apush final pt. 5

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The confederacy formed to "exasperate the Indians against the English" was motivated primarily by which of the following? A) Fraudulent trade deals between the leaders of Plymouth Colony and the Wampanoags B) Dispossession of Wampanoag land and threats to their sovereignty C) Forced religious conversion of Wampanoags by Puritan missionaries D) Intermarriage with the English, which threatened Wampanoag cultural independence


The evidence employed in the excerpt most directly reflected the influence of the A) philosophies of the Enlightenment B) conflicts between European empires C) growth of Protestant evangelical religious fervor D) emerging criticism of perceived British corruption


The picture above best expresses which of the following middle-class views about women in the mid-nineteenth century? A) Women were the moral and spiritual strength of the family. B) Women were naturally suited to become ministers. C) Women played a subordinate role to men in parenting children. D) Women had earned the right to vote due to their important role as mothers.


The excerpt best supports the conclusion that in the 1850s, the United States government A) sought to prevent Japan from forming a naval alliance with the British empire B) was willing to intimidate Asian countries like Japan to secure economic opportunities C) attempted to monopolize Japanese commerce and to exclude the participation of Europeans in trade D) was interested in making the government of Japan more democratic


The population trend described in the excerpt most directly reflected which of the following domestic developments in the nineteenth century? A) The belief that it was the Manifest Destiny of the United States to control territory across the continent B) The question of the role of government in funding internal improvements C) The claim that the United States should limit European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere D) The dispute over whether Congress should reestablish a national bank


Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the document from which the excerpt was taken? A) Organizing a system of rules and order in the colony B) Promoting a Protestant denomination C) Advocating for intercolonial cooperation D) Encouraging further English investment in the colony


Which of the following best explains the presence of the Spanish in the areas depicted on the map? A) The emergence of competition between European powers in the Americas B) The outbreak of rebellion by the Pueblo Indians C) The spread of maize culture from American Indians to the Spanish colonists D) The introduction of African slavery to Spanish Florida


The area marked X on the map was part of A) Massachusetts' Western Reserve B) the Northwest Territory C) the Louisiana Purchase D) the Mexican Cession E) the Oregon Country


Which of the following most likely helped to prompt the petition in the excerpt? A) American colonists' declaration of independence from Britain B) British promises of land for service in the American Revolution C) The passage of the Stamp Act, a tax imposed on the American colonies by the British Parliament D) The proliferation of religious revivals in the eighteenth century, commonly referred to as the Great Awakening


Which of the following most likely inspired the excerpt? A) The Declaration of Independence B) The Bill of Rights C) The Stamp Act and other colonial-era taxes D) The Continental Congress' position on slavery


Arguments such as that in the excerpt contributed most directly to which of the following in the nineteenth century? A) The extension of equal civil rights to African Americans in northern states B) A growing sectional divide about slavery and its expansion C) The migration of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North D) The abolition of slavery in the southern states


By the early 1600s, which of the following had most changed the circumstances of villages such as Secotan in eastern North America? A) The establishment of permanent settlements by English colonists B) The impact of epidemic diseases introduced by Europeans C) The decline of the fur and beaver trades D) The introduction of new foods into the Native American diet


The ideas introduced in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following patterns among the British North American colonies? A) The imposition of strict regulation by the Crown and Parliament B) The establishment of local representative assemblies C) The pursuit of trade with England and the West Indies D) The development of agricultural economies


The image best serves as evidence that many Native American groups had developed farming techniques that A) spread tobacco cultivation throughout the continent B) supported permanent villages C) allowed for continuous warfare D) differed dramatically from English agricultural practices


The policies advocated by Marshall had most in common with which of the following developments in other periods in United States history? A) The expansion of a market economy in the early 1800s, which shaped a distinctive middle class B) The attempts by the federal government to foster economic opportunities for former slaves after the Civil War C) The emergence of political machines in the late 1800s, which provided economic and social services to urban residents D) The forcing of American Indians onto reservations by the United States government following the extension of White settlement


Which of the following most likely accounts for the limits of United States settlement in portions of North Carolina and Georgia depicted on the map? A) Tobacco and sugarcane crops failed to thrive in those areas. B) American Indians maintained sovereign control over those regions. C) The Northwest Ordinance prohibited slavery in those regions. D) The lands were set aside for American Indian reservations.


