified columnar epithelium

The pattern of inheritance known as _________________is characterized by the equal, distinct, and simultaneous expression of both parents' different alleles. A classic example in humans is ABO blood type.


Urine passes, in the order given, through which of the following structures?

collecting duct, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra

Cytokines function MOST in cell:


At the point of fertilization, the oocyte:

completes meiosis II

The bones that create turbulence as well as adding warmth and humidity to inhaled air are the _______________ bones.


The elastic fiber content of the tunica media will be higher in:

conducting arteries

If you are born with a condition, it is said to be______ , but if the traits were passed from your parents, it is called a/an _____ condition

congenital inherited

The most common type of capillary in the body:


Capillaries that have a complete lining are called

continuous capillaries

A heart attack could come from the blockage of a/an:

coronary artery

Progesterone in the pregnant female is produced by the:

corpus luteum placenta

The majority of glomeruli are located in the ________ of the kidney.


The cells directly responsible for cellular immunity are the ________ cells.

cytotoxic T

Which structure is NOT found in the spermatic cord?

dartos muscle

An increase in the BCOP will ___________the glomerular filtration rate.


Atrial natriuretic peptide will __________________blood pressure.


edema caused by liver or glomulonephritis that results in a loss/lack of proteins is due to:

decreased bcop

Boyle's Law says that increased volume results in:

decreased pressure

John broke his ribs in a car accident. It is very painful to breathe, and consequently, he has:

decreased thoracic wall compliance

The primary function of the lymphatic system is

defending the body against both environmental hazards and internal threats.

A condition in which the body loses water but the electrolyte concentration increases. Plasma osmolality increases.


The patient has a high hematocrit, a high total protein level, and high albumin level. The most common cause would be:


The P wave of the electrocardiogram is a signal from

depolarization of the atria

You swallowed a camera pill which is now snapping beautiful high definition photographs of your diverticulosis. This means the camera is currently in your:

descending colon

the muscle having the greatest effect on respiratory function:


The somatic cells are:


The portion of the nephron that empties into the collecting duct is the

distal convoluted tubule.

In the developing fetus, blood is shunted away from the lungs through the __________________, which connects the pulmonary trunk (artery) to the aorta.

ductus arteriosus

When the Müllerian ducts degenerate, the Wolffian ducts become the _________________

ductus deferens

cholecystekinin is produced in the:


Visualizing the cardiac valves at work is BEST done by:


After gastrulation, the epidermis and neural tissue are derived from the:


Blood leaves the glomerulus through a blood vessel called the

efferent arteriole.

An EKG best gives a depiction of:

electric activity of the heart

The term hypercapnia refers to

elevated PCO2.

a tumor secreting a substance similar to parathyroid hormone would cause __________________ levels in the blood.

elevated calcium

At the end of a ventricular relaxation, the ventricles will contain the greatest amount of blood. This volume is referred to as the:

end diastolic volume

The innermost layer of the heart is the


Which of the following are granulocytes?

eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils

The _________________________ covers the outer surface of the heart.


The visceral pericardium is also known as the ________________.


The flexible piece of elastic cartilage that folds to block food from entering the trachea is the _______________.


Choose the unpaired cartilages. May be more than one right answer.

epiglottis thryoid cricoid

Hormone(s) of during the menstrual cycle that rises preceding ovulation:


Prior to ovulation, female sexual desire is increased by rising levels of:


The ovarian hormone associated with pre ovulatory female behavior (sexual receptivity) and follicular development:


Ingrid is relaxed and practicing yoga. She is concentrating on quiet, relaxed breathing. This breathing pattern is referred to as:


bilirubinemia (too much bilirubin in the blood) can result from the following two scenarios.

excess red blood cell breakdown cirrhosis-scarring of the liver and bile system

Haustra are

expansible pouches of the colon.

The SECOND most important muscle in creating mechanical ventilation is the:

external intercostals

Ketosis is mainly caused by metabolism of:


Triglycerides are the most common storage form of;

fatty acids

A child born with XX chromosomes, that has the normal amount receptors for androgens, with no medical intervention, after puberty would look :


A child born with XY chromosomes and no androgen receptors, after puberty, would appear:


a part of the body such as kidneys may need specialized capillaries to allow passage of larger molecules through pore in the cells. These are called _____________capillaries.


