APUSH Chapter 17

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Aroostook War

Def: : Series of clashes between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed territory of northern Maine. Short Term Effect: - Resolved w/ Webster-Ashburton treaty which established a permanent boundary in 1842 - British were able to build their route, despite receiving less land - Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes Long Term Effect: - America received priceless Minnesota w/ its iron

Stephen W. Kearny

Def: A general during the Mexican war. Short Term Effect: 1846: Gen Stephen W. Kearny led 1700 troops to capture Sante Fe. Long Term Effect: Helped the American cause for the Mexican War.

Lord Ashburton

Def: A nonprofessional diplomat & the nonconciliatory financier STE: He established good relationship w/ Secretary Webster - They agreed to compromise on Maine Boundary (Webster-Ashburton Treaty) - Americans received 7,000/ 12,000 mi2 disputed land - British got less land but could still complete their proposed route from Halifax to Quebec - Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes LTE: America received priceless Minnesota, which would later provide America w/ iron


Def: A steamer that carried supplies to Canadian insurgents during the Canadian rebellion Short Term Effect: - Was burned by British forces on American soil. Americans were insulted that British violated their neutrality agreement. Washington officials protested the violation, but were ineffective. Long Term Effect: - In 1840, the incident would revive with McLeod, a canadian acused of murder for claiming that he took part in the Caroline raid. America & Britain were on the verge of going to war if he was executed, but he was not. The Caroline incident from the rebellion & its revival would fuel tensions w/ Brits. Until Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes in the Webster-Ashburton treaty.

Mexican War

Def: A war fought between America & Mexico over Texas' border and claims to California. Short Term Effect: - America was victorious in battles Long Term Effect: - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: America took half of Mexico's northern territory - Raised questions about the expansion of slavery - Q's would be answered in the Civil war of the 1860's - The Mexican War was good practice for future generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant who'd one day clash in the Civil War. - War marked an ugly turning point in relations between US and Latin America as a whole - US= greedy & untrustworthy bully

James K.Polk

Def: American President from 1845-1849. He was a democrat that strongly believed in the manifest destiny. Short Term Effect: - His win in the election encouraged Tyler to invite TX to the union. - He proposed the Walker Tariff which decreased tariffs from 1842, it fueled trade. - Restored the independent treasury. - Helped settle the Oregon dispute with Compromise line at 490 Long Term Effect: - His tampering with the Texas-Mexico border would lead to the Mexican War, which would end with America receiving the northern half of Mexico.


Def: American ship in which 130 VA slaves had rebelled & captured it Short Term Effect: - They were offerred asylum by the British officials in the Bahamas. British asylum ncreased tensions between America and Britain. Long Term Effect: - Southerners feared their slaves would run away to the British Caribean, where slavery was abolished.

Winfield Scott

Def: An American General who fought in the Mexican War. Short Term Effect: - He captured Mexico City during Mexican and was accompanied by Nicholas P. Trist to arrange an armstice. Long Term Effect: - Long term effect of his win is that the Mexican War soon ended and America received the northern half of Mexico. These new lands would increase sectionalism because Americans would fight over the expansion of slavery to these new lands.

John C. Fremont

Def: An explorer. Short Term Effect: - He happpened to be there w/ several dozen well armed men, when war broke out. - 1846: Collaborated w/ naval officers & w/ local Americans to overthrow Mexican rule in California. Long Term Effect: - Helped the American cause for the Mexican war and helped president Polk achieve his goal of obtaining Californias.

Liberty Party

Def: Antislavery party that sought the eventual abolition of slavery. Short Term Effect: - Ran candidates in the 1840 & 1844 elections - Hoped to halt expansion of slavery into new territories & stop domestic slave trade. Ironically helped James K. Polk in election of 1844 by taking some of the popular vote from Henry Clay in election of 1844. Therefore helping to ensure the election Polk, who wanted to annex the slave state of TX. Long Term Effect: - Eventually merged with the Free soil party

Manifest Destiny

Def: Belief that the United States was destined by God to spread its "empire of liberty" across North America. Short Term Effect: - Served as a justification for mid-nineteenth century expansionism - Americans wanted to annex TX. - Influenced the presidential election of 1844 and its canidates. Long Term Effect: - Shaped the geography of America - Fueled Mexican War which would take place in order for America to claim the northern half of Mexico. - New lands would create rguments over the expansion of slavery during election of 1848.

California Bear Flag Republic

Def: California republic established by local American settlers who revolted against Mexico. Short Term Effect: - Once news of the war with Mexico reached the Americans, they abandoned the Republic in favor of joining the United States Long Term Effect: - Eventually were annexed into the US as a free state.


Def: Descendents of the Spanish & Mexican conquerers who had once ruled California. Short Term Effect: - Highest social class in spanish colonial empire. - They possessed land & civil offices in California. Long Term Effect: - Mexico gained independence & californios grew more powerful while missionary power weakened. They formed many ranches & ruled California until Mexican war. Californio's power & glory faded in the wake of American victory. Saw their recently acquired lands & recently established political pwr slip.

Maine Boundary

Def: Disputable boundary between Maine and Canada. Short Term Effect: -Canada wanted to build a road through Halifax to Quebec - Their lumberjacks and Maine lumberjacks fought an ugly fight which is called the Aroostook war. Long Term Effect: - Resolved w/ Webster-Ashburton treaty that established a permanent boundary in 1842 - British were able to build their route, despite receiving less land - Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes - America received priceless Minnesota w/ its iron

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Def: Ended the war w/ MX. Short Term Effect: - Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching northwest from Texas to Oregon in exchange for $18.25 million in cash and assumed debts Long Term Effect: - Slavery expansion would become an issue for California & TX. - The Mexican War was good practice for future generals Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant who'd one day clash in the Civil War. - War marked an ugly turning point in relations between US and Latin America as a whole

Battle of Buena Vista

Def: Key American victory against Mexican forces in the Mexican-American War. Short Term Effect: - General Taylor became known as hero of Buena Vista. Long Term Effect: - Elevated General Zachary Taylor to national prominence & helped secure his success in the 1848 presidential election.

