APMH test prep (Collegeboard questions)

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(Graph) The trend shown on the graph above is best explained by A. increased production of cash crops like sugar B. growth of silver mining in New Spain C. industrialized textile mills' demand for raw cotton D. African slave-trading kingdoms' demand for European trade goods


(Map) The map above indicates that A. Mali was a major source and hub of the gold trade B. Europeans had begun to make inroads in West Africa C. Mali remained isolated from Europe and the Middle East D. Atlantic ports were crucial for the transportation of salt and gold


(Picture) Which is the most likely reason that rulers during the seventeenth century built elaborate palaces such as the one at Versailles, France, shown above? A. To demonstrate their wealth and power B. To provide jobs for artists, architects, and builders C. To create fortresses as a defense against invading armies D. To glorify and demonstrate the power of the official state religion


(graph) Which of the following best explains why spices, such as cloves, became a LESS important component of colonial trade during the nineteenth century? A. Industrialization increased the demand for manufactured goods relative to the demand for spices. B. European states developed military and medical technologies that enabled them to establish direct colonial control over most interior regions of Africa. C. Some European states encouraged the migration of large numbers of their citizens overseas, leading to the establishment of settler colonies. D. The emergence of anticolonial movements that used civil disobedience to achieve their goals made many traditional colonial products virtually impossible to produce on a large scale.


By 1830 revolutions in the Atlantic world resulted in which of the following changes? A. The political independence of colonies in both North and South America B. The emancipation of slaves everywhere in the Atlantic world C. Political and economic domination of the Western Hemisphere by the United States D. The creation of a politically unified South America


During the seventeenth century, one of the reasons Africans participated in the Atlantic slave trade was A. the demand for weapons among African elites B. bribery of African leaders by Caribbean plantation owners C. the desire of African leaders to dominate the Atlantic trade network D. the ambition of African leaders to gain a foothold in the Americas


Malian Emperor Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324 can best be understood in the context of which of the following? A. The expansion of Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia B. The development of new transportation technologies C. The diffusion of African culture to the Middle East D. The territorial expansion of West African empires


Members of which of the following groups led opposition to industrialization in both Qing China and the Ottoman Empire? A. Government officials B. Landless peasants C. Merchants D. Clerics


Some world historians have argued that the growth of European influence in the period 1450—1750 was due in large part to non-European inventions. The history of which of the following technological developments best supports this contention? A. The compass B. Silk weaving C. Steam power D. The stirrup


Which of the following processes contributed to the emergence of syncretic and new religions in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres during the sixteenth century? A. Increases in global interactions B. Resurgence of religious piety C. Rejection of indigenous traditions D. Adoption of local religions by colonizers


Which of the following was a method rulers in Eurasia used to legitimize and consolidate their power during the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.? A. Developing professional militaries B. Promoting free trade C. Adopting the religious practices of minority groups D. Enacting reforms to decrease economic and social inequalities


Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of the bubonic plague in Eurasia? A. The Mongol expansion from central Asia to China, eastern Europe, and the Middle East B. The consolidation of western European monarchies C. The spread of Buddhism from central Asia to China D. The population decline and the outbreak of peasant revolts in eastern Europe


Which of the following would best support the assertion that hierarchies based on racial classification emerged after 1500 C.E. to maintain the authority of new elite groups in the Americas? A. The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto and creole B. The increasingly common use of European names in the Americas C. New maritime technology facilitating long-term voyages by Europeans D. The introduction of slavery to the Americas after the voyages of Columbus


World Economy Theory, 1500-1800 The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade. Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe, and they imported more expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments, which made European conquest and slave systems possible. Which of the following statements would challenge the arguments made in the passage? A. Strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa B. The role of Dutch trading companies in Southeast Asia C. The use of slaves and the plantation systems in the Americas D. European imports of sugar and tobacco


(Source 1 and 2) Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following factors contributed most directly to the Mughal Empire's territorial expansion in South Asia? A. The Mughals' adoption and effective use of gunpowder weapons B. The Mughals' adoption of Sikhism C. The Mughals' friendly relations with neighboring states, such as the Safavid Empire and Tibet D. The Mughal emperors' claims that they were directly descended from Genghis Khan

A (The Mughals reorganized their militaries to take advantage of gunpowder technology to expand their territorial boundaries.)

(map) Based on the maps and your knowledge of world history, which of the following best describes the effect of the spread of Islam on Indian Ocean trade? A. It led to the expansion and intensification of commerce along already existing trade routes. B. It led to the disappearance of previously established trade networks. C. It led to an expansion of land-based caravan trade but also to a decline of maritime trade. D. It led to the first creation of trade links between previously isolated world regions.

A(Long distance trade routes in the Indian Ocean (e.g., routes between Roman Egypt and India and routes between India and Southeast Asia) are well attested for in the period before the emergence of Islam. But Islam provided a common legal and ethical foundation for mercantile activity wherever it spread, making possible the expansion of trade across the Indian Ocean trade routes.)

(same picture) The illustration would be most useful to a historian studying which of the following? A. Transportation and maritime technologies B. Large-scale trading organizations C. Geographic patterns of currents and winds in the Indian Ocean D. The expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the political systems in western Europe and China during the time period 1000—1300? A. Western Europe developed multiple monarchies, while China maintained a single empire. B. Developments in the legal systems of China emphasized individual political rights, while western Europe concentrated on maritime law. C. Both societies began an aggressive policy of imperialism and territorial expansion. D. Both societies gradually adopted a representative democratic system. E. Both regions experienced Mongol imperial rule.


"When we were in Canton, a port in southern China, we came across a woman who cried out in Portuguese 'Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.' And because she could speak no more of our language, she very earnestly asked us in Chinese to tell her whether we were Christians. We replied that we were, and for proof we repeated all the rest of the Lord's Prayer which she had left unsaid. Being assured that we were Christians, she pulled us aside, and weeping said to us, 'Come along, Christians from the other end of the world, with your true sister in the faith of Jesus Christ.' Furthermore, she told us that she was named Inez de Leyria, and her father was a great ambassador from Portugal to the Emperor of China. The ambassador married her mother, a Chinese woman, and made her a Christian. Along with her, many were converted to the faith of Christ. During the five days we remained in her house, we made them a little book in Chinese, containing many good prayers." Account of Fernão Mendes Pinto, Portuguese explorer and merchant, circa The activities of Inez de Leyria's father as described in the passage best support which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1750 C.E.? A. The intensification of commercial and diplomatic activity across Eurasia was accompanied by increased missionary activity. B. The arrival of Nestorian Christians along the Silk Roads introduced European missionaries to China. C. Russian expansion in Asia encouraged Christian missionary activity in China. D. The intensification of regional patterns of trade in the Indian Ocean spurred Chinese merchants to convert to Christianity.

