APUSH CH 20-24

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Dr. Francis Townsend gained notoriety as a critic of the New Deal with his?:

$200 per month pension plan for the elderly.

Such expressions as "liberty cabbage" and "liberty sausage," as used during World War I, were an indication of?:

American hostile reaction to things German.

I remarked, The man who builds a factory builds a temple; the man who works there, worships there?:

Calvin Coolidge

Which of the following was most crucial in bringing about U. S. participation in World War I? a]British propaganda. b]German use of submarines against merchant and passenger ships. c]revelation of a German proposal to Mexico for a joint war against the United States. d]German violation of Belgian neutrality. e]German atrocities against French and Belgian civilians in the occupied areas of those countries.

German use of submarines against merchant and passenger ships

Underneath the surface...the activity of privilege appears, the privileges of the street railways, the gas, the water, the telephone, and the electric-lighting companies. The connection of these industries with politics explains the power of the boss and the machine. Who would most likely have made this statement?:


What is an accurate contrast between the Populists and politically active Progressives?

Populist supporters were largely Southern or Western agrarians, Progressive supporters were largely middle class urban professionals

Which of the following was, in large part, a consequence of Upton Sinclair's 1906 book, The Jungle?:

President Theodore Roosevelt supported passage of the Meat Inspection Act.

Which of the following best describes the administrations of Warren harding and Calvin Coolidge?:

The business of government is business!

Which of the following statements comes closest to Franklin D. Roosevelt's meaning of the New Deal?: a] It is time for a change, that will call forth abundant capital to turn the wheels of industry and activate the channels of trade. b] Our policy calls for a full dinner pail for every worker. It can be best accomplished by a moderate protective tariff. c] The farmer has too long been aided by federal laws. We need a new deal that favors no segment of our people but assures opportunity for all. d] Capital and labor should be treated equally by government. e] These times call for policies that will bring a decent standard of living to the forgotten people at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

These times call for policies that will bring a decent standard of living to the forgotten people at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

All of the following were achieved during the New Deal EXCEPT?: a] a balanced budget. b] renewed confidence in banks. c] a gradual improvement in farm conditions. d] a gradual acceptance of labor unions. e] a reduction in unemployment.

a balanced budget.

The anti-immigration movement that emerged during the progressive period was fueled by all of the following EXCEPT?: a]immigrants were creating unmanageable urban problems. b]unrestricted immigration was a threat to the nation's racial purity. c]the new immigrants were much less assimilable than were earlier immigrants. d]a completely open immigration policy was contrary to American tradition.

a completely open immigration policy was contrary to American tradition.

Huey Long's "Share Our Wealth" Society advocated?:

a guaranteed annual income to each family.

The Spanish-American War resulted in which of the following?

a guerilla war between Americans and Filipinos.

President Grover Cleveland rejected the effort to annex Hawaii because?:

a majority of native Hawaiian opposed annexation to the United States.

At the Portsmouth Peace Conference ending the Russo-Japanese War, Teddy Roosevelt helped to establish?:

a new balance of power between the Russians and the Japanese.

The rapid growth of the automobile industry was made possible by?:

a ready market created by the rising standard of living and the increase of leisure time of the average American.

The most important problem faced by the Democratic party in the 1920s was?:

a serious split between urban and rural wings of the party.

Which of the following characterized the economy of the 1920s?:

a shift to the production of consumer goods.

American went to war against Spain in 1898 because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT?: a] Spain's refusal to discuss terms for peace. b] the buildup of public pressure for war. c] alleged Spanish mistreatment of Cuban civilians. d] Americans tended to compare the Cuban insurrection with their own American Revolution.

a] Spain's refusal to discuss terms for peace

The Social Security program of 1935 provided which of the following?: a]federally administered unemployment insurance. b] old age pensions paid for by taxes on employers and workers. c] unemployment insurance administered by the federal government. d] federally administered assistance to the blind and disabled. e] all of these choices are correct.

a]federally administered unemployment insurance. b] old age pensions paid for by taxes on employers and workers. c] unemployment insurance administered by the federal government. d] federally administered assistance to the blind and disabled. e] +++++all of these choices are correct.

The Progressive movement's attitude toward monopoly was one of?

advocating the end of corporate privileges in government and the regulation or destruction of trusts

Which statement best summarizes the Open Door Policy?

all nations should be granted equal trading rights in China

The union movement weakened in the 1920s because? a]overall wage rates rose steadily in the 1920s. b]the older craft-based pattern of union organization was ill-suited to the new mass-production industries. c]management was hostile to labor organizing. d]all of these choices are correct.

all of these choices are correct.

