APUSH Chapter 33 Terms

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the Oklahoma City bombing

-168 people were killed -destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in downtown -part of a truck axle was found nearby and the identification led to Timothy McVeigh as the assassin -McVeigh was a native white American who served in the Persian Gulf war -he was seeking revenge for the deaths of Davidian religious members who he believed the FBI killed -in the months that followed many white-supremacist groups were found against the government and gun control laws were implemented

race and ethnicity in 2000 government census

-1st time Americans were allowed to identify themselves as belonging to more than 1 race -notions of biological "race" were problematic -acknowledged the growing number of Americans born to parents of different racial backgrounds (8% mixed marriages) -critics worried the new "multiracial" option would clout minority groups so anybody as white and other ethnicity would count as part of the minority group -growing African American and Latino population -growing Asian population with a lot of undocumented workers

the economic recession of 1989-1992

-30 states were in financial trouble in the early 1990s -California faced bankruptcy in 1992 -many businesses closed down or cut back -factory employment was at its lowest since 1982 -corporate downsizing (white collared workers losing jobs) -household incomes declined -Bush's approval rating was also declining

James Byrd Jr

-49 year old black man -was murdered by 3 white supremacists by being dragged by a chain on a pickup truck in Texas -strength of racism, but positive change because the nation was horrified

the transnational terrorist threat

-Al Qaeda had used the globalized world to give itself more power and reach -globalization showed that small cells of terrorism could become true transnationalist threats -Al Qaeda according to US operated in 90+ countries

the attacks of September 11, 2001

-Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 planes and turned them into missiles -2 hit the World Trade Center, 1 hit the Pentagon, and 1 in rural Pennsylvania -showed how interconnected the world had become -sought to strike a blow on the globalization of the world

the "housing bubble"

-American home prices were on the verge of collapse -at its height in 2006 houses cost 4.6 years of work

ethnic wars in the Balkans

-Bosnian Muslims, Serbs, and Croats were killing one another -Clinton talked against Soviet aggression in Bosnia-Herzegovina and against the Serbs "ethnic cleansing" of Muslims through massacres and rape camps -Clinton occasionally ordered air strikes, but emphasized diplomacy -once the Serbs were trying to rid of Albanians the US led NATO forces launched an aerial bombardment of Serbia and US joined UN forces

the Medicare prescription-drug plan

-Bush admin created an expensive program that covered prescription drugs for American seniors -under Medicare

the debate over stem cell research

-Bush called embryonic stem cell research the leading edge of a series of moral hazards because extracting stem cells destroys the blastocyte's potential for life -Bush limited federally funded research to 78 cell lines which were mostly not viable for research -most Americans supported stem cell research, like Nancy Reagan, that the moral good of curing diseases that devastate the lives of many people outweighs the moral good of preserving the potential life of blastocytes -Obama signed an order to end Bush's restrictions and there was a shift in the approach to scientific issues

the Iraq war and the fall of Baghdad

-Bush ordered Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq against the UN diplomatic efforts -Saddam ignored and the US and Britain launched an aerial bombardment of Baghdad and other areas -a ground invasion followed and although there was defense Baghdad fell

the Bush administration's deregulation policies

-Bush was a strong advocate of economic deregulation -dismantled environmental restrictions on oil, timber, and mining industries -he failed to privatize part of the Social Security system, but he did reshape the Supreme Court

the gays-in-the-military issue

-Clinton accepted a "don't ask, don't tell" compromise that alienated liberals, conservatives, the gay community, and the military

the presidential election of 1996

-Clinton and Gore were re-elected -defeated Republican Bob Dole and Reform Party Ross Perot -Clinton stole some of the Conservatives thunder and said big government was over and emphasized family values

the Monica Lewinsky affair

-Clinton lied to the grand jury and actually had sexual relations with a 22 year old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky

the Kyoto protocol

-Clinton was urged to sign by VP Al Gore -aimed to combat emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases scientists believed heated the atmosphere -required the US to reduce emissions 7% by 2012 -Clinton never submitted it to Senate for ratification

the Clinton administration's policies in Somalia and Rwanda

-Clinton withdrew US troops that Bush placed in Somalia because Americans came under attack by forces from a local warlord -he did not intervene in Rwanda where Hutus butchered 800k of the minority Tutsis in a civil war -both testified to the growing importance of humanitarian concerns in post-Cold War US

the Columbine massacre

-Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open fired on classmates and teachers at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado -they killed 13 people and then shot themselves -no clear reason for they did it -many other school shootings at well in Kentucky, Oregon, and Arkansas

the presidential election of 1992

-George H.W. Bush was the Republican nominee -Bill Clinton was the Democratic nominee -Clinton won over New England, West Coast, and a lot of the Midwest

the dot-com collapse

-Internet companies on Wall Street -500 declared bankruptcy or closed in 2001 -corporate revenues were down -time of economic uncertainty

the North American Free Trade Agreement / the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade / the World Trade Organization