A. (The Portuguese in the sixteenth century were among the first European nations to become involved in Indian Ocean and East Asian trade networks. European diplomats and merchants in the Indian Ocean region often supported missionary activity for the purpose of spreading Christianity in the region as well.)

Ibn Battuta traveled widely across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa in the fourteenth century. His travels serve as evidence for the A. unifying influence of Islam B. excellent condition of roads in Africa and Asia C. political unity of Africa and Asia D. widespread use of paper money

A. unifying influence of Islam

"Americans . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society as mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, or to store products that are royal monopolies, or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this, add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity . . . in short, do you wish to know what our future held?-simply the cultivation of the fields of indigo, grain, coffee, sugarcane, cacao, and cotton; cattle raising on the broad plains; hunting wild game in the jungles; digging in the earth to mine its gold." Simón Bolívar, "Jamaica Letter," 1815 Bolívar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies? A. Feudalism B. Mercantilism C. Socialism D. Capitalism


"Americans today . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, . . . or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity, and the barriers between American provinces, designed to prevent all exchange of trade, traffic, and understanding. In short, do you wish to know what our future held?—simply the cultivation of fields . . . cattle raising . . . hunting wild game . . . mining gold." -Simón Bolívar, Letter from Jamaica, 1815 In the excerpt, Bolívar expresses which of the following? A. Concern about the lack of restrictions on capital investments B. Outrage at the effects of mercantilist policies C. Disgust with the extravagant spending of socialist governments D. Rebellion against the restrictions of feudalism


"Americans today . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, or to store products which are royal monopolies, or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity, and the barriers between American provinces, designed to prevent all exchange of trade, traffic, and understanding." -Simón Bolívar, Jamaica Letter, 1815 The quotation above best supports which of the following conclusions about the author's motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America? A. Bolívar opposed the use of Native Americans and Africans as forced laborers in Latin America. B. Bolívar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America. C. Bolívar was alarmed by the excessive consumerism in the Spanish empire. D. Bolívar hoped to undo the effects of the columbian exchange.


"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed." -Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty Chinese official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854 In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purpose in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to A. demonstrate the similarity between the damage done by the Taiping rebellion to the Qing Empire and the damage done by earlier rebellions to other Chinese dynasties B. mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule C. warn that the Qing policies of keeping taxes low and avoiding conscription might come to an end if the Taiping rebellion succeeds D. argue that the emperor's personal piety and benevolent rule prove that he accepts the validity of the Taiping rebels' grievances


"Migration of man and his maladies is the chief cause of epidemics. And when migration takes place, those creatures who have been in isolation longest suffer most, for their genetic material has been least tempered by the variety of world diseases. Among the major subdivisions of the species Homo Sapiens, the American Indian probably had the dangerous privilege of the longest isolation from the rest of mankind." -Alfred Crosby, world historian, 1967 Which of the following best describes Alfred Crosby's argument in the passage above? A. Various Amerindian groups did not have contact with each other before 1492. B. Amerindians' long isolation from the rest of the world had placed them at a biological disadvantage. C. The genetic makeup of the native population of the Americas remained unchanged until 1492. D. By 1492 Amerindians generally had migrated for shorter distances than had other groups.


"The commercial area of the capital extends from the old Qing River market to the Southern Commons and to the city border on the north. . . . Some famous fabric stores sell exquisite brocade fabric and fine silk, which are unsurpassed elsewhere in the country. . . . Most other cities can only boast of one special product; what makes the capital unique is that it gathers goods from all places. Furthermore, because of the large population and the busy commercial traffic, there is a demand for everything." - Description of Hangzhou, capital of the southern Song dynasty, circa 1235 C.E. Which of the following assertions in the description of Hangzhou above would be most difficult to verify? A. That Hangzhou had a large population B. That the merchandise sold in Hangzhou was of higher quality than that sold in other Chinese cities C. That the merchants of Hangzhou imported goods from many other places D. That Hangzhou had a large market district


(2 Mapes) The changes depicted in Map 1 were mostly a result of which of the following? A. The Ottoman alliance with France against rival Christian powers B. The decline of surrounding empires and the Ottoman Empire's use of gunpowder weapons C. The Ottoman Empire's unrivaled naval superiority in the Mediterranean D. The power vacuum left by the collapse of the Umayyad caliphate


(2 images) Image 1 best illustrates which of the following broad economic transformations in the period circa 1750 ? A. The transition from an industrial to a postindustrial economy B. The transition from a human- and animal-powered economy to a fossil-fuel economy C. The transition from the First Industrial Revolution to the Second Industrial Revolution D. The transition from guild-system manufacturing to putting-out-system manufacturing


(2 images) The gender and age makeup of the workforce shown in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following phenomena in mid-nineteenth-century European society? A. Working-class families and bourgeois families generally had similar occupational patterns. B. Within factories, skilled workers continued to be predominantly male, while women and children continued to perform mostly unskilled factory work. C. The development of working-class neighborhoods was characterized by unsanitary living conditions and high levels of crime. D. As more women moved into office or clerical jobs, factory owners' treatment of female workers improved.


