apush chapter 6

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bank of the united states

1 hold government revenues and pay its bills 2 provide loans to the federal government and to state chartered banks to promote economic development 3 manage the nations money supply by regulating the power of state-chartered banks to issue paper currency or banknotes

Whiskey rebellion

1794 rebellion against tax collectors and marshals against the government's tax on whiskey by backcountry farmers

How did attitudes toward Great Britain and France shape American politics in the late eighteenth century

Americans criticized Jay's treaty. Federalists supported Washington's approach while republicans were more supportive of France. Criticism of Adam led to his defeat in the 1800 election

how did it arrange for future state to enter the Union?

I don't think the 1785 ordinance arranged for territories to enter statehood

How did the Federalists win the ratification of the constitution?

James Madison, John Jay, and James Madison wrote the federalist papers to convince anti federalists, and they also agreed to add a bill of rights.

election of 1800

Jefferson and Burr each received 73 votes in the Electoral College, so the House of Representatives had to decide the outcome. The House chose Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice President.

What voting patterns emerged in the election of 1800?

Jefferson and Burr tied with 73 electoral college votes and the House of Representatives voted to decide who the president would be

Who were the leading Federalists and anti-Federalists?

Leading federalists: James Madison and Alexander Hamilton Leading anti-federalists: Patrick Henry, George Mason, Richard Henry Lee, and James Monroe. (more people but like be so fr is he gonna want us to know all these irrelevant ass people)

How were settlement patterns in the Northwest Territory different from those on the frontier near the south?

Settlement in the Northwest territory was organized, and already surveyed land was purchased. In the south it was much more chaotic and uncertain ownership was common

What happened at the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

The American soldiers defeated the Indians, destroyed their crops and villages, and built a line of forts in northern Ohio and Indiana

Why were there so many overlapping claims to the western lands?

They were Native Americans ancestral lands, the British still had soldiers in the lands, and different states ceded the same land.

Why did General Wayne build Fort Grenville?

To protect western settlers against the Indians

Jay's treaty

Was made up by John Jay. It said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley


advocated for the constitution

Shay's Rebellion

army of unruly farmers marched on the federal arsenal at Springfield, cannon killed 4 and the farmers ran from 4.4k militia men

What were the terms of Pickney's treaty

convinced Spanish to accept a southern American boundary in west Florida. Spanish also agreed to allow Americans to ship goods, grains, and livestock down the Mississippi river to Spanish controlled New Orleans.


dividing authority between the national government and the states

separation of powers

dividing the powers of government among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches

Why were the anti-Federalists opposed to the constitution?

some wanted to keep the confederation, some wanted to start over, and some wanted to revise the constitution. They feared the new national government would eventually grow corrupt and tyrannical

Federalist Papers

eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay and published in newspapers to convince New York to ratify the Constitution

In What ways did the Federalists' vision for the United States differ from that of their republican opponents during the 1790s

federalists wanted to create a diverse economy in which agriculture was balanced by trade finance and manufacturing. Jeffersonian republicans wanted to have a nation dominated by farmers and planters where the states rights are protected from the federal power

How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 revise Jefferson's earlier plan for territorial government?

first congress must appoint a territorial governor and other officials to create a legal code and administer justice, then when the adult male population was 5k they could elect a territorial legislature, finally when the population reached 60k free inhabitants they could draft a constitution and apply to congress for statehood.

alien and sedition act of 1798

gave president power to violate civil liberties protected by the bill of rights

Why did settlers in Tennessee destroy Indian villages?

istg this information is not in the book, but it was prob just some retaliation or bc they wanted to expand

Northwest Ordinance

new territories would not be treated as subordinate colonies but would become states, and slavery would be banned in the region north of the Ohio River Valley


opponents of federalists

what were the terms of the land ordinance of 1785?

organizing the northwest territory on America's immediate western border into townships of thirty-six square miles that would be surveyed, sold for less than a dollar an acre, and settled.

French revolution

royal tyranny was displaced by a democratic republic that gave voting rights to all adult men

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How did the 1787 constitutional convention develop for the new nation

strengths: construct important alliances during the revolution, negotiated treaty of Paris after winning revolutionary war, northwest ordinance and executive departments weaknesses: national government couldn't raise taxes, needed stronger national government

What poltical innovations did the 1787 constitutional convention develop for the new nation

system of federalism: a strong national government with clear separation of power among executive, legislative, and judicial branch. and the house of representatives and senate

bill of rights

ten amendments intended to protect individual rights

why was the election of 1800 a key moment in American History

the Republicans won, and it was the last time the Federalists exercised serious political power. It was also the first time one party had relinquished power to the other.

What were the terms of the Treaty of Grenville?

the United states bought most of the territory that would from the state of Ohio and the cities of Detroit and Chicago from Native Americans for 20k

what were the major debates surrounding the ratification of the constitution? How were they resolved?

the federalist papers were written and a bill of rights was promised to be added

How did Congress break the tie between Jefferson and Burr

the house of representatives voted over who would be the president (chosing Jefferson)

Jeffersionian Republicans (federalists and democratic republicans)

wanted the country to remain a rural nation of small farmers dedicated to republican values. distursted national government, defended state rights, strict constitution interpretation, trusted the masses

Why was the treaty popular?

westerners were eager to transport their crops and livestock to New Orleans

How did the United States treat Native American Claims to their ancestral lands in the west

wherever Indian lands were purchased or stolen they were surveyed and divided into six square mile townships

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