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In addition to banning ______, Georgia's trustees strictly regulated trade with the Indians in order to protect against wartime insurrection.

Africans, Catholics, and rum

During most of the Spanish colonial era, northern _____ was governed from Santa Fe in New Mexico, while the southern half of the territory belonged to the Mexican region of Sonora.


Seventeenth-century plantations seldom had more than ______ people, free or enslaved, in their workforce.


How did opportunities for social mobility in the North American colonies compare to opportunities for social mobility in Great Britain?

The colonies had greater social mobility than did Great Britain.

Spanish missionaries and traders in the Southeast posed ______ to British colonial ambitions in North America.

a more direct threat than their compatriots in the Southwest

One of the fundamental reasons why America never developed the same class system as England is the fact that the colonies had

a much higher ratio of land to population.

True or false: A central institution of almost all Spanish settlements in California was the presidio, a fact that reflects the colonizers' emphasis on converting the natives to Catholicism.


Why was it important for poor whites to be armed even in church?

Florida California New Mexico Arizona Texas

From the Spanish colony in ______, Spanish traders and missionaries began moving northward into ______.

Florida; Georgia

During the late 1600s and early 1700s, ______ posed the greatest threat to Spanish dominance in western North America.


New settlers preferred South Carolina over Georgia in the eighteenth century for which of the following reasons?

Georgia's ban on slavery Oglethorpe's restrictions on the size of individual property holdings Georgia's political structure under Oglethorpe and the trustees

Which of the following are accurate examples of the ways in which colonial powers made use of Indians or slaves in their struggle to dominate the borderlands of the Southeast?

The Spanish offered freedom to Carolina slaves who converted to Catholicism. The English incited Florida Indians to attack Spanish missions. Spain used a regiment of freed English slaves to guard the borders of New Spain.

Though its founders had specific ideas in planning the Georgia colony, ultimately the colony's population included which of the following?

a small group of Jews, as well as religious refugees from Germany and Switzerland a smaller proportion of English settlers than any other American colony hundreds of poor English and Scottish tradesmen and artisans a relatively small number of debtors and released prisoners

In colonial New England, selectmen were

annually elected town councilors who governed the town.

New England towns were typically built around a ______, or central pasture.


Gullah allowed slaves in South Carolina to

communicate without their white masters' understanding.

Each new settlement in colonial New England drew up a ______ to formalize settlers' commitment to unity and harmony.


Under the partial-inheritance system in New England,

daughters generally had more freedom to move out of the home than sons. sons were more dependent on their father's good favor. fathers were supposed to divide lands among their sons.

Because America had far more land than England, and far fewer people competing for it, the colonies

developed a more egalitarian social system.

Compared to most poor women in colonial society, the wives of plantation owners were able to

devote more time to their husbands and children.

Which of the following were significant factors in the development of an elaborate family structure among Africans living in North America in the eighteenth century?

equalization of the sex ratio population growth through natural increase increased life expectancy

As the Spanish began colonizing California in the 1760s, ______ were established along the Pacific coast from San Diego to San Francisco.

missions trading communities presidios or forts

Which of the following make Georgia unique among English colonies in North America?

the combination of military and philanthropic motives behind its establishment the fact that it was neither solely a business venture nor a religious refuge

James Oglethorpe's vision for Georgia ended in failure because

the strict rules governing life in the colony stifled its early development.

Richard White's The Middle Ground (1991) and works by other scholars with similar theses are important because they provide greater understanding of which of the following?

the ways in which whites and Indians worked together in shaping a new society the Indians' role as active participants in history, not simply victims or obstacles the means by which whites won control of North America from the Indians

Which of the following are considered the two primary motivations behind the establishment of the Georgia colony?

to provide a military buffer against Spanish territories to the south to create a refuge, and a chance at a new start, for the impoverished

The characteristic social unit of colonial New England was the


The Spanish colonizers in the Southwest during the 1600s and early 1700s sought to do which of the following?

trade with the native population recruit Indians for agricultural work convert Indians to Catholicism

Beginning in the late seventeenth century, New England was gripped by widespread hysteria over supposed


After ______, Florida became an English colony and the Spanish colonial presence in the Southeast came to an end.

years of hostilities between Spanish and English forces

Sons in New England depended on their fathers for ______, and fathers depended on their wives and daughters for ______.

land; labor

A central element in the emergence of independent black culture was the creation of a new

religion that blended Christianity with African folklore.