(2 maps) Which of the following best explains the changes depicted in Map 2 ? A. The rise of the Safavid Persian Empire B. European imperialism and increasing ethnic nationalism C. Sunni versus Shia rivalries within the Islamic world D. The decline of Silk Road trade routes


(Map) The map above illustrates which of the following? A. The most frequent destinations for African emigrants of the twentieth century B. Predominant areas of origin and destinations of African slaves in the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries C. Proportional flows of African agricultural commodities during the nineteenth century D. Winds and water currents that affected trans-Atlantic and trans-Saharan trade


(Picture/ image) The ninth-century monument pictured above, located on the island of Java in present-day Indonesia, best exemplifies which of the following historical processes? A. The conflict between secular and religious principles of government B. The spread of universalizing religions beyond their places of origin C. The rejection of universal religions by rulers wishing to protect local religious practices D. The growth of popular religion


(picture) Muslim maritime activities in the Indian Ocean would be most disrupted by which of the following sixteenth-century developments? A. The voyages of Chinese treasure fleets led by Zheng He B. The arrival of Portuguese and other Europeans C. The spread of epidemic diseases D. The growth of the African slave trade


(picture) The photograph above of the Süleymaniye mosque in Istanbul exemplifies which of the following historical processes? A. The interaction of humans and the environment B. The synthesis of established cultural traditions and new traditions C. Competition between traditional elites and the wealthy urban class for control of cultural traditions D. The spread of missionary religions over global trade networks


(same graph) Based on the chart and your knowledge of world history, which of the following most directly enabled the Dutch to establish and enforce a monopoly on the Southeast Asian clove trade in the seventeenth century? A. The nutritional benefits of the Columbian Exchange B. The development of powerful joint-stock commercial companies C. Dutch advances in mapmaking and navigational skills D. Advances in medicine that improved Europeans' ability to survive tropical diseases


(table) Which of the following best explains the changes in China's population shown in the table above? A. Immigration to China increased due to religious persecution of Buddhists in India and Southeast Asia. B. Agricultural output increased as a result of the use of the new crop strains, iron plows, and expanded irrigation. C. Less warfare with neighboring states and nomadic peoples also meant fewer casualties in wars and a population increase. D. The Confucian emphasis on the importance of family-led many Chinese to have more


A historian researching the timeline of the spread of iron metallurgy in sub-Saharan Africa would find which of the following sources most useful? A. Bantu-language oral histories transmitted through generations B. Archaeological evidence of early forges and smelting operations C. European travelers' accounts from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries describing African industrial practices D. North African Muslim merchants' account books detailing purchases of iron tools


Commander Cotton's reaction to the events in Jamaica, in the notice above, might best be understood in the context of which of the following? A. The expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across the Caribbean B. Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority C. Growing profitability of plantation slavery in the Americas D. The waning influence of religious ideas and millenarianism in nationalist conflicts


Historians, who argue that there was substantial global integration by the end of the thirteenth century would most likely cite which of the following as evidence to support their claims? A. The political unification of large territories under imperial rule in the Mediterranean and East Asia B. The widening and deepening of exchange networks linking Afro-Eurasia after the Mongol conquests C. The spread of global capitalism from Europe to Africa and Southeast Asia D. The creation of a new Atlantic trade system based on plantation economies in the Caribbean and the Americas


I am imperishable time; The Creator whose face is everywhere; Death that devours all things; The source of all things to come -The god Krishna speaks, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic sacred text, circa fifth century to second-century B.C.E. The excerpt above best represents which aspect of Hinduism? A. The desire to escape worldly suffering B. The cyclical nature of death and rebirth C. The belief in karma D. The importance of caste


In the period 900 to 1500 C.E., the Ottomans and the Aztecs were similar in that both peoples were A. isolated from the major Eurasian trade routes B. nomadic groups that migrated to already settled regions and conquered them C. politically unified by the adoption of a monotheistic religion D. able to dominate other societies with large horse-mounted armies


Slavery and serfdom were abolished in the 1860s in A. Great Britain and Brazil B. the United States and Russia C. France and Algeria D. Austria-Hungary and India E. China and the Ottoman Empire


Which of the following factors contributed most to the increase of world population in the period 1750 to 1900 C.E.? A. A decline in the frequency and deadliness of warfare B. Improvements in agricultural productivity and food distribution C. Improvements in rural health care D. A rapid increase in birth rates throughout the globe


Which of the following most directly contributed to the decline of Eurasian urban populations during the fourteenth century? A. Climate change B. Epidemic disease C. Religious wars D. Regional migration


Which of the following most encouraged the development of new cities such as Cahokia along the Mississippi River, Swahili city-states on the East African Coast, Venice on the Mediterranean coast, and Hangzhou on China's coast during the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.? A. Decreases in regional warfare B. Intensification of regional trade C. Migration of populations from pastoral societies D. Development of mass-production techniques


Which of the following resulted from the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire following the death of Genghis Khan? A. The collapse of the Byzantine Empire B. The development of khanates in Central Asia C. The spread of Islam into East Asia D. Increased trade between Africa and Asia


Which of the following statements is true of Latin American independence movements in the nineteenth century? A. Slaves led a majority of the armed revolts. B. Creole elites led most revolts against colonial rule. C. The United States provided military and financial support to all the revolts. D. The revolts led to the elimination of racial discrimination throughout Latin America.


Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia in the period circa 1250-1500 C.E.? A. The religious zeal of Muslim soldiers willing to die to spread Islam B. The activities of Muslim traders and Sufi missionaries C. The relative lack of interest in Islam among Hindus and Buddhists D. Muslim rulers' policy of toleration of all religions practiced in their realms


(Same sources) A historian would most likely use the image in Source 1 as support for which of the following assertions? A. Mughal rule in India was generally supported by practitioners of Hinduism. B. Mughal rulers were interested in portraying themselves as champions of religious harmony. C. Mughal subjects resisted converting to Islam, despite the many benefits that doing so would confer. D. Mughal art rejected realism and focused on allegorical and symbolic depictions of reality.

B(An important feature of this Muslim dynasty's strategy for effectively ruling a large, religiously diverse population remained frequent representations of the religious harmony deriving from their leadership.)

(Same passage) The judge's decision in the case is best understood in the context of colonial authorities' policy of A. encouraging the spread of indigenous Christian practices, such as the cult of the Virgin of Guadalupe B. ensuring that intercommunal conflicts were brought under control before they could disrupt public order C. maintaining the continued inflow of coerced labor through the asiento system D. favoring Spanish-born rather than American-born individuals in official appointments and promotions

B(By ruling in favor of the mestizo and mulatto brothers' candidate, the judge's decision shows that colonial authorities could and did act in a way that was at odds with the established ethnic and racial hierarchy of colonial Mexican society, if doing so would help mitigate intercommunal tensions and preserve public order.)

(map) Which of the following factors contributed the most to Omani traders' ability to undertake the voyages depicted on the maps? A. The strong backing for the voyages by the Caliphate B. Navigational and maritime innovations, such as the astrolabe and lateen sail C. The spread of Arabic as the language of commerce in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and western Indian Ocean basins D. Innovations in agriculture, such as the qanat and the noria, which allowed the Omani population to increase rapidly

B(The lateen sail's extensive use by Arab sailors allowed merchant ships to take better advantage of changing wind patterns, while the astrolabe aided in navigation and determining a sailing vessel's location at sea.)