The Wagner Act?:

allowed labor to organize into labor unions and to act as the workers' sole bargaining agent in the workplace.

All of the following characterized the writing of the "Lost Generation" EXCEPT?: a]disillusionment with materialism and consumerism. b]heroes as flawed as the villains they struggle against. c]an acceptance of decadence as the best way to survive in post-World War I society. d]a sense of lost values and purpose. e]repugnance at the loss of spirituality in society.

an acceptance of decadence as the best way to survive in post-World War I society.

Jacob Coxey's 1894 march on Washington, D. C. called for?

an increase in the supply of paper money.

The use of African-American troops in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War had the effect of?

arousing racial tensions among troops and with communities around posts, especially in several southern states

By the end of the 1920s, what had become the nation's largest industry?:


To justify their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800s offered all of the following reasons EXCEPT? a] strong nations were destined by natural law to dominate weak ones. b] the U. S. should try to create a community of nations to guarantee world peace. c] a strong navy was the key to becoming a great nation, and colonies would serve as bases for such a navy. d] the U. S. had a duty to spread its superior institutions to less civilized peoples.

b] the U. S. should try to create a community of nations to guarantee world peace.

According to John Dewey, schools should?:

become the instruments of reform by embracing the new ethic of social interdependence.

During the years of the Great Depression and the New Deal, Blacks?:

benefited from having a friend in the White House, Eleanor Roosevelt, who could speak and act independently in support of black goals.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the philosophy of Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association?: a]blacks should demand integration in all areas of American society. b]blacks should separate themselves from corrupt white American society. c]blacks must elect their own candidates to state and national offices in order to become an integral part of white society. d]blacks must prove their ability at manual jobs in order to achieve upward mobility.

blacks should separate themselves from corrupt white American society.

In the eyes of John Maynard Keynes, the ultimate responsibility for full employment rested with the?:

central government.

Progressives supported greater participation in the political process through all of the following EXCEPT?: a] primary elections. b] recall. c] initiative and referendum. d] direct election of senators. e] city manager government.

city manager government.

With respect to government-controlled public lands, Roosevelt generally favored?:

conservation with carefully managed development.

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918?:

criticism of government leaders or war policies was a crime.

When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912, the most serious shortcoming in the country's financial structure was that the?:

currency was inelastic.

In order to deal with the crisis in banking at the time of his inauguration, Franklin Roosevelt?:

declared a four-day "banking holiday" and prohibited the export of money.

During the first quarter of the 20c, a major concern that influenced our foreign policy was?

defending the approaches to the Panama Canal.

The policy of imperialism in the U. S. from 1890 to 1910 was largely the result of?:

demands for commercial expansion.

Evidence that labor played a key role during World War I may be supported by all of the following EXCEPT?: a]the AFL, led by Samuel Gompers, actively supported the war effort. b]despite labor cooperation, there were thousands of strikes (none of them major) during World War I. c]women for the first time entered the labor force in large numbers during the war. d]blacks came North in large numbers to fill the ranks of labor in mining, steel production, and transportation.

despite labor cooperation, there were thousands of strikes (none of them major) during World War I.

Most of the rationale for conservative opposition to the New Deal came from the argument that New Deal programs?:

diminished the liberty of the individual.

By the end of the 19c, jingoism in the United States was encouraged by all of the following EXCEPT?: a] European imperialism. b] yellow journalism. c] international Darwinism. d] naval views of Alfred Thayer Mahan. e] new immigrants

e] new immigrants

The advocates of women's suffrage significantly increased their general public support during the Progressive Era when they put increased emphasis on the argument that women's suffrage would?

enhance the likelihood of the successful enactment of other progressive reform causes.

The main purpose of initiative, referendum, and recall was to?

enlarge citizens' control over state and local governments

As a result of the increasing demands for reform in medicine by the progressives, the medical profession?

established the American Medical Association, to represent the field as a whole

Woodrow Wilson's "New Freedom" and Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" were similar in that both?:

expanded the government's role in regulating businesses and business monopolies.

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act?

explicitly legalized strikes and peaceful picketing

American involvement in World War I brought about which of the following social and economic changes in the United States?:

extensive black migration to the North.

In the first few years after World War I, relations between blacks and whites in America were generally characterized by?:

extreme resentment, race riots, and numerous lynchings.

Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom?:

favored small enterprise and entrepreneurship.

The most enduring change that occurred in United States banking during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt was the?:

federal insurance of bank deposits.