The population of the Spanish colonies in North America during the 1600s and early 1700s typically included which of the following groups?

religious minorities independent ranchers Spanish soldiers Catholic missionaries

Which of the following was an attitude often shared by wives of plantation owners and their female slaves?

resentment and anxiety over white masters' sexual liaisons

Research has shown that the New England witchcraft trials may have resulted, at least in part, from

resentment of independent women.

Which of the following were excluded from Georgia by James Oglethorpe and the trustees who established the colony?

rum, both on moral and practical grounds Catholics, for fear that they might align with the Spanish Africans, free or slave, whose presence might spark revolts

Because towns and cities in the South were few and far between, plantations became

self-contained communities.

A typical southern plantation included

service buildings and slave cabins. a number of residents living in close proximity.

Which of the following might a slave learn in order to be hired out to other planters?

sewing midwifery carpentry blacksmithing

Because of the plantation economy, southern society was highly

stratified. unequal.

The plantation economy, especially for tobacco plantations, was

subject to great fluctuations. difficult to control. potentially quite profitable.

All of the following happened in Georgia in 1750 or 1751

the ban on slavery was removed. the prohibition of rum came to an end. control of the colony was returned to the king.

The first plantations emerged in the early settlements of

Maryland and Virginia.

Which of the following statements about wealthy people in New England in the eighteenth century are true?

Men had more power than women. They were given the best seats in the churches.

The most prosperous and populous of all Spanish colonies in North America during the 1600s and early 1700s was

New Mexico.

In the 1680s, French explorers traveled down the Mississippi River and claimed a vast territory, which they named _____ for their king.


Which of the following economic activities most supported the emergence of class distinctions in all colonial regions?

Production and trade of commodities

Which of the following statements about the Puritan foundations of New England town politics are correct?

Residents could participate in politics through the "halfway covenant." Only residents who could give evidence of conversion were "visible saints" with full voting rights.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the area between the Carolinas and Florida was the site of which of the following?

Spanish efforts to build forts English-Spanish tensions Spanish-French tensions

The _____ Rebellion in 1739 was the largest colonial slave revolt.


Though the Spanish had previously paid little attention to ______, fears of French encroachment on their territorial claims led them to establish new forts, missions, and settlements there during the early 1700s.


Which of the following statements about Florida after about 1700 are correct?

Their small numbers made Spaniards heavily reliant on natives and Africans. Constant fighting in the region had driven most Spanish settlers out of Florida. Intermarriage between Spanish settlers and natives or Africans was common.

Which of the following best describe southern small farmers?

They constituted the majority of the southern population. They depended on planters to market their crops.

Which of the following are accurate descriptions of African house servants?

They lived under constant white surveillance. They sometimes enjoyed luxuries (by slaves' standards). They often found themselves isolated from their community.

Which of the following explains why rich people made up the majority of the population in Boston in the eighteenth century?

Wealthy people were more likely to move to cities and participate in commerce.

Due to lack of family stability, Africans emphasized

extended kinship networks.

Most slaves worked as ______, with women bearing the additional burden of ______.

field hands; cooking and child rearing

Modern research has shown that women accused of being witches in New England during the 1680s and 1690s were

often of low social position. mostly middle-aged.

By 1770 slaves comprised about ______ of the non-Indian population of Georgia.


Which of the following difficulties were unique to women slaves, but not to the slave population in general?

raising mulatto children whose white fathers refused to acknowledge them unwanted sexual advances from white planters and overseers

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