(Map) Which of the following factors best explains the distribution of Muslim populations shown on the map above? A. Religious pilgrimages B. Merchant activity C. Imperialism D. Forced migration


Abbasid reliance on Persian bureaucrats and the introduction of Confucianism to Japanese political institutions both illustrate which of the following processes? A. The integration of conquered peoples into existing social and political structures B. The synthesis of foreign political traditions in the formation of new states C. The influence of complex semireligious philosophies D. The diffusion of cultural ideals as trading networks grew in complexity


The responsibilities of aristocratic women in both feudal Japan and medieval Europe usually included A. directing religious festivals B. managing household supplies and finances C. representing their families in courts of law D. training their sons to be warriors E. overseeing village schools and hospitals


"At that time, there happened great disturbances among the lower ranks of people, by which England was nearly ruined. Never was a country in such jeopardy, and all because some commoners sought to claim liberties to which they were not entitled. It is customary in England, as in other countries, for the nobility to have great privileges over the commoners, who are bound by law and custom to plow the lands of nobles, to harvest the grain, to carry it home to the barn, and to perform various other services for their lords. The evil-disposed in these districts began to rise, saying they were too severely oppressed; that at the beginning of the world there were no unfree people, and that no one ought to be treated as such, unless he had committed treason against his lord, as Lucifer had done against God: but they had done no such thing, for they were men formed after the same likeness as their lords, who treated them like beasts. They could no longer bear this, but had determined to be free. And if they were to do any work for their lords, they demanded to be paid for it." -Jean Froissart, French chronicler, late 1300s English nobles resisted peasant demands such as those described in the passage because agricultural labor in many parts of fourteenth-century Afro-Eurasia had become scarce as a result of which of the following developments? A. The migration of peasants to cities in search of industrial employment B. Significant increase in mortality due to the spread of epidemic diseases C. The development of wage-based economies with the emergence of capitalism D. Widespread famine resulting from rising global temperatures

B. (Beginning in the early 1300s and increasing in intensity over the course of the century, epidemic diseases like the Black Death decimated much of the labor force in western Europe, temporarily improving the bargaining position of peasants and artisans who survived.)

"When we were in Canton, a port in southern China, we came across a woman who cried out in Portuguese 'Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.' And because she could speak no more of our language, she very earnestly asked us in Chinese to tell her whether we were Christians. We replied that we were, and for proof we repeated all the rest of the Lord's Prayer which she had left unsaid. Being assured that we were Christians, she pulled us aside, and weeping said to us, 'Come along, Christians from the other end of the world, with your true sister in the faith of Jesus Christ.' Furthermore, she told us that she was named Inez de Leyria, and her father was a great ambassador from Portugal to the Emperor of China. The ambassador married her mother, a Chinese woman, and made her a Christian. Along with her, many were converted to the faith of Christ. During the five days we remained in her house, we made them a little book in Chinese, containing many good prayers." -Account of Fernão Mendes Pinto, Portuguese explorer and merchant, circa The Portuguese presence in southern China as described in the passage was most directly enabled by which of the following? A. The declining role of Muslim and Jewish merchants in transporting goods within Asia B. Technological developments in cartography and navigation C. Improvements in silver-mining technology D. The creation of laissez-faire state policies

B. (Portuguese leadership in the development of navigation technologies and cartography gave the small nation an opportunity to establish a maritime commercial influence that extended around the globe. Technologies such as the caravel, astrolabe, and improved maps and nautical charts called portolanos were important to early Portuguese maritime expansion.)

The expansion of communication and trade networks in Afro-Eurasia from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. resulted in the spread of which of the following from South Asia? A. Military weaponry, such as iron-tipped spears and chariots B. Technological and scientific concepts, such as the decimal and zero C. Irrigation technologies, such as ceramic pipes D. Textile manufacturing processes, such as the spinning jenny

B. Technological and scientific concepts, such as the decimal and zero

Which of the following was a significant effect of the Polynesian migrations in the Pacific in the period from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E.? A. The creation of an extensive trade network connecting Pacific islands to the Asian mainland B. The transfer of domesticated plant and animal species to new islands in the Pacific C. The development of distinctive Polynesian maritime technologies quickly adopted by Chinese and European explorers D. The establishment of an ethnically unified Polynesian state spanning several island groups

B. The transfer of domesticated plant and animal species to new islands in the Pacific

"Spirits of Moctezuma, Cuauhtémoc and other Aztec heroes, as once you celebrated that feast before being slaughtered by the treacherous sword of the Spanish conquistadors, so now celebrate this happy moment in which your sons have united to avenge the crimes and outrages committed against you, and to free themselves from the claws of [Spanish] tyranny and fanaticism. To the 12th of August 1521—the day that the chains of our serfdom were fastened—there now succeeds the 14th of September 1813—when these chains are broken forever." -José María Morelos, Mexican Revolutionary, speech, 1813 Judging from the excerpt above, which of the following was the main purpose of Morelos' speech? A. To outline a plan for the long-term development of the new Mexican state B. To oppose the claims of Mexican Creoles seeking to play a leading role in the new state C. To offer a vision of Mexican history that could be used as a basis for nation building D. To suggest that the establishment of the Mexican nation-state was proof of the superiority of the Aztecs


"The [Qing] government sponsored a number of projects designed to bolster the navy. The idea was to adopt Western technology but not the values and philosophies that produced it—China would learn from the West, equal it, and then surpass it." -Haiwang Yuan, editor, historian, This is China: The First 5,000 Years, 2010 The philosophy behind the late-nineteenth-century Chinese policy mentioned above was part of which of the following? A. The increase in millenarian movements in the nineteenth century B. The Chinese government's embrace of procolonial policies C. The Chinese government's attempt to reform the economy through self-strengthening D. The increasing popularity of Communist thought in China


"Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory. We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It could only be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labor legislation. The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, the intellectuals. Our worst sin with regard to organization is that by our amateurishness we have lowered the prestige of revolutionaries in Russia." -Vladimir Lenin, Russian exile in Switzerland, What Is to Be Done?, 1902 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some governments responded to the growing popularity of ideas such as the ones expressed in the passage by doing which of the following? A. Increasing the number of financial instruments available to help expand transnational businesses B. Expanding colonial territories and increasing industrial production C. Passing reforms designed to improve the conditions of industrial workers D. Opening large sectors of the economy to foreign direct investment


"Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory. We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It could only be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labor legislation. The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, the intellectuals. Our worst sin with regard to organization is that by our amateurishness we have lowered the prestige of revolutionaries in Russia." -Vladimir Lenin, Russian exile in Switzerland, What Is to Be Done?, 1902 The views expressed in the passage best illustrate which of the following processes? A. The modification of the economic theories of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill in European universities B. The desire to retain preindustrial forms of economic production by many imperial governments C. The formulation of alternative visions of society in response to the spread of global capitalism D. The expansion of the middle classes in newly industrialized societies


"Women leave their families to marry, and the husband is the master of the household they marry into. . . . The husband is to be firm, the wife soft; conjugal affections follow from this. While at home, the two of you should treat each other with the formality and reserve of a guest. Listen carefully to and obey whatever your husband tells you. If he does something wrong, gently correct him. Don't be like those women who not only do not correct their husbands but actually lead them into indecent ways." -Wife of a Tang dynasty official The excerpt above best illustrates which of the following attributes of Confucianism? A. The equality of all members of the family B. The power of wives over their husbands outside the home C. The virtues and duties of family members D. The legitimacy of selling women to worthy families


(2 images) Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the processes illustrated in the images? A. A renewed push for overseas colonies as European countries competed for new sources of coal B. The launch of European-sponsored industrialization efforts in Asian and African countries C. A decline in Asian countries' share of world manufacturing as Asian goods lost ground to European imports D. The emergence of Germany as the dominant industrial power in Europe following German unification


(Same graph) On a global scale, which of the following most directly led to the expansion of the trade between Europe and Asia in the time period reflected in the chart? A. European merchants' role in exporting European manufactured goods to Asia B. The consistently high demand for European luxury goods among Chinese customers C. The shifting balance of trade as a result of the circulation of American silver D. The collapse of existing Indian Ocean trading networks


(map) The lines on the map above illustrate which of the following? A. Spread of Hinduism B. Spread of Christianity C. Extent of trade routes D. Seasonal migrations of nomads


A historian researching the effects of the Crusades on the diffusion of technology would probably find which of the following sources most useful? A. European crusaders' accounts of Islamic religious practices B. Muslim accounts of European royal marriages C. Monks' translations of Arabic mathematics texts brought from conquered territories D. Birth records from villages along the routes used by the Crusaders


A historian researching the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the period 1600—1800 would find which of the following sources most useful for determining patterns in the points of origin, the destinations, and the numbers of slaves involved in the trade? A. Census and tax records of European settlers in the Americas B. Legal regulations pertaining to enslaved and freed Africans in British colonies C. Records of the cargoes of Spanish and British ships in the trans-Atlantic trade D. pamphlets published by antislavery societies


All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa EXCEPT A. the shift in trade focus from Saharan routes to the coast B. destabilization of local African societies C. the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market D. increased violence through widespread use of firearms


Before 1450 C.E. which of the following is true of sub-Saharan Africa's commercial economy? A. Phoenician merchants controlled most of the long-distance trade of sub-Saharan Africa. B. The Mali—Great Zimbabwe trade route dominated the economy of sub-Saharan Africa. C. Sub-Saharan Africa exported gold to the Middle East and Europe. D. The Sahara Desert prevented sub-Saharan traders from participating in long-distance trade.


Between 1450 and 1750, empires such as the Ottoman and Chinese shared which of the following? A. Dependence on trade as the main basis for the economy B. An elite fighting force made up primarily of slaves C. The use of a large bureaucracy to support the government D. Continual military campaigns against European armies


In what way did the Haitian Revolution differ from the French Revolution? A. The French Revolution was inspired by Enlightenment ideas while the Haitian Revolution was not. B. The Haitian Revolution began because of unfair taxation by the French king. C. The leaders of the Haitian Revolution came from a different social class than did the leaders of the French Revolution. D. The leaders of the French Revolution wanted religious freedom while the leaders of the Haitian Revolution wanted equal representation.


The Mongol conquests of much of Eurasia in the thirteenth century tended to encourage trade along the Silk Roads primarily by A. opening large new markets for both European and East Asian goods in Central Asia B. increasing the demand for military supplies needed by the Mongol armies that occupied various regions C. decreasing the risk of bandit attacks and reducing the number of local rulers collecting tribute from trade caravans D. discouraging seaborne trade along the Indian Ocean routes that competed with the Silk Roads


The increased food production accompanying the introduction of Champa rice into China from Vietnam during the eleventh century best illustrates which of the following? A. The reliance of China on food imports B. The importance of Vietnam to the world economy C. The stimulation of agriculture by technological innovation D. The influence of China on neighboring societies


Which of the following European developments is most closely associated with the revolution in Haiti? A. The Protestant Reformation B. The Russian Revolution C. The French Revolution D. The Industrial Revolution


Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.? A. Both empires used military force to severely limit the sovereignty of their peripheral states to their core states. B. Both empires welcomed the diffusion of cultural traditions from their peripheral territories. C. Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states. D. Both empires actively sought to assimilate the citizens of their peripheral states into their respective core cultures.


Which of the following describes a major cause of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? A. The Ottoman Empire successfully pursued mercantilist economic policies. B. Ottoman citizens unified by their recent conversion to Islam were strongly motivated to conquer. C. Exploitation of artillery and small arms gave the Ottomans advantages over many of their political rivals. D. The decentralized federalism of the Ottoman Empire encouraged competition and technological innovation.


Which of the following societies engaged in extensive maritime trade well beyond their borders in the fifteenth century? A. Mesoamericans in the Pacific Ocean B. Bantu peoples in the Indian Ocean C. Chinese in the Indian Ocean D. Russians in the Pacific Ocean


Which of the following was a major change in transregional trade patterns from 1500 to 1700 ? A. Japanese fleets gained control over most Pacific Ocean trade routes. B. European manufactured goods came to dominate trans-Saharan trade. C. Europeans created joint stock companies to engage in overseas trade. D. Silk Road trade routes came under the control of Mongol rulers.