Which of the following methods of fighting the Depression did President Herbert Hoover oppose throughout his administration?: a] federal welfare programs to give relief directly to the poor. b]an increase of taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations. c]loans by the government to big businesses to keep them from failing. d]increased state and local spending for public works programs. e]continued promotion of cooperation and conferences between government and business.

federal welfare programs to give relief directly to the poor.

As a result of their work supporting the war effort, women?:

finally received the right to vote.

The Hepburn Act strengthened the authority of the Interstate Commerce Commission by?

giving it the power to set maximum rates that railroads could charge

What was the federal government's attitude toward trusts during most of the Progressive period?:

good trusts should be allowed to exist subject to proper governmental regulations.

Which of the following statements best summarizes Theodore Roosevelt's position on trusts?:

good trusts should be tolerated while bad trusts are prevented from manipulating markets.

During the 1890s, leaders who, like Grover Cleveland, favored economic expansion but not the annexation of overseas territory?:

gradually lost ground to those who advocated both formal and informal imperialism.

The Federal Reserve System has improved on the earlier national banking system by providing for?

greater elasticity of credit and currency.

In the 1920s, the United States government did all of the following EXCEPT?: a]guarantee Franco-German and Belgian-German boundaries. b]co-author an international pact that outlawed war as an instrument of national policy. c]sponsor international plans to solve the reparations problem. d]authorize loans to Germany. e]participate in some agencies of the League of Nations..

guarantee Franco-German and Belgian-German boundaries

Woodrow Wilson failed to obtain ratification of the Versailles Treaty because?:

he was unwilling to make any compromise with Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

The fundamental failure of the New Deal was its?:

inability to end unemployment.

President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania?:

included a speech in which he said that if Germany was responsible for the killing of any more Americans, then a state of war would exist between the United States and Germany.

The farm policy of the New Deal was designed to?:

increase prices of farm products by reducing farm output.

Those who question whether U. S. policy from 1914-1916 was truly neutral point to?:

increased U. S. trade with Britain and France.

Until the 1930s, the Supreme Court objected to social legislation passed by the states to protect workers on the basis that such laws?:

interfered with the workers' right of contract.

The Republicans returned to power with the election of Warren G. Harding in 1920. The new president's call for a "return to normalcy" turned out to mean?:

isolationism and protectionism.

What was the significance of the Venezuelan crisis of 1895 and America's "jingoistic" behavior?:

it revived the Monroe Doctrine and strengthened U. S. power in Latin America.

Which of the following statements about the presidential election of 1912 is TRUE?: a]it established the Socialist party as the major third party in American politics for many years. b]it weakened the progressive wing of the Republican party for many years. c]it cracked the Solid South. d]it made the Democratic party dominant in Northern cities. e]it marked the shift of the black vote from the Republican to the Democratic party.

it weakened the progressive wing of the Republican party for many years.

The global Spanish flu epidemic of 1918?:

killed five times the number of Americans as died of combat deaths in France.

John Dewey's theories on "progressive education" advocated all of the following EXCEPT?: a]rote memorization was an ineffective way of earning. b]school's developing a student's social outlook. c]children best learn by doing. d]knowledge of the facts was the purpose of education. e]students should be encouraged to work on group projects.

knowledge of the facts was the purpose of education

Prohibition failed because?:

many Americans believed the law interfered with their personal freedom.

The conclusion of the Sacco and Vanzetti case suggested that?:

many Americans had an unreasonable fear of radicals and foreigners.

The ideology of progressivism, insofar as it had one, generally?:

mixed a liberal concern for the poor with a conservative wish to control social disorder.

Which of the following was NOT a reason given by President Franklin Roosevelt in his attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court?: a] he believed he had a mandate after the 1936 election. b] most Supreme Court justices were interpreting the Constitution too broadly. c] he wanted to ease the work load of the Court's older members. d] most of the Supreme Court justices were conservative. e] the Court was declaring too many New Deal programs unconstitutional.

most Supreme Court justices were interpreting the Constitution too broadly.

The Reconstruction Finance Corporation?:

offered emergency loans to banks, farm mortgage associations, building and loan societies, and other such businesses to prevent bankruptcies.

One of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920s was?:


From the Red Scare of 1919 and 1920, it became clear that?:

people's fears of disloyalty could lead to the erosion of civil liberties.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was most often used to punish?:

persons who criticized the war effort.

In general, the women's club movement?:

played an important role in winning passage of state laws regulating conditions of housing and the workplace

The Twenty-First Amendment, ratified in 1933, repealed the?:

prohibition on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

In addition to putting young men back to work, a principal purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to?:

promote reforestation and land conservation.

