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General William Howe did not pursue and defeat George Washington's army after the Battle of Long Island for all of the following reasons except a. he remembered the slaughter of Bunker Hill b. supplies were slow in coming Selected: c. he lacked sufficient naval support d. the country was rough e. he did not relish the rigors of a winter campaign

c. he lacked sufficient naval support

The nullification crisis of 1833 resulted in a clear-cut victory for

c. neither Andrew Jackson nor the nullifiers.

Andrew Jackson's Democratic political philosophy was based on his

c. suspicion of the federal government.

What complaint did colonists make about decisions made by judges?

c. they weren't fair because they received a commission from the fines

All of the following were part of Alexander Hamilton's economic program except a. funding the entire national debt at "par" b. a national bank c: paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts d. assumption of state debts by the federal government

c: paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts

In early 1776, Thomas Paine published a pamphlet that becomes an instant best-seller in the colonies. What was the pamphlet called?

common sense

Paper currency authorized by Congress to finance the Revolution that depreciated to near worthlessness. _


Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) fighting at Lexington and Concord, (B) convening of the Second Continental Congress, (C) publication of Common Sense, (D) adoption of the Declaration of Independence

d. A, B, C, D

The decisive event in the French-British contest for North America was the

d. British victory in the Battle of Quebec.

This friend of Abigail Adams is one of the earliest historians of the American Revolution. Who was she?

d. Mercy Otis Warren

Andrew Jackson's veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States was

d. a major expansion of presidential power.

With the British and American victory in the French and Indian War

d. a new spirit of independence arose, as the French threat disappeared.

Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it was the

d. absence of a bill of rights

The idea that all tax measures should start in the House was made to appease

d. big states with the most people

People in the West tended to prefer Andrew Jackson in the 1824 election because he

d. campaigned against the forces of corruption and privilege in government.

Andrew Jackson's inauguration as president symbolized the

d. newly won ascendancy of the masses.

Which grouping correctly shows ideas supported by Hamiltonian Federalists

d. powerful central bank, national debt an asset, pro-British

A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its

d. presentation of the ideal of a united nation

Alexander Hamilton's new cabinet position under President Washington was

d. secretary of treasury

The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over

d. tariff policy.

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of the United States on

d. the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation as well as unconstitutional.

The French wanted to control Louisiana because they

d. would then control the mouth of the Mississippi River.

The "Fighting Quaker" who cleared most of Georgia and South Carolina was

e. Nathanael Green

The colonial army eventually lost the Battle of Bunker Hill because its troops were

e. short on ammunition

Some Indian nations joined the British during the Revolutionary War because

e. they believed that a British victory would restrain American expansion into the West

The Mexican Cession was the final chunk of land added to the continental United States in 1848.


The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonial settlement west of the Rocky Mountains.


German mercenaries hired by King George III to fight the Americans. _


The Tea Act in 1773 was designed to bail out the British East _ Company.


who was a president for the "common man".


Wealthy, young, French nobleman who served as a major general in the colonial army. _


The first real fighting occurred at _ and _.

lexington concord

The Aroostook War settled the boundary dispute in __________, and contained a valuable "bonus" when another western boundary was adjusted giving us the valuable _____________.


Which is NOT part of the middle colonies? a. Massachusetts b. New York c. Pennsylvania d. New Jersey


Colonial militiamen were nicknamed _.


The _ River Valley became the focus of conflict between the expanding British and French empires.


The Treaty of _ brought an end to the war with France surrendering to Britain all of its territorial claims to North America.


Which middle colony tried the hardest to treat the natives with respect and justice? _


Act passed by Britain which dealt with the conquered French subjects remaining in Canada and guaranteed them their Catholic religion and customs. _

quebec act

The organization called the _ was formed in New York to prevent the selling of British tea.

sons of liberty

What did Great Britain create, in 1765, that put you on the road to revolution?

stamp act

The Townshend Acts were an indirect tax on several imported items. Which item were colonists most upset about?


The __________ amendment might rightly be called the "states' rights" amendment


After the British defeat at Yorktown

the fighting continued for more than a year

The Quakers were despised by many in England. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons behind that mindset? a. a refusal to support the church of England b. refusal to give proper respect to the upper class c. their economic prosperity and ostentatious living d. opposition to war

their economic prosperity and ostentatious living

The purpose behind the spoils system was

to reward political supporters with public office

The Caroline affair was an affair between president Andrew Jackson and one of his slaves named Caroline and nearly cost him the presidency in 1828.


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Land Ordinance of 1785 helped establish a pattern for statehood in the Northwest Territories, banned slavery and provided free public education.


The Parliament in England was responsible for the passage of the Stamp Act.


The colonists believed that only themselves or their elected officials had the right to tax them.


The colonists complained about the Courts of Admirality because it was missing a fair trial by jury.


The slogan Join or Die, was created by Ben Franklin as part of his Albany Plan for colonial unity.


We gained the territory that will include the state of Oregon after a treaty with Britain in 1846.


Site in Pennsylvania in which American soldiers lacked basic supplies and suffered through the brutal winter of 1777-1778. _

valley forge

The "Tippecanoe" in the Whigs' 1840 campaign slogan was

william henry harrison

English noble who became a Quaker and established a colony where Quakers would no longer be persecuted. _

william penn

_ was the British "organizer of victory" who led England to victory in the French and Indian War by focusing on key French strongholds.

william pitt

As a black man in the newly formed United States, in how many states are you guaranteed freedom from slavery?


