APA and MLA Format Research Test

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organization or government as author APA

(American Psychological Association (APA), 2008) subsequent references: (APA, 2008)

Source quoted in another source APA

(as cited in Oberfield &Yasik, 2004, p. 294).

APA ediiton

6th edition 2009

MLA edition

8th edition 2016


Add a slash to show where new lines begin

APA dates

After the author, give the year of the document's original publication on the web. If neither of those years is clear, use n.d. to mean no date

APA Association

American Psychological Association- social sciences

MLA two or more authors (2)

Carson and ventura's.... (v). For a work with two author's name both, either in a signal phrase ot in parentheses.

three or more authors APA citation (3-5)

Faigley, George, Palchik, and selfe (2004)... continued (name all authors)

Two or more authors APA citation

First Author's Last Name, Initials, Next Author's Last Name, Intitials, and final authors last name, intials. (year of publication) title. Publication city, state, or country: Publisher.

Two or more works cited together MLA

If you are citing two or more works closely together, you will sometimes need to provide a parenthetical reference for each one. Tanner (7) and Smith (viii) .... quote... (Tanner 7; Smith viii)

Two or more works by an author in the same year APA

Kaplan (2000a) described orderly shantytowns in Turkey that did not resemble the other slums he visited. More than work by the same author in the same year add lowercase letter (a,b,c) to the year

Works cited/ Reference page

MLA includes author's first name while APA only gives initials. MLA puts the date near the end , while APA places the date right after the author's name. APA requires the date of publication while MLA does not. MLA capitalizes most of the words in a books title and subtitle while APA only capitalizes the first words and proper nouns and proper adjectives in each.

MLA Association

Modern Language Association- Humanities

3 or more authors MLA- name the first author followed by et.al

One popular survey of American literature breaks the content into sixteen thematic groupings (Anderson et al. A19-24).

Paraphrase APA and MLA

Use your own words and sentence structure. Introduce paraphrased text with signal phrases. Put in quotation marks any of the source's original phrasing that you see. indicate the source.

et.al MLA

3 or more authors

et. al APA

3-5 authors first time list all authors, second time list 1st author then use et.al If 6 authors given then use et.al right away with the name of only the first author

Block Quotes MLA

4 or more lines

Block Quotes APA

40 typed words

Author unknown MLA

If you don't know the author, use the work's title or a shortened version of the title in the parenthetical reference. A powerful editorial in last week's paper asserts that healthy liver donor Mike Hurewitz died because of "frightening" faulty postoperative care ("Every Patient's Nightmare".)

Author named in a signal phrase MLA

McCullough describes John Adam's hands as those of someone used to manual labor (18). If you mention the author in a signal phrase , put only the page number(s) in parentheses. Do not write page or p.

Work in Anthology (MLA)

Name the authors of the work, not the editor of the anthology- either in a signal phrase or parentheses. 1. "it is the teapots that truly shock," according to Cynthia Ozick in her essay on teapots as a metaphor (70). In In Short: A collection of Creative Non-fiction, readers will find both an essay on Scottish tea (Hiestand) and a piece on teapots as metaphors (Ozick).

6 or more authors et.al

Peilen et al. (1990) (first author)

Organization or government as author MLA

Quote... (Social Security Administration 12).

Indicate additions or changes with brackets MLA and APA

Sometimes you'll need to change or add words in a quotation- to make the quotation fit grammatically within your sentence, for example. or to add a comment. "few discussions or writing pedagogy take it for granted that one of (writing teachers') goals is to teach how to write" (480).

APA visual

To refer to your own figure or table, mention its number in your sentence. "As Figure 2 shows,..." Clearly cite a visual from a souce

Single quotations MLA and APA

Use single quotation marks around the quote inside of another quote (quote within a quote)

MLA visual

When you use a visual, help your reader connect it to your text. Identify the artist or the art work, and refer to its figure number

Omissions with ellipses MLA and APA

You may sometimes delete words from a quotation that are unecessary for your point. Insert three ellipses marks( leaving a space before the first and after the last one) to indicate the deletion. If you omit a sentence or more in the middle of a quotation, put a period before the three ellipsis dots. (looks like 4 dots)

Both MLA and APA

a phrase used to attribute quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material to a source, as in "she said" or "according to Kristof." Located at the beginning middle or end of a quote, paraphrase or summary. Connected to the reference or works cited page with the author's last name or title in the case you have an unidentified author

embedded quote

a quote that should sound like your own quote. not a drop quote that sounds choppy.