The Creel Commission during World War I represented the United States' first successful attempt at large-scale governmental?:


Which was a factor considered by the Supreme Court in its decision in United States v. Butler (1936)?: a] proper exercise of the taxing power. b] violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. c] constitutionality of soil conservation practice. d] violation of Article IV, Section 2 of the United States Constitution. e] delegation of Legislative power by Congress to the Executive.

proper exercise of the taxing power.

Germany's notorious Zimmermann telegram?:

proposed an alliance with Mexico if the United States declared war on Germany.

The three original programs of Social Security included all of the following EXCEPT that to?: a] ensure against poverty in old age. b] maintain state-operated unemployment insurance programs. c] provide job security for government employees. subsidize welfare programs of the states.

provide job security for government employees.

Ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment is considered a progressive victory because by?:

providing for the direct election of United States senators, it took their election out of the hands of state legislatures.

In 1933, the purpose of the United States government in devaluing the dollar in terms of gold was to?:

raise domestic prices and make American goods cheaper abroad.

The income tax amendment to the Constitution adopted in 1913?:

recovered revenue lost by reducing the tariff

During the period of the New Deal, the program of organized labor was most successful in?:

removing obstacles to unionization.

The Kellog-Briand Pact of 1928 pledged the signatory nations to?:

renounce war as an instrument of national policy.

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934?:

reversed a 50-year pattern by recognizing tribal life.

One result of the "Dust Bowl" was that?:

several million people on the Plains abandoned their farms and moved West.

President Woodrow Wilson viewed America's entry into World War I as an opportunity for the United States to?

shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy

The price which society pays for the law of competition...is great; but the advantages of this law are also greater....[W]hether the lawbe benign or not, we must say of it: It is here; we cannot evade it;...t is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. The above passage is characteristic of?:

social darwinism

One effect of the Great Depression on women was to?:

strengthen the belief that a woman's place was in the home.

President Woodrow Wilson sent thousands of troops to Russia in 1918 to?:

subvert the new Russian Bolshevik government.

All of the following were part of American economic policy during the 1920s EXCEPT?: a]lower taxes on the wealthy. b]support of public works projects. c]high tariffs. d]limits on regulation of business. e]opposition to parity prices for farmers

support of public works projects.

An important result of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was?:

tariff reprisals from a number of foreign countries.

When President Taft called for "Dollar Diplomacy," he advocated?

that American businessmen should invest in underdeveloped countries rather than lend those countries U. S. dollars

In his book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (1890), Alfred T. Mahan argued which of the following?

that great empires are based on naval supremacy.

During the New Deal, blacks became strong supporters of the Democratic party because?:

the New Deal relief agencies included blacks as recipients.

McKinley officially urged the Senate to accept acquisition of the Philippines for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?: a] we couldn't give them back to Spain. b] someone else such as Germany may take the Philippines if we don't. c] the Filipinos were unfit for self-government. d]we were obligated to Christianize and civilize the Filipinos. e] the Phlippines were a potential source for corporate business profits.

the Phlippines were a potential source for corporate business profits.

All were true of the impact of World War I on the federal government EXCEPT?: a]centralized management along the lines of Roosevelt's Square Deal accelerated the creation of the modern bureaucratic state. b]the national debt multiplied tenfold. c]the Supreme Court struck down acts of Congress that curtailed American civil liberties. d]government-sponsored propaganda promoted psychological and social conformity.

the Supreme Court struck down acts of Congress that curtailed American civil liberties.

The Platt Amendment of 1901 provided for?

the United States' right to intervene in Cuba to maintain peace and law and order.

During World War I, thousands of blacks moved north because?:

the best-paying jobs were located in the industrialized North.

Part of the reason for the stock market crash was?:

the buying of great amounts of stock "on margin."

The Red Scare of 1919 was influenced by all of the following EXCEPT?: a] the October Russian Revolution. b] labor strikes in several areas of the United States. c] terrorist bombings. d] the continuation of World War I. e] formation of the American Communist Party.

the continuation of World War I.

The opening of Japan by the United States in the mid-19c was followed by a period of major change known as the Meiji Restoration. Which of the following was one of the major characteristics of the Meiji Restoration?

the creation of a modern political state which paved the way for industrialization.

The "Roosevelt coalition" that would allow the Democratic party to dominate politics for several decades rested on three pillars. Specifically, these included all of the following EXCEPT?: a] traditional solid support in the South. b] the farm vote, especially in the Plains states. c] industrial workers. d] city dwellers, especially blacks and white ethnics

the farm vote, especially in the Plains states.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v. U. S.?:

the government can restrict the First Amendment right to free speech in time of war.

The Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote was embraced by many Progressives because?

the higher moral character of women would help clean up politics

A major cause of the Great Depression was?

the inability of wages to keep pace with production increases

The most profound and long-lasting effect of the New Deal on American politics was that?:

the increasing power of the president lessened the power of Congress.

Most urban working people opposed the actions of the progressives against the party machines because?:

the machines were a source of jobs and services.

The Harlem Renaissance refers to?:

the movement of African-American artists, poets, and writers who expressed their pride in being black.

What happened to bring about the passage in 1906 of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act?

the revelation that Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic contained 26.5% alcohol. the disgusting descriptions found in The Jungle. proregulation pressure from the larger food-processing, meatpacking, and medicinal companies. +++++all of these choices are correct.

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine established which of the following?

the right of the U. S. to act as a police power in the Western Hemisphere nations.

One of the most important economic transformations in the years after World War I was?:

the shift in production from heavy industry to consumer goods and services.

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was most influenced by?:

the tremendous growth of the Socialist party during World War I.

The anti-imperialists in the 1890s opposed U. S. acquisition of an empire for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?: a]acquiring Pacific territories would bring "inferior" Asian races into the nation as potential citizens. b]an empire would require a large standing army and entangling foreign alliances. c]the vast majority of Americans opposed such empire-building. d] imperialism was simply immoral, a repudiation of America's commitment to human freedom.

the vast majority of Americans opposed such empire-building.

Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the Progressives?: a]they favored government regulation of business on behalf of the public interest. b]they were concerned with the social and economic conditions of the city. c]they advocated a more orderly and efficient society. d]they called for a stronger state and federal government. e]they represented farmers and the working class.

they represented farmers and the working class.

What was the significance of the Immigration Acts of 1921 and 1924?:

they set quotas on immigration from certain areas of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Which best describes the character of post office murals painted during the Depression?: a] they showed common folk from the region doing common, traditional tasks. b] they glorified the worker, subtly criticizing big business. c] they featured patriotic symbols to inculcate loyalty to the federal government. d] they tended to idealize a better future, rather than sound themes from the past.

they showed common folk from the region doing common, traditional tasks.

Which statement best describes the "Irreconcilables" during the debate over the Treaty of Versailles?:

they were opposed to American participation in the League of Nations on any terms.

Which statement describes both the "Square Deal" and the "New Freedom"?:

they were the legislative programs of reforming presidents.

All of the following are TRUE about the election of 1936 EXCEPT?: a] the Republicans recognized the popularity of New Deal policies and simply asserted that they could administer them better. b] Roosevelt beat Alf Landon in the most crushing victory since 1820. c] third-party candidates--Socialist, Communist, and a coalition candidate for Coughlinites, Townsendites, and "Share Our Wealth" advocates--siphoned off an alarming number of Democratic votes. d] the Democrats increased their already top-heavy majorities in the Senate and the House of Representatives.

third-party candidates--Socialist, Communist, and a coalition candidate for Coughlinites, Townsendites, and "Share Our Wealth" advocates--siphoned off an alarming number of Democratic votes.

One of the loudest complaints of wealthy conservatives against the New Deal was that it?:

threatened their wealth and their privileged status and moved the country toward a welfare state.

What was the primary focus of United States foreign policy in the decade after World War I?:

to defend the price of freedom of the seas.

Jane Addams opened a settlement house for which of the following two reasons?:

to help her neighbors and to create meaningful work opportunities for educated women

The Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) was established?:

to organize all workers in a particular industry, regardless of race, gender, or degree of skill.

The primary purpose of the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration was?:

to provide employment through federal deficit spending.

American foreign policy toward Europe during the 1920s was characterized by a?:

trend toward isolationism, except for a willingness to enter into a treaty to curtail a naval arms race.

The mood of "normalcy" invoked by President Warren G. Harding connoted?:

turning away from Europe and away from the programs of the Progressive Era.

The Niagara Movement, founded in 1905 by W. E. B. Du Bois, fought for?

universal suffrage and civil rights for African Americans

Lincoln Steffens, in his series of articles entitled "The Shame of the Cities"?:

unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government.

The Supreme Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional because it?:

used an overbroad definition of interstate commerce.

The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government?:

was designed to remove politics from municipal administration.

Theodore Roosevelt's chief criticism of the muckrakers was that they?:

were more adept at exposing abuses than at constructive efforts.

The Coolidge administration?:

worked to help wealthy Americans through tax cuts and other pro-business activities.

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