-NAFTA was with Canada and Mexico -GATT lowered tariffs for 80% of the world -WTO enforced agreements made at the Uruguay Round -National Economic Council formed by Clinton to globally promote trade missions

passage of the 2009 stimulus package, the expansion of TARP, and the bailout of GM & Chrysler

-Obama signed in 2009 created this $787 billion package -an attempt to jumpstart the economy -supported the expansion of TARP and bailout of GM & Chrysler which were failing

the Middle East peace process 1993-1997

-PLO's Yasir Arafat and Israel prime minister Yitzhak Rabin signed an agreement at the White House for Palestinian self-rule of the Gaza Strip and Jericho -Israeli signed a peace accord with Jordan the next year -Radical Palestinians, however, continued terrorist attacks on the Israelis and vice versa -Americans then conducted negotiations and Israel agreed to withdraw forces

the presidential election of 2004

-Republican Bush v. Democrat John Kerry -Kerry was the Senator of Massachusetts and a Vietnam veteran -Bush won was 51% popular to Kerry's 48% and the electorate was very split -Republication increased its majorities in House and Senate

the government shutdowns of 1995-1996

-Republicans issued an ultimatum to Clinton and he refused so Republicans refused to pass a continuing resolution to provide internal funding and the government was forced to suspend all nonessential action during that winter -the public blamed the Republicans

24-hours news networks

-Starr Report circulated on the Internet around the world -after Watergate mass media did not turn a blind eye to presidential misconduct -CNN began to rely on scandal, spectacle, and crisis to lure viewers -public officials contributed to the blurring lines b/w public and private

the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2009

-US casualties began to decline and troops were being removed from Iraq until the worsening security situation in Afghanistan -Obama announced he would boost US troop numbers in Afghanistan from 30,000 to 100,000 -he declared US would withdraw forces in 2011 to allay concerns of an infinite war -critics called it "Obama's War"

Bush's preemptive-action strategy

-US will not wait for a potential security threat to become real, need to be ready to preemptive action -to defend liberty and lives -response to 9/11 and age of terrorism -US would strike first -critics called it reckless and aggressive


-Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism -made it easier for law enforcement to conduct searches, wiretap telephones, and obtain electronic records -gave FBI agents new powers

the Whitewater investigation

-a conservative Republican named Kenneth Starr spent $72 million investigating allegations of wrongdoing by Hillary and Bill Clinton -Starr was originally charged with investigating Whitewater, but he offered proof Clinton had lied and actually had sexual relations with an intern

Matthew Sheperd

-a gay college student -was beaten unconscious and left tied to a wooden fence in the cold in Wyoming -because his killers were "humiliated" when he flirted with them at the bar -strength of homophobia, yet positive change because the nation was horrified

the "new Democrats"

-advocate a more centrist, yet socially progressive, position for the Democratic Party -members of the new Democratic Leadership Council -global outlook in foreign policy and economic investment -private economic development to promote opportunity not dependency

UN Resolution 1441

-after Bush switched to a less hawkish stance on Saddam Hussein -imposed rigorous new arms inspections on Iraq

President Bill Clinton

-ambitious program of reform and revitalization -a paradoxical president personality wise -wanted to have a diverse cabinet that "looks like America" -goal to make healthcare more affordable

Osama Bin Laden and the rise of Al Qaeda

-an Islamic fundamentalist group that means "the base" -Laden was the leader who was dedicated to purging Muslim countries of the profane influence of the West -Laden supported the Afghan Mujahidin in their struggle against Soviet occupation and used his inheritance to finance terrorist projects -mainly target Americans

the Afghanistan war

-as a result of 9/11 the US launched a bombing campaign against the Taliban and Al Qaeda -in 2 months the Taliban was driven from power, but many escaped -did not end the terrorist threat

the Iraq insurgency

-as a result of their army's disband by the CPA, Saddam loyalists and Iraq nationalists ambushed and attacked US forces frequently -more US troops died from these attacks than the first invasion