Which of the following was a major reason for the decline in India's share of the global manufacture of cotton textiles by the end of the nineteenth century? A. Climate change that significantly altered the growing season B. Disruption of production from disputes with labor unions C. Competition from industrially produced British textiles D. Religious opposition to capitalist modes of production


Which of the following was a major similarity among European colonial empires in the Americas in the period 1450-1750 ? A. Widespread religious tolerance and diversity B. Encouragement of the development of industrial manufacturing in their territories C. Enslavement of African peoples and subjugation of Amerindians D. Settlement of millions of Europeans in each of their colonial territories


World Economy Theory, 1500-1800 The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade. Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe, and they imported more expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments, which made European conquest and slave systems possible. Which of the following best supports the contentions of the world economic theory in the passage? A. China was not massively affected by world patterns in the period. B. The rise of Protestantism and the Scientific Revolution transformed European cultures. C. Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items. D. Britain had a relatively weak central government compared to France.


"When we were in Canton, a port in southern China, we came across a woman who cried out in Portuguese 'Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.' And because she could speak no more of our language, she very earnestly asked us in Chinese to tell her whether we were Christians. We replied that we were, and for proof we repeated all the rest of the Lord's Prayer which she had left unsaid. Being assured that we were Christians, she pulled us aside, and weeping said to us, 'Come along, Christians from the other end of the world, with your true sister in the faith of Jesus Christ.' Furthermore, she told us that she was named Inez de Leyria, and her father was a great ambassador from Portugal to the Emperor of China. The ambassador married her mother, a Chinese woman, and made her a Christian. Along with her, many were converted to the faith of Christ. During the five days we remained in her house, we made them a little book in Chinese, containing many good prayers." -Account of Fernão Mendes Pinto, Portuguese explorer and merchant, circa The ability of Portuguese merchants and explorers to communicate with the local population of Canton was most likely an effect of which of the following? A. Mandarin had replaced Cantonese as the primary spoken language in southern China. B. Migrations and commercial contacts led to the use of printing in southern China. C Portuguese merchants had established trading posts in southern China. D Portuguese had replaced Arabic and Persian as the language of trade in southern China.

C (In the sixteenth century, Portuguese sea captains had established forts and trading posts in a number of southern Chinese port towns, including Canton (modern Guangzhou) and Macao. Interactions in such trading posts had resulted in a limited number of Portuguese merchants and missionaries acquiring the language skills to communicate with the local Chinese population.)

The existence of a sugar mill in the Mexican town in the passage indicates that the region of Mexico in which the lawsuit took place was part of which of the following? A. The Manila galleon trade route B. The pre-Columbian pochteca traveling-merchant network C. The Atlantic trade system D. The indentured-labor migration system

C(Sugar production in the Caribbean and, to a lesser extent, on the American mainland was a key feature of the Atlantic trading system. Sugar was the most important American cash crop of the period and its cultivation brought profound economic and demographic changes to American societies.)

Which of the following was an important continuity in the social structure of states and empires in the period 600 B.C.E. to 1450 C.E.? A. Peasants were generally free of obligations to the state. B. Wealthy merchants dominated political institutions. C. Landholding aristocracies tended to be the dominant class. D. Urban craft workers played a substantial role in government.


(Passage) Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the economic hierarchy in San Juan Peribán? A. Mulattoes and mestizos had no property rights and worked as tenant farmers on creole-owned plantations. B. Creoles were predominantly employed in commerce and administration, whereas mulattoes and mestizos were predominantly employed in agriculture. C. Mulatto and mestizo communities had some economic resources, but creoles were still economically dominant. D. Creoles were being outcompeted economically by their mulatto and mestizo counterparts and were becoming impoverished as a result.

C. (As reflected in the description of mulatto and mestizo brothers' economic contributions to the brotherhood, members of these groups had access to some economic resources. However, based on historical knowledge of the predominant racial and social hierarchy in Spanish colonies, it can be inferred that creoles had access to greater economic resources than mestizos and mulattos)

At that time, there happened great disturbances among the lower ranks of people, by which England was nearly ruined. Never was a country in such jeopardy, and all because some commoners sought to claim liberties to which they were not entitled. It is customary in England, as in other countries, for the nobility to have great privileges over the commoners, who are bound by law and custom to plow the lands of nobles, to harvest the grain, to carry it home to the barn, and to perform various other services for their lords. The evil-disposed in these districts began to rise, saying they were too severely oppressed; that at the beginning of the world there were no unfree people, and that no one ought to be treated as such, unless he had committed treason against his lord, as Lucifer had done against God: but they had done no such thing, for they were men formed after the same likeness as their lords, who treated them like beasts. They could no longer bear this, but had determined to be free. And if they were to do any work for their lords, they demanded to be paid for it." - Jean Froissart, French chronicler, late 1300s All of the following statements are factually accurate. Which most likely explains Froissart's view of the peasants' grievances discussed in the passage? A. Even though he was French, Froissart traveled to England to collect information for his chronicles. B. Peasant revolts were fairly common in medieval Europe. C. History writing in medieval Europe was aimed primarily at elite audiences. D. In addition to his chronicles, Froissart wrote a work of romance based on the legend of King Arthur.

C. (Froissart's characterization of the peasants' grievances reflects the European elites' conviction that social hierarchies reflected the natural and God-given order and only "the evil-disposed" would rise against it.)

"Americans . . . who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society as mere consumers. Yet even this status is surrounded with galling restrictions, such as being forbidden to grow European crops, or to store products that are royal monopolies, or to establish factories of a type the Peninsula itself does not possess. To this, add the exclusive trading privileges, even in articles of prime necessity . . . in short, do you wish to know what our future held?-simply the cultivation of the fields of indigo, grain, coffee, sugarcane, cacao, and cotton; cattle raising on the broad plains; hunting wild game in the jungles; digging in the earth to mine its gold." Simón Bolívar, "Jamaica Letter," 1815 Which of the following groups was Bolívar most trying to influence with this letter? A. Mulatto shopkeepers B. Plantation slaves C. Amerindian miners D. Creole elites


"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed." -Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty Chinese official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854 Zeng Guofan's analysis of the situation in China in 1854 was likely influenced by which of the following? A. The Daoist notion of being in harmony with nature B. The absolutist notion of the divine right of kings C. The Buddhist notion of avoiding violence against any living thing D. The Confucian notion of the dynastic cycle


