US HIStory

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V-E Day

"Victory in Europe Day" when Germany surrendered (May 8, 1945)

V-J Day

"Victory in Japan Day" when Japan surrendered (September 2, 1945)

Eisenhower Prosidency


Iran Hostage Situation

1979. Iran students held 63 diplomats and three citizens hostage for 444 days under presidency of Carter

Watergate Break-In

1972. Nixon's team tried to plant bugs in opponent's quarters, Nixon recorder conversation confirming his knowledge of this; then tampered with evidence during trial; ONLY PRESIDENT TO RESEIGN

Carter/Camp David Accords

1978 Israeli-Egyptian peace agreement. Height of success for US foreign policy. Height of Carter's presidency

Nuremberg laws

1935 laws defining the staus of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood

The Gulf of Tonkin

1964. Pair of attacks by naval forces of North Vietnam against two US destroyers. Stepped up US involvement. Gave more power to US president


A dry grassland dotted with trees and bushes

Causes of WWII

Alliances; nationalism; militarism; building of arms;

Counter-Culture of the 60s

Anti-War Movement; Hippies; San Francisco; LOOSENING OF TRADITIONAL VALUES/RULES

Nixon/Soviet Union and China

Attempted to play both sides against one another

Reagan's political objectives as president

Believed in a balanced budged; increase in military spending; cut aid to impoverished society. Big conservative

US at end of WWII

Big commie scare. US was most affluent and lest war ravaged

Korean War/Vietnam War/ Congress

Both undeclared wars.

Civil Rights during the 60s

Catalyst for activists groups; picketing; sit-ins

Iron Curtain

Churchill's term for separation between communism and capitalism in Europe

Watergate Affait/Deception

Concept of democracy; hijack of election; shook US confidence in government

Protests of Vietnam

Draft Resistance, Violence in colleges, student activists

Nixon's "Vietnamization"

Encouraged South Vietnamese to take more responsibility for war; enabled US to slowly withdraw all troops

New Frontier/Great Society

FDR influence. Government should address social needs as their duty. Eliminate poverty and racial injustice.Kennedy: New Frontier. Johnson: Great Society

The Central Powers

Germany, A-H, the Ottoman Empire

Truman Doctrine

It stated that the US would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent theri falling into the Soviet's control; disallow outside influence

The Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, (US)

Acquisition of colonies after the Spanish-American War/Controversy

Heavily debated. What should be done with new countries? Should the US be imperialistic or give them self-determination and US values?


Hydrogen cyanide crystals used to gas prisoners

Domino Theory

If one more country falls to communism, the rest will fall.


Increase in role of government programs, some of which are still around.

Major Issues during Carter's presidency

Inflation; Salt Negotiation; Human rights; Iranian hostages


Japanese city on which the first atomic bomb was dropped (August 6, 1945)


Japenese city on which the second atomic bomb was dropped (August 9, 1945)


Kept pushing things forward. Believed the government was an agent for change and improvement of the lives of the US. Middle Class movement as opposed to the Populust agrarian farmers.

US during Vietnam

LDB presided over the US with his Great Society and new government programs which were severly financially undercut. His role in the war was often criticized as he stepped up the US involvement in Vietnam. This disabled him from running for reelection

Nuclear family

household made up of a mother, father, and children


Main component of foreign policy during the post WWII era. Keep communism from spreading outside of where is already is

Warren Court's decisions in the 1960s

More rights for suspects. Full extension of protection through the Bill of Rights

Causes of Discomfort among youth during the 60s

Nationalism; what did Johnson address, and where were they mad?