the anti-globalization movement

-average working wages were steadily declining -widened the gap b/w rich and poor countries -"slave laborers" in poor countries -exported pollution to countries -change traditional cultures -protests at WTO and IMF meetings -activists targeted corporations

the paralysis of credit markets

-banks could not get the loans they needed to buy raw materials or inventory and consumers could not get the credit they needed to buy large items -US economy depends on the credit availability

the Los Angeles riots of 1992

-caused by a jury (with 4 blacks) that had acquitted 4 white police officers charged with beating a black man -also a lot of poverty and immigrants -these riots also called Sa-I-Gu or 4/29 -a multi-ethnic uprising that left 53 + people dead and symbolized the fundamental conflicts at the heart of American society

the Bush tax cuts

-center of the Bush domestic agenda that was achieved before 9/11 -$1.3 trillion tax cut -largest in US history -this wiped out the $200 billion budget surplus Bush inherited from the Clinton administration

Hillary Rodham Clinton

-co-chaired the healthcare task force -could not create a political coalition strong enough to defeat forces (reasons why healthcare could not be cheaper)

information technology

-computers, fax machines, cell phones, and the Internet -new companies and industries sprang, especially in the "Silicon Valley" near San Fran -Forbes list had high-tech leaders as most rich -improved productivity, new jobs, and economic growth

the "Contract with America"

-developed under Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich -promised "the end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public's money" -family values -called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, reduction of tax, and 2 year limit on welfare payments, and increased defense spenching

the rise in the unemployment rate

-economy was slowly recovering, but unemployment rates remained high -10.2% unemployment -1/8 Americans received food stamps -a jump in Walmart's sale of kitchen storage containers for leftovers

the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

-ensured that when Americans changed jobs, they would not lose health insurance because of preexisting medical conditions -by Clinton

"subprime" mortgages

-financial institutions began to expand their market and experimenting with these mortgages -previously these would not a qualified for credit -after the beginning of deregulation -by 2006 1/5 of home loans were subprime

the Family and Medical Leave Act

-guaranteed 91 million workers the right to take time off to care for ailing relatives or newborn children -by Clinton

the Coalition Governing Council (CPA)

-headed by Ambassador Paul Bremer -made matters in Baghdad worse -moved to disband the Iraqi army which left many men angry, armed and out of work

the Defense of Marriage Act

-in 1996 defined marriage as "only" a union between one man and one woman -many states and corporations extended domestic partner benefits to gay couples and same-sex marriages were performed legally in some states

the "surge" of US forces in Iraq

-in 2007 commanders shifted the focus to a counterinsurgency strategy that emphasized the protection of the population -a drastic reduction in violence -did not achieve meaningful results promoting political reconciliation among the competing factions in Iraq

the Department of Homeland Security

-incorporated parts of 8 cabinet departments and 22 agencies to coordinate intelligence and defense against terrorism -reaction from 9/11

President Barack Hussein Obama

-inspirational speaker of hope and change -began presidency with big ideas and goals -wanted to pass a healthcare reform bill, but also had to confront a massive federal deficit and a major recession

partisan political wars of the 1990s

-led to make sure that no politician's missteps would be overlooked -part of it was the fallout from the Clinton impeachment

the congressional elections of 1994

-major Republican victory through socially conservative voters -Republicans took control of both House and Senate for the first time since 1954 -Republicans finally believed their ongoing attempts to weaken federal power and to dismantle the welfare state would succeed

"No Child Left Behind"

-meant to fix a broken system of education that dismisses certain children and classes of children as unteachable -linked federal fundin to state action -in order to receive federal dollars for education, states needed to set "high standards" for all students -added standardized tests -increased gov role in education

the microprocessor

-miniaturized the central processing unit of a computer meaning that small machines could now perform calculations previously requiring large machines -everything was more fast

"The New Economy"

-name for the tech driven sector -Clinton made a risk and abandoned the middle class tax cut and made deficit reduction a top priority

niche markets

-new technologies replaced mass markets with niche markets -markets specialized to specific products or commodities -everything began to have a target audience

advances in biogenetics

-offered new possibilities to Americans and raised ethical and philosophical conundrums -continued to struggle to find cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS

John Roberts and Samuel Alito

-old conservative US Circuit court judges -Alito became a junior associate justice following the resignation of Sandra O'Connor

mortgage-backed securities

-people began buying up mortgages and bundling them together to sell to investors -these were mortgage-backed securities and were complex and difficult to value -because of deregulation many institutions got away with risky prices

the collapse of the "housing bubble"