Which of the following statements best explains the change over time in the composition of legislatures depicted in the graph? A) Women became involved in politics through their participation in the grassroots independence movement. B) The concept of republican self-government encouraged individual talent. C) Factory jobs provided workers with increased free time that some used to participate in politics. D) Participation in labor unions encouraged workers to engage in politics.


Which of the following was a major difference between the Spanish colonies in the Americas in the 1500s and the English colonies in the Americas in the early 1600s? A) The Spanish adopted African slavery in their colonies, while the English relied more on American Indian labor. B) The Spanish more actively sought to convert American Indians to Christianity than did the English. C) The Spanish tried to change American Indian worldviews, while the English generally accommodated them. D) The Spanish rejected assimilating American Indians into their culture, while the English favored assimilation.


Alexander Hamilton used the clause above to A) support his argument for a strong central government in The Federalist papers B) justify revising the Articles of Confederation C) convince the federal government to create the First Bank of the United States D) substantiate his strict interpretation of the Constitution E) lobby Congress for a protective tariff to promote United States industry


Participation in the "civil body politic" referenced in the excerpt would have been most available to which of the following? A) Members of the English nobility B) Sailors and soldiers C) Male church members D) Indentured servants


The patterns of settlement shown in the map culminated in which of the following national crises by 1820 ? A) Outrage over the Federalist Party's disloyalty in proposing New England's secession B) Widespread opposition to the demands of the women's rights advocates at Seneca Falls C) The emergence of sectional tensions over the admission of the state of Missouri D) Disbelief at the violence resulting from popular sovereignty in Kansas


Which of the following contributed most to the changes shown in the graph? A) Loss of territory and access to natural resources B) The introduction of new plants and animals C) The introduction of new diseases D) Warfare with Europeans


Which of the following developments from the 1800s emerged from ideas most similar to those expressed in the excerpt? A) Campaigns by moral reformers to promote temperance B) Efforts by American Indians to achieve political sovereignty through treaties with the United States government C) The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution D) The passage of legislation by southern states intended to nullify federal laws


Which of the following developments would the author have been most likely to use to support his assertion that African Americans had joined the United States "national family"? A) The actions of New South leaders to promote industrialization B) The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson C) The ratification of constitutional amendments during Reconstruction D) The passage of new regulations on voting by Southern states


Which of the following factors most directly contributed to the change between the two periods shown in the graph? A) A rise in secular reform inspired by the Second Great Awakening B) A fear of too much popular influence in government C) An expansion of political democracy for White men D) A growing reluctance to locate political power in legislative assemblies


Most Progressives sought all of the following EXCEPT the A) democratization of the political structure B) reformation of children's labor laws C) expansion of women's rights D) legislative creation of socialist commonwealth E) application of "scientific methods" to solve social problems


Responses to the issues raised in the excerpt contributed most directly to the A) imposition of tighter controls over slaves in the South B) emergence of a militant abolitionist movement throughout the country C) growth of American support for the slave rebellion in Haiti D) gradual abolition of slavery in the North


The ideas expressed in the excerpt contributed most directly to which of the following? A) The extension of voting rights to African Americans in the North B) The end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade C) The mass migration of African Americans from the South to the North D) The adoption of plans for gradual emancipation in the North


Which of the following most directly contributed to the spread of settlement depicted on the map? A) The development of transcontinental railroads B) Efforts to secure boundaries with Great Britain C) Federal grants for purchases of western land D) Sustained population growth after the American Revolution


Which of the following was the most direct effect of the changes shown in the graph? A) European settlers relied mainly on indentured servants and enslaved Africans for labor. B) Trade between European settlers and Native Americans expanded. C) Conflicts among Native American groups became more intense. D) European settlers were able to gain control over Native American lands.


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