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functional fixedness

A young couple was having a picnic outdoors when a sudden rainstorm approached. They became soaked, because they did not think of using their plastic tablecloth for protection form the rain. This best illustrates


Aversion therapy to eliminate undesirable behaviors is most likely to be used by which of the following types of therapists? a) behavioral b) psychoanalytic c) cognitive


Ben normally sleeps from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. In which of the following time periods would he experience the LEAST amount of REM sleep? a) 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM b) 12:00 AM and 1:00 Am c) 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM


Computer-generate color images of the brain that provide information about glucose metabolism are produced by which of the following techniques? a) EEG b) MRI c) PET


Noam Chomsky hypothesized that humans learn language through a) conditioning and reinforcement b) an innate language acquisition device c) general cognitive development


Research suggests that ability to cope with stress in everyday situations is closely related to a person's a) annual income b) ability to predict and control potential stressors c) verbal intelligence


Rhoda sometimes experiences periods of major depression. At other times, she is extremely talkative and active, appears to be in a euphoric mood, goes days without sleeping, and reports that her thoughts are racing. The most likely diagnosis of Rhoda's condition is a) bipolar disorder b) dissociate identity disorder c) delusional disorder


A bundle of nerve fibers that interconnects the two brain hemisphere is the a) association areas b) thalamus c) corpus callosum


A child believes that all birds can fly, yet comes to realize that a penguin is a bird. Which of the following terms was used by Jean Piaget to refer to this development process of changing one's ways of thinking in order to incorporate new information? a) accommodation b) egocentrism c) formal operational thought


A child has learned that her grandparent ignore rather than reward her tantrums. Which of the following operant principles are the grandparents using to control the child's behavior? a )positive reinforcement b) extinction c) negative reinforcement


A fifty two year old woman notices a decrease in her ability to solve unfamiliar problems quickly and to form new concepts, although she still feels confident in recalling and using familiar information. This is most likely due to a decline in a) mental age b) crystallized intelligence c) fluid intelligence


A group of students perceived a stationary point of light in a dark room as a moving object. When asked later how far the light had moved, their responses increased in similarity as they heard each others' estimates. This outcome was a demonstration of


A market researcher is interested in ascertaining which of two possible packages is more likely to entice buyers to purchase a new brand of chocolate chip cookie. In this study, which of the following pairs represents the independent and dependent variables, respectively? a) The different types of packages; total sales for each of the packages b) The new brand of cookie; the two types of packaging c) Another brand of cookie; the new brand of cookie


A mother gives her child an orange for the first time. The child rolls it across the table and says, "ball". Which of the following Piagetian processes would account for this behavior? a) accommodation b) reversal c) assimilation


A moviegoer who cannot identify the name of a film star remembers the name when a friend reviews a list of stars. This incident illustrated which two concepts in human memory? a) rehearsal and chunking b) the primacy effect and the recency effect c) recall and recognition

negative reinforcement

A person closes a window to shut the traffic noise. The reduction in noise leads the person to close the window every day. This is an example of


A person leaves her current home, moves to a new location, takes on a new identity, and has little or no memory of her former life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), which of the following diagnoses is most appropriate? a) dissociative fugue b) panic disorder c) bipolar disorder


A person who is fearful of rattlesnakes but not garden snakes is exhibiting a) response learning b) discrimination learning c) insight learning


A researched asks a young child what she did yesterday. The child replied, "I goed to the park". This is best described as an example of a) overgeneralization of grammar rules b) contradictory morphemes c) the deep structure of language


A researcher conducts an experiment to test the claim that new drug Y is more effective than standard drug X in inhibiting arousal. The researcher randomly assigns participants to receive drug Y or drug X and subsequently measure arousal. In this experiment, participants receiving drug Y constitute the a) dependent variable b) confounding variable c) experimental group


A researcher gave identical puzzles to 5 year old children in two groups, group A and group B. The children in group A were promised candy if they completed the puzzles quickly and well. The children in group B were not promised a reward but were encourage to do the best that they could. If the researcher argues that over justification occurred, which of the following most likely happened during the experiment? a) Group A did not work as hard or as well as group B and would be less likely to spontaneously work on similar puzzles in the future. b) Both groups worked equally hard and well. c) Group A worked harder and better than Group B


A researcher shows a picture to a volunteer; the picture features a woman in the foreground and an older man, looking over her shoulder, in the background. The volunteer is asked to "tell a story" about the picture. The researcher assumes that the volunteer will project his own unconscious feelings into the story he tells. This is an example of which of the following tests? a) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) b) Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) c) Stanford-Binet Test


A therapist who helps a client replace irrational thoughts with alternative patterns of thinking is using which of the following techniques? a) cognitive restructing b) cognitive dissonance c) aversive conditioning