Spot Resolutions

Def: Measures introduced by Illinois congressman Abraham Lincoln, questioning President James K. Polk's justification for war with Mexico. Short Term Effect: - Requested that Polk clarify precisely where Mexican forces had attacked American troops - Lincoln was dubbed spotty lincoln

Conscience Whigs

Def: Northern Whigs who opposed slavery on moral grounds. Short Term Effect: - Sought to prevent the annexation of TX as a slave state - Fearing that the new slave territory would only serve to strengthen the Southern "slave power" Long Term Effect: - Eventually their fears of Southern "slave power" would be become a nightmarish reality when they seceded from the Union

Oregan dispute

Def: Oregon country was joint occupied between British and American settlers, but British were beginning to get engulfed by Americans from Oregon fever. Short Term Effect: - The Americans & British struggled to agree on a boundary, so issue was tossed in the presidential election of 1844. Long Term Effect: - While Polk was president, British and Americans settled w/ Compromise line at 490

Tariff of 1842

Def: Protective measure passed by Congressional Whigs, raising tariffs for additional revenue for Treasury. Short Term Effect: -After a few months custom duties decreased as US came out of financial depression -Appealed to Whigs, but not Democrats Long Term Effect: -Would later be reduced by the Walker tariff, which would fueled imports & was supported by low-tariff southerners.

David Wilmot

Def: Representative of Pennsylvania who feared southern slavocracy. Short Term Effect: - He introduced the Wilmot Proviso. The amendment outlawed slavery in new lands that would be obtained from Mexico. Created bitter fighting in Senate among Southerners & abolitionists. It was passed twice in the House, not the Senate. Never became federal law. Long Term Effect: - His amendment forshadows the question of slavery in the new lands that would start the Civil War in 1861.

Walker Tariff

Def: Revenue-enhancing measure that lowered tariffs from 1842 levels. Short Term Effect: - Was supported by low-tariff southerners. - Fueled trade & increased treasury receipts. Long Term Effect: - Was Point 1 of Polk's four point system, which was his four goals as president, would be completed within four years

Canadian Rebellion

Def: Short-lived insurrection in Canada. Short Term Effect: -Americans would offer assistance by supplying weapons & volunteering in army. Washington officials tried enforcing neatrality laws but failed. - Caroline, a steamer that assisted Canadian insurgents, was burned by British forces on American soil. Americans were insulted that British violated their neutrality agreement. Long Term Effect: - In 1840, the incident would revive with McLeod, a canadian acused of murder for claiming that he took part in the Caroline raid. America & Britain were on the verge of going to war if he was executed, but he was not. The Caroline incident from the rebellion & its revival would fuel tensions w/ Brits. Unil Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes in the Webster-Ashburton treaty

"Fifty-four forty or fight"

Def: Slogan adopted by midnineteenth century expansionists who advocated the occupation of Oregon territory, jointly held by Britain and the United States. Short Term Effect: - President Polk settled on the forty-ninth parallel as a compromise with the British Long Term Effect: - Not everyone was happy with the settlement.

Wilmot Proviso

Def: The amendment outlawed slavery in new lands that would be obtained from Mexico. STE: - Created bitter fighting in Senate among Southerners & abolitionists. It was passed twice in the House, not the Senate. Never became federal law. Long Term Effect: - This amendment forshadows the question of slavery in the new lands that would start the Civil War in 1861.

Nicholas P. Trist

Def: The chief clerk of the state department during Polk's presidency. Short Term Effect: - He was sent w/ General Winfield Scott's invading army to arrange an armstice with Santa Anna at a cost of $10,000. Trist was erratic, refused to return to America, and worked a deal anyway. Trist signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. It ended the Mexican war. Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching northwest from Texas to Oregon in exchange for $18.25 mil in cash & assumed debts. Long Term Effect: - The Mexican Cession would make America wonder whether to legally expand slavery to the new lands. Mexico & American relations was bitter bcuz the northern half of Mexico was taken.

Webster-Ashburton treaty

Def: Treaty between Britain & US that compromises on Maine Boundary Short Term Effect: - Americans received 7,000/ 12,000 mi2 disputed land - British got less land but could still completed their proposed route from Halifax to Quebec. - Caroline affair was patched up w/ exchange of diplomatic notes. Long Term Effect: - America received priceless Minnesota w/ its iron

John Tyler

Def: Unfit Vice President of William Harrison, who died within 4 weeks in office. Short Term Effect: - Became President → butted heads w/ his whigs party → inpopularity among party→ partyless - Got America out of Financial depression w/ Tariff of 1842 Long Term Effect: - When Polk won the election of 1844, he invited Texas to the union with a joint resolution. He would leave Polk with the problem on how to establish the border between Mexico and Texas.

President Harrison

Def: Won the Presidential election of 1840, but died after four weeks in office. Short Term Effect: - He reminded Clay that he was the president of the United States not Clay → not his puppet - Clay & Webster's scheme for Washington was delayed after his death - John Tyler became president Long Term Effect: - Tyler would end up getting America out of Financial depression w/ Tariff of 1842. Tyler formally invited Texas to Union with a joint resolution. He would leave Polk with the problem on how to establish the border between Mexico and Texas.

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