A pyrogenic agent will cause a ______________.


The plasma protein involved in the clotting process:


The outermost layer of the kidney is the

fibrous capsule.

The fluid in the bowman's space:


The tail of the sperm is a:


Meghan had a heart murmur when she was a newborn infant, and an ultrasound had shown that she had blood leaking from her right atrium to her left atrium, caused by a persistent

foramen ovale

The prenatal structure known as ___ the allows blood to be shunted between the two atria, avoiding the pulmonary circulation.

foramen ovale

Removal of the ______has been shown to reduce the incidence of HIV transmission.


Ovulation and fertilization of 2 oocytes might result in

fraternal twins

the ileocecal sphincter prevents backflow from :

from the large colon to the small intestine

The substance that emulsifies fats is stored in the:

gall bladder

Bile is stored in the


An intestinal hormone that stimulates gastric secretion is


Cell differentiation occurs with the development of the germ cell layers, known as:


.The hormone secreted by the pancreas that increases blood sugar:


The catabolic hormone produced in the pancreas is _____________________.


Carbohydrates absorbed from the intestinal tract may be used immediately, resulting in the production of pyruvate/lactate. The pyruvate is eventually converted back to glucose in the Cori cycle of the liver. This process is known as:


the hormone glucagon will cause:


In the following equation, what does the first chemical name represent? C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy


glucose that is not used for immediate energy production but stored in the liver undergoes:


Which of the following occurs ion the cytoplasm?


Choose the first component of aerobic metabolism:


Which of the following hormones is anabolic?

growth hormone

the umbilical cord

has two arteries and one vein, and nutrients and oxygen are carried from the mother to the fetus through the single umbilical vein

Compared to arteries, veins

have thinner walls

The Bohr effect is that lowering the blood pH will cause:

hemoglobin will be saturated at a lower pO2, therefore releasing more oxygen.

. More than 95 percent of the protein in a red blood cell is


Sinusoids are surrounded by__________________ and carry_____________.


Jo inherited a gene for blue eyes from her dad and a gene for brown eyes from her mom. You would say she is ___________________________ for her eye color genes.


You are having cardiac arrhythmias from hyperkalemia. This is a:

high potassium

Which of the following is NOT indicative of possible kidney pathology?

high red blood count

Two chromosomes of a pair are said to be:


In a case of complete dominance, for a recessive gene to be expressed in the phenotype, you would have to be ________________________ for that gene.


chemiosmosis in the mitochondria refers to the use of a concentration gradient of _________across the inner membrane.


edema may be caused by an increased in ________________, such as that seen in hypertension.

hydrostatic pressure

severe hemorrhage would affect which factor the most in capillary exchange?

hydrostatic pressure

Cushing's disease is


Graves disease:


A condition where water AND solutes levels increase-plasma osmolarity stays the same.


Your patient spent quite a bit of time underwater. Choose ALL that would likely apply.

hypoxia hypercapnia acidosis

The portion of the small intestine that attaches to the cecum is the


Peyers patches and MALT/GALTfunction in the intestinal tract is in:


thickest myocardium is:

in the left ventricle

Carbohydrate digestions starts:

in the mouth

In _________________________, the offspring express a heterozygous phenotype that is intermediate between one parent's homozygous dominant trait and the other parent's homozygous recessive trait. For example, red X white = pink.

incomplete dominance

Aldosterone will _________________blood pressure.


Angiotensin will _________________blood pressure.


Narrowing of the afferent glomerular arteriole will result in the _____________ of systemic blood pressure.


Paul has a horrible chainsaw accident and cuts several major blood vessels in his head and neck. As a result of this injury, you would expect to observe all of the following, except a(n)

increase in cardiac output

One mechanism the kidney uses to raise systemic blood pressure is to

increase secretion of renin by the juxtaglomerular complex.

Plicae and intestinal villi

increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine.

which of the following would NOT increase peripheral resistance to flow?

increased diameter

Antidiuretic hormone

increases the permeability of the collecting ducts to water.