A therapist who uses systematic desensitization to help a child overcome a white rabbit phobia will probably being treatment by a) exploring the child's early ego formation b) having the child imagine being in a room full of rabbits c) having the child list a hierarchy of white, fuzzy objects


According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs must first be met before belongingness and love become important? I. Safety needs II. Esteem needs III. Self actualization needs IV. Physiological needs a) I only b) I and IV only c) II and III only d) I, II, and IV e) II, III, and IV


According to David McClelland, which of the following is true of individuals who have a strong need for achievement? a) they seek out tasks that are moderately difficult b) they are not likely to persist on any task c) they seek out tasks that are easy


According to Erik Erikson's theory of development, the key concern of early adulthood is a) sharing intimacy with another b) leaving the parents' world c) raising children


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, children at the first level of moral reasoning make judgments about right and wrong on the basis of a) the likelihood of punishment b) social conventions c) cultural norms


After constant exposure to a stimulus, our nerve cells fire less frequently. This can be explained by which of the following? a) Weber's law b) sensory adaptation c) signal detection


Although it can produce undesirable side effect, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been shown to be most effect in the treatment of a) depression b) schizophrenia c) panic disorder


An example of an episodic memory is the memory of a) one's high school graduation b) the capital of a state c) what the musical note C sounds like


Client: "I've been feeling totally worthless, like I never do anything right". Therapist: "I guess you feel that way a lot, don't you? That you're no good. It's hard to have feelings like that". Which of the following types of therapy would be likely to involve the exchange about? a) person-centered therapy b) psychoanalysis c) rational-emotive behavior therapy


Classical conditioning is most efficient when the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) a) immediately follows the conditioned stimulus (CS) b) follows the conditioned (CS) by a few minutes c) immediately precedes the conditioned stimulus (CS)


Dan always returns after leaving home to see if he locked the door. He always locks the door, but he thinks about whether of not he locked the door until he has checked. Dan's behavior is an example of a) a specific phobia b) obsessive compulsive disorder c) conversion disorder


Dr. Lewis decided to study the television viewing habits of her students and therefore demanded that they complete and return a survey regarding their viewing habits. Which of the following ethical principles was clearly violated in this study? a) the right to be informed of deception b) the right to refuse to participate in the study c) the right to have a copy of the survey


Dr. Williams is a therapist who believes that his client's depression is causes by internalized anger and other intrapsychic conflicts. Of which psychological perspective is Dr. Williams most likely a proponent? a) psychoanalytic b) behavioral c) evolutionary


Gender typing is best described as a) the acquisition of the roles associated with distinctions between male and female b) a preferential interest of a female child in the attention of the mother c) a child showing ambivalence toward bother the mother and father


In "Baby X" studies, researchers alternately dressed an infant in typical boys' or girls' clothing. Adults who were asked to play with the infant treated the baby in boys' clothing in a generally rougher manner than when asked to play with the same infant dressed in girls' clothing. This behavior is the result of a) stereotyping b) androgyny c) indulgence


In a normal distribution, approximately what percent of the scores occur within one standard deviation above and below the mean? a) 68% b) 16% c) 33%


In an emergency situation, the adrenal glands secrete hormones that cause all of the following EXCEPT a) increased heart rate b) reduced mood swings c) increased blood sugar level


In neurons, neurotransmitters are released at the a) dendrites b) synaptic vesicles c) cell bodies


In treatment of patients, which of the following psychologists made no attempt to offer formal diagnosis, advice, or interpretation of patients' unconscious motives? a) Carl Rogers b) Aaron Beck c) Albert Ellis d) Sigmund Freud e) Carl Jung


Jamal receives a Full Scale IQ of 125 on the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. This score indicates that a) scored correctly on 125 items on the test b) scored more than one standard deviation above the mean of the test c) scored exactly at the median of the test


Janet believes her brother Ralph is depressed because he has a distorted view of reality: he has unrealistically negative thoughts. Which of the following theories comes closest to describing Janet's orientation to abnormal behavior? a) cognitive b) psychodynamic c) behavioral


Jessie and a friend are driving in rush hour highway traffic when a car suddenly sures in front of them in order to reach an unmarked exit ramp. Jessie's passenger points out that the circumstance may have required the other driver to do so, while Jessie loudly criticizes the personal qualities of the other driver. Jessie's response is best explained by a) cognitive dissonance theory b) the fundamental attribution error c) a self fulfilling prophecy


Keisha recently lost the sight in her left eye. In which of the following situations would Keisha NOT be able to judge depth? a) Looking down a railroad track as it disappears into the distance b) looking out a train window at passing scenery c) throwing a ball to a friend


Kevin laughs when others are injured by his thoughtless pranks and shows little regard for the feelings or well being of others. He has been in trouble with the police and other authority figures a number of times. Which of the following disorders would best describe Kevin's behavior? a) dissociative identity disorder b) antisocial personality disorder c) narcissistic personality disorder


Long term potentiation is best described as the a) interference effect of old memories on the formation of new memories b) increased efficiency of synaptic transmission between certain neurons following learning c) tendency of people to recall experiences that are consistent with their current mood


Match the Roman numerals in the table above with the appropriate terms in signal detection theory. Refer to question 71 in the 2007 AP Exam, since the table cannot be included on Quizlet.