-people tried to escape mortgages by selling their houses, but houses prices dropped -huge financial institutions who had gambled on mortgage-backed securities did not have enough capital and were on the verge of collapse around the world

Abu Ghraib prison

-photos were found in 2004 that showed American guards were abusing Iraqi detainees in the prison -these photos were broadcasted worldwide and generated international condemnation

the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)

-provided $700 billion in loans to failing institutions -people were angry that tax dollars were going to rescue wealthy workers on Wall Street instead of main street

the presidential election of 2000

-running for Democratic President was Al Gore, failed to inspire voters and seemed to be a well-informed wonk -running for Republican president was George W. Bush -Al Gore narrowly won the popular vote, but Bush won the electoral vote (narrowly in Florida) -charges and counter-charges and many votes not counted for silly mistakes or confusion

the 2008 presidential election

-shaped by the economic crisis -Republican Bush's approval rating fell -Democratic was Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama -Republican John McCain ran for president with Sarah Palin (unprepared, but gained support from socially conservatives) -Obama won with his calm take on the economic crisis

the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

-signed by Clinton -a welfare reform measure mandating that heads of families on welfare must find work within 2 years -states could exempt 20% of recipients -made legal immigrants in eligible

the Telecommunications Act of 1996

-signed by Clinton -reduced diversity in America's media by permitting companies to own more television and radio stations

the National Missile Defense system

-similar to Reagan's "star wars" -against the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty that Bush withdrew

Washington gridlock

-some saw it as proof that the US had become ungovernable and others countered the system was founded that way to function slowly and cautiously -this gridlock stalled the progress on healthcare reform

President George W. Bush

-son of George H. W. Bush -"president select" -2 terms as governor of Texas -was very right (more than Reagan)

the health-care reform issue

-special interests mobilized in opposition of affordable healthcare -insurance industries worried about lost profits -businesses feared higher taxes -medical community was concerned about regulation and reduced quality -failed

the globalization of business

-technology wave gave globalization momentum -integration of markets, finance, and technologies -US lowered trade and investment barriers

Proposition 13

-the 1st in a series of "tax revolts" across that nation that had cut property taxes while the population boomed

banks and credit providers deemed "too big to fail"

-the Bush admin attempted to prevent the collapse of the financial system by bailing out some of America's largest banks and credit providers (those deemed "too big to fail") -in the cycle of tightened credit, less spending, higher unemployment

the stock market boom of the 1990s

-the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed from 3169 to 11497 -benefited the middle class and wealthy -investing in cars -by 2000 almost 60% sold hel stocks -low unemployment rate so many welfare reforms and welfare rolls declined 50% -further widened the gap b/w the rich and poor -2/3 Americans owned homes

the impeachment and trial of President Bill Clinton

-the House voted that Clinton committed perjury and had obstructed justice -Clinton was the 2nd president to face a trial in the Senate -Americans did not approve of Clinton's personal behavior, but they wanted him in office -the Senate did not convict charges

health risks associated with environmental degradation

-the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 1/4 of global diseases and injuries were related to environmental disruption and decline -90% of diarrheal diseases (cholera, etc.) resulted from contaminated water -environmental disruption contributed for 30 + diseases identified in humans for the first time -environmentalists insisted the growing interaction of economies was impacted the ecosystem

the decline in the federal deficit

-the deficit decreased, interest rates lowered, and investment boosted -stock prices soared and gross national product rose

health issues in early 21th century America

-the growing number of elderly Americans put a strain on Social Security and Medicare -more than 2/3 of adults are overweight or obese linking to hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes -child obesity rates were worse with many states over 30% -cigarette smoking declining and less people were dying and loss in productivity cost $157 billion a year -local governments were banning smoking in public spaces

multinational corporations of the 1990s

-the hallmark of the global economy -63,000 worldwide and 690,000 foreign affiliates -"new international division of labor" -world exports doubled and imports increased a lot -directly affected foreign policy, Clinton extended full diplomatic recognition to Vietnam as a result of pressure form corporations

the culture wars

-the impeachment struggle was part of this war that divided American people -a monumental battle over very large political questions about the Constitution, about cultural mores and the position of women in American society, and about the character of the American people

the American family in early 21st century

-the median age range of marriage rose and the range for people living together w/o marriage -households with married couples went below 50%

the government response to Hurricane Katrina

-the president seemed indifferent; did not care; did not understand the extent of the crisis -public attention shifted to admin management

the dissemination of global disease

-the rapid increase in international air travel was a potent force for the dissemination of global disease -flying made people able to go across the world in way less time than the incubation period for many ailments

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