"Seeing that it is a girl's destiny, on reaching womanhood, to go to a new home, and live in submission to her father-in-law and mother-in-law, it is even more incumbent upon her than it is on a boy to receive with all reverence her parents' instructions. Should her parents, through excess of tenderness, allow her to grow up self-willed, she will infallibly show herself capricious and thus alienate his affection." - Kaibara Ekken, Japanese author, Greater Learning for Women, 1716 The excerpt above exemplifies the continued influence on eighteenth-century Japan of which of the following? A. The Christian tradition of children respecting their parents B. The Buddhist encouragement of female spirituality C. The Islamic practice of women appearing modestly in public D. The Confucian emphasis on filial submission


"The Crusader states were able to cling to survival only through frequent delivery of supplies and manpower from Europe. [They] were defended primarily by three semi-monastic military orders: the Templars, the Hospitallers, and the Teutonic Knights. Combining monasticism and militarism, these orders served to protect pilgrims and to wage perpetual war against the Muslims." -Palmira Brummett, world historian, 2007 "Whenever I visited Jerusalem, I always entered the al-Aqsa Mosque, beside which stood a small mosque which the Franks had converted into a church ... [T]he Templars, ... who were my friends, would evacuate the little adjoining mosque so that I could pray in it." - Usamah ibn Munqidh, Muslim historian, Jerusalem, circa 1138 The second passage does not support the first passage because the second passage A. shows that an influx of manpower from Europe was not critical for the survival of the Crusader states B. shows that Muslims vastly outnumbered Europeans in the Crusader states C. minimizes the importance of Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights in the administration of the Crusader states D. presents an incident in which a military order supported a Muslim traveler


"What they [the Franks] learned from the Arabs was indispensable in their subsequent expansion. The heritage of Greek civilization was transmitted through Arab intermediaries. In medicine, astronomy, chemistry, geography, mathematics, and architecture, the [Franks] drew their knowledge from Arabic books, which they assimilated, imitated, and then surpassed. . . . In the realm of industry, the Europeans first learned and then improved upon the processes used by the Arabs in papermaking, leather-working, textiles, and the distillation of alcohol and sugar." -Amin Maalouf, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, 1984 The passage above best illustrates which of the following? A. Muslims' examination of their own cultural and economic decline after the Crusades B. The debt the Arab world owed Europe for preserving Arab scientific knowledge and cultural history C. The reason European industrial expertise far surpassed that of the Arab world D. The effects of interregional contact on the development of European culture and technology


"Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. The role of vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is guided by the most advanced theory. We have said that there could not have been Social-Democratic consciousness among the workers. It could only be brought to them from without. The history of all countries shows that the working class, exclusively by its own effort, is able to develop only trade union consciousness, i.e., the conviction that it is necessary to combine in unions, fight the employers, and strive to compel the government to pass necessary labor legislation. The theory of socialism, however, grew out of the philosophic, historical, and economic theories elaborated by educated representatives of the propertied classes, the intellectuals. Our worst sin with regard to organization is that by our amateurishness we have lowered the prestige of revolutionaries in Russia." -Vladimir Lenin, Russian exile in Switzerland, What Is to Be Done?, 1902 Which of the following best describes a similarity between the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 ? A. Both were initiated in response to invasions by foreign powers. B. Both gained the support of government reformers holding high bureaucratic positions. C. Both were led by members of the working classes who had risen through the ranks of labor unions. D. Both were able to gain support because of the ineffectiveness and corruption of the existing monarchies.


(2 maps) Which of the following was the primary Ottoman response to the processes depicted in Map 2 ? A. Attempts to convert the empire's non-Muslim population to Islam B. Efforts to transform the empire into a parliamentary democracy C. Attempts to reconcile Islamic law with Marxist ideals D. Efforts to reform the government despite considerable internal opposition


(Picture) The photograph above of a sixteenth-century Mughal mosque in India built by Akbar is an example of which of the following? A. Emergence of capitalist economies B. Expansion of coercive labor systems C. Creation of a global trade network D. Cultural syncretism


(Same comic picture) The images above best provide evidence of which of the following consequences of colonial expansion in the period 1450 to 1750 ? A. The extension of regional trading networks and the consolidation of centralized power B. The spread of new food crops and the development of syncretic forms of religion C. The restructuring of the family and the growth of the plantation economy D. The transfer of wealth to new elites and the development of new gender roles


(Same graph) For the period circa 1580-1650, which of the following most directly caused the price fluctuations shown in the chart? A. The replacement of traditional landed elites by new commercial elites in many parts of Eurasia B. The declining military power and international influence of the Mughal Empire C. The establishment of Caribbean plantation economies based on the production of cash crops by slave labor D. The intensification of competition among European states over the control of profitable maritime trade routes


(comic picture) What similar view of Doña Marina is portrayed in both images? A. She is portrayed as a heroine. B. She is portrayed as a victim. C. She is portrayed as a collaborator with the Aztec elite. D. She is portrayed as an essential part of the negotiations.


(picture) The illustration above shows which of the following about the fifteenth century? A. The relative number of ships produced by the Hangzhou shipyards and the Genoese shipyards B. The beginning of a long period of Chinese domination of Indian Ocean trade C. The meting of Vasco de Gama and Zheng He D. The relative size of the European caravel and the Ming treasure ship E. The use of the lateen sail


(picture/image) Angkor Wat in Southeast Asia built circa 1100 C.E., shown above, reflects which of the following world-historical processes? A. Increased domination of East Asia and Southeast Asia by Arab powers B. The increase in the number of Chinese merchant communities in the Indian Ocean region C. The introduction of Islam across most of Asia D. Increased cross-cultural interactions in the Indian Ocean region


(same picture) Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the travel depicted in the illustration? A. To convert peoples of other faiths to Islam B. To create diasporic merchant communities C. To recruit soldiers for the Caliphate D. To bind diverse communities to a common tradition


By 1200 C.E. Improved agricultural technology had spread throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa primarily through the A. development of oxen immune to diseases carried by the tsetse fly B. discovery of gold that provided a means of exchange among groups C. expansion of the Sahara Desert, which forced Berber peoples to move south D. migration of Bantu-speaking peoples with their knowledge of ironworking


During the period 1450 to 1750, which of the following commodities was most responsible for transforming the global economy? A. Salt B. Tea C. Opium D. Silver


For the period circa 1650-1790, the differences between clove prices in Southeast Asia and those in Amsterdam best support which of the following conclusions? A. Imperialism economically benefited those Asians who collaborated with the Europeans and harmed those Asians who resisted European control. B. Imperialism led directly to the articulation of anticolonial ideologies based on Enlightenment principles. C. Imperialism was undertaken mostly to prevent the expansion of rival European powers and resulted in the colonization of areas of no direct economic interest to Europeans. D. Imperialism economically benefited European merchants and governments while leading to the economic decline or stagnation of Asian producers.