Choose the FALSE statement about metabolic rates.

increases with age

The renal veins drain into the

inferior vena cava.

Suppressor T cells act to

inhibit T and B cell activities.

Homeostatic mechanisms in response to blood loss include all of the following, except

inhibition of EPO secretion.

The embryo develops from the:

inner cell mass

The anabolic hormone produced in the pancreas is:


Your former best friend sneezed on you a couple of days ago, and now you are in the clutches of a Rhinovirus, which has given you a nasty head cold. Your virus-infected cells are sending out warnings to the yet un-infected cells in the form of proteins called ____________.


In the conduction pathway of the heart, what connects the SA and AV nodes?

internodal pathway

Contraction of the external intercostal muscles moves the ribs upward and outward, causing the rib cage to expand, which increases the volume of the thoracic cavity. Because of this:

intrapulmonary pressure will decrease

The inorganic ion necessary for hemoglobin formation:


A sample of John's blood shows a high level of interleukin I. This would indicate that John

is running a fever

A reversible lack of blood flow to tissues is best referred to as a/an


The deficiency of vitamin ____ may result in a lack of blood clotting factors.


The vitamin most essential for blood clotting:


Calcitriol is produced in the:


The female structure homologous to the scrotum:


Haustral contractions occur in the:

large intestine

Most of the water absorption in the GI occurs in the:

large intestine

The vocal folds are located within the


Pulmonary veins carry blood to the

left atrium

Your other patient has a leukopenia, high fever, and a possible abdominal abscess. When you look at her CBC, you see a moderate number of bands and even a few metamyelocytes. This is known as a:

left shift

Your patient is running a low fever and has severely crackles and wheezes in his lungs. It has been going on for a week. RBC-slightly high WBC-slightly high Neutrophils-very high lymphocytes-low normal Bands-moderate this could be best referred to as a:

left shift

Aravind was diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Without surgical repair, it would put grave strain on the ______________________, by restricting outflow and requiring increased muscular force to push blood into the systemic circulation.

left ventricle

Ejection fraction is typically a measurement of blood leaving the:

left ventricle

blood flowing through the aortic valve has just left the:

left ventricle

The hormone produced by fat tissue and that suppresses appetite is:


Chylomicrons are products of ___________________ digestion.


The organic compound that includes cholesterol:


The organic compound that is metabolized by beta oxidation:


The organic compound that is most energy dense:


Plasma proteins are produced in the:


The organ that shares a portal circulation with the absorptive surfaces of the GI tract is the:


The substance that emulsifies fats is made by the:


men have more problems with kidney stones than women due to their:

longer and narrower urethra

The taenia coli are

longitudinal bands of smooth muscle in the colon wall.

a compound is said to be oxidized when it has:

lost electrons

Pulmonary arteries carry blood to the


the largest and quickest acting buffer system in the body makes use of the:


MSH stimulates

melanin production

Your circadian rhythm is under the influence of:


The faster production of antibodies after the second infection is a result of:

memory b cells

The beginning of having periods in pubescent girls is referred to as:


The "period" is also referred to as:


The musculoskeletal system is derived from the _______layer.


The midpiece of a sperm consists of:


Your patient shows extreme musculoskeletal weakness. you are trying to rule out diseases that affect her:


oxidative phosphorylation happens in the:


the largest WBC, often increased in chronic infections:


The biggest difference between interstitial fluid and plasma is that plasma has:

more proteins

Approximately 3 days after fertilization, the free floating 16-cell conceptus reaches the uterus. It is now a solid ball of cells referred to as a


The "m" in MALT refers to:


the innermost layer of the intestinal tract is the:


The esophageal lining produces:


_________________________ are abnormal heart sounds caused by turbulent flow through faulty valves.


distribution vessels are:

muscular arteries

pick three options that help return blood to the heart

muscular massage venous valves respiratory/thoracic pump

The muscle layer of the heart is the _________________________.