Impact of WWII on American Society

Newfound optimism; romens role during wartimes helped their push for equality; semi-integrated military promoted civil rights movement; put the brakes on the Great Depression


Night of the Broken Glass; November 9, 1938, when mobs thoughout Germany destroyed Jewish property and terrorised Jews

Nixon's policies of invading Cambodia and Vietnamization

Nixon encouraged South Vietnam to take control. This did not eliminate the Viet Cong

War Powers Act

Notify Congress within 48 hours of deploying troops; had to gain congress' approval to stay longer than 90 days; designed to curtail President's power


One who investigates and exposes issues of corruption

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or nation origin. Did no address voting. Fuller realization of 14th Amendment

Gerald ford's liability in the '76 election

Pardonned Nixon and his approval rating TANKED

Pentagon Papers

President tried to prevent the Times from publishing articles about his conduct of the Vietnam War. Congress ruled the President would be in violation of the 1st Amendment

Tet Offensive

South Vietnamese went into North Vietnam and took over a US embassy. Turning point of Vietnam. Was seemingly in US control until this point... shook US confidence in military

Causes of the Great Depression

Stock market crash; consumer debt and spending

Port Huron Statement

Student activist movement who condemned racism, poverty, and cold war. Wanted to restrict power to corporations, military, and politicians

Social Darwnism

WASP dominate. All others are lesser; Superior should rule.

Conservative momvement by '80 supporters

Wanted to go back to the good old days. Too much government

Vietname/Guerilla Warfare

blurred line between military and civilians; made surprise attacks on US frequent; Viet Cong took toll on our military

Carter/Human Rights

Would restrict financial aid to countries who had human rights he disagreed with.

Death Camp

a camp existing primarily for the quick killing of prisoners

"Juda Verrecke!"

a favorite Nazi slogan that meant Death to Juadaism


a group of people descended from a common ancestor


a large farm on which the labor of slaves or other workers is used ot grow a single crop


a legal combonation of companies brought together to gain control of an industry and reduce competition

social gospel movement

a movement emphasizing the application of Christian principles to social problems


a person who has complete power and authority over a country

Standing Cells

a punishment cell 35 x 35 inches, occupied by four prisoners. After standing all night, they joined work crews during days


a writer whose investigative articles or books attacked abuses such as child labor or corruption


allowed all citizens to introduce a bill into the legislative and required members to take a vote on it

Pearl Harbor

american base in Hawaii that was bombed by Japnese planes on Decemeber 7, 1941. the bombing of this forced the US to enter the war


an ancient people of the southern east coast of Mexico who flourished about 1200 to 400

direct primary

an election open to all votes within the party


an empire that controlled much of central Africa in the 1500


apartment building found in many cities around the nation

War Bonds

certificates sold by the US government to pay for the war


concentration camp with only Jewish inmates


emblem on the Nazi flag. The swastika was a cross with ends bent at a right angle


in Nazi terminology, the Master Race

settlement houses

institutions that provided educational and social services to poor people


invasion of Normandy, France, by the Allies (June 6, 1944)

Monroe Doctrine

justified American intervention in foreign territory


mass murder of European Jews by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis


movement among Jews to establish a Jewish State in Palestine


moving from place to place.


n American Indian confederacy originally of New York consisting of the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca and later including the Tuscarora

final solution

name given to the German goal of killing all European Jews


organized according to rank


people from other countries coming to America to look for jobs

atom bomb

powerful weapon created from the splitting of atoms. It was used by Harrry S. Truman on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII


prejudice or hostility towards Jews

concentration camps

prison camps established by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party for Jews and other political prisoners during the war


reformers who dominated the political landscape of the early 1900s


residential neighborhoods


section of city inhabited only by Jews


showing love and suppport for one's own country


slogan meaning "cleasened of Jews", used by Nazis after every Jew was either dead or removed from an area


small Jewish communities in Poland

relocation camps

special camps in the US where Japanese Americans were detained after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

Home Front

term given to the US mainland during the war


the "walking dead" of concentration camps who looked and acted like zombies

Division of labor

the breakdown of labor into its components and their distribution among different persons, groups, or machines to increase productive efficiency


the growth of cities


the quality or state of being family


those with mixed Jewish and Gentile blood


to allow only certain amounts of food, gasoline, and other goods to each person

political machine

well organized political organization that controls election results by awarding jobs and other favors in exchange for votes

Death Wall

where firing squad executions took place

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