From the founding of each religion, Christians and Muslims shared a belief in A. the principle of separation of church and state B. the legal equality of men and women C. equality of opportunity D. a single omnipotent deity


In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires were two examples of A. nationalistic empires B. republican empires C. colonial empires D. multinational empires E. nation-states


Rebellious ethnic minorities in the Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian Empires during the late nineteenth century were motivated primarily by A. communism B. anarchism C. syndicalism D. nationalism E. nihilism


The term "samurai" describes men in feudal Japan who were most like the men in feudal Europe known as A. lords of the manor B. Catholic bishops C. serfs D. knights E. merchants


Which of the following best describes an important difference between Karl Marx's theory of socialist revolution and that of V. I. Lenin? A. Only Marx stressed the importance of the "class struggle" in history. B. Only Marx stressed the primary role of the industrial proletariat. C. Only Marx thought that a socialist revolution must be achieved through parliamentary reform. D. Only Lenin argued that the workers' revolution would have to be led by professional revolutionaries. E. Only Lenin argued that revolution would occur in the most industrialized countries.


Which of the following best supports the view of some world historians that the eighteenth century marked a major turning point in world history? A. The beginning of European colonization of Africa B. The beginning of the Wahhabi movement of Islamic renewal in Arabia C. The beginning of European colonization of Australia and New Zealand D. The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England


Which of the following factors contributed most to Manchu expansion in Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? A. The development of large trading companies B. The adoption of Buddhist beliefs C. The military alliances with western European states D. The use of cannons and gunpowder


Which of the following ideas was given to Muslims on the authority of the Qur'an? A. All earthly existence is merely an illusion. B. Muhammad is God. C. The soul may be reborn in another earthly form after the death of the individual. D. Moses and Jesus were both great prophets sent by God for the benefit of humanity. E. The cow is a sacred animal, and the eating of beef is therefore a sacrilegious and impure act.


Which of the following was a widespread social consequence of industrialization in the 1800s? A. A decline in the social status of women B. An increase in the power and prestige of the landowning aristocracy C. The general leveling of social hierarchies based on wealth D. The creation of a wage-earning working class concentrated in urban areas


(Same sources) Source 2 indicates that all of the following were likely factors contributing to Sikhism's popularity in India EXCEPT: A. It offered a set of religious beliefs that combined elements of both Hinduism and Islam. B. It advocated a direct and personal approach to God that paralleled Islamic beliefs. C. It appealed to members of the lower socioeconomic strata by rejecting the rigid social hierarchy of Hinduism. D. It offered a set of principles around which all Indians could rally in resisting British imperial encroachment

D(Sikhism developed prior to British imperial expansion in South Asia and became one of the many Indian religious traditions in which Indian responses to British imperial encroachment were couched. The statement is, therefore, factually inaccurate, meaning that the option is the correct answer.)

(Same passage) The dispute described in the court case is most directly an effect of which of the following processes in colonial American societies? A. The economic tensions between landowning elites and landless peasants B. The emergence of new syncretic forms of religious beliefs and rituals C. The demographic collapse of the indigenous Amerindian population as a result of the spread of infectious disease D. The formation of new identities as part of the restructuring of social hierarchies

D(The activism of the mulatto and mestizo members of the lay brotherhood suggests that Mexico's mulatto and mestizo populations were beginning to assert claims to rights that challenged the existing social hierarchy.)

In the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., states in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam had which of the following in common? A. All successfully excluded European merchants. B. All were conquered by the Mongols. C. All rejected both Buddhism and Christianity. D. All were culturally influenced by China.


Which of the following developments best explains why many historians argue that the Song dynasty period (960-1279 C.E.) was pivotal in the development of China as an economic world power? A. The widespread use of gunpowder technology in combat began during the Song period. B. The invention of movable-type printing took place during the Song period. C. The Neoconfucian synthesis of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism was completed during the Song period. D. China's population doubled and Chinese urban centers experienced massive growth during the Song period.


"At that time, there happened great disturbances among the lower ranks of people, by which England was nearly ruined. Never was a country in such jeopardy, and all because some commoners sought to claim liberties to which they were not entitled. It is customary in England, as in other countries, for the nobility to have great privileges over the commoners, who are bound by law and custom to plow the lands of nobles, to harvest the grain, to carry it home to the barn, and to perform various other services for their lords. The evil-disposed in these districts began to rise, saying they were too severely oppressed; that at the beginning of the world there were no unfree people, and that no one ought to be treated as such, unless he had committed treason against his lord, as Lucifer had done against God: but they had done no such thing, for they were men formed after the same likeness as their lords, who treated them like beasts. They could no longer bear this, but had determined to be free. And if they were to do any work for their lords, they demanded to be paid for it." -Jean Froissart, French chronicler, late 1300s The events described in the passage represent a reaction against which of the following forms of coerced labor? A. Slavery B. Military conscription C. Indentured servitude D. Serfdom

D. (Serfdom represented a form of labor organization under which agricultural laborers were bound to the land and required to carry out customary duties on the landlords' estates. The English peasant revolt described in the passage was a reaction against the oppressive nature of these feudal obligations.)

As Islam spread between 1200 and 1600, it affected gender relations in which of the following ways? A. Women were no longer allowed to be small-scale traders. B. Polygamy became widespread. C. Women became fully equal to men in terms of the right to divorce. D. Existing local customs regarding marriage and the role of women blended with Islamic models.

D. Existing local customs regarding marriage and the role of women blended with Islamic models.

(Advertisement) The Australian catalog page of 1929 shown above shows women primarily as A. mothers B. executives C. patriots D. participants in competitive sports E. consumers in a world economy


Which of the following languages came into existence after 1000 as the direct result of expanding global trade patterns? A. Arabic B. Chinese C. Latin D. Sanskrit E. Swahili


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