You were frying eggs in your new non-stick pan this morning. You picked up your phone to answer a text, and totally burned your eggs. The non stick coating became so overheated that it released toxic PTFE fumes. You inhaled it, and it caused a cancerous mutation in a cell deep in your lungs. So you had lung cancer by the time you reached class. Fortunately for you, your _____________ cells did their job, attacked the cancerous cells by noon, and you were cancer free by lunch time.

natural killer cells

Maternal antibodies through the placenta would be an example of _________and__________ immunity.

naturally acquired, passive

The endocrine system uses:

negative feedback

The U-shaped segment of the nephron is the

nephron loop (loop of Henle)

The least metabolically active tissue is:

nervous tissue

choose three blood cells that are phagocytic.

neutrophils monocytes eosinophils

Your patient has a pH of 7.42, a pCO2 of 42, and a bicarb of 24. He is in a state of:


Choose all associated with the small intestine and all true statements about it.

nutrient absorption brush border enzymes microvilli plica circulares

MHC proteins are located:

on the cell membrane

Intercalated discs serve to transfer ________ from cell to cell.

onic currents action potentials the force of contraction electrical signals

The gamete that completes meiosis only after fertilization is the:


Polar bodies are developed along with:


The glottis is

opening to the larynx

The process of making a bacterium "sticky" to enhance phagocytosis uses:


Total peripheral resistance is related to all of the following, except the

osmolarity of interstitial fluids.

The hypogastric plexus stimulates peristalsis of the infundibulum fimbriae a few hours prior to:


In the electron transport system, the final electron acceptor is:


Human bonding is associated with:


The hormone associated with labor contractions, milk-letdown reflex, and bonding:


The hormone involved in labor contractions and milk letdown reflexes:


Fats and proteins are digested by enzymes manufactured in the:


The beginning of the menstrual cycle is marked by:

period, menstruation

The myenteric plexus, also known as the Auerbach Plexus, controls the:

peristalsis and segmentation

Capillaries that surround the proximal convoluted tubules are

peritubular capillaries.

An antigen presenting cell:


The ______________ is shared by the digestive and the respiratory systems.


there are two major buffer systems created at the level of the proximal convoluted tubules. One depends on ammonia, the other on:


Name the two buffer systems located in the PCT

phosphates ammonia

The endocrine gland that secretes melatonin is the:

pineal gland

The "master gland":


The _____________________develop from megakaryocytes.


Which of the following is NOT part of the juxtaglomerular complex?


Choose the option that is NOT a pathogen.


Most traits in people are influenced by more than one set of genes, and are therefore referred to as being [x].


The fast block, cortical reaction upon fertilization will prevent:


At the knee, the femoral artery becomes the ________ artery.


the main cation in the ICF is:


Blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the

precapillary sphincter.

Which of the following is an example of local control of blood flow?

precapillary sphincters

Blood colloid osmotic pressure (BCOP) in the glomerulus is generated by

presence of large, non-diffusible proteins in blood plasma.

As blood travels from arteries to veins,

pressure drops

The secretory phase of the endometrial functional zone as it gets ready for possible implantation is primarily under the influence of:


As parturition approaches, levels of _____________________ decrease while the levels of _____________________ increase, increasing response of the myometrium to the effects of oxytocin.

progesterone, estrogen

During weeks 7-12 from the last menstrual period, the corpus luteum produces ___________________ to maintain the secretory development of the endometrium in order to maintain the implanted blastocyst.


The hormone that keeps the uterine smooth muscle relaxed during pregnancy:


Mammary development during pregnancy is MOST affected by:


The male accessory gland producing acidic fluid:


The Hering-Breuer reflex

protects the lungs from damage due to overinflation.

The organic compound that creates ammonia when metabolized:


The organic compound that undergoes deamination:


The respiratory epithelium of the conducting airways consists of

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.

The semilunar valve that passes deoxygenated blood:


Triangular or conical structures located in the renal medulla are called


The hormone __________________ increases the elasticity of the symphysis pubis joint and pelvic ligaments to make room for the growing fetus, allowing expansion of the pelvic outlet for childbirth. It also helps dilate the cervix during labor.


The filtration of plasma takes place in the

renal corpuscle.