Maturation differs from learning in that developmental changes due to maturation a) are relatively independent of environmental factors b) follow no predictable pattern c) can take place only in an enriched environment


Most professionals from the United States rate themselves better in performance and competence than their average peer. This is an example of a) self actualization b) self serving bias c) enlightened self schemas


Of the following, which is the best example of divergent thinking in problem solving? a) devising as many solutions as possible b) ending the solution process with functional fixedness c) developing a personal analogy


Of the following, which theory of motivation emphasizes the urge for an optimal level of stimulation? a) instinct b) frustration aggression c) arousal


Question 93 was not scored.


Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is highly correlated with which of the following? a) a lack of genital arousal b) dreams c) tenses muscles


Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system most frequently results in which of the following? a) acceleration of heart and breathing rates and dilation of pupils b) calming of the body c) stimulation of tearing, salvation, and peristalsis


Tension from an inconsistency between an individual's attitudes and behavior is a) cognitive dissonance b) altruism c) deindividuation


The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion includes a component not discussed in the James-Lange theory. What is this component? a) cognitive labeling b) arousal c) facial feedback


The ability of the human visual system to barely detect a candle flame at a distance of about 30 miles on a clear, dark night is an example of a) an absolute threshold b) a difference threshold c) a just noticeable difference


The following question is based on the passage below. A researcher studying the effect of noise level on concentration randomly assigns student participants to either a noisy room or a quiet room to take a problem-solving test. The researcher subsequently compares the two groups' test scores using a t-test and concludes p=.05. The researcher's conclusion that p= 0.5 most likely indicates a) that the difference between the two groups is statistically significant b) that a loss of concentration is common among students c) the presence of a confounding variable


The frustration-aggression hypothesis views aggression as a) unconscious b) physiological c) reactive


The common tendency to assume that the beliefs, values, attitudes, or actions of one's own group are superior to those of other groups is called a) ethnocentrism b) groupthink c) observer bias


The diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) includes which of the following? a) detailed case histories and verbatim patient interviews for each type of mental disorder b) classification and diagnosis of each type of mental disorder c) Discussions of insurance coverage for each type of mental disorder


The experience of an emotion, as described by the James-Lange theory, would follow which order? a) Stimulus, arousal, emotion b) Stimulus, emotion, arousal c) Emotion, arousal, stimulus


The five factor theory of personality (The Big Five) does NOT include which of the following characteristics? a) intelligence b) conscientiousness c) extraversion


The following question is based on the passage below. A researcher studying the effect of noise level on concentration randomly assigns student participants to either a noisy room or a quiet room to take a problem-solving test. The researcher subsequently compares the two groups' test scores using a t-test and concludes p=.05. The dependent variable in this study is the a) p value b) noise level c) problem solving test scores


The following question is based on the passage below. A researcher studying the effect of noise level on concentration randomly assigns student participants to either a noisy room or a quiet room to take a problem-solving test. The researcher subsequently compares the two groups' test scores using a t-test and concludes p=.05. The independent variable in this study is the a) p value b) noise level c) problem solving test scores


Which of the following is true of persons with schizophrenia? a) They have multiple personalities b) They are typically cured if they take appropriate medication c) They typically experience onset in late adolescence or early adulthood


The gate control theory attempts to explain how a) the brain analyzes patterns by analyzing changes in brightness over broad areas b) filtering of excess information results in reduced response to constant stimulation c) the nervous system blocks or allows pain signals to pass to the brain

availability heuristic

The news of a plane crash causes a couple to cancel their plane reservation and rive 1000 miles in their car instead, even though they know that fatal automobile accidents are much more common than airplane accidents. The couple's decision mainly involves the


The process of remembering several pieces of information by mentally associating an image of each with a different location is a mnemonic device known as a) the key word method b) the method of loci c) the peg word system


The quotation below is consistent with the views of which of the following schools of psychology? "Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to be any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief..." a) Humanism b) Behaviorism c) Structuralism


The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response is called a) spontaneous recovery b) generalization c) acquisition


The school psychologist observes Johnny in class, noting the number of times he disrupts the class on a particular day. The school psychologist then instructs the teacher to ignore Johnny when he misbehaves and to praise him when he is good. This method of handling is an example of which of the following psychological approaches? a) Cognitive b) Behavioral c) Humanistic