Two authors APA

always mention both authors. Use and in a signal phrase, but use an ampersand in parentheses. Carlson and Ventura (1990)... (p. v). quote... (Peter & Hull, 1969, p. 26).

MLA has what?

author's last name and page number

APA has whar?

author's last name. date of publication, and page number

Provide the following basic information about each source you cite

author, editor, or creator of the source title of source place of publication name of publisher date of publication retrieval information

MLA documentation for bibliography

authors full name is used in the signal phrase, a page number is used if given, but no abbreviation before it.

APA and MLA/ plagarism

avoid plagiarism by using note-taking forms 1. Bibliography 2. Notes 3. Topic of Notes 4. Page numbers if given

Parenthetical citation for APA

brief in-text parenthetical documentation for quotations, paraphrases, or summaries and more detailed documentation in a list of sources at the end of the page called the reference page

Parenthetical citation for MLA

brief in-text parenthetical documentation for quotations, paraphrases, or summaries and more detailed documentation in a list of sources at the end of the text called the works cited page.

Both MLA and APA

credit your source anytime you quote paraphrase, or summarize from a source that you have used.

Novel or short story

first note the page number in your own copy. If possible, add the section or chapter found in any edition.


for a verse play, list the act, scene, and line numbers, divided by periods

MLA dates

give the full date that you find a source Books; give the year of publication: 1948. use most recent date if it gives more than one give full date periodical Abbreviate months except for may, june, and july Because online sources often disappear provide the date you accessed them: Accessed 6 June 2015.

Two or more works by the same author MLA

if you cite multiple works by one author, include the title of the work you are citing either in the signal phrase or in parentheses. Give the full title if its brief; otherwise, give a short version. Kaplan insists that understanding power in the Near East requires "western leaders who know when to intervene, and do so without illusions" (Easrward 330). Put a comma between the author and title if both are in the parentheses.

Author named in parentheses APA

if you do not mention an author in a signal phrase, put his or her name, a comma, and they year of publication in parentheses as close as possible to the quotation. (McCullough, 2001)

Author named in parentheses MLA

if you do not mention the author in the signal phrase, put his or her last name in the parentheses along with the page number (s). Do not use punctuation between the name and the page number(s). example: quote.... without authors name (McCullough 18).

Punctuate correctly in APA and MLA

in a direct quote you put the period after the parentheses with the page number.But in a block quote you put the period before the parentheses.

Both MLA and APA

in-text citation that is place in parenthesis. Give the author's last name, date of publication, and page number if given.

Sacred text

instead of the page, note the version, book, chapter, and verse numbers


intentionally so written- used after a printed word or passage to indicate that is it intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly produces the original.

Paraphrase, quote, or summarize MLA and APA

quote- wording worth repeating paraphrase- sources that are not worth quoting but contain details you need to include summarize- longer passages whose main points are important but whose details are not

Two or more works cited together APA

seperate the works by semicolons Man researchers have argued that what counts as "literacy" is not necessarily learned at school (Heath, 1983; Moss, 2003).

Summary APA and MLA

state the main ideas in your own words do not present all the details be as brief as possible use your own words indicate the source

APA documentation for bibliography

the abbreviation p. is used with the page number and only the last name is used

APA and MLA author/ editior

the author of a work is the creator, but the editor of a work compiles other works by authors into anthologies.

Three or more authors APA

up above

Error within quote MLA and APA

use sic

Author unknown APA

use the complete titile if short, and if long use the first few words Webster's New Biological Dictionary (1988) quote... (p. 520). Quote... ("Every Patient's Nightmare," 2007).

Source quoted in another source MLA

when you are quoting text that you found quoted in another source, use the abbreviation qtd. in in the parenthetical reference. quote... (qtd. in Tanner 7).

Both MLA and APA

when you present the ideas, opinions, and assertions of others cite the source. If its not your data cite the source. Don't need to cite information that is commonly known.

Author named in signal phrase

you must use page numbers when quoting but encouraged when you paraphrase. McCullough (2001) quote... (p. 18.). John Adams's hands were those of a laborer, according to McCullough (2001, p. 18).

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