How much did we end up spending to purchase Louisiana from Napoleon after all three treaties were finally signed?

15 mil

What treaty led to the US and British agreeing to a 10-year joint occupation of the Oregon country?


Which individual privately advocated equality for women?

Ab Adams

What title did colonists give to the incident in Boston on March 5, 1770?

Boston Massacre

The colonists suffered their heaviest losses of the Revolutionary War at the Battle of


In order to keep colonists informed of British "naughties", Sam Adams organized Committees of


What group was called together by the colonists in response to the Coercive Acts and included the likes of Sam Adams, John Adams, George Washington and Patrick Henry? _

First Continental Congress

Whose side was Spain on? _


Who is the explorer who claimed New York for the Dutch? _

Henry hudson

The British called their laws that punished Boston the Coercive Acts. What did colonists call them? _

Intolerable Acts

This man led the Mormons from Ohio to Missouri to Illinois before they eventually settled west of the Rockies in search of religious freedom.

Joseph smith

The name of the economic policy followed by England which took advantage of the colonies and called for more exports than imports to bring in revenue for the mother country was called _.


What colony did Charles II grant to the Duke of York? _

New york

What is the modern day name of "New Amsterdam"? _

New york

When the Swedes intruded on Dutch land along the Delaware River, the Dutchman known as "Father Wooden Leg" led a siege ending the colony of New Sweden. _

Peter stuyvesant

The city of "brotherly love".


The Force Bill of 1833 provided that the

President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

A nickname for people belonging to the Religious Society of Friends. _


Name the two cities that were the key to control of Canada.

Quebec and montreal

The soldier and explorer whose leadership in establishing French colonies earned him the title of "Father of New France" was

Samuel de champlain

The effective organization created by the First Continental Congress to provide a total, unified boycott of all British goods. _

The Association

We gained the territory that would eventually become the state of Nebraska when we purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803.


What modern street name in New York is derived from the barrier erected on Manhattan Island to protect settlers from hostile natives? _

Wall street

Pennsylvania was a a. a theocracy under the control of the Quakers b. military dictatorship under William Penn c. a representative democracy d. a pre-communist utopian society where all was shared

a representative democracy

John Quincy Adams, elected president in 1825, was charged by his political opponents with having struck a "corrupt bargain" when he appointed __________ to become ___________.

a. Henry Clay, secretary of state

Monroe and Livingston were sent by Jefferson to Paris in early 1803 with instructions to purchase what city?

a. New Orleans

The two colonies that could be considered ethnically diverse. Selected: a. Pennsylvania and New York b. Massachusetts and Connecticut c. New York and New Jersey d. Pennsylvania and New Jersey

a. Pennsylvania and New York

About how many Americans would remain faithful to the British crown through the course of the Revolution?

a. about 1/3

Hamilton's proposed bank of the United States was

a. based on the "necessary and proper," or "elastic" clause in the Constitution

The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it a. brought the colonists much needed aid and a formal alliance with France b. kept Benedict Arnold from joining the British c. brought the British to offer recognition of colonial independence d. prevented the colonial capital from being captured by the British e. prevented the fighting from spreading into the southern colonies

a. brought the colonists much needed aid and a formal alliance with France

Which was characteristic of the Dutch colonists in America?

a. freedom of speech b. peace with the Indians c. feudal estates owned by patroons d. religious freedom

Perhaps the most important single action of the Second Continental Congress was to

a. select George Washington to head the army

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were written in response to

a. the Alien and Sedition Acts

Opposition by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to the financial plan of Alexander Hamilton resulted in

a. the formation of political parties

In his first military command in the French and Indian War, George Washington

a. was defeated at Fort Necessity but was allowed to retreat.

Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because

a. whites wanted the Indians' lands.

On what basis do the colonists primarily argue for their rights?

as English citizens

Anyone who sold British tea was to be considered

b. an enemy

The Articles of Confederation left Congress unable to

b. enforce a tax-collection program

Which was typical of the Middle Colonies?

b. ethnically mixed

The cement that held the Whig party together in its formative days was

b. hatred of Andrew Jackson.

The debate between the supporters and critics of the Articles of Confederation centered on how to

b. reconcile states' rights with strong national government

The Battle of New Orleans

b. unleashed a wave of nationalism and self-confidence

What did Ben Franklin say was the "pride of America"?

b. wearing their old clothes over again, till they can make new ones

Britain gave America generous terms in the Treaty of Paris because British leaders

b. were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with France

The Boston Tea Party occurred in what city? _


Washington is about to make a desperate attempt to cross the Delaware River. What prompted him to take the risk of attacking the Hessians garrisoned there?

c. He was about to lose you and over half of his army because your enlistment is up.

Who is scholar Richard Norton Smith describing as the "surrogate son of Washington"?

c. Marquis de Lafayette

What was the name of the local political group that organized this demonstration?

c. The Sons of Liberty

The "large-state plan" put forward in the Constitutional Convention

c. based representation in the House and Senate on population

The case of Marbury v. Madison involved the question of who had the right to

c. declare an act of Congress unconstitutional

One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to condemn Parliament for its actions b. warn other nations to stay out of the Revolution c. explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted d. ask for an end to slavery e. appeal for fairer treatment by Parliament

c. explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted

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