The section of the brain considered the most vital to the initiation of feeding behaviors is the a) hippocampus b) hypothalamus c) superior olive


The semicircular canals, located in the inner ear, provide important information about the a) apparent distance of sound b) air pressure of the surrounding area c) body's posture and head position


The strongest support for the hereditary basis of personality comes from research techniques that use a) comparisons of photographs of the physiques of young male siblings b) rater's estimated of the similarity between mother and child in personality characteristics such as shyness c) measurements of behavioral similarities of identical twins reared apart


The validity of a personality test is indicated by which of the following? a) The correlation between test scores and some other relevant measure b) the correlation between test scores and IQ c) The inverse correlation of the variables being tested


Two groups of participants in a study are presented a list of 20 words. The first group is told to count the number of capital letters in the words and the second group is told to think if the definition of each word. When both groups are asked to recalled the word lists, which of the following is most likely to occur? a) each group will recall the same number of words b) the first group will recall more words than the second group c) the second group will recall more words than the first group


When Stanley Milgram asked psychiatrists to predict how far participants would go in administering shock in his original demonstration on obedience to authority, the psychiatrists a) made accurate predictions b) significantly overestimated the level c) significantly underestimated the level


When a teacher compares the performance of her students on the even and odd numbered questions in a multiple choice test, she is determining a) equivalent form reliability b) split half validity c) face validity


When members of a group who tend to agree on an issue become more extreme in their opinion after the issue is discussed, which of the following has taken place? a) Deindividuation b) Groupthink c) Group polarization


Which classical study forms the basis for social (observational) learning? a) Albert Bandura...Bobo Doll b) B.F. Skinner...key pecking pigeons c) John Garcia...Nauseous rats


Which gland in the endocrine system controls the activity of other glands? a) pancreas b) pineal c) pituitary


Which of the following best describes the representativeness heuristic? a) an estimate of the likelihood of an event based on how well it matches a typical example b) an estimate of the likelihood of an event based on how tell it matches a typical example c) biased decision making based on the way a question is framed


Which of the following best represents a humanistic explanation for an anxiety disorder? a) lower than normal levels of inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA result in higher levels of anxiety b) anxiety results when an individual experiences a gap between his ideal self and real self c) anxiety is either classically or operantly conditioned


Which of the following correlation coefficients most likely represent the relationship between length of sleep deprivation and level of alertness a) 1.35 b) -0.4 c) 0.01


Which of the following did Alfred Adler suggest is the primary driving force in the development of personality? a) resolving the Electra complex b) overcoming the inferiority complex c) extinguishing reinforcement history


Which of the following is LEAST likely to be used in research on personality? a) interviews b) conservation tasks c) inventories


Which of the following is a hormone that is most directly related to human sex drive? a) acetylcholine b) testosterone c) angiotensin


Which of the following is a measure of central tendency that is most influence by extreme scores?


Which of the following is generally true o participants in Lewis Terman's longitudinal study of intellectually gifted children? a) Their IQ dropped with age b) They led happy and fulfilling lives c) They exhibited a higher than average incidence of mental illness


Which of the following is the best example of social inhibition? a) a person who is a poor bowler begins to bowl even worse than usual when several friends are watching b) an intelligent, charming person acts aloof and sullen at a party c) a person who is very good at "ring toss" carnival games performs even better as a crowd gathers


Which of the following is the phase of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome wherein individuals are most vulnerable to illness, collapse, and even death? a) alarm b) resistance c) exhaustion


Which of the following is true about rods and cones? a) rods facilitate black and white vision and cones facilitate color vision b) both rods and cones are most concentrated at the periphery of the retina c) bother rods and cones are most concentrated at the blind spot of the retina


Which of the following is true of individuals who experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they abruptly stop using a drug that they have been taking for a long time? a) they are physically dependent on the drug b) they are tolerant of the withdrawal effects c) they are in a state of reverse tolerance


Which of the following is true regarding cross-cultural studies on attritional tendencies? a) the actor-observer bias is universal b) people in collectivist cultures are more likely to commit the fundamental attribution error than people in individualistic cultures c) people in individualistic cultures are more likely to commit the fundamental attribution error than people in collectivist cultures


Which of the following lends the most support to the view that early explorers undertook their explorations to gain wealth and fame? a) arousal theorists b) incentive theorists c) humanistic theorists


Which of the following psychoactive drugs works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin? a) Clozapine b) Prozac c) Lithium carbonate


Which of the following scatterplots depicts the most predictive negative correlation between two variables? Refer to question 47 on the 2007 AP Exam, since the graph cannot be provided on Quizlet.

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