The cavity of the kidney that receives urine from the calyces is called the

renal pelvis

Urine exits the kidney into the ureter from the:

renal pelvis

hypoventilation could lead to:

respiratory acidosis

The right ventricle pumps blood to the

right and left lungs

Blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the

right atrium

The tricuspid valve prevents backward flow into the

right atrium

The prominent ridges in the lining of the empty stomach are called


The parotid glands secrete:


The parietal tunica vaginalis lines the:


Visceral peritoneum would be the same as the


Color blindness is an example of____________inheritance.

sex linked

The most efficient method of heat production is:

shivering thermogenesis

most of the body's supply of magnesium is stored in the____.


Lacteals are lymphatic capillaries found in the:

small intestine

Most of the nutrient absorption occurs in the:

small intestine

Villi and microvilli are important in the functions of the:

small intestine

the detrusor muscle is:

smooth muscle

The acrosomal cap is part of the:


Aging or damaged RBCs are removed most by the:


Babesiosis is a disease in which the Babesia organism attaches to the red blood cell. This results in anemia, because the ____________, which filters the blood, identifies the infected cells and removes them from circulation.


Hormones that suppress the immune system


The type of hormones that do not need the second messenger system:


Chief and parietal cells are found in the:


Intrinsic factor is produced in the:


pick THREE characteristics of veins when compared to arteries.

stretchier valves lower pressure

The difference between the end diastolic volume and the end systolic volume is the

stroke volume

Lymphatic fluid recirculates into the bloodstream via the _________vein.


One of the risk of premature birth is distress caused by the inability to adequately inflate the lungs, which is caused by the lungs not being developed enough to produce


The vessel that receives blood from the head, neck, chest, shoulders, and arms is the

superior vena cava

The type II alveolar cell secretes _____________.


Inflammation produces localized

swelling, redness, heat, pain

As a result of the long refractory period in the cardiac action potential, cardiac muscle cannot exhibit


cardiac output is

the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle during one minute

Treppe formation of muscle contraction happens in the heart because

the calcium stays in the cytoplasm longer after contraction

Most of the energy in the body is produced by the process of:

the electron transport system

Hemoglobin affinity (attraction) for oxygen is highest in:

the fetus

The most metabolically active tissue of the body is:

the liver

Urine is carried to the urinary bladder by

the ureters

When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract,

the volume of the thorax increases.

The endocrine gland that atrophies with maturation:


The gland most associated with the immune system and T cells is the:


Calcitonin is produced by the:

thyroid gland

You moved to the research station in Antartica. After a while, you don't feel quite as frigid, because hormones from the __________________ helped you acclimatize.

thyroid gland

The hormone most associated with accelerating metabolism:


The hormone produced by the gland that causes goiter in cases of iodine deficiency:


Little Mahmood had a surgery to have his __________ removed, because they were chronically infected and swollen.


________ are large lymphatic nodules that are located in the walls of the pharynx.


the muscular ridges inside the ventricles are called:

trabeculae carnae

Which structure contains the highest proportion of cartilage:


what is unique (only found in) the urinary system:

transitional epithelium

The placenta develops from the:


Capillaries consist almost entirely of:

tunica intima

Which of the following is the innermost layer of a blood vessel?

tunica intima

Which layer of a blood vessel contains concentric sheets of smooth muscle tissue?

tunica media

Urine is eliminated through the


The fluid in the collecting duct is:


Fertilization of the oocyte happens in the:

uterine tube

The dangling process that aids in keeping food out of the nasopharynx is known as the _________________________.


To completecapacitation, the sperm must come in contact with:

vaginal secretions

Blood pressure is lowest in the


at rest, most of the blood of the systemic circulation is in the:


After blood leaves the capillaries, it enters the


Which of the following are the smallest venous vessels?


The serous membrane that is attached to the surface of the lungs is the:

visceral pleura

If a patient being tested inhales as deeply as possible and then exhales as much as possible, the volume of air expelled would be the patient's

vital capacity

The sum of the TV + IRV + ERV is the :

vital capacity

_________________can cause metabolic alkalosis.


hypovolemia refers to a decrease in:

water and electrolyte levels

The extraembryonic that forms the blood cells:

yolk sac

The single cell produced by fertilization is referred to as